MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY (Abstract) Ph.D Programme in Economics - (2011-2012) Admission Provisional registration Regularised Sanetioned Orders issued. ACADEMIC A X SECTION UO No.5729/ AX/2/2016/ Acad Dated, Priyadarsini Hills, 31.10.2016 Read: 1.Revised Regulations for Ph. D Registration and Award of the of Philosophy 2010/2012. Degree of Doctor 2. U.O.No. 6630/AX/2012/Academic dated: 06.12.2012 3. Minutes Doctoral of the Committee meeting held on 27.06.2012 4. Notification No. :B XIV/Ph.D/CW/2015 dated: 17.07.2015 5.File No. Ac AX/2/108(13)/Socio/2012 ORDER Sanction lhas been accorded the by Vice-Chancellor to regularise the provisional Tegistration granted, vide U.o. read to (2). the candidate mentioned below for to the award research leading of Ph. D Degree in Feonomics under the Faculty of Social Seience as shown below. The candidate has successfully the course College, Thevara completed work at Sacred Heart SI. Name and Address Subject/ Name of Research Centre Title of Research Date of Effect No 0f Candidate Specialisation Guide |Nature of Revathi K Sivadas < Work of Regn An Economic Analysis Regn. Kandamchirayil (H) Dr. Jose S H Economics College. of Spices Industries in Chethicode P O VT Tlievara Kerala with Reference to 07.12.2012 |Fuil Time Ernakulam 682 315 W.T.O Regime The minimum of research will period be three years trom the date of the maximum etfect of registration, period of rescarch shall be live years tor for part-time candidates. full-üime and eight years Orders are issued accordingly. Sd/- RAMESH RAGHAVAN ASSISTANT REGISTRAR I (ACAD) Copy to: For REGISTRAR 1. The candidate concerncd 5. EB XRecord section 2. The Guide concerned ). Stock file/ File 3. The Head of Institution concerned copy/ 4. The Director of Research Forwarddu/Byruer WATER AUHORT 201 elrSECTION OFTICER KA Zuiphkcer u2. Accounts Ofmcer HL Kerala Water Authoriv VION 4. Circie, Kochi-682C1 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner MAHATMA GA\'DI-II l. 1NIVfRSfTV No EB X/Ph .D/~0012014 Pri)adarsini Hill s, Dated 02 .(15 ::1) !--! Notification Sub. - A,, ard ing of Ph.D degree - reg. Ref: - Orders of the Vi ce-Chancellor. dated 23 .04 .20 I 4. l1 is herehy notified that thc Vice-Chancellor of the Universit) cxcerc1smg po,\er under sccr1on :- . l 0( 17) of Mahatma Gandhi Uni,ersi ty Act 1985. issued orders on 23 .04.2014 to award Degree of D-x tor of Philosoph) to the candidates mentiontd bekm on the bas is l' f'lht: research thesis submitted b: thr:m as detai led bdow:- I :i:: >, I Name & Address of Name & Address of (.) := I C: ::, i Centre of I SI Research Scholar the Supervising rt! (.) Titl e of Thesis Research ... cu 1 i No. Teacher ID LL. ~---~-~------ I Smt. Bindu M.S, Dr. Beena Mathew, DESIGN OF i Schoo! of Associate Professor, IMPRINTED Manappal!aiyathu House, --- I Chemical Pulirnel. Scl1ool of Chemical C' Q) POLYMERS -- 0 i Sciences , Pattoor P.O , I Sciences, -~ C WITH ' F (l) . 7668 Padanilam , Mahatma Gandhi a3 ·o ENHANCED : Mah aima ..c (J) , Nooranad, University. u METAL ION Ga ndhi l Alappuzha (Dist.), ; SE-LECTIVITY. University i Pin - 690 529. - - ,. ______ ~ # -- --- --·-· j --1· ·-·- 7 I I Smt. Kumari:S.Girija, Dr. P.S. Sukurnaran SCHOLASTIC I ! I ! Kedaram . ! Professor in Special BACKWARDNE , Schooi of Kadakkad (s). 