M1DDLET0WN- BAYSHORE EDITION VOLUME LXXHI NO. 4» KMl MIDDLETOWN, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 33. 1»M 7c PER COPY PAGE ONI Objectors Hint Law Suits Strike Legal If Eatontown Adopts Code Battle Stalled EATOMTOWN- law No* New, Amymmy mr tto tf propond No Rt. 35 Widening t a public hairing last night to- For Week-end rW *U Mittttflff 01 dOM w9 Nodedtioawitreactodoatto PHILADELPHIA (AP>-Tto HetJ strike, already measure but a final vote kt ex- w of dollars, moved mto it* Mitt day today aa pected Tuesday when me toar- • mtattty of tto government*! bach to work h> Seen in Red Bank _ wUI to continued at an ad- Ha widening a» Rt II ia Red ouraed meeting at I p. m. ia Baak ia contemplated la tte aetr Cloeftg Dtough HalL Tto legal truce, prompted by arguments yesterday oa me af future, a State Highway Depart- Lawyers _ _ _ _ unctton appeal, At 2 A. M. Sunday owners ia tto araa around tto earry next week. 1 Rt JMtt. II traffic circle draw "Mtpla Aw. (aa it ia kamm Hue year ! Dagftgtt Saving Tto meh> •mm•_—jv- PVJtTtmtfm^mtmA J mmV mmmmVmimmmtmmMt BJtjwajmam* , Castro ia Had Baak). without putt* ttoy calltd tto ordt- is captito ol carryiag four KmMMva at 1 a. as. ammty. •••• "iMtrrlm amsimmmsl BBfam mm mam mmVmmmfl BmmCmC of traffic If, aad when. H lutory" Md '•unreteonibie" aad MAKfN* A POINT— Freeholder Director Joteph C Irwin «a«hire( at he imwm aeceteary." thha k to carry their cheats' Speech without wiosni&g. farther tt tto ordl- a question at lait nlght't candidate*' meeting In Shrawtmiry. The meetine—tpon. When it will baeama aicmary tored by the League of Woman Votora of Red lank, Middlatewn and Freehold- for tiM road to carry four bmtt Waltor Read*, Jr. brought together candidate* for freehold *r, attamblyman and tttte tenator. About of traffic baa aat beta dtter- of Walter Raade Inc. Raps U.S. mbwd,te Council to re- 75 portent attended. yetterdtrdty tto oontiauiag kwj leak Borough walkouout endangered tto toaMh aight petted a hi me area sad aot aa- Says He'll Arm •nd wiety of tte aatioaa , ami 5oadtb«£a'm mt<adaWaMBt» "detrimt l at- . a B-» note with a mini- Freehold Bawway 1—— «*t a Taft-Kartley mjancttoi tot ea burinem la Rtd Baak" lot aim of Macros at tto Peasant Militia wu mcetiary to prevent wrdefc. me Rt II freeway aad ditto. tagof America'a economy. will If Necessary The Judget-CUe HMtirtf FJd "Wbaa you talk about plaanlnj Would Vote Yes On Breakage 1 H HAVANA. Cute (AP) - Fidel ft' - <*•«<* DM »—* Biak Goa> aad do aot taka iato coastdan- •nd wuiltm Haatie-delayed aa- tioa taapayan aad ooauDcrctal Castro announced early today ttat forcement of tte mjtocthm mmi natty Chaaibir at Commerce Laveglio's to wfll raise aa armed militia of «ielkMd Wedaeaday to teto a iavaatori ht tto comgauaity you Bill, Stout Says in Shrewsbury laborers aad peasants it bomb- Statement lags by WM opponents contmue. Via UimaaWa. a merely of tha iatie aad aaaaliJiborty." Mr. Tto black-boarded prime min- b* Bd of Directors, SHREWSBURY—Sen. Richard Smith, DcmOCTSuC CeMMMBtt for tte Shrewsbury school here. Tte tint ordinance ae mat you do aot R. Stout last night laid to ,-, posed "en embentting meeting wet sponsored by ttutee r threatened his opposition | Given Jury vote "yes" on e bill to woulforcde questionKnator " whan to aatod why League of Women Voters of Red with a militia in a five-hour tale- aome positive , any more of tte taxpayen' nslmlnm jnaBA^^tlk i—fcl»isV IBVJIIH Am J *>BVA for FREEHOLD -Prosecutor Vin- Freehold Raceway to tunover Sea. Stout "voted against a bill Bank. Mlddwtown and Freehold. EwvOmj SDovYJOl vvlllCH IOClOD*n>D UH Rank." 'money In tte protracted law strongest attack to hat ever de- tf the Sato cent P. Keeper *™ tuits that wUI foUow if tte Mning its "breakage." to tte sttta treas- that would tun Into tte atato'i "Breakage" consists of tte ury. treasury tte "breakage' collected nickels and pennies that are left livered against tte United States. idinaace U approved.'' Ha ahw called for a dsmanttra- meat la which Dtmotrio UvegUo Mr. JUado wat represaattd by He tald to wit unjustly crit- at Freehold Raceway." over because pari-mntuel bett are Ha made Ms tuttment at M Monday by a milUoo ctti- •Uaty of room. mid to shot Hubert Amur after Jobs Giordano, Jr., wto told icized by county ntwspiper edi- • paid to tte lower dime. cuua s meeting last night in sens to protest aerial nidi to 9 Ml fcOUM ftUtml < oaaadl mat lsasee are being torial which said Ttomas J. Tte three flat track* as op- wad to trotting at at Froibold?