GENERAL NEWS OF SPORT WORLD LAR.GEST JACK MUNROE ANDl SIDE LIGHTS ON THE RUBE WADDELL IN Dental Office DAY'S SPORT NEWS BEST EQUIPPED MILLET MAY BOX HIS GREAT DRAMA -AND Word comes from Salt Lake that Jerry game and declares that he will demog- McCarthy, who has been ill of pneumonia strate it beyond question when they me#E. FINEST WORK WILL HAVE A BASEBALL PLAYER HAS ,MANSFIELD, IF 80, "OUR JACK" for the past week, is in a fair way to -- AT- GOOD BIG MOB ON HIS recover speedily. The matching of Al Welnig and Joe BELLEW AND THE REST OF and 4IORNY HANDS. When once be is on hisfeet again he Millet has finally been completed THEM ALL GOING. will begin training there for his battle the Reliance Athletic club secured the Prices with Jack Dean, the San Francisco welter- forfeit, of the two men for their appear- Reasonable weight. JOE IS A FAST AMATEUR During the pastyear Jerry has been ance before the localclub on the evenitn HE IS A MAGNIFICENT HERO getting heavier and about the best weight of October sy. he can make is 145 pounds. Dean will Each man put up $2oo to guarantee his DR. F. A. IRON SIDE'S I1llet Has Defeated omrneGood Men, probably weigh more than this. The pro- appearance in the ring and to battle rJ To See Rube Wade in and Throw a at catch weights. Both are light and if He and Munroe Go, There posed fight will doubtless be held at Salt rounds Dozen or Two Villains Downstairs Lake, although all of the arrangements heavyweights and when they enter the Extracts Teeth Absolutely Without Pain Will Be Something Doing. have not been completed. ring there will not be five pounds diffei' is Simply Great. ence in their weights. They are evenly Seattle Is closed to the fighters. The matched so far as the records go and Before Jack Munroe meets Jim Jeffries. authorities there are out with the state- should put up a contest that will be worth Chicago, Oct. 2o.-There are dramas, $8Gold Crown $5,$15 Set of Teeth $10 ie will likely be obliged to engage in a ment that no more bouts will be tolerated. seeing. Idrayntasand drammers. There are melo- battle with some good man on the coast. Prosecuting Attorney W. T. Scott is the &Millet was the star heavyweight of t dramas, nteelodraymtns, and mellow of San Francisco man who is responsible for the ban on coast in the amateur ranks before he left and get Estimates on your work before going Already matchmakers dramIas, hut if anything nmellower than Call clubs have made offers for the man who the boxers. San Francisco for Hlloolultu, Shortly afterarriving atthe islands he turned pro- "l'he Stain of Guilt," headed by G. Ed- elsewhere. Best materials used. Fully warranted. jarred Jim Jeffries to fight some one. ward Waddell, was ever staged in Chi- Alex Greggains of the San Francisco .Wagner of the Pittsburg Nationals., who fessional and before he left on the re- triphe defeated everyaspirant for :ago, it must have been in the golden days REFERENCES BY THE THOUSANDS Athletic club has a good man whom he is called 'lIans" because his name is turn of James Owen O'Connor. The stain of says he is ready to make a match for John, is the champion batter of theleague. pugilistic honors in and about Honolulu. the fact that he was guilt for that play will have to rest partly with the Butte fighter. He is Joe Millet. When he goes to bat the band planys It was partly due to upiltthe man who wrote it and partly Greggains is willing to give the pair a CURTIS BLOCK, 25 W.PARK ST. upoIn who ever hired \Vaddell. January. It is likely purse to fight for in Mr. Waddell-who is the famous left- that Munroe will accept the offer and hattled pitcher of the Athletics--anl the within a few weeks. start for the coast Stainl were on exhibition last night at the he? Well, he is the 'Millet? Who is Allhauttra, and it va.st multitude turned latest San Franciscan to be passed up to nlt to see the show. They hung over the he has the $he public gaze to see whether ctdg of the gallery by their toes. Men in proper stuff in him or not. He was long coats let their Loat-tails droopl over snatched to fight Gus Ruhlin this month, boys to the COMPLETE the side and the small clung A but the man in the East called everything coat tails by their teeth. Camp chairs a'f. tilled vacant spotsdownstairs. Joe is a Big Man. It may be that Joe is there and will Easy Money. have a chance. Who can tell? He is It is really hard to understand why