September 6, 2018 to October 11, 2018 BOUND VOLUME INDEX - FALL 2018 4-H Shu-Mil Club: Vols. - Congrats. (res. 608), n 1562 4th Annual Bordertown Biker Bash: Organizers - Recog. (mem. stat.), 991 4th Annual Caleb’s Superhero Walk: Participants - Thanks (mem. stat.), 987 10 Days in Oct.: Cultural Fest. - Commend (mem. stat.), 694 41st Annual 4-H N.S. Pro Show: Organizers - Congrats (mem. stat.), 984 2017: Financial Info. and Stats., Vol. 3 (April 2018) (rept. tabled), 96 A2J: Free Legal Clinic, Yarmouth - Recog. (res. 506), n 1318, app 1318 Aborig. Wellness & Gladue Ct.: New Initiative - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 425 Acadia Rec. Club: Chas. Fenerty Bandstand - Congrats. (res. 146), n 616 Acad. Affs. - Mun. of Clare: 250th Anniv. - Congrats. (res. 279), n 902, app 903 A’Court, Ashley & Ryan: Horse Riding Experience - Congrats. (res. 363), n 1111 ADAMS, Ms. Barbara (Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage- PC) Animal Protection Act (Bill 27), 3rd 1069 Bills Introduced 47 Cancer Survivors Day Act, 1st 563, 2nd 1158, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1165, 1166, app 1167, 3rd 1168, app 1169, RA 1627 52 Health Protection Act, 1st 621 Cancer Survivors Day Act (Bill 47), 2nd 1158, 3rd 1168 Gov’t. (N.S.) - Comprehensive Services for Sexualized Violence Survivors - Failure to Provide (adj. mo.), 252 Gov’t. (N.S.) - Rent: Forty-three Per Cent Unable to Pay - Failure to Address (adj. mo.), 1189 Member Statements Aucoin, André: Duke of Ed. Prog. - Commend, 298 Baumhour, Nick/Felix, Riley: U18 Football N.S. - Congrats., 986 Bonang, Lisa - Physician: Com. Leader - Thanks, 440 Bosom Buddies: Intl. Competition - Congrats., 582 Broome, Ben: Natl. Peacekeepers’ Day - Recog., 574 Cadet Day: Com. Contrib. - Recog., 1594 Cole Hbr. Parks & Trails Assoc.: Com. Vols. - Dedication, 1321 E. Passage Bus. Assoc.: New Board: Congrats., 1039 E. Passage Cow Bay Lions Club: Reno. Fundraiser - Thanks, 1133 E. Passage-Cow Bay Summer Carnival: Com. Volunteers - Thanks, 34 Firefighters Assisting in B.C. - Thanks, 47 Fisherman’s Cove Dev. Assoc.: Golf Fundraiser - Recog., 1332 Friends of McNabs: Com. Serv. - Thanks, 1462 Giovannetti, Vanessa: Organ Donation - Life Saving, 176 Kempton, Michelle: Maritime Race Wkend. - Recog., 633 Kiwanis Club Beach & Park: Com. Serv. - Dedication, 1374 Lavoie, Christopher: Academic Advancemt. - Recog., 1260 #MeToo: Those Who Speak Out - Support, 687 Morin, Emme: Long-Distance Swim - Congrats., 116 New H.S., Island View High - Recog., 424 Passage Players Soc.: Com. Theatre - Recog., 1272 Peverill, Derrick: Env. Inspector - Dedication, 104 Raftus, Mandy: Seniors’ Lunch - Thanks, 353 Scott Fairbairn, Steve Fairbairn - Det. Csts.: HRP Long Serv. Award - Congrats., 814 Seaside FM: Com. Serv. - Thanks, 1469 Serving Seniors Alliance: Educ. & Advocacy - Congrats., 1365 Sullivan, Helena: 95th Birthday - Best Wishes, 196 Surette-Lombard, Donovan/ Brimicombe, Sydney: Hard Work - Thanks, 994 Truck Convoy: Com. Fundraising - Thanks, 826 September 6, 2018 to October 11, 2018 Walk in Our Shoes: Com. Serv. - Thanks, 1591 Personal Health Information Act (Bill 33), 2nd 1522 Questions (Oral) Com. Serv. - Drug Testing: Child Removal - Policy, 384 Com. Serv. - Sexual Assault Survivors: Services - Stable Funding, 124 EECD - Cole Hbr.-E. Passage Schools: SOC Review - Update, 214 EECD - Resource Nurses: Wait Time - Acceptable, 1354 Environ. - Noonans Prov. Beach (E. Passage): Erosion - Action, 1399 H&W - Cole Hbr.