BNL-73899-2005-IR Neutron-proton effective range parameters and zero- energy shape dependence Robert W. Hackenburg June 2005 XXX Physics Department XXX Brookhaven National Laboratory P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000 www.bnl.gov Managed by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC for the United States Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since changes may be made before publication, this preprint is made available with the understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party’s use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DRAFT Neutron-proton effective range parameters and zero-energy shape dependence R.. 'V. Hackenbllrg* Physics Drpartment, Brookhaven N afional Laboratory, Upton, NY 11913 (Dated: June 14, 2(05) A completely model-independent effective range theory fit to available, nnpolarizcd, np scattering data bclnw 3 1-1cV determines the zero-energy free proton cross section 0"0 = 20.4287 ± 0.0078 b, the singlet apparent effective range r s = 2.754 ± O.018 stflt ± O.O,S6syst fm, and improves the error slightly on the parahydrogcn coherent scattering length 0,,, = -3.7406 ± 0.0010 fm. The triplet and singlet scattering lengths and the triplet mixed effective range arc calculated to he at = ,i4114±O.(1015 fm. a" = -23.7153 ± 0.0043 fm, and pt(O, -ct) = 1.7468 ± 0.0019 fm. The model-independent analysis also determines the zero-energy effective ranges by treating them as separate fit parameters ·without the constraint from the deuteron binding energy ft. These are determined to be Pt(O, 0) = 1.70,) ± 0.023 fm and p," (0,0) = 2.665±0.056 fm. This determination of Pt(O, 0) and p., (0, 0) is most sensitive to the sparse data bet\veen about 20 and 600 keV, \vhere the correlation behveen the determined values of Pt(O, 0) and p., (0,0) is at a minimum. This correlation is responsible for the large systematic error in T.,. l'vlore precise data in this ranp'"e are needed. The present data do not even determine (\vith confidence) that Pt(O, 0) '# Pt(O, -f;), referred to here as "zero-energy shape dependence". The ·widely used measurement of 0"0 = 20.491 ±0.014 b from Vi,r. Dilg, Phys. Rev. ell, 103 (197,»), is argued to be in error. PACS numbers: 13.75.C", 2;;.40.Dn, 29.85.+c 1. INTRODUCTION This is exacerbated \vhen Imv energy data are omitted from the data sets [2]. If the data set is restricted to sufficiently Imv energies, where only the S \va;ve is signif­ The primary goals of this article are fourfold: first, icant, an ERT analysis yields more accurate values for using a model-independent analysis, to extract from the these parameters because it does not depend on mech­ available data the best possible values of the effective anisms, nor on the shape of the nuclear potential, and range theory (ERT) parameters for np elastic scatter­ is truly model-independent. Studies of charge indepen­ ing (the spin-triplet and spin-singlet scattering lengths dence [3, 8, 9], for example, use the up singlet parameters ar and as, and their effective ranges Tt and T s, and the determined from an ERT analysis. zero-energy free proton cross section (To used to obtain Some .N J.V potential models use the free proton zero­ those four); second, to obtain the best possible model­ energy cross section (To as an input. l\Iany of these use independent estimate of the mixed and zero-energy effec­ the 1975 measurement by Dilg [HI], an = 20.491(14) b. tive range difference Pr(O, 0) - Pr(O, -ft); third, to demon­ This ·value is de·viant from all previous values, such as strate that there is a range of energy most sensitive to Honk's 1971 measurement an = 20.436(23) b [11]' but this difference (\vhich turns out to be from about 20 keY only by about t\VO standard de·viations or less, because to about 600 keY); and fourth, to demonstrate that bet­ of the larger uncertainties on the pre·vious measurements. ter cross section measurements in this range are needed In 1990, Koester et al [12] determined an = 20.420(10) b, for a useful determination of this difference. The ERT \vhich is in good agreement \vith Houk's result. "lith parameters (especially 