— 2 — — 3 — FOREWORD Our job is to make your life easy. We’ve created this guide to serve as an everyday manual, and an introduction to the shape of things to come. — 4 — — 5 — CONTENTS — 1 — WELCOME A new riverside neighbourhood in London, expertly conceived to make the most of living in the capital. — 2 — LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD An intricately planned neighbourhood, where everything you need is right here, on your doorstep. — 3 — MEET THE NEIGHBOURS This is reality, the lives of existing Royal Wharf residents, find us on Instagram. —4 — CREATE SOMETHING PERSONAL A choice of brilliantly designed homes that respond to individual needs and desires. —5 — PLAN YOUR LIFE Floor plans with built-in flexibility, and architectural integrity. — 6 — DISCOVER THE LOCATION Fast access across the city with unrivalled transport links, and an epicentre for culture and creativity. — 7 — TOGETHER WE CREATE EXTRAORDINARY PLACES A partnership built on global experience, trusted local knowledge and groundbreaking ideas. — 7 — –1– A NEW RIVERSIDE NEIGHBOURHOOD IN LONDON, EXPERTLY CONCEIVED TO MAKE THE MOST OF LIVING IN THE CAPITAL. WELCOME — 9 — ROYAL WHARF Our intention is simple, to make the people who live here feel part of something extraordinary. — 10 — ROYAL WHARF WELCOME We understand that small pleasures matter, and that’s why our big idea is not just to avoid the ordinary, but elevate the everyday. We’ve taken all of our knowledge and expertise, and considered carefully what makes the place you live, somewhere you love coming home to. We’ve thought about your daily commute, the view from your window, and just exactly what you’ll experience each time you step out of your front door. — 12 — — 13 — ROYAL WHARF WELCOME — 14 — — 15 — ROYAL WHARF WELCOME We’re really interested in the nuts and bolts of how to make modern living as easy, and stress free as possible. So, of course, at Royal Wharf we have a 24/7 on-site concierge, a team that will help you move in, underground car parking, and the sort of shops and amenities that don’t just provide the essentials, but some of life’s more pleasurable extras as well. That’s why, if you look at our masterplan for Royal Wharf, nestled amongst the streets and townhouses, there are play areas and open green spaces, lush planting, lawns and Riverside Walk stretching nearly a kilometre along the Thames. — 16 — — 17 — RO YA M L A W S H T A E R R F P L A N ROYAL WHARF WELCOME Royal Wharf is perfectly placed on London’s River Thames, just east of Canary Wharf - down water from Greenwich and the O2 Arena. An innovative addition to the ever-changing riverscape of London. — 20 — — 21 — –2– AN INTRICATELY PLANNED NEIGHBOURHOOD, WHERE EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS RIGHT HERE, ON YOUR DOORSTEP. LOVE your neighbourhood — 23 — ROYAL WHARF We combine togetherness, with modern living principles. — 24 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD We began with 40 acres of riverside London, and a big idea. To balance the old fashioned notion of truly belonging to an area, with the modern ideal of living in a well-run neighbourhood that’s seamless and service-savvy. We want to harness the river, the cityscape and open space that surrounds us, and offer brilliantly designed houses and apartments, that allow for individuality and change. — 26 — — 27 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD THE MASTERPLAN A new riverside neighbourhood for London, close to Canary Wharf. A purpose-built village, but one with a clear vision and distinctly human touch, Royal Wharf has been designed from the inside out, to make life function better. — 28 — — 29 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Over 3,300 new homes, from Georgian- inspired townhouses, to contemporary duplexes and apartments. — 30 — — 31 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Pontoon Dock West ANCHOR DLR Silvertown BUILDING ROYAL WHARF DLR MASTERPLAN the future is here PROPOSED FLAGSHIP THE HIGH STREET Proposed future development SCHOOL HOUSE MERIDIAN BUILDING THAMES BARRIER PARK ADMIRALTY HOUSE CORINTHIAN SQUARE PARK VIEW PLACE Proposed future development PORTLAND HOUSE MARITIME JOHN BUILDING CABOT LYLE PARK THE BARRIER COMPASS CLUBHOUSE HOUSE HOUSE LATITUDE HOUSE JAMES COOK ROYAL Proposed future development WHARF THAMESIDE GARDENS HOUSE MARCO SIENNA POLO HOUSE ENDEAVOUR HOUSE ROYAL WHARF — 32 —PIER — 33 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Royal Wharf has been designed around you. We’ve thought about the best ways to make the most of our riverside location, how you can spend more active time outdoors, what you’ll experience on your way to work, and how to make even the smallest daily tasks, as effortless as possible. We’re aware you don’t want to waste a minute of your morning picking up dry cleaning, when you could be walking by the river, so we’ve given you the option to do both, and have a great coffee on the way. We’ve factored in essential local amenities, great bars and restaurants, places to shop, space for kids to play and