ANsATTIC DECREE CONCERNING OROPOS (PLATE 10) N JULY, 1957, at the place of constructionof a ticket booth for the west entranceto the A Agora Excavations from Apostle Paul Street, an inscribedstele (I 6793) was found re- used as a manhole cover. Preliminaryexamination by the Agora staff just after finding led to its classificationas a poletai record.The compactgrid and small letteringcorresponded to several known poletai documents,and some words in the text suggestedleases. For the next quarterof a centurythe inscriptionremained unnoticed except for one brief mention.I Then in 1975 and again in 1980 I undertooka study of the stone for the purposeof its inclusion in the corpus of poletai inscriptionswhich I was then preparing for one of the epigraphical volumes of the Agora excavations.I soon determinedthat the stele was not a poletai record but most likely a tribal decree. Plans to include the inscription in my corpus have accord- ingly been altered. At the suggestionof Homer Thompson and John Traill I offer instead this separatepublication of the document.2 Complete stele of Pentelic marble (P1. 10), broken in two pieces, found on July 4 and 8, 1957. The two pieces were re-used to cover a manhole leading to an undergroundwater channel on the southwest slope of KolonosAgoraios about 100 meters southwest of the southwestcorner of the Hephaisteion (A 11). One small piece is missing from the right side at the break. H. 1.65 m.; W. at top including molding 0.49 m., at top of inscribedface 0.455 m., at bottom 0.485; Th. above 0.09 m., below 0.10 m. L.H. 0.004 m. Agora Inv. No. I 6793 ITOIX. 57 Ca. a. 330 a. OEOL 27 [.]OLO[... ]l[ .8 ]pXOVl[ ... .......... ] 34 ..]pya[.]L4.]L.[. ... .. 8E] [.]0dO Lat ... .] .. .] .ovs [ .. ...... .......... ................. ] 3 5 [.] AOwa[.... .]VO[.]A[.]L4.. .]V[ . [r]o KE4faAaLO7 [ 6... 40 ] [*] fvA&v [. * * * * ]EK[ * ***VTa*......... 1* ...]OV[.a[..8. 39 a[. ]Kl[. .] ov ..][ ................... OL[......]aTa[ .... ] vx[ . 8.9... vacat 10 [. .]8TE[ ...]A,4q..] 4 T [ . 7 ]oTor[.--*]&v8W[ .... ]oKpacTrS' I7T7TOK[ .. .]V[. .]o[. .]pXl[.... I R. E. Wycherley, The Athenian Agora, III, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, Princeton 1957, p. 225, addendumto p. 92. 2 I wish to thank Homer Thompson for permissionto publish the inscription.In additionto his and John Traill's good adviceand counsel I receivedhelp from L. J. Bliquez, M. H. Jameson, D. M. Lewis, and M. W. Walbank. I alone, however, am responsiblefor the readingsof the inscriptionand opinions expressedin this study. American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® 48 MERLE K. LANGDON [.]K[. .]AAov[. .]pa[.]a[ ..l ..... ]opos [.... ]aLa[ .. .5 ..[ ... ]][L.]L[......]AA[.]AAp[....8....]pav[.]o[...]LOaX[............. ]V[ . ]o-TaA[ ... ]X[ *aK[. ]L] 6 1 5 [.]a[. - ... ]ov[ *]t*.10..]OpO[o .........]lfO[. 12... .]o[ . ]v[ . .. ]a[. ] [K]aAALKpaTs.[ ---------] vacat [.....]o)pEv[ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ]OKpa'T- 43 [q]s . .]o[. .]XLT[..]of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... A ]of'Ev 37 43 20 [.]rta~. A[.. ]0y[] 20 [ ToO-LajA[. .. .8. ... WA .. .. .. .. .. ......................... H ... 1o 54 lines with only scattered letters preserved 75 a ........ [..............].as [ ... ] 'A[va]4[A]v[orTLo .[. .I]4tXWt r04T . ..... ....... ]L[.]O[..................44 [..]aTEvs [.. .]ra[ ..................... I [H.]ErooLaaKqo[. .]LtO[ ..... ]aLT. ...... 27 ]ToV[ [ * ]lt . [...] bta/[s~] rO4v aivA&a~. r]Op]O. v.. .]o. 12.. ]rar[.. 6...... 4 ...... 80 . [.&.]taa84s[ T]O4[] a 4vA[ a T]o[v.................. 36 7 lines with only scattered letters preserved 90 [ ]EA[[. 16 . [....]ov[.]o[....18 VflSKat &.t4toj3rT[eZ. ]l[. ...*]a[. ]oo[. .]E[. .]w[.-*---*p 7arcTa rOw [r]dOrov [.]parTq[.]a4[]o 2.3][] nra7ralos' [-]o[ . 3]A.[ 28 ]o[.]a[ .] 90 or ]L. .]TOV............p[....O[.......v .. ............... TOV3 Eptal~OV [TOV] AEvKolTvp[a]L'ov.* T[Odfr[OS..]O[ ... ]yOS evAo[s.... .]ov[ .....] [.]a[J rat KaAAt'orT[p]a[ros~'I,'jap4[e]v4sx] 'AAE&'as. Y[p6rl] Adov 74r...9..T. ~E?.. .] cat TO[]T4OV [.. -]V[.]V[.]O[.]w[.]o[.--1-] ],EV Ka. .SK [.]TXl[.. .-.]l .]AV.O[. - - - A]v 29- - T - [i]- 100 v4+Eoj3?rE[t] [E]pEKpcaD[s~] KoA[Av]rEt[4sj. rpbs~[.12 . 12.t [.]l.]v[.V[1 ]v1 . ov[ .? ]E's .v ... ]o][.]Ta[..12. 0 a T Ep]EKpov[s.......................... T [OS] oA[] vAos ]a[. WV EOTLVKaLa OVK)4E[o-],)[ffL . T[O..]Ea [.-os [.E - ] T.. 74p]o'Ad]4.. 7rp[ooKa]- TE]Lpya [Xa[L] TO,[pa .............[............................ Ka ]E a . 105 Ttv 7rapE[?*jOovvr... Adv4.. o. ] a..roLXw TL A.[.]o[v.TOV .]OIp[ ....]E4 - . ] - rv flpO[.. O[Vep]y[a]TOV 9.... .....V..[A.] .4Epa .]pyac..a .oAA[a . AN ATTIC DECREE CONCERNING OROPOS 49 v[.]qrTa Ka't [,rE4v]TEvtAE`va [..... ]........ ]aL N[a4]oS Kal oLKLaV [ .... Ta[V]Taf'4lq jA.uAL-0O0Wo-[aL]Xa[pL'as K]o[A]AXvTE. -.[- - - Xap] abp[a. .]Xt[.... ]O[. .]LT[.. .... .........1.]9.........npo6EVO9[]OTO0fV 110 [7r]pO vdoTOv... ]wv rpOS E'a-E'pa[v] oLopaVoL[.]aL[... *]EVo[.] 7pOs' [dL]o[v a&LoV]- Tos [.]a[.] ET[. .]pov[.]rAEva ToTwv [ .......................2... .. TO]VT- OV[X]wpL'OV TovTov Xapabpa -vAAEXo[.........................]opo[.] a8a KaAov/LE`V?V T0OTOv fi4[v]Ao[V] rot[v ^ . ] -A'xP- LT wv a,A[r]E`[wv] TOVTOV E7rEpyao-[ --- 29 l[- el ~~~~~~~~~~~~34 115 ETEpa [f'7r]E[L']pyao-To [.]Trq[.] ef v[A.. I a o6ppa0EVa/3dppaOEv T l [L IV[.......]IV[ . .1. .. .. ]a[. .]..[.]l[ .. .. .. ... .19. ..... ....] 14 lines with only scattered letters preserved 7 131 [.... .]To[. .... 12. ][ ]oo[ . o[.] ...T[], 131]o .?.[ . .]rTTSe[ao.***.].*]L@[ ......................................... ]O.0(l[] [osx]ro~[. v r&iros~ plyao, ts... ][.... .]XWV....]O[.]OEL9 )v4~ [oj]3T[. .]o[..... ]a7[.]ELOV[...........]O[.]/[.]WTOV[... K]aAov/.LEv[osq .]o[.] [Ep'yac]oL[o]]9 [. .]X[.]o[.] avaV4L[oj3 7jTrrTOs ... ]po[. .]o[.. ... ]O[.... ] Ep[yacoLqA]- 135 os [ .].....]wos a[]]a[. .]ap[ ..]Ao[- . [.... .] TO7TOSEpyacGo4SL a'v[av4]L0oj[qr'rTos. ]... lo[ ................. ]ov [...]ToTor&oS 7TroAV'Sqa[. ]AEL8)s. E Ta[ZsL. .]aLoL4 ... .]EyE[. ]Ka[ ...... [a ]-KWV A[E]Lo0f0 OaL2AFn,bpaXIAfv ... ]vv4E.T]oiTov ............11[ . .,bpaX TavTa >'4lq /EqALo-0WO-OaL 7rap Y8pL'o[v 7rpos rtl Ad]4Zw [ . ..]v[.]EL... ?]fr- 140 [E]po-X[E]Z^VotoVrwv '[V]4Eo-,'TjEL 'YpL[asg 'OTpv]vEtS.g ToVTo[v]T[O]v TOrov[. ..E .... ]LAL[.]-l[.]TW^r,v wv v NdOL77[os9. ..1..... ][ .... .]ovpo[ ... 8.... ' o[. .]s. .rpaTov Tw^V 4vAXW vAjv ..'o .... - - - ] v o[ 8]v [El]S Tiv BoLoTL'[av] E [...] Od?40os9OK[.]LO[.K]aAot4tEvo[s ............... .]avo[. .]E[.]ov[ ....] .]VTOV'TrTo l rl[TO[N]Wl Epyao4[L4tw* L....... 1*5 * ]a[ *....]p[. ..] 