mi . • t FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1861 Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For the Week Ended Foreeaat of U. a Weather Bureau PAGE EIGHTEEN Hanrbf0tfr lEngitittg Hgralit Septernber 7, 1968 Clear and cool tonight with acat- A D M T n raD TODiAlC: N o n »M l slight, and nrtther Parent, his two 13,560 tered frost. Low In the. 80’a. Son- ^ t e r t o w n , Maaa., P“ *“ **®**C^^f The tTFW Ladles Auxiliary will Miss Kathleen A. Smith, daughter Luck, RFID 1, Manchezter. Member of the Audit day aunny, high 'in 70’s. of Mr. and Mrs, George J. Smith, Hospital Notes ■ BIRTHS YMBTI’E R P A Y i^ A Joseph Gagne, 38, of FOx Trail, i m n c h e s t e d Bureau of drcnlatlMi entertain Gold Star Miotiieni at a Coventry, driving the truck, were Manchester— -A CUy of Village Charm About Town dinner Sept. 24 at 6 p.m. at Miller’s 27 Madison St., and Miss Paulette daughter to Mr. and Mna Robert J. SabUtZ, daughter of Mr. and Restaurant. Any member that Boynton, Storrs; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jwm Sablltz, 79 Trebbe Dr., Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. was iaaued » The Italian American Society of wishes to attend may call Mrs. Mrs. Terrance WilUanui, 48 Sea­ will enter Becker Junior College, for all areas, except maternity wanting for failure to yield the (Classified Adverttstng on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS lancheater vrill hold Ita first meet- John Vince, 227 McKee St., or man Circle: a daughter to MC- ^ VOL. LXXXII, NO. 294 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTHON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1963 Worcester, Mass., Monday as fresh­ where they are 2 to 4 p.m. and right M way. nfr of the eoaaon Monday at 8 p.m. M ra H a n y -Mahoney, 38 Maple Mr* Jani* Knuniiis, 264 Union St.; LUMBER] 6:30 to 8 p.m'. and private rooms \he left"^t fen^ ^ a car -t the clubhouse, 13S Eldrldge St. St., for' reservatlona before Sept. men. a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Shee­ where they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. han, 2 Nike Circle. owned by 21 . ’ ^ Spring St, p a rk b d rn the west INCORPORATED The Zlpser Club will hold Its Area members of the N ew Eng­ Visitors are requested not to DISOHAiRGED YESTERDAY: of Henderson Rd„Taa d ^ - effular meeting on Sunday at 8 land (hamper Association will be smoke In patient’s rooms. No more Da'vld Donovan, 86 Alton St.; M i­ Bide Rally Day will be observed Sun­ i.m. The directors will meet at participating in the All Connecti­ than two visitors at onp time per chael DeVaux, North Rd., Bolton; aged by a passing day at the Church School of Eman­ yesterday, and *’epo*'ted by 'Wen- cut Camp Out at black Rock patient. Mrs. Julia Goldenlder, Coventry; uel Lutheran Church, and all pu­ ard E. Dzladus, 20, about 6.30 State Park, Thomaston, today, to­ Mrs. Sarah Turkington, 186^4 Cen­ pils will meet in Luther HaU to be Herbert R. Kingsbury m , son of I morrow and Sunday. ADMITTED YESTE3KDAY: ter St.; Mrs. Thelma Hatoerem, 105 p.m. FLOROK Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kingsbury assigned to their classrooms and Janet Miles, 207 Parker St.; Laurie Homestead St.; Mrs. Margaret 500 Attend Convocation .Ir 4 Durkin St., has returned to teachers. The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Prichard. EJllingtOB; Mary Ann Irish. 17 N . School St.; Laurie Danbury State College as a sopho-, Prichard, Ellington; Mrs. Barbara ptastor of Elmanu^ Lutheran Reilly, Bast Hartford; Mrs. Bar­ FBI Agent Guest more, majoring in music education. The first executive board meet­ Helnold, Glastonbury: Dale Lange, ^ IL M IK T O P Church, will conduct a service bara Carlson, Ellington: Patsy He was chosen Campus counselor ing of the Women's Club of Man­ Pagliaro, 4 Oakland St.: Mra. M ar­ Bast Hartford. to advise the new students during' Sunday at 6:40 ajn. in the chapel Of Church Men chester will be held Monday at 8 at Manoheeter Memorial Hospital. garet Vasalonus, 447 Center St.; Freshman Week. j p.m. at the home of Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Frances Treschuk, Carter The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor eiipieclal Agent Chartea Weeks Badger, 47 Ferguson Rd., Mrs, H. of I SEALER of Concordia Lutheran Church, St.; Mrs. Arlene Good, Skinner Rd., Car-Truck Crash The Ruth Circle of Emanuel: John Malone, president, will con­ Rockville; Mrs. M ary Shapleigh, the Federal- Bureau qf will serve as hospital chaplain Bton wUl addresB the P re rtjy t^ Jhurch Women, Emanuel Lutheran I duct the meeting. 