-East. Pass.: Collab. Health Ctr. - Commit., 938 H&W - Hosp.: Non-verbal Patients - Treatment Policies, 1616 H&W: Motor Wheelchair Request - Commit, 453 H&W - Physicians: APP - Details, 714 Justice - MEP: AG Recommendations - Update, 1064 Resolutions 282 Women’s Hist. Mo.: #MakeAnImpact - Vote, n 959 283 Intl. Day of the Girl: Opportunity - Empowerment, n 959 284 ADHD Awareness Mo.: Education & Advocacy - Recog., n 960 Adams, Judy: Serv. to Search and Rescue - Congrats. (res. 73), n 265 Adams, Shawn: Spark Inno. Challenge - Congrats. (res. 325), n 1092 ADDRESS IN REPLY Burrill, G., 152 MacFarlane, K., 19, 69 Rushton, T., 162 Adler, Noah: World Sailing Comp. - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 1263 Adm. Digby Museum: Gift Shop Reno. - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 692 A.F. Theriault & Son: 80 Yrs. in Bus. - Congrats. (res. 45), n 97, app 97 A.F. Theriault & Son: Expansion - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 116 Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act (Bill 1), 1st 31 Affordable Fuels: Fireworks Sponsor - Recog. (mem. stat.), 195 Affordable Housing through Inclusionary Zoning Act (Bill 75), 1st 981 Agric.: Beef Farmers - Bull Bonus, qu 378 Aikens, Sonya - CCRCE: 25 Yrs. Serv. - Congrats. (res. 624), n 1570 Aitken, Catherine Joyce: Death of - Tribute (res. 477), n 1245 Alan Hall Mem. Ball Tourn.: 20th Yr. - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 1271 Albarazi Fam.: Welcomed to Pictou - Celebrate (mem. stat.), 1121 Alford, Emily: Cdn. Youth Dart Champion (2018) - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 910 Allen, Kinza: Arrowsmith Prog. - Commend (mem. stat.), 300 Allie Huybers Fitness: Home-based Bus. Excellence - Congrats. (res. 28), n 85 Amherst Coyotes Soccer: Special Olympics Athls. - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 699 Amherst Ramblers Hockey Team - Best Wishes (mem. stat.), 906 Among Friends Soc. Club: Mental Illness Sufferers - Commend (mem. stat.), 179 Anderson, Vena/Buffett, Andrew: Take Your MLA to Work Day - Thanks (mem. stat.), 1278 Andrea, Kori: Vanier Scholarship - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 434 Angus, Bob: Com. Vol. - Thanks (res. 708), n 1662 Animal Protection Act (Bill 27), 1st 284, 2nd 417, 418, 419, 420, app 420, 3rd 1067, 1068, 1069, 1073, 1075, app 1080, RA 1627 AVGVG: 10th Annual Comp. & Weigh-Off - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 919 Anthony, Amber: Baseball Athl. - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 425 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Aidan Tourond - Congrats. (res. 182), n 771 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Alex MacNeil - Congrats. (res. 178), n 769 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Asst. Coach, Paul Colton - Congrats. (res. 176), n 768 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Carson Wallace - Congrats. (res. 181), n 770 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Coach, Josh Read - Congrats. (res. 175), n 768 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Dennis Fowlie - Congrats. (res. 168), n 765 September 6, 2018 to October 11, 2018 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Evan MacIsaac - Congrats. (res. 180), n 770 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Jack Milner - Congrats. (res. 177), n 769 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Jacob Colton - Congrats. (res. 