1 Education , SS, SCIENCE Behavioural I · Pandalam PROCESS Sciences,Maha i School of I I 7783 ! Pin. 689501 . l Behavioural i SKILLS AND i tma Gand hi i Sciences. I SCIENTIFIC I Uni ve rsity i M.G. University, I CREATIVITY OF ! Kottayam. UPPER PRIMARY i i I I STUDENTS f- I ---1 I Smt. PrestyJohn Dr. Karmaly K.A, I STUDIES ON Moonjely house, Associate Professor i TAXONOMY OF I S.H.College. I Mannuthy P.O., (Retd) i PHEIDOLE ' Thevara Thrissur Dept. of Zoology i WESTVVOOD - I \ Pin - 680 651 St. Xaviers College : A MAJOR for women, ;_ (l) GENUS OF 0) u I 0 C I 7784 Aluva. - (l) SUBFAMILY I 0 ·-u I N Cf) MYRMICINAE I I Co-guide (FORMICIDAE - i I Dr. T.C. Narendran, HYMENOPTERA I I I I I I Western Ghats ) OF KERALA. I ! I Research Centre, Zoological Survey of I India. i ' I I :-. 1iSmt. Diana K.J. Dr. KV. George, .g , Ethonobotanical ; Kul~kkattussenl , Head of the -- (l) and (f) .c ·, School of , I Ku nchy P.O .. Department <J.> ~ Crystallographic En vironmenta! l , Kottayarn - 686 549 . Department of i ' ~ E , stud ies of Sciences .Maha 1. Botany (f) J selected i ·u <i: tma Gandhi J I I C.M.S. College, Cf) -g 2s I antiurolithiatic Un iversity ; 7797 1 Kottayam "E co -~ : medicinal plants (l) co (.) ' E c Cf) , C (l) 2 E ·- C > 0 C '- W ·;; C w MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY No.EB X/Ph.D/256/2020 Date: 10.01.2020 NOTIFICATION Sub:- Awarding of Ph.D Degree –reg. Ref:- Minutes Item No. O.A. 25/19.11 of the Meeting of the Syndicate held on 31.12.2019. It is hereby notified that the Syndicate of Mahatma Gandhi University, at its meeting held on 31.12.2019, vide Minutes Item No. O.A. 25/19.11, resolved to award the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the following candidates on the basis of the research thesis submitted by them, as detailed below. No. Name & Address of the Research Name & Address of the Supervising Date of Scholar Teacher Title of Thesis Research Centre Viva-Voce Faculty Subject/ 1 Smt. Rohini U.K. Nair Dr. P.S. Sukumaran EFFECT OF PLAY WAY School of Behavioural 12.11.2019 Krishna Vilasam (H) Professor METHOD ON COGNITIVE Sciences, Uzhavoor East P.O School of Behavioural Sciences FUNCTIONING OF CHILDREN M.G. University, Kottayam -686 634. M.G. University , Kottayam WITH MILD AND MODERATE Kottayam INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Behavioural Sciences Behavioural Rehabilitation Nursing/ Nursing/ Rehabilitation 2 Smt. Pinkie Cherian Dr. D. Sheela Biosystematics and St. Teresa’s College, 06.11.2019 Kurisingal House, Associate Professor & Research Phytopharmacological studies Ernakulam. Chakalakkal, Guide, on selected species of Perumanoor Dept. of Botany, Amaranthus L. Cochin – 682 015. St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam – 682 035. Science Botany/ No. Name & Address of the Research Name & Address of the Supervising Date of Scholar Teacher Title of Thesis Research Centre Viva-Voce Faculty Subject/ 3 Smt. Ann Mary Jacob Dr. Jose D. Kaippallil Studies on the action of St. Berchman’s 13.11.2019 Chathanattu House, Associate Professor (Rtd.), Triclosan, an Endocrine College, Mundiappally P.O., Dept. of Zoology, disruptor Chemical on Channa Changanacherry. Tiruvalla – 689 581. St. Berchmans College, Science striatus Zoology/ Changanassery – 686 101. 