REPORTER SPRING 1989 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Frank M . Child ill Dirk K uyk Trinity Professor of Biology Professor of Et~glish REPORTER Gerald J . H ansen, J r . '51 T heodore T. Tansi '54 Director of Alum11i & Vol. 19, No. 2 (ISSN 01643983) Spring 1989 College Relation.s Susan E. Weisselberg '76 Editor: William L. Churchill J. Ro nald Spencer '64 Associate Academic Dean Associate Editor: Roberta Jenckes M '87 Sporrs Editor: Gabriel P . Harris '87 NATIONAL ALUMNI .ASSOCIATION Staff Writers: Martha Davidson, Elizabeth Natale Publications A ssistant: Kathleen Davidson Execu tive Committee Photographer: Jon Lester President Robert E. Brickley '67 West Hartford, CT Vice Presidents ARTICLES Alumni Fund Stephen H . Lockton '62 Greenwich, CT EDUCATION WITHOUT BOUNDARIES 8 Admissions Jane W. Melvin '84 By Roberta Jenckes Hartford, CT Growing numbers of international Area Associations Thomas D . Casey '80 students enrich the undergraduate Washington, D.C. expenence. Nominating Comminee David A. Raymond '63 THE 1988 CULTURAL Sourh Windsor. CT ELECTION 16 Members By Paul Lauter Allen B. Cooper '66 Michael B. Masius '63 San Francisco, CA Hartford, CT In his inaugural lecture, the first Smith Professor of English argues for a Karen A. Jeffers '76 Eugene M . Russell '80 Westport, CT Boston, MA comparative study of the multiple cultures of the United States. Robert E. Kehoe '69 Jeffrey H . Seibert '79 C hicago, IL Baltimore, MD TRINITY REUNION '89 Daniel L. Korengold '73 Stanley A. Twardy, Jr. '73 22 Washingcon, D.C. Stamford, CT The annual Bantam Vacation features a Michael Maginniss '89 Pamela W. Von Seldeneck '85 program that appeals to alumni/ae and Senior C la ss President Philadelphia, PA their families of every vintage. Dorothy M cAdoo MacColl '74 Alden R. Gordon '69 Haverford, PA Faculty Represemarive DEPARTMENTS Athletic Ad11isory Comminee Along the Walk 1 i Donald J . Viering '42 Denise Janes-Sciarra '80 Simsbury, CT Wethersfield, CT Campus Notes 25 Alumni Trustees David R. Smith '52 George E. Andrews II '66 Books 29 Greenwich, CT Newport, Rl Sports 30 Carolyn A. Pelzel '74 Michael Zoob '58 Hampstead, NH Boston, MA President's Report 36 Arlene A. Foras ti ere '71 Jo Anne A. Epps '73 Class Notes 37 Ann Arbor, Ml Marlton, NJ In Memory 53 Nomiflatiftg Committee David A. Raymond '63, Stanley A. Twardy, Jr. '73 chairman Stamford. CT South Windsor, CT COVER: Wandy Mothudi '92 of South Africa William Vibert '52 Karen Jeffers '76 pauses by one of his paintings showing the color and Granby, CT Westport, CT motion of Soweto street scwes. The artist is among Merrill Yavinsky '65 Wenda Harris Millard '76 Washingmn, D .C . five international students profiled in "Education N ew York, NY Without Botmdaries," beginning on page 8. Board of Fellows Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four Bernard F. Wilbur, Jr. '50 Edward H. Yeterian '70 times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Second West Hartford, CT Waterville, M E class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut and addi­ Norman C. Kayser '57 Susan E. Weisselberg '76 tional mailing offices. West Hartford, CT N ew Haven, CT The Tri11ity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, fac­ Victor F. Keen '63 Stephen P. Jones '63 ulty, staff and friends of Trinity College without N ew York, NY Hartford, CT charge. All publication rights reserved and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written per­ Robert Epstein '74 C harles H. McGill '63 mission of the Editor. Opinions expressed are those of Cambridge, MA Minneapolis, MN the editors or contributors and do not reflect the official Andrew H. Walsh '79 William H . Sc hweitzer '66 position ofTrinit y College. Hartford, CT Alexandria, VA Postmaster: Send address change to Trinity Reporter, Margaret-Mary V. Preston '79 Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106. Baltimore, MD JRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY RECEIVED ALONG THE WALK A.PR 1 4-1989 TRINITY HARTFORD, CONN. COLLEC.E ACADEMIC BUILDING, adj oining Life Sciences Center (I.), is a major target of Kresge challenge grant. Kresge Challenge Gwendolyn Miles Smith, involves of the 1989- 90 Annual Fund. Addi­ 1 the renovation and expansion of an tionally, corporations and fo unda­ Bolsters Campaign existing campus residence on Ver­ tions will be asked to respond to - non Street. the challenge. "The Kresge challenge grant The student body will respond to The Campaign for Trinity, now comes at a most propitious time," the Kresge challenge by sponsoring in its final phase, has been energized according to President James F. an auction in the early falL The first by a $500,000 challenge grant from English, Jr. " It will inject additional student auction, held in March, The Kresge Foundation of Troy, excitement and interest during the 1987, raised over $12,000 for fi­ Michigan. concluding months of The Cam­ nancial aid. Among the popular