179), n 770 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Jacob Kell - Congrats. (res. 170), n 766 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Kevin Walker - Congrats. (res. 173), n 767 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Nicholas Delorey - Congrats. (res. 171), n 766 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Owen Juurlink - Congrats. (res. 169), n 765 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Parker Benoit - Congrats. (res. 174), n 767 Antig. Celtics - U13 Soccer: Ryan MacDonald - Congrats. (res. 172), n 767 Antigonish Games: Special Olympians (Pictou W.) - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 914 Antsipenka, Katia/d’Entremont, Brandon: Daughter - Birth Congrats. (res. 117), n 343 Aquaculture Assoc. of N.S.: 40th Anniv. - Congrats. (res. 311), n 977, app 978 ARAB, Patricia (Fairview-Clayton Park - L) Member Statements Bahay Kubo: New Location - Congrats., 624 Beattie, Erin: Exemp. Particip. Award - Congrats., 909 Billard, Bill: 95th Birthday - Best Wishes, 572 Brady, Jennifer - Ph.D./Berwick, Sandra: Dieticians Award - Recog., 1598 Centennial Arena: New Expansion - Congrats., 1476 During, Daphne Daisy: Volun. Award - Recog., 48 Elections of MLAs: 5th Anniv. - Thanks, 1377 Fairview Gardens: Com. Vols. - Thanks, 638 Fares, Ava: Christening - Congrats., 698 Feed N.S.: New Facility - Best Wishes, 1044 Jos. Howe Superstore: Com. Fundraising - Thanks, 357 Kabalen, Michael & Nicole: Son, Nathan - Birth Congrats., 702 Lane, Ryan - Gardener: MSVU Com. Garden - Thanks, 1265 St. Benedict Catholic Church: Divine Reno. Conf. - Influence, 179 Square Roots: 1st Anniv. in Bus. - Congrats., 491 Weigand, Heidi - Ph.D.: Non-Profit Prgm. - Recog., 923 Williams, Emily: Moot Court Oralist - Congrats., 437 World Teachers’ Day: Shaping HS Students - Thanks, 1335 Yazbek, Yara/MacLeod, Renee: Hfx. W. H.S. Student Govt. - Congrats., 289 Resolutions 646 TEAM Work Co-op./Moores: Suit Drive - Recog., n 1633 647 Welsh, Matt: World Jr. Showcase - Congrats., n 1633 648 Starratt, Sandra - Teacher: Retirement - Congrats., n 1634 649 Kholina, Ksenia: NSHRF Quest Award - Congrats., n 1634 650 WE ACT: Feed N.S. Fundraiser - Thanks, n 1635 651 Burton Ettinger: Spring Frolic - Congrats., n 1635 Archway Ins.: Ntl. Award - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 44 Art House: Summer Season - Well Done (mem. stat.), 633 Arthritis Aware. Mth. (Sept.) - Recog. (res. 313), n 979, app 980 Asselstine, Jos./McAndrew, Calem: Team N.S. Lacrosse - Congrats. (res. 125), n 470 Atlantic Fringe Festival: Artists and Organizers - Recog. (mem. stat.), 36 Atl. Splash Adventure: New Mgmt. - Best Wishes (mem. stat.), 492 ADHD Awareness Mo.: Education & Advocacy - Recog. (res. 284), n 960 Aucoin, André: Duke of Ed. Prog. - Commend (mem. stat.), 298 Avondale Sky Winery: Contrib. to N.S. Indus. (res. 500), n 1312, app 1313 Baby-Friendly Initiative: IWK Official Designation - Recog. (res. 318), n 1031, app 1031 Baccardax, Cecilia Anita: Death of - Tribute (res. 386), n 1199 Baddeck Crew, The: Dance Compet. Success - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 913 Baert, Lily: PanAm & Para PanAm Medallist - Congrats. (res. 659), n 1639 Bagnell, Glen: Kiwanis Honouree - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 1467 September 6, 2018 to October 11, 2018 Bahay Kubo: New Location - Congrats. (mem. stat.), 624 Baie Sainte-Marie Gran Fondo:
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