4 Sri. Shyam Kumar K. Dr. G. Raju CLUSTERING School of Computer 08.11.2019 Associate Professor, Research Guide, ALGORITHMS AND ITS Sciences, Dept. of Computer Applications School of Computer Sciences, APPLICATIONS IN DATA M.G. University, NSS College, M.G. University, Kottayam. MINING Kottayam. Rajakumari. Science Computer Science/ 5 Smt. Jaya Abraham Dr. K.S. Dersanambika A STUDY ON HEXAGONAL Mar Thoma College, 22.11.2019 Paranilam House, Research Guide, RECOGNIZABLE PICTURE Tiruvalla. RSAC Road, Mar Thoma College, SERIES Vyttila P.O., Tiruvalla. Science Cochin – 682 019. Mathematics/ 6 Sri.Suresh Chandra Kurup.R. Dr. G.Saratchandra Raj DEVELOPING AN School of Pedagogical 19.11.2019 Chakkoor Director Academic INTEGRATED SCIENCE Sciences, Karuvatta P.O M.E.T Institutions EDUCATION STRATEGY AND M.G. University, Alappuzha - 690 517 Chenbagaramanputhoor & P.O ITS IMPACT ON STUDENTS Kottayam. Education Kanyakumari District-629 304 / Education AT PRIMARY LEVEL Tamilnadu 7 Smt. Sibil Jose Dr. Seemon Thomas Statistical inference for St. Thomas College, 15.11.2019 Karikkattukanniyel House, Associate professor in Statistics, Overlapping Coefficient and its Palai. Marangattupilly P.O., St. Thomas College, Pala. Applications Science Kottayam – 686 635. Statistics/ 8 Smt. Jiji Koshy Dr. K.C. George A STUDY ON THE S.B. College, 27.11.2019 Cheriyathu, Associate Professor (Retd.), PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF Changanassery. Kaipattoor P.O., Dept. of Physics, CuO AND SnO2 Pathanamthitta - 689 648. S.B. College, Science NANOSTRUCTURES Physics/ Changanassery – 686 101. No. Name & Address of the Research Name & Address of the Supervising Date of Scholar Teacher Title of Thesis Research Centre Viva-Voce Faculty Subject/ 9 Smt. Chithra P. Dr. R. Sunil Kumar STUDIES ON THE Catholicate College, 20.11.2019 Valliayyathu Research Guide, EPIBENTHIC ORGANISMS Pathanamthitta. Edathitta P.O., Zoology Research Centre, OF AYIRAMTHENGU Science Pathanamthitta – 691 555. Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta. Zoology/ MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM 10 Sri. Sunil M.A. Dr. Jyothis Mathew Antimicrobial and School of 29.11.2019 Meppath House, Professor, Immunomodulatory Effects of Biosciences, Kidangoor P.O., School of Biosciences, Acacia catechu M.G. University, Angamaly, M.G. University, Kottayam. Science Kottayam. Ernakulam – 683 572. Microbiology Microbiology (Immunology)/ 11 Sri. Shakeer E.T. Dr. T.V. Thulasidharan DEVELOPMENT OF School of 29.11.2019 Zuboori Manzil, Professor, CERTAIN INSTRUCTIONAL Pedagogical Peruvallur P.O., School of Pedagogical Sciences, STRATEGIES FOR Sciences, Kondotty (Via), M.G. University, Kottayam. INCULCATING VALUES M.G. University, Malappuram – 673 638. AMONG STUDENTS AT Kottayam. Education Education/ SECONDARY LEVEL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOCIAL SCIENCE 12 Sri.Raveendran V P Prof. (Dr).T.V.Thulasidharan EFFECTIVENESS OF School of Pedagogical 27.11.2019 Vallanath Leela Vihar Professor CONTINUING EDUCATION Sciences, Kadathur. P.O School of Pedagogical Sciences PROGRAMMES ON THE M.G. University, Thazhava Mahatma Gandhi University SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND Kottayam. Karunagappally Kottayam- 686 560 EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS Kollam Education OF THE TRIBAL PEOPLE OF Education / Education KERALA 13 Sri. Rabeesh T.P. Dr. Karmaly K.A. SYSTEMATIC STUDIES ON Sacred Heart 06.12.2019 Asariparambil House, Associate Professor (Rtd.), TRIBES - College, Balussery Post, Dept.
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