^Tchargedi were ceniod out by drawn lor the Raada frontage on counter-revohitionary planes Tte atato hi taking tto death Rt X to to used by Huffman i -tun their breakage mm tto penalty for LtvcgUe, of St FT atato. •sod m tte United States." John's PL. Katasburg, lor£1 Boyla, • furniture chain, for con- Prtaamibiy Havana again win Tto*partowat'.rl*ofv»y struction at a bulldmg coeting by peasaatofromtto LegkOattoa to strip Freehold's brought in to U tfek tto kttd of atora yen wmpttoa for'breakage paawd mM ** m .»_ Tree Farm Rd, Phillips Hits GOP VJI UM IWTWBOD MM I'twaatkt yaar coaunuaityT" the Asimbly In MM. but dtod •a* la MM. there .we* tak In t) (tot Me*** Ave.woeHIto »«*• bam aflar Iba ba aald td coaacil • aJctara of a aliat eto. Aa Idantical hm waa totro- to bis tavortto enau aa» twee »*^*i ^* HT BW VBU And Backs Hodax j m mo maa af tto Mt ardbwaca ya* wiUNEW IHRBWSBURY-Aitbwr jjOjNtispa. oajnb a Repub- tmmmiji aaa mn anatny ewer GOF tto sbictmg to told a friend to thlatagmw: entt^ttro _ _ ftainaf ham. and of Hi SMay i mUeiiwig.toeimhfciowa ittocapfmlmaara Hodtx. Democratic caadhmto fcr For Ma attack, Mr. PhWIpt was ir»J«l. tte __ 1 tombs ami gre- tte Borough Council. eat Philip a Meyer. Jr. aad tto revolutionary ar- era! ocoislona fat tto ^ftt la detog ta. Mr. PWWps as- aa outdoing RepubUcaa oouactt- my* ia Ctmaguey yean ever Aamar*t mUod whet ta teid had become man wto, • year ago. came out Concerning hut year*! Ataem* along wim» Mm. Anwar's ehBdron. bry bill-which Mr. Smith says eak at- 'a flying aqoad of for local Democratic Candidas was paawd Ml Sen. Stout tald. of hit officers hi protest by LevegUe, but ttot until the tto LcRey within tte RepubUcan Cmb ofbut recently lamed a statem "It never came in tte caucus. Commumat lafhianci m Caatra'i _ el tto shooting to bad Corp. ato) property owners oa New Shrewsbury. in behaU of tool Republicans He referred to tte RepubUcan never thought of kfflmg him. fto drew, asked tto reason for Ntewa WUh GOP Mr. PhflUps Slid ia bia state- A few hours btrorattettweajt. me Clraatt Court mYammt mm — Senate caucus. At tte tame time, however. ment to, himself, "will support tto prime mtaistor's bodyguard Wtea aatod wtat to did after "Is this It-acre teeing to pro- tte county Republican ticket/ Never la seized a drunken, knife-carrying Tto Federal MadUtieo Service getttuj tto shotgun aad shells tect Bembergen?" to asked. But. in regard to Mr. Meyer's Tte editorial said he voted ry worker at a atratt- •nMltwUlitopmoaryiftto from Mi tome, Lavegtte mid la present stand, to said •gainst tte bitl. Sen. Stout mid. ition around Cas- tahmction It upheld. "Da you need another «*Tr'"g PBA Fights Tto etrflu'i effects have beta towa tto statement "Went to Htfcie's caata mat? Why should oat If I were • candidate, tte "It never came up m tto cau- tro oa the cry of a teen-ager knocked oa tte dear, last indorsement I would want that "ttot mm tea a kaifet Ha devastating. Lowes ia wages. laaa tojaa. bU akwa need It acreaT Tbjt ia a cus." tajtaem aad taxes tave rock- wifife tatwtrsd tto door aad I L|_gw*__ ^lejg*tsrfom|Mtm»w*ejf JMwUokOY would be Meyer's. It's tte old la going to kin FMeU" <CDBthwai oa Page J) Patrolman's Tto editorial charged ttat eted put I bUUoa oMtan. tf tt to Birds of a Fettter* ttory. It (Continued oa Page J) mode is rumored ttat Meyer It prepar- PoUee huatied tto mta It U eathnawd that tto NMM e pern for me aad I that him.' ing to enter tte mayoralty race •Mnra tave lost about a Ml. la agnemaat with Mr. Suspension from tto angry mob far euteUon Uen dollars la pay, while steel Plan New Mr*. Ruth Asmar. tto first da- nor waa Isaac Grow, represent next year, aad he hi now trying ing oa whether to wu btatoa as- fenaa wllaiw, toetifled ttot Uve- KEANSBURO-Jobn R. Kbto> get back iato tte party** Parents Hit taaaliiatiaa. Houra later Industry knew reportedly ara lag HT*** aad LGR ' naae. pretldwt of Local «, Pi' •race*.' ovor 4 biUloo. Approximately Dial Center gtto had paid tor W to M taid tto maa, a 44-yetr-old 2TS,aw workers in iflJed hrnoa. troimu'i Banevoltnt AMneutkn About Mr. Hodax. tte farmer School Board howtered aaawd Robert Sales He- cMldren. Sto mM bar Mr. Great declared that tt is has reported that tto group win RepubUcaa leader tald "He h Met tave teen laid off. chop, to erect a etore of aandes, would appear tor • court ping off millions of dollar* ia For Holmdel tad recognised the fact that fight tte tutpmiitri of Patrol- tte courage a et^amiaatiBa toduf.
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