107 Holl St.; Kenneth Adams, 176 Community next week. Men’s meeting Mtonday at 7:30 p. Church, will meet at 8 p.m. Mon­ Broad St.; Ronald Brown, 19 Doro­ Brings Warning m. A g ^ Weeks is in change of day In the Youth Room of the Miss Marcia Ruth Yerks, daugh­ thy Rd.; Mrs. Glenna Cashman, the N ew Bkigland area and works Pa'rish Building. Mrs. David Ander- Sunset Rebekah Lodge will have Amston; Arthur Kibbe, Mountain Ho damage resulted from a car- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Gospel Singer out of the N ew Haven office. .<on, leader, announces that this Yerks, 24 Ensign St., has entered its first meeting of the season St.. Rockville; Mrs. Doris Heckler, truck accident about 5:40 p.m. \vill be project night. Mrs. Robert I The progrsm will be held in Fel- Vermont College. Montpelier, Vt„ Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hillside Ave.. Vernon; Kenneth yesterday at Tolland Tpke. Md Hylander and Mrs. Richard Heinz Gary Brunt, who records for lownhlp Hall of the church. Guests Dean Lowe as a freshman and will pursue the Hall. Mrs. Maybel Dowd will en­ Frohart, 57 Moimtaln Rd.; Charles Wilbur Cross Highway Exit 94. are in Charge of refreshments. tertain with organ selections af­ Crusade Recordings International, The car, driven by Femal Par­ p f the church men will be the Cov­ secretarial course. Kleza, 130 Cooper St.; Mary Ku- enant Men of Trinity Covenant ter a busineM meeting. Mrs. Sed- will be the featured teen-age gos­ lesa, Wapping; Bruce Knipula, ent, 31, of Holliston, Mass., exit­ Mies Jane Mallet!. daughter o f; (Church. Heats to r the evening rick J. Straughan will head a re­ pel singer tonight at 7:30 at Cal­ Hampton; Robert Shapiro, *214 ing from the parkway, crossed in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mallett, 20 W. ; Frederick C. McCurry, son of will be WllMam Strain and Roger 5 gallon can Lauded by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McCurry, freshment committee. vary Church of the Assemblies of Spring St.; Tammy Lackouskas, front of a Manchester Sand and .Middle Tpke., and Mi.ss Nancy G. | God, 647 E. Middle Tpke. Ellington; Diane Treadwell. 124 Gravel truck, proceeding west on Cottle. Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. and , 51 N. Elm St., has entered Spring- A fter the axidress by the ap«»K-1 ALSO featured at the Gospel Song Hackmatack St.; Mrs. Hannah Tolland Tpke., police report. Mrs. William L. Zimmerman. 97; field (Mass.) College ss a fresh­ Veterans of World War I Bar­ er, refreshments wHl be served. concert will be the Rev. Oren Paris, Handler, 39 Gerard St.; William Damage to both vehicles was Sen. Dodd Barry Rd.. have entered Westbrook man and will major In physical racks and Auxiliary will meet composer o f the songs Gary sings, Curran. 247 Charter Oak St.; Mrs. .lunlor College, Portland, Maine, education. Sunday at 2 p.m. at the 'VFW who is conducting special gospel Hazel Wright, 141 Deepwood Dr.; aa freshmen. Home. WOQD Miss Kathleen Donahue, daugh­ crusade services at the church. 'The Wa>me Phillips, 249 Main St. About 500 persons attend­ Rev. J. F. Lenentine and a group ter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dona­ The BriUsh American Club wiU ed convocation exercises this of teen-agers from the ABsemblies hue, 305 Porter St., will enter sponsor a dance tomorrow for Lillian Gertrude Grant of God church In Abington, Mass., morning at Bailey Auditorium Lasell Junior C o llie , AubumdaJe, memibers and guests. Charlie Var- CUPOLAS will accompany Brunt. Announces ■Ihe Fall Opening of Her of Manchester High School at Mass..' next week as a senior. She rick’s orchestra will play for The Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, V O l’R SCHOOL OF THE SPEECH ARTS which Dr. Frederick W. Lowe has been chosen to serve as a dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A pastor of Calvary (3iurch, has an­ SAVE SHOES senior hoate^ to the incoming buffet w il be served. Tickets may To A Limited Number-Of Adults WOOD ROOF Jr. was formally inaugurated nounced the event will be open to Shoes D'YED Your For An Evening Course With Private Instruction In freshmen cleiM. be olbtained at the Club. the public. as dean of the Hedgling Man­ Favorite Color 1 VOICE. DICTION, PHONETICS. chester Community College, The Polish Women’s Alliance, — Also — Your favorite fall and winter ORAL INTERPRETATION the second institution of its Group, 518, will meet Sunday at JOBLESS CLAIMS DIP suede shoes R E F IN ISH E D ! 1.951 Burdette Hawley 2 p.m. at '77 North St. I AND THE ALLIED SPEECH ARTS kind in Connecticut. HARTFX>RD (API —The num­ Available time beginning first and second weeks In October. Sen. Thomas Dodd, in present­ The Rev. Alex H.
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