To meet the challenge, the Col­ paign for Trinity, and it will help items up for bid were vacation lege must raise an additional $2 mil­ us immeasurably in raising the ad­ trips, dinners at local restaurants, lion by January 1, 1990 for two ditional funds needed for two im­ donated services, furniture and Campaign projects: the new aca­ portant ·buildings. Trinity students, handicrafts. Alumni, parents or demic building and the alumni/ faculty, and curriculum will benefit friends who wish to make a contri­ faculty house. Both facilities are from the new academic building; bution or donation to the student among the unmet needs of The and both alumni and faculty will be auction should call the Develop­ Campaign as their actual costs will able to enjoy Trinity's first alumni/ ment Office at (203) 297-2369. exceed the early estimates made at faculty house for years to come. We the outset of the $42 million fund­ are grateful to The Kresge Founda­ raising drive. tion for its support of these proj­ Presidential Search The academic building, the first ects," he said. Ahead of Schedule such structure to be constructed in To meet the challenge the Col­ nearly 20 years, will house the lege plans to contact major gift Computing Center, the Depart­ prospects during the spring, and to With well over 150 candidates to ment of Engineering and Computer conduct a telephone campaign in evaluate, the Search Committee has Science, and the Department of April to reach identified Campaign begun the winnowing process to se­ Mathematics. prospects in remote areas. A gen­ lect Trinity's next president. The alumni/faculty house project, eral solicitation of alumni, parents According to Edward A. Mont­ which will be named for the late and friends will be conducted in the gomery, Jr. '56, chairman of the Allan K. Smith '11 and his widow, summer, well before the beginning board of trustees and search com- ALONG THE WALK rnittee, "the quality of the pool is speed," Montgomery said, " and are the following alumni: excellent and it contains many appear to be about a month ahead (The names of the program highly qualified individuals includ­ of schedule. I feel confident we will chairs are in Roman type, followed ing chief executives of other col­ complete the selection process by by those of the class gift chairmen leges and universities." the May Board meeting, and per­ in italics.) Montgomery complimented the haps sooner." Class of '39: John T. Qack) Wil­ Committee for its diligence and in­ cox, Ethan F. Bassford; Class of '44: dicated that there was a high degree Roger Conant, H. Martin (Mark) of accord among the members. Reunion Volunteers Tenney, Jr., Elliott K. Stein; Class "The various constituencies appear Set High Goals of '49: John Qack) Gunning, to have a consistent vision of the Charles I. Tenney, Joseph A . De­ qualities needed to provide distin­ Grandi, Esq., John F. Phelan; Class guished leadership for the College," Hundreds of alumni volunteers in of '54: Albert L. Srillth, Jr. , Charles he observed. · 11 reunion classes have been put­ H . Van Lanen, David K . Floyd, In late February the Committee ting in long hours over the past sev­ Esq .; Class of '59: George Graham, conducted preliminary interviews eral months, contacting their Robert D. Coykendall; Class of '64: involving about 25 candidates. classmates, coordinating the special Charlie Todd, K enneth R . Auerbach, From this group, second interviews events for their individual classes, Ronald E. Brackett, Esq ., Thomas ]. will be scheduled for a subgroup of and trying to break existing records Monahan; Class of '69: Wilbur A. these individuals. Subsequently, a in reunion giving. Working with (Bill) Glahn Ill, William L. small group of fmalists will be in­ administrators in Trinity's alumni MacLachlan, Nathaniel S . Prentice; vited to campus for mutual eval­ relations and development offices as Class of '74: Dorothy McAdoo uation. reunion and class gift chairmen for (Dusty) MacColl, Don C. Hawley, "We are moving with deliberate Reunion '89, to be held June 15-18, James A. Finkelstein, Stacie Bon.fils -2 THE T RINITY GOSPEL CHO IR, a new 22-member singing group, performed at a January observance of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The group was founded by its president, Otis Bryant '90, and is directed by Raphael Mitchell, music director of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Hartford. The Rev. Charles Sherrod and Hol­ lis Watkins, former members of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, also spoke. ALONG THE WALK Benes, Ronald V. Waters III, Con­ was their first or second choice. centage of Trinity freshmen listing stance Hart Walkingshaw; Class of Trinity's good academic and social their racial background as black in­ '79: Elizabeth Kelly (Liz) Droney, reputation and the success of creased from two percent in 1984 to Jeffrey Seibert, Deborah W.
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