Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1957-58 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 5-14-1958 The thI acan, 1958-05-14 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1957-58 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1958-05-14" (1958). The Ithacan, 1957-58. 13. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1957-58/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1957-58 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. • 'J aattt Member Associated Collegiate Press Member Intercollegiate Press Vol. 29, No. 13 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, May 14, 19 58 8 Pages CITY OF ITHACA TO DISCUSS COUNCIL WILL RUN FINAL SCHEDULE SET FOR PROPOSED NIGHT PARKING BAN; ANNUAL MOVING-UP SENIOR WEEK ACTIVITIES The Senior Week Itinerary for )fay 26, )fay :n Is now final and COLLEGE TO ·BE REPRESENTED PROGRAM TOMORROW com11Iete announces clulirman, Elaine Dlamoml. This year for the first time, the by Art Cohen .\ $:I.00 ticket covering t11e cost of tho entire week's evenf.s went Student Council is taking over the on sale llfay 12, and 13 In tlte Annex. Eael1 Senior must purchase a Tonight the Common Council of the City of Ithaca ls slated t.-0 operation of the Moving Up Day ticket In order to partlclpate In SenJor week. The 1Iea1lllne for purchas­ discuss the proposed parkJng ban on the city streets nt night.. Mem­ Program. As in the" past, this is ing t.lckets Is :nay 2! nml such cnn be obtaine1l from Dick Ford, Dave bers of both the Ithaca College Student Connell~ nn1ler the lendersllip of' the day that the girls receive their '.\liller, Jerry Bearce, Elaine Dia- I,llllnn DiMnso and Rose Militello, and members' of the l'ornell Student new permissions, and all of the mond, Kay Gillespie, Pat Andrews, ConnclJ, headed by K. Pet.er Kellog, have bffn concerned with this members of the student body rise Pi Theta Phi Holds Shirley '.\lickel, Terry Terefenko, matter In that It would effect '!Joth the students of Cornell nml Ithaca one year in their class status. This John Wilcox and John Welsh. College, and make the parking situation c,·en more tetllous than It Is year's program will be different Annual Institute On Special guests and chaperones now. from the past year's performances. The p;·ogram is under the direc­ for Senior Week 'I_Vill include Dr_ The debate, originally slated for Physical Medicine tion of Dick Ford and his com­ and :\Irs. H. I. Dillingham, Dr. and May 7, was postponed by Alder­ mittee, and is going to be'held on Pi Theta Phi, Professional Phy­ i\1rs. '.\facinnes, Dean Clarke and man Donald Gibson. Mr. Gibson President Speaks Of May 15, 1958 at 8:15 in the Col­ siotherapy Fraternity, held its wife, '.\Ir. and :i\Irs. John Gunning, did this through his opposition to iege Theatre There are approxi­ Fourth Annual Institute on Physi­ Joanne Deisig, and guest, Mrs. !,_ the consideration of the proposal. 1 College's Plans At mately seventy-five tickets avail­ cal :\1edicine last Saturday, :\lay Vail and :\Ir. L- de Aquero. The IC Since the proposal was not on the able for each class, and tickets 10th at the Nurses Residence ot faculty Wives Association will regular agenda of the May 7 meet­ I.C. Alumni Luncheon may be obtained from your Stu­ the Tompkins County :\Iemorial sponsor a punch bowl table during, ing, the consent of all aldermen Hospital. The guest speakers were: the Senior Ball at the Statler There were three outstanding dent Council Representative. The was necessary before the matter Dr. Leslie Blau, Physiatrist, who Hotel. The entire faculty, adminis­ features of the Ithaca College Student Council Representatives could be deliberated. spoke on ":\1anagement of Arthri­ tration and student body are in­ alumni luncheon program at Hotel who will have tickets are: Speaking in favor of the ban was tis;" Richard E_ Warner, Ph.T., vited to attend "Salute to &!niors," Ithaca Saturday afternoon, April Lillian DiMaso-Senior L. A. De­ Alderwoman Agda Osborn, chair­ whose topic was "Ultra Sound Phi :\Iu's Jam Session and Bacca­ 26. partment man of the committee on Traffic Therapy;" and Theodore J. Von­ laureate Service. and Parking. 1. In his report to alumni on Dick Ford-Senior Music 'Depart- eida, Ph.T., :\LS., Graduate Assis­ the progress of the college and ment The following is the Senior Week Kellog, president of the Cornell tant in Neuro-Anatomy, who talked future plans, President Howard I. schedule: Student Council made the state­ Lou Terwilliger - Senior Physio­ on "The Clinical Application of Dillingham said that the College Jrontluy, Jlay 2(i, 2 to 10 P.'