Queen’s University newspaper of record since 1969 May 25, 2010 Vol. XLI No. 7 QUEEN’S GAZETTE Honorary degree New era for recipients P10 news at Queen’s P9 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS Academic writing team “here to listen” Six faculty members will be spend- the team’s website (in develop- and Science have said they fear the ing the summer listening to the ment), text messaging, Facebook academic plan will end up being a views and ideas of faculty, students and on-campus meetings. financial plan in disguise. and staff, and identifying “themes “We know we have to use every Professor Adams says the uni- that resonate” as part of the year- possible avenue because people versity’s finances are a reality that long academic planning process. aren’t always on campus during the must be dealt with by every unit on Michael Adams (Pharmacology summer,” says Professor Scott. campus, but the team’s work will be and Toxicology), Tim Bryant (Me- Both Professors Scott and Adams focused on how best to deliver on chanical and Materials Engineer- say the current financial and polit- Queen’s academic mission. ing), Yolande Chan (School of ical landscape is an important “Efficiencies and money are part Business), Kim Nossal (Political backdrop for the campus-wide dis- of it, but they are absolutely not Studies), Jill Scott (German) and cussions that will take place over the dominant force,” says Professor John Smol (Biology) have started the summer and fall. Adams. “This isn’t about cuts. reviewing materials that include all “We are in an environment in That’s not our job. We see this as a of the unit and faculty-level re- which we have all been struggling discussion paper about where we sponses to the Principal’s vision with dwindling resources,” says can see ourselves going, based on document. They’ve also spent their Professor Adams. “We are all recog- what we’ve been told. Our goals are first meetings focusing on how nizing we are in a time when we to be the best listeners we can be they will gather the thoughts of the must adapt and change and recog- and then suggest how to provide Queen’s community. nize the need for efficiencies. These the highest quality educational ex- “We’ve been asked to be great are important times. You can either perience to our students based on listeners,” says Professor Adams. adapt or say ‘no change’ and dwin- the resources available.” We’re going to do our very best to dle away. It’s like Canadians in win- The professors will produce a hear everyone and pick out themes ter. You either attack it and get out framework document for a univer- that resonate. We aren’t going to there and ski and skate or let it sity academic plan. Their hope is say, ‘This is what we’re going to do freeze you over.” that it will gain the support of the and not do.’ We’re going to take a “Post-secondary education in Queen’s community because it will STEPHEN WILD PHOTOGRAPHY long, hard look at where we could Ontario is changing quickly,” says reflect the voices of faculty, staff Andrew Pipe (left) and Rev. Brian Yealland are the recipients of this year’s possibly go, and try to match the Professor Scott. “So we have to see and students. Distinguished Service Awards, which recognize outstanding service to course of action with the major change as something we are con- “We aren’t representing anyone Queen’s over an extended period of time. Dr. Pipe (ArtSci’70, MD’74, tones that people are speaking.” stantly engaged in. It’s not that we in particular,” says Professor LLD’01) has been a member of the Board of Trustees for 15 years, while There will be many ways for stu- should be reacting to everything, Adams. “I’m wearing the Queen’s Rev. Yealland has served as Queen’s Chaplain for 27 years. The awards dents, faculty and staff to provide but always thinking how can we be University hat.” were presented at the annual University Council Dinner on May 1 at Ban input, including email at aca- doing things better.” “This is not about us,” echoes Righ Hall. [email protected], Some faculty members in Arts Professor Scott. “We don’t want See ACADEMIC: Page 12 Student teachers’ work abroad provides amazing experiences By MICHAEL ONESI students this year did a four-week Student teacher Stacey Lima Education student Erica Frischkorn international practicum; eight says her trip to Trelawney, was surprised at how much she went to Tanzania and nine went to Jamaica was an “amazing experi- could teach in Tanzania, Africa in a Jamaica to teach in challenging sur- ence.