pen- STOCK just s3 years of age and when in the ple should cough up $a to see Dick Mans- ring tips the beam at 384 pounds. He is fieldor Jim Hackett when they can see growing all the time and will be a soo- Robe Waddell for prices ranging between pounder in a few more years. to cents and 75 pfennigs. Mr. Waddell Just about a year ago Millet tired of i,one of the finest examples of the stren- Guns, Rifles the amateur game in San Francisco and nouis actor now before the public gaze. sailed away to Honolulu to try his hand ueItis, in fact, so strenuous that the man- and at the professional game in the islands. tgetlent has to cturb himt. Ammunition It wasn't long before Joe was matched lie is let out only two minutes it eachl and James Douglass happened to-be the scene, and the ensuing repair ldlls are Your Patronage Solicited. "tall guy." He got it in one round. pretty bulky for even those few minutes. Douglas was chamnpion heavyweight of Mr. Waddell's points of resplendetncy are the English navy and was looked upon as so numerous and so apparent that evenl tie most captious critic should have no troublle Hardware Copper a hard customer. His defeat boosted Mil- Ok. Anaconda let's name and he was given another. in locating them. lie is taller thani James mlatch. This time Tom Mattox, who has K. llackett. lie has larger feet than Rich- Department airdMansfield. Mining - won some fights there, was his opponent. Co. IThis "go" also went one round. The body lie can throw a villain twice as far as punishment was too much for Mattox and Kyrle Bellew. Put Waddell on the stairs Butte, Montana he blew up. in lIellcw'splay, give him a gross of l:blls, Woods Out, Too. aInd lewould send inshotsdown the stair that would the hostiles before they Billy Woods, who trained Jim Corbett settle ,ohld within carving distance. Why at Carson for the "go" with Fitz, was get themllwith a sword when you cani swat then procured and put in the ring with cut AURELIO HERRERA Millet, Woods went out in the fourth tiian with a Spalding ball? 1wTheighting Mexican, and round after an awful gruelling. He IIsGreat. HERRERA ON GROUND EDDIE SANTRY 'Millet tried to get on as Jim Corbett's Mr. Waddell shows early in the first act. Only victor over lien Jordan, the English sparring partner while the latter was lihedetective of the drama, who is so Chamnpios. working for "Jeff." Jim had all he wanted 'mall that most people mistake him for AURELIO ARRIVES PREPARED TO DO waited for 20 ROUNDS 20 and Millet went home and the plot of the play, calls hitm anld SOME THINGS TO HIS DEAR I.efore the Mt. I laggii Club at the pass away. conies oi in a browl baseball suit, withl a time to FRIEND, LDDIE ")ANTHY. 'Millet has lost but one fight and that small tearin one stiocking. Note the tear. Margaret Theater, Anaconda, boatana was four years ago to John J. Roden- A MODERN CRUSOE,-Dent r Post. Mr. Waddell was asked the other day why For the Lightweight ChIampionnhip of the bach of New York, the amateur cham- liedid nbt'have the tear darned. "Never," Northwest, Aurelio Ilerrera, the Mexicanl who pion middleweight of the United States. for new worlds to conquer that he I rereplied the hero. "Any king might have a Evening. October 23 "Down Where the Wurzburger Flows," looking claims titleto the eniatnpiofullnshiptof the Friday fThis "go" was held during a tournament came hack to California. 1trn place illhis royal robes, billt a dIarnt Tickets at Fried's Cigar Store, Butto; and then they start hunting the ball. Northwest, iltdI idlylltishop, hisi Iumianger, at the Olympic club in Frisco. IMillet Little is known of Weinig on the coast, is evidence of poverty."Mr. Wadd'll does a t Smith )rmg Co.'s, Anaconda. thunlllders are now within tlihebrder. of Montana,I and Rodenbach fought through The t -1- last week in but he comes from the East with a good " not tarry long, utl off the stage trainii will runll fronm Butte on Jack Munroe was pinched him readly to again stacklaurels on their al- Spe•cial ney to the finals, and after a 'du figt of sports who as a fighter. He has met some :1aftertelling the detective he will meet of contest. Rolund trip fare, $i.oo. New York with a bunch reputation ready heaping hunch al to cUloluer iore night QMillet lost the decision in a -rroud bout on of the 'best in his class in the Eastern :at the fnuntainl.
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