.\L, a ment before the May 7 meeting of Phy-Ed. Neurology in Physical :\ledicine." will have a public relations repre­ hot dog roast at Upper Butter­ the Common Council that "The Rose Militello-Junior L.A. De- An exhibit of Physical ::\1edicine sentative beginning in September milk Falls. Only hot dogs .and rolls Cornell student body is extreme­ partment modalities was pr·esented by J. A .. •'to approach potentially large will be provided. Bring own fire ly con,erned about the problems Music Preston Corp_ of New York City~ donors" of funds for the develop­ James Silvestri-Junior equipment_ the ban would create for off cam-. ment of a building program. Department N.Y_A, meeting of the Physiothera­ pus parking." 'l'ue~1lay, May 27, 12:30 to 5 P.M., 2. A new slate of alumni offic­ Sue Tasca-Junior Physio-Phy.Ed. pists, of Central New York acting Rose Militello, President-elect of a \Vinerr Tour at Hammondsport, ers was announced as having been Arthur Cohen-Sophomore-L. A. as hosts to the New York State the Ithaca College Student Coun­ followed by a Jam Session at Phi elected by mail ballot, including Department Physical Therapists was held in '.\Iu Alpha from 8:30 to 12:00 P.M. cil made the statement to the Ith­ an alumni representative on the acan that the proposed parking David Partington-Sophomore-- conjunction with the Annual I~a Board of Trustees for a five-year Music Department Wetlnesduy, J[ay 28, 6 to 8 P.?.L, • ban would effect the Ithaca College stitute which added to its success. a banquet at the Clinton House, term, Joseph A. Short of Ithaca, Carl Pattavina - Sophomore - students to a greater degree be­ assistant manager· of Radio Sta­ Included in the meeting was a pre- followed by "Salute to Seniors" cause many of the I. C. students Physio-Phy Ed. from 8:30 to 10:30 P.!\L tion WHCU. Marriane Sam _ Freshman _ sentation of a paper on "The Treat- who own cars and live in the city 3. Prof. Lynn B. Bogart, teach­ Physio-Phy Ed. ment of Paranasal Sinuses." The Tlrnrs1Iay, )lay 29, 8-10, a Mix are living in the downtown area and :\Iingle Party at the Norman­ wher~ private parking is impossi­ er of violin, was presented a Jane Bridenbaugh·_ Freshman- paper was presented by Eiler Lund" scroll by the Alumni Association die. From 10:30 to 2 A.?.L, the ble or very costly. Music Ph.T. and read by Samuel Kaiser, in a surprise ceremony for being Senior Ball will be held .at the Various members of the Ithaca Steve Brown-Freshman-L. A. Ph.T. The demonstration was under the alumnus who has served on Statler Hotel. The dress will be College Student Council have made the College faculty for the longest. Department. (Continued on page 7) semi-formal. it known that they are planning In making the presentation of the }'ritlay, ]fay 30, 1-5 P.::\f., a Par­ to attend tonight's meeting of the scroll and an electric clock, Dean Ithaca CQmmon Council, and are ent-Collegiate Tour. l<'rom 8 :30 to Craig McHenry referred to Bo­ MILITELLO ELECTED TO TOP prepared to give the opinions 10: 00, the Baccaluareate Service gart as "an artist, musician, and will be held at the '.\1ethodist which the students have expressed master teacher." Bogart remin­ Church. l~rom 10:00 to 12:00, a around the Ithaca Campus. - · STUDENT COUNCIL POSITION isced on his completing of his 34th Lawn Party will be held at Presi­ Rose llllllt.ello was recently elected Preshlcnt of the Itlmcn, year on the College faculty. dent Dillingham's home. College Student Coun~Il, aml Arthur Cohen '60 will sen-e as Vice Among the alumni introduced by President. Saturday, )lay :n, 10 to 12: 00 New Officers For Mrs. Li!lian S. Vail, alumni sec­ :\!iss :\1ilitello is from Victor, A.'.\L, Graduation will be held at retary, were two from the 50-year r :t New York and is majoring in the :\Iethodist C'hurch. Leston p_ W.S.G. Installed class of 1908, Miss Mary Clines of l speech education. During her three Faneuf, president of Bell Aircraft The Women's Student Govern­ Ithaca, and Earl Thornton, Lewis years at the college, she has work­ Inc. in Buffalo, will speak on ment Association installed its new Run, Pa. ed on the Cayugan and Ithacan "l~reedom Is A :\1any Splendored officers May 6, in the reception The Hotel ltha'ca Dining Room staffs, has bee!). president of Adel­ Thing". room of the Administration Build­ was filled with alumni, faculty, phi, a member of Oracle, student ing.
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