BRIDGEWATER TOWN COUNCIL Tuesday, September 7, 2021 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. To attend via video, click on the link below: https://zoom.us/j/97193345730 To attend via phone, dial: 1(646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 971 933 457 30 MEETING AGENDA Disclosure: Pursuant to Section 20 of Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, An Act Relative to Extending Certain Covid-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency, this meeting of the Town Council for the Town of Bridgewater will be fully remote and accessible to the public through remote participation to the greatest extent possible. There will be no in person attendance permitted. Citizens who wish to tune in to the meeting may do so via Zoom or Facebook Live. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) August 3, 2021 B. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT C. PROCLAMATIONS D. CITIZEN OPEN FORUM E. APPOINTMENTS a) Elder Affairs Commission Appointment – Douglas Dorr F. HEARINGS a) 7:05PM: P-2021-016: 7-11 Transfer of Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License (Town Manager) b) 7:10 PM: P-2021-011: Cumberland Farms of Massachusetts, Inc. dba Cumberland Farms for a Change of Beneficial Interest and Change of Officer (Town Manager) c) 7:15PM: P-2021-018: Petition for National Grid & Verizon New England Inc. Installation of Stub Pole 22- 84 Main St (Simon Yeung) G. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS a) P-2021-017: The Granting of a One-Day Alcohol & One Day Entertainment Permit Black Hat Brew Works 9/9/2021, 9/12/2021, 9/16/2021, 9/19/2021, 10/3/2021 H. PRESENTATIONS a) Town Management Metrics (Councilor Moore) b) Census Update (Town Clerk) I. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT a) Mitchell School Update (Standing Item) b) Technology Update c) Capital Project Update d) COVID-19 Update J. DISCUSSIONS K. COMMITTEE REPORTS L. LEGISLATION FOR ACTION a) Ordinance D-FY21-005: General Ordinance - Amend Section XXV Committees of the Town Council Rules & Procedures At their meeting held on 7/20/2021, the Rules and Procedures Committee voted to recommend approval as amended. This measure may not be finally considered this evening as it requires advertising. TOWN OF BRIDGEWATER 2 TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, September 7, 2021 b) Order O-FY22-009: Acceptance of Mitigation Payment The Budget and Finance Committee meet 9/7/2021, their disposition will be provided upon receipt. The Finance Committee voted to recommend approval at their meeting held on 8/18/21. This measure may be finally considered this evening upon receipt. c) Order O-FY22-010: Transfer for Downtown Charrette & Plan Agreement The Budget and Finance Committee meet 9/7/2021, their disposition will be provided upon receipt. The Finance Committee voted to recommend approval at their meeting held on 8/18/21. This measure may be finally considered this evening upon receipt. M. OLD BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS a) Ordinance D-FY22-002 Bridgewater Town Charter Amendment Correction of Typographical and Punctuation Errors (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) b) Ordinance D-FY22-003 Bridgewater Town Charter Article IV, Town Manager “Temporary Absence” (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) c) Ordinance D-FY22-004 Bridgewater Town Charter Article III, Elected Officials, Library Trustees (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) d) Ordinance D-FY22-005 Bridgewater Town Charter “Town” to “City” Amendment (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) e) Ordinance D-FY22-006 Bridgewater Town Charter Article II, Legislative Branch, Term of Office (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) f) Ordinance D-FY22-007 Bridgewater Town Charter Article II, Legislative Branch, Election Eligibility (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) g) Ordinance D-FY22-008 Bridgewater Town Charter Article II, Legislative Branch, Annual Stipend (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) h) Ordinance D-FY22-009 Bridgewater Town Charter Article II, Legislative Branch, Recall Provision (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) i) Ordinance D-FY22-010 Bridgewater Town Charter Article IV, Town Manager Term of Office (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) j) Ordinance D-FY22-011 Bridgewater Town Charter Article V, Administrative Organizations, City Attorney, Term Limits (Councilor Gallagher & Councilor George) O. CITIZEN COMMENTS P. COUNCIL COMMENTS Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(a) (2): To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel. R. ADJOURNMENT Bridgewater Town Council In Town Council, Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Council Petition: P-2021-016 Date Introduced/Public Hearing: September 7, 2021 Amendments Adopted: Date Adopted: Date Effective: Relative to: GRANTING of a Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License