Distribution •»./ bcrcMfag ftadtocM lUh BED BANK Today Bight; low, «s. Rain tomorrow; high about 50. See tides and 1 Independentpenaenz L/auyDaily f 17,300 weather page 2. MONDAY THROUGH fB(DAY-EST WS J VOL. 83, NO. 105 Issued Dally, Monday through Friday, entered al Second Class Mallei 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE at tin Post OWee at Red Bank. N. J.. under too Act oi March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAYS , NOVEMBER 28, 1960 35e PER WEEK Zoning Parley Today's Talks Slated MIDDLETOWN - The pendu lum of opposition to the govern May Decide ing body's attempts to rezone this community swung the other way Friday night. Last May, the Township Com- mittee was severly critized for failing to upgrade lot sizes and put an end to mass housing de- velopments here. 2 Judgeships The governing body withdrew the code, made revisions, and pro- duced a new ordinance with sub- 24 MORE DAYS are left for stantial upgrading of undevelbped lands. Christmas shopping. The re- At a public hearing Friday minder was vividly posted in Violent Rioting Hits Stout, nighj, owners of large tracts of Red Bank Friday when lights land came forward with vigor- ous objections were turned oh throughout However, their objections were the business district. Photo Venezuela Capital Keuper matched, one by one, by resi- at top was taken at the foot dents who favored upgrading and urged immediate adoption of the of Broad St., looking south, CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — new code. photo at right, William 'iolent leftist rioting forced the Police Pay :abinet of President Romulo Be- After four and a half hours- Magee, president of the Re- At Bat two of which were spent reading ancourt into emergency session the proposed code—the governing tail Trade Board, throws the Hike Would :oday to deal with political and body decided to take final action twitch. With him are Ed- :conomic unrest. 1961 Election National Guard troops patrolled on the proposal tomorrow at 8 ward Carroll, center, and Ed- p.m. The meeting will be held Cost $19,000 he capital city of Caracas a'ter Is Key Factor in the high school cafeteria. ward H. Conway, president hree days of rioting in which MIDDLETOWN - Police have three persons were killed and The landowners aruged that of the Red Bank Community presented the Township Commit- TRENTON—How quick- more than 100 wounded. they were being discriminated Chamber of Commerce. Mr. tee a new pay proposal calling The outburst was attributed to ly Monmouth County is to against and that upgrading of lot Carroll was chairman of the for increases of $300 to $800 for sizes was tantamount to destroy- patrolmen, and $860 to $1,040 for Betancourt's leftwing opponents et two District Court ing property values. chamber's Christmas lighting officers including the chief. some of them recently defected judges will be decided to- Several of th elandowners have committee. The ceremony The new pay guide, drafted by rom his moderate Socialist coali- tion to attack him in anti-Ameri- day in a series of confer- plans for the residential develop- took place outside the Mon- he Patrolmen's Benevolent As- ment of their property. These sociation, would cost the town- can tones similar to the line of nces here. plans would be jeopardized by mouth County National Bank. ship approximately $19,000 a !uban Prime Minister Fidel The first talk will be be- adoption of the code, they said. year. Castro. tween Gov. Robert B. Meyner Six Projects Petition Asks Police received a pay raise Officials Uneasy and State Sen. Richard R. Stout, here three years ago when vot- Despite Betancourt's two years Monmoulh Republican, over who There are six subdivisions—two Gu term a. in power trying to spread the already approved by the commit- Kennedy Family Is Charter Study ers approved the measure at the is to |be nominated. polls. wealth of this oil-rich country tee—which would be affected by MIDDLETOWN — Nathan The second will be among Re- Besides a proposed police pay more evenly, there was wide the new code. Area Man Bergman, Rt. 36, East Keans- publican Senate members who scale, the guide includes new sal- spread pessimism about the out Under terras of the code, build- burg, is circulating a petition will decide the future schedule aries for detective bureau mem- look in this new crisis. Official' ers must have their plans ap- Making Out Fine' calling for a charter commis- of the waning 1060 legislature. ers. refrained from comrnent bu proved by both the Planning Are Indicted sion study of the local govern- If the lawmakers are to meet By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH Kennedy in the last few days Richard W. Seuffert, business some indicated they were uneasv Board and the governing body NEW YORK—A federal grand ment. again before Christmas, the plus having a performance bond WASHINGTON (AP) — The has taken on these added assign- administrator, said he was in pos- One man died of bullet wound ijy Friday indicted Alexander He said he has 30 signatures governor probably will press filed before the code is adopted John F. Kennedys—father, who's ments: session of the pay proposal and and at least 21 were wounded ii to have nominees available im- L. Gutcrma and 11 others—in- so far and intends to try to en- would present it to the govern Sunday's clashes. Evewitnesse: Mayor George A. Gray, Fed President-elect; mother, newborn —Regular visits to his wife list the support of civic groups mediately. But if the next cluding a Little Silver, N. J., son and small daughter—all ap- and infant boy at Georgetown ing body at its next meeting. said snipers opened fire on th Bank, appeared before the com' man—in an alleged $850,000 stock in pushing for such a study. meeting is put off until Janu- mittee representing owners o! pear to be doing spendidly, University Hospital. Patrolmen now are paid from oolice. Among those hit by bu ary, the pressure will be eased. fraud conspiracy. Approximately 2,700 signa- $4,700 to $5,200 depending on lets were six policemen and 1 about 1,800 acres of land in the thank you, after quite a week- —Part time baby sitter with tures are needed to place the The governor has announced The 12 defendants are charged end. his daughter Caroline, who wa years of service. A patrolman civilians. township's Oak Hill section. Lo with conspiring to sell, 350,000 charter study question on the he wants to give one of "the $18,- sizes in this area are set at 22,• Father from time to time, three years old yesterday. reaches $5,200 after the third Many more were 'brufsed b shares of common stock of West ballot. year of service. 000 appointments to Monmouth 000 square feet and are slated to however, did show some slight —Occasional custodian of Car The establishment of a char- rocks or suffered from the e County Prosecutor Vincent P. em Financial Corp., now bank- Under the new proposal, pro- be upped to 30,000 square fee signs of harassment. oline's rag doll. ter study commission was one fects of tear gas as police an Keuper, and Mr. Keuper has the rupt, for $2.25 and $2.50 a share. bationary members would still b when the ordinance is adopted. The job of preparing to take —Retriever of Caroline from of the major planks in the National Guardsmen drove o backing of the county Democra- Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jerome paid $4,700; second year men He said he represented about over the presidency Jan. 20 is beneath church pews. platforms of local Democratic roaring bands that stoned them J. Londin of Peter H. Morrison would get $5,200 instead of $4,900 tic organization "if" either half of the owners of undevel enough to keep any man ex candidates for the past two burned automobiles and attackec said .the alleged fraud occurred Baby Is Fine and third year ~ men would re- First Assistant Prosecutor Solo- oped land in this area and tht tremely busy, but Kennedy's years. three police stations in workin between 1955 and 1957 through The word from the Kennedy ceive $5,800 instead of $5,200. mon Lautman or Assistant Pros- they wanted the lot sizes to stay chores have multiplied rapidly doctors yesterday was that the The Republican candidates class sections of western an ecutor John W. Applegate can be high pressure telephone sales of since John Fitzgerald Kennedy, . Higher Scale southwestern Caracas. the same. stock. The company was formed baby was coming along fine, said they had no objection to promoted to the prosecutor's Jr., arrived early Friday, three The PBA is asking also tha Pro-Castro Slogans (See ZONING, Pg. 2) by Guterma in 1955. was perfectly healthy and had such a study if it were ap- spot. weeks ahead of schedule. men with four years of service Many shouted pro-CasIrn slo The prosecutors said two of its first regular feeding — three proved by the voters. County Republican leaders re- and over receive $6,000. gans. the defendants who figured prom- quarters of an ounce of powdered (See POLICE, Pg. 3) portedly are agreed on Mayor Vehicle Hits inently in the scheme were Paul milk formula. It had been get- (See RIOTING, Pg. 3) George A. Gray of Red Bank M. Hughes of 35 Pine Dr., Little Youth Fined ting small quantities of lactose, Aged Care for the other judicial post.
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