“ The students and teachers run-down classroom packed with roundings. had few resources so she learned lots of students, few desks or text The experience helps students how to do a lot with very little. books, and no electricity or run- prepare for the future because not A few years ago, the Queen’s stu- ning water. everyone will end up teaching in a dents raised $2,300 and this year “What really hit me was how traditional classroom where every they collected $14,200. It all went easy and fun it was to work with educational resource is at their fin- directly to helping enhance teach- limited resources in the classroom. gertips. ing and learning in Tanzania. You’d be amazed at how your cre- “It’s not a Bachelor of Southern Michelle Searle, a PhD educa- ative skills come out when all you Ontario Teaching. It’s a Bachelor of tion student who travelled to Bu- have is two pieces of chalk and a Education. Experiences like this tiama, Tanzania, says almost every well-used chalk board,” says Ms broaden a student’s view of educa- textbook in that town has a Frischkorn. tion,” says Alan Travers, Education Queen’s University logo stamped Queen’s is one of the few uni- Career Services Coordinator. “As on it. “We are improving things but versities that offer education stu- teachers they will encounter all it’s just not enough. We know dents the option of teaching in a kinds of situations and this helps we are just scratching the surface,” COURTESY OF ERICA FRISCHKORN developing country. About 170 them prepare for it.” she says. Erica Frischkorn spent several weeks teaching in Tanzania, Africa. Queen’s joins new international network Index Forum. 6 Queen’s is one of the founding “In joining the MNU, Queen’s is • enhanced student exchange aims to collaborate on projects that members of a new international committing to making a difference • joint postgraduate programs promote international develop- Discovery @ Queen’s . 7 network of universities. The to the world we all share,” says • social responsibility projects ment. For The Record . 13 Matariki Network of Universities Principal Daniel Woolf. “Exchang- • research collaboration Queen’s will host the first (MNU) focuses on strong links be- ing ideas, expertise and best inter- • conferences and workshops on Matariki Network workshop – on Calendar. 15 tween research and undergraduate national practice will strengthen topics of mutual interest alternative energy and its societal For news updates visit teaching. our commitment to a common cul- • visiting fellowships implications – later this year. www.queensu.ca/news Partner universities are commit- ture of excellence in research, • faculty and staff exchange and “Sustainability of energy supply ted to providing rich learning and scholarship and a rounded educa- secondments and use has emerged as a priority Queen’s is proud an international student experi- tion for the next generation of • benchmarking and sharing of for the university as it has for much to be among Canada’s ence for all students, and strong leaders.” best practice, and of the world,” says John Dixon, top 100 employers. stewardship through social and Potential activities for the newly • cultural and sporting activities Vice-Provost, International. “We global responsibility. formed network include: Among its priorities, the MNU See NETWORK: Page 3 IN THE NEWS Page 2 Queen’s Gazette May 25, 2010 Converting biomass research into policy By NANCY DORRANCE by Queen’s Institute for Energy and side and the biomass-to-energy Innovation, Agriculture, Food and Senior government officials, indus- Environmental Policy (QIEEP) and conversion side, and the policy and Rural Affairs and Northern Devel- try leaders and renowned re- the Sustainable Bio-economy Cen- business context within which de- opment, Mines and Forests. The searchers in the field of energy and tre at Queen’s. mand will grow – a context that in- keynote speakers are Ontario Envi- environmental policy are gathering “The Great Lakes Bio-Region: cludes Ontario’s Green Energy and ronment Minister and MPP for at Queen’s next week to discuss the Market Opportunities and Carbon Green Economy Act, as well as the Kingston and the Islands John Ger- use of bio-energy in the Great Lakes Pricing” will focus on the current emerging structures for pricing car- retsen (Arts’64, Law’67) and Colin region. financial context for the biomass bon. Anderson, Chief Executive Officer The third annual conference on industry, technologies and suc- Panel chairs include the Ontario of the Ontario Power Authority. Biomass for Energy is being hosted cesses on both the biomass supply Deputy Ministers of Research and www.queensu.ca/qieep QUEEN’S School of Medicine embraces global health GAZETTE By ANITA JANSMAN colleague Karen Yeates, spear- a couple of enthusiastic medical Broadly defined, global health is A newly created Office of Global headed the new initiative.
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