Get Inspired to Bike! to Inspired Get Davis Island Trail Island Davis at the Suncoast Trail and other local trails. local other and Trail Suncoast the at 200 feet. This system will soon be available available be soon will system This feet. 200 used bicycle paths. bicycle used Yellow numbered decals are placed every every placed are decals numbered Yellow trick-skating maneuvers on heavily heavily on maneuvers trick-skating rules as bicyclists. Do not perform perform not Do bicyclists. as rules their location within one of these trails. trails. these of one within location their costs; and improved quality of life. of quality improved and costs; Skaters should follow the same travel travel same the follow should Skaters • Greenway can easily tell first responders responders first tell easily can Greenway and other chronic diseases; lower health care care health lower diseases; chronic other and Tampa Bay Trail and Town ‘N Country Country ‘N Town and Trail Bay Tampa safely on the left. left. the on safely reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, stroke, disease, heart coronary of risk reduced Number System. Trail users at the Upper Upper the at users Trail System. Number when approaching others, then pass pass then others, approaching when way. benefits for people of all ages, including including ages, all of people for benefits counties to implement a 911 Station Station 911 a implement to counties Sound your bell or call out a warning warning a out call or bell your Sound • Pedestrians always have the right-of- the have always Pedestrians • Regular bicycling carries many health health many carries bicycling Regular Hillsborough County is one of the first first the of one is County Hillsborough Signal to Other Cyclists Other to Signal pedestrians. In an Emergency call 911 call Emergency an In MULTI-USE PATHS MULTI-USE economic rewards, as well as others. as well as rewards, economic Cyclists and skaters must yield to to yield must skaters and Cyclists • traffic congestion, enhanced quality of life, life, of quality enhanced congestion, traffic en wet. when efficient less are brakes since Cross railroad tracks carefully. tracks railroad Cross • Right-of-Way Flatwoods Park Flatwoods environmental and personal health, reduced reduced health, personal and environmental Allow extra stopping distance in the rain, rain, the in distance stopping extra Allow • construction plates. construction can be expressed in terms of improved improved of terms in expressed be can no sharrows. no : exercise caution. exercise : EDESTRIANS P • not stop in time if you brake one handed. one brake you if time in stop not oily pavement, potholes and and potholes pavement, oily for utilitarian or recreational purposes, purposes, recreational or utilitarian for Follow the rules of the road as if there were were there if as road the of rules the Follow • Keep both hands ready to brake. You may may You brake. to ready hands both Keep • grates, slippery manhole covers, covers, manhole slippery grates, right of way. of right The benefits of riding a bicycle, whether whether bicycle, a riding of benefits The cars. so. do to safe is it when Watch out for parallel-slat sewer sewer parallel-slat for out Watch • intersections; pedestrians have the the have pedestrians intersections; then make your intended move only only move intended your make then Remember not to ride too close to parked parked to close too ride to not Remember • Avoid Road Hazards Road Avoid : yield to through traffic at at traffic through to yield : YCLISTS C • to feel safe while doing so. so. doing while safe feel to Look over your shoulder for any traffic, traffic, any for shoulder your over Look • Do not lock your bike to trees. to bike your lock not Do • within the lane. the within Look both ways at crossings. at ways both Look • bike more often, to bike to more places, and and places, more to bike to often, more bike Signal all turns and stops ahead of time. of ahead stops and turns all Signal • Use the sharrow to guide where you ride ride you where guide to sharrow the Use • options that give people the opportunity to to opportunity the people give that options front wheel also. wheel front ride on a pedestrian path. pedestrian a on ride road. Bicyclists: growing need and responsibility to provide provide to responsibility and need growing have a quick release wheel, lock the the lock wheel, release quick a have must ride on the specified path. Don’t Don’t path. specified the on ride must Use hand signals when riding on the the on riding when signals hand Use • no sharrows. no In communities across the world, there is a a is there world, the across communities In