0"0), and this difference, have con­ that small uncertainty, Dilg's ·value could no longer be siderable rele·vance to nucleon-nucleon (J.V1\T) potential accepted as being \vithin two standard de·viations of all models. other ·values. This should ha;ve laid the issue to rest, l\Iuch of the work done in studying the J.V1\T interaction but the Koester et al value ne·ver seems to be used. To is done using models of the .N J.V potential [1-4] . .N J.V po­ this day, some \vorks simply use the Dilg measurement tential models have diverse Imv energy applications, such (e.g., [4, 8, 9]), either directly cited or indirectly (e.g., as studies of nuclear structure [5], neutrino detection [6], through [13, 14]), while some include both the Dilg and and pp weak capture [7], to name a few. .N J.V potential Houk measurements (e.g., [1-3, 7, 15, 16]). l\Ieamvhile, models can also determine the ERT parameters. Partial unnecessarily inaccurate and inconsistent ·values for (To, \va;ve analyses are used to fit the parameters of potential and the resulting sets of ERT parameters, continue to be models to a large body of data including high energy data used. This is especially relevant to the Imv energy appli­ \vhich do not bear directly on the Imv energy parameters. cations of.NJ.V potential models. The Appendix attempts Thus, small, unnecessary errors may be introduced into to explain the problem with Dilg's result. the low-energy parameters obtained from these models. The remainder of this \vork deals \vith the simple, model-independent \vodd of Imv energy data (5 \va;ve only), and an ERT analysis. This work analyzes a con­ siderably larger body of data than pre·viously used for ~hack(gbnl.gov this purpose, and the fit uncertainties are substantially 2 reduced from previous determinations. Some improve­ lmvenergies. Therefore, the detailed shape of the nuclear ments ha;ve been made to the method, including the potential can only have a small effect on the spectrum, handling of a correlation behveen the triplet and sin­ as long as k-1 is much larger than the \vell size. Em­ glet effective ranges, \vhich does not seem to have been pirically, \ve know that the energy dependence of {Jdl,: is pre'viously treated. This correlation results in a sub­ small, at least for lmv energies. The shape-independent stantial systematic error on the singlet effective range. appnn:imation replaces {Jdk \vith the shape-independent By taking p,(O,O) and p" (0,0) as fit variables, without effective range I'd (a constant), thus taking (JI (0,0) {JI (0, -Er) and constraining it with the = (2.4) deuteron binding energy E/, it is possible to determine the triplet zero-energy effective range (JI (0,0) separately from For T = -Ed, \vhere Ed is the deuteron binding energy {Jr (0, -Er) and \vithout reference to a model. To obtain (Er for the triplet and EH for the singlet), \ve have the meaningful, statistical errors for (Jr(O, 0) and (JH(O, 0) as Tni;I:f.~d effective runge [21], fit variables, their correlation must be properly handled. Such a determination of (JI (0,0) can tell us something about shape dependence (i.e., the shape of the nuclear potential), without any model-dependent assurnptions. \vhere the positive root is taken for the triplet, and the II. EFFECTIVE RANGE THEORY SYNOPSIS negative root for the singlet. The nonrelativistic form AND ZERO-ENERGY SHAPE DEPENDENCE for Ud is shmvn, but the relativistic form (3.13) is used 2 in the calculations, \vith k = -O'~ and Ed = - T. In The unpolarized, elastic np cross section (T is the spin­ the shape-independent ERT, for the triplet only, Prl,: is \veighted sum of the noninterfering triplet and singlet taken as the constant 'rr = {hm, \vhich satisfies (2.6) and partial cross sections, thus is determined by (Ir, Er, and the relation (2.7) \vhich follmvs from (2.6). Since there is no measurement ERT gives both the triplet and singlet S \va;ve partial of E , (2.7) cannot be used to obtain {hm' Instead, 'r cross sections as [17-20] H H may be obtained from the three parameters (Ir, (J,H' Tr, and a measured elastic cross section (Jk at C.lli.
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