everyone to explore. — 34 — — 35 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Experience panoramic views from Riverside Walk, with a continuous open promenade extending to nearly a kilometre along the Thames. — 36 — — 37 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD ROYAL WHARF SERVICES We value what we have created, and offer services to make it work even better. Alongside 24/7 on-site security, landscape gardening and a professional maintenance crew, our concierge service includes key holding, parcel store, phone charging and hot-desking area. — 38 — — 39 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Set between Lyle Park and Thames Barrier Park is one of the longest stretches of open green space along the Thames, with a combined total of over 16 hectares of parkland. — 40 — — 41 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD THE HIGH STREET The main square and high street offers shops and amenities that are more than just convenient. We’ve considered quality and service alongside the independent and original. We’ve made sure there’s a dentist and pharmacy, an authentic deli and a great local pub, as well as stylish emporiums and grocery stores, riverside bars and cafes. — 42 — — 43 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD WALK EXPLORE RELAX — 44 — — 45 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Integral to the streetscape is Corinthian Square, connecting the High Street to The Clubhouse and Riverside Walk. From Starbucks and Sainsbury’s, to Dream Nails and Silverclip hairdressers, Johns & Co estate agents to your local Fullers pub, everything you need is just around the corner. — 46 — — 47 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD ENJOY DISCOVER STAY — 48 — — 49 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD THE CLUBHOUSE We’ve put health and fitness at the forefront of everything we do. The Clubhouse is located by the central Royal Wharf Gardens, and is a focal point for daily health and fitness classes, as well as neighbourhood events. Outside, street gyms and exercise hubs, riverside cycling and running paths, allow you to build an integrated daily fitness routine, where a smile and “hello” is the normal, everyday. We think it’s the human result of good design, and carefully considered planning. — 50 — — 51 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD — 52 — — 53 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE yoUR NEIGHBOURHOOD We’ve designed our internal leisure space to include a 25m swimming pool, hydrotherapy pool, state of the art training equipment and dedicated studio classes. — 54 — — 55 — ROYAL WHARF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Classes are available at The Clubhouse, including bootcamp, HIIT training, yoga and swimming lessons. — 56 — — 57 — –3– THIS IS REALITY, THE LIVES OF EXISTING ROYAL WHARF RESIDENTS, AS SPOTTED ON INSTAGRAM. MEET the neighbours ROYAL WHARF — 59 — ROYAL WHARF We asked existing residents to capture everyday moments of their lives and share them, unfiltered and unedited, via Instagram. ROYAL WHARF — 60 — ROYAL WHARF MEET THE NEIGHBOURS ROYAL WHARF ROYAL WHARF — 62 — — 63 — ROYAL WHARF MEET THE NEIGHBOURS ROYAL WHARF ROYAL WHARF — 64 — — 65 — ROYAL WHARF MEET THE NEIGHBOURS ROYAL WHARF ROYAL WHARF — 66 — — 67 — ROYAL WHARF MEET THE NEIGHBOURS CREATE JOIN CONNECT ROYAL WHARF ROYAL WHARF — 68 — — 69 — –4– A CHOICE OF BRILLIANTLY DESIGNED HOMES THAT RESPOND TO INDIVIDUAL HUMAN NEEDS AND DESIRES. CREATE something personal — 71 — ROYAL WHARF We believe a house isn’t a home until you put your individual stamp on it. — 72 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL SUITES APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES We’ve designed each suite, apartment and townhouse, to maximise the flexibility, individuality and personality of their owner. Recognising the importance of light and space, we’ve focussed on river and garden views with expansive windows. — 74 — — 75 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL SPARK their imaginations — 76 — — 77 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL — 78 — — 79 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL FILL your home with future memories — 80 — — 81 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL STAY and take it easy — 82 — — 83 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL — 84 — — 85 — ROYAL WHARF Create SOMETHING PERSONAL consider every ASPECT — 86 — — 87 — –5– FLOOR PLANS WITH BUILT-IN FLEXIBILITY, AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRITY. PLAN your life — 89 — ROYAL WHARF PLAN yoUR LIFE A choice of 1, 2, 3 or 4 bedroom homes: suites, apartments, duplexes and town houses, with balconies, roof terraces, courtyards or private gardens. — 90 — — 91 — ROYAL WHARF PLAN yoUR LIFE TYPICAL 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE 2,444 SQ FT INTERNAL / 800 SQ FT EXTERNAL 277 SQ M INTERNAL / 74 SQ M EXTERNAL — 92 — — 93 — ROYAL WHARF PLAN yoUR LIFE — 94 — — 95 — ROYAL WHARF
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