your bike to a fixed object. If you you If object. fixed a to bike your Where designated, cyclists and skaters skaters and cyclists designated, Where • it may be safer to take the whole lane. whole the take to safer be may it Follow the rules of the road as if there were were there if as road the of rules the Follow • Lock the frame and rear wheel of of wheel rear and frame the Lock • Why Bicycle? Why Use Designated Path Designated Use In narrow lanes or with slow traffic, traffic, slow with or lanes narrow In • Lock Your Bike Your Lock space when passing. when space intersection. intersection. feet away from parked cars. parked from away feet Remember to give bicyclists three feet of of feet three bicyclists give to Remember • Never block the path. the block Never you want to go straight through an an through straight go to want you Ride in a straight line at least three three least at line straight a in Ride • Old Fort King Trail King Fort Old Move off the path when stopping. stopping. when path the off Move • Expect to see bicyclists on the street. the on bicyclists see to Expect • for this respect. this for Avoid being in a turn-only lane if if lane turn-only a in being Avoid • a motorist in the car. the in motorist a Motorists: Strict adherence to the law is the foundation foundation the is law the to adherence Strict someone is passing. is someone Be careful! careful! Be see you if careful particularly Be to treat each other with care and respect. respect. and care with other each treat to Pedestrians: move to the right when when right the to move Pedestrians: • and bicyclists? and Most accidents happen at intersections. intersections. at happen accidents Most • doors. open unexpectedly can motorists for mean sharrows do What motorists and bicyclists to up is it and road except when passing or turning left. left. turning or passing when except safety. Motorists cars. parked of wary Be • when entering a roadway. There is only one one only is There roadway. a entering when the road, be prepared to maneuver for for maneuver to prepared be road, the All path users must keep to the right, right, the to keep must users path All • of bicycles. of Beware of Car Doors Car of Beware lights at night, and yielding the right-of-way right-of-way the yielding and night, at lights Although bicycles have equal rights to to rights equal have bicycles Although • use the for roadway the of part particular a Keep to the Right the to Keep crosswalks. lights, riding with the flow of traffic, using using traffic, of flow the with riding lights, designate not do they lanes, bicycle Unlike a mirror to scan the road behind you. you. behind road the scan to mirror a AS A PEDESTRIAN: Always use the the use Always PEDESTRIAN: A AS • laws include stopping for stop signs and red red and signs stop for stopping include laws Look over your shoulder regularly, or use use or regularly, shoulder your over Look • expect to see and share the lane with bicycles. bicycles. with lane the share and see to expect dangerous. laws, as the operators of other vehicles. These These vehicles. other of operators the as laws, is safe. is roadway lane indicating that motorists should should motorists that indicating lane roadway the road. the Riding off a designated pathway is is pathway designated a off Riding • lane, and complete the turn when it it when turn the complete and lane, roadways, and must obey the same traffic traffic same the obey must and roadways, are bicycle symbols that are placed in the the in placed are that symbols bicycle are on are you know they that ensure to yourself. yourself. in advance. Move to the left turning turning left the to Move advance. in vehicle. Bicyclists have the same rights to the the to rights same the have Bicyclists vehicle. motorists with ntact co eye Make • Shared lane pavement markings (or “sharrows”) “sharrows”) (or markings pavement lane Shared protect parks, natural areas and and areas natural parks, protect AS A CYCLIST: Signal your intentions intentions your Signal CYCLIST: A AS • In Florida, the bicycle is legally defined as a a as defined legally is bicycle the Florida, In street biking street - n O SHARROWS Ride only on designated paths to to paths designated on only Ride • Turning Left Turning Cycling Tips Tips Cycling Florida’s Bicycle Laws Bicycle Florida’s Marking Pavement Share Stay on the Path the on Stay road the Share Traffic Law Highlights • Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride Local Ordinances • Watch for turning vehicles; make sure the driver sees more than two abreast except on paths or parts of you and will stop for you.
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