WHEREAS, 7-Eleven of Massachusetts, Inc. dba 7-Eleven has submitted all applicable documentation as required for transfer of the Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License from Naveed Enterprises Inc. dba 7-Eleven; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has described the service premises at 755 Bedford Street as a: On first floor of single-story building (+/-3341 SF), sales Floor (+/-1,450 SF) with one (1) walk-in cooler located at rear of store (+/-204 SF), one (1) walk-in cooler located at far right of store (+/-275.5 SF). Backroom storage located at far-right rear of store (+/-252 SF), a storage area at far right of store (+/- 72 SF, and a storage area located at front right of store (+/- 96SF) Sales area located at far left of store (+/- 333 SF). Main entrance/exit located at front of store and accessible via parking lot located on Winter Street. Emergency exit located at far-right rear of store. WHEREAS, approval of request to sell alcoholic beverages is required by Massachusetts General Law – Chapter 138, section 12 prior to the final submission to the Commonwealth’s Alcohol Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) who must ratify the action; and WHEREAS, the hours of operation for the food establishment and for the sale of alcohol will be: • Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.; and • Sundays: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. WHEREAS, the Bridgewater Town Council, acting as the Legislative body of the Town has such licensing authority, with the affirmative recommendations of the Building Inspector, Fire, Police, and Health Departments who have oversight authority, it appears that the public good so requires such license be granted; The Town Council of the Town of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, pursuant to Chapter 138, section 12 and Chapter 140 - section 2 and section 6 respectively of the Massachusetts General Law (MGL), in Town Council assembled approve the petition of 7-Eleven of Massachusetts, Inc. dba 7-Eleven to sell Wine and Malt Beverages for off premise consumption at 755 Bedford Street, Bridgewater, Massachusetts as requested. Hearing Date: September 7, 2021 PETITION: TRANSFER OWNERSHIP OF Wine and Malt Beverage Package Store License APPLICANT: 7-Eleven Inc. dba 7-Eleven State Documents 1 √ ABCC Application Form 2 √ LLA Form 3 √ License to be pledged? If yes, is agreement a √ 4 √ Vote of the Corporate Board 5 √ Articles of Organization (includes Certificate in Good Standing) 6 √ Document proving legal right to occupy premises 7 n/a Business Certificate (issued by the Town Clerk) 8 √ Newspaper Advertisement 9 √ Stockholder Personal Information Forms 10 √ Manager Information Form 11 √ Manager: Copy of Birth Certificate and/or Naturalization Papers 12 on file Floor Plans 13 √ $ 200.00 - ABCC Application Fee Town Documents 15 √ $ 150.00 - Town Application Fee (non-refundable) 16 $ 2,025.00 - Town License Fee 17 √ Workmans' Compensation Insurance Affidavit Recommendations 18 √ Tax Office 19 √ Fire Department 20 √ Police Department 21 √ Building Department 22 Health Department (If applicable - For transfer of Common Victualler Licenses only) NOTES: License fee will be collected upon issuance. N/A - Not Applicable or Not Required Bridgewater Town Council In Town Council, Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Council Petition: #P-2021-011 Date Introduced/Public Hearing: September 7, 2021 Amendments Adopted: Date Adopted: Date Effective: Proposed Petition: #P-2021-011 Relative to: APPROVAL OF LICENSE TRANSACTIONS OF ALCOHOL LICENSEE WHEREAS, Cumberland Farms of Massachusetts, Inc. has petitioned the local licensing authority to affirm the petition for Change of Beneficial Interest and Change of Officers; and WHEREAS, Cumberland Farms of Massachusetts, Inc. has submitted all application materials and requisite fees to the Town of Bridgewater for submittal to the ABCC; and WHEREAS Cumberland Farms of Massachusetts, Inc. has complied with the policies and requirements of the Town of Bridgewater and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in making this request; and WHEREAS, the licensing authority has duly advertised a hearing on this matter to solicit comments from the public on this matter; and WHEREAS, approval of such petition by the Town of Bridgewater is permitted by Massachusetts General Law – Chapter 138, section 15A; and WHEREAS, the Bridgewater Town Council, acting as the Legislative body of the Town has such licensing authority, and with the affirmative recommendation of the Tax Collector’s Office, it appears that the public good so requires such approvals be granted; The Town Council of the Town of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, pursuant to Chapter 138 of the Massachusetts General Law (MGL), in Town Council assembled approve the petitions of Cumberland Farms of Massachusetts, Inc. for Change of Beneficial Interest and Change of Officers as requested.
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