145 [...]vEov r@v 4vAfP [Eaa]Tv &av4 [apfrrTXTa [. .]EOpl[ - . 8. I o[. .]vAELAwvos0TOVi rTqa0[ .... *]o[.]aLTa[.]T. .*]OlT **.... ]o[ . * ]a[-... AavvaV4L[0-]af[ T]jrTo[V. .]o[.]LeE[.]TaT[. .] yp4a..]LEop[.]oo[.- ]ao[....] V[. .]oXELMAw[ .......]T[... ]7T[.]lOV[ .....] KaAovA[Ev]ov [. .]o[.] . ...ya[....T] 9 07roS Eypac-LA0os a[. .]a[ .... ]Ta[. ]oa-[. ...................... 6 lines with only scattered letters preserved 33 156 [ s ]LA\al'bq [ ........ 10. .. ]T[ . .. ]IA . .. .. .. [-] 12~~~~~~~3 MXa[.]o[.]o[.+ .]A[ [-]?[----]A[----.12 ]a[ . 32. .....2][3 VOG'OVvdo-ovTO1OlisT[rd7ros. [ with.only.scattered.letters.preserved~~~46 I1I lines with only scatteredletters preserved 50 MERLE K. LANGDON 170 [.]pEv[.]p.f'vwLo[.]o1q[.]E[ . ]EL[ . ],uotK[aAov]/[4Evos] Tteros 4[pya'o]- [ LA] 0 K a'l Vb7 [....- ]o[- .. -]w[- .. -]X[-]vAE[- -] Tov^Tov r'Ov T[0'T]oM E[. ]Gap[. .]T[. .] [f]OO[Sx .]O[.][. .-]l[- ... ]a[...-KaA]o[t]Ev[os TO6]TOSO A[.]K[. .] Epya LAO9 [.]ap[.... [ ]a[. .lo[. ]E[......... ] p[.]K[ ..].]4[J[. .]V[.]vLOV bpa[X. ] ..]VpLTOV[..... A .. .] .]KAoXov .... *.. *]ao[.*]x[. *]a ... ]qt*. L 175 IKIE[. ]7vE[. .]aw[. ]v[. .]* o[. *]oA[*]v tO V [.]EL[ ....]Op[. .]O[. .][. .]p7[..]a[-] [.]ELa[.]T[.]o[.]ovlrap[... .] KaL T [] ] ]v[. .]o[.] [. .]ora Ka [. .]ao[.]o[.]oa[7 12 * , .]o.[.][.]4.--.-]to4 . .--- ]AXo[..- ]o[. -]trov?.]'r[. .]t[. ] KaAov[/JJE6[v]ov[.--]ra[...- 180 [..O.[.]][[. .]K[. .]..TpLa 26 .......]a] .]A[. V[. 12. ]T[-]l* -- - TCJ)Ly( . ]yo[. T ...... .-]to[.. ..]T[.] y..TOvLa ..s. [.]va[.-------]E7ri4.]ovyELw[.???-----------t ]Ta [........[... ]o . ]a[...... .. ] . ... aff[ ........................ ]O ]TVT54.Y. [. L.]O .. .. .. .. .. ]E .] EL O La 7 T . &Oirprw[14] 16 v .......1....27~~4 6.............v.........a..... ] []a ........9]7q[ . ..YEW... .. .. .. .. .. ........... ...... ]LI 185 trO[ . .. .... ]T[** -* a[ ............ **][......26** l ]O[ . ]L* a vacat The details of the affair recordedin this inscriptionare irretrievablylost becauseof the destructionof so much of the inscribed face. The stele was long exposed to moisture and gases during its re-use as the cover for a manhole, and this has resulted in the flaking away of much of the surface of the inscribed face and the loss of many letters and whole lines. What is as bad, the deleteriouselements have workedtheir destructiveeffects over the entire inscribed surface in such a way as to distort those letters that remain often beyond recog- nition or to give them the appearanceof quite different letters. Neither different kinds of lighting nor water and charcoal can help to undo the distortions,and a squeeze cannot be made of the fragile surface.Nevertheless, many hours of directconfrontation with the stone, plus frequent referenceto the excellent series of photographsmade by Alison Frantz just after it was found, have led to a text. A partial text made by C. N. Edmonsonin 1957 has also been helpful. That printed here should be regardedas provisional. Many letters not printed are lurking on the stone, concealed by the various deformationsand transforma- tions. It is hoped that others may bring to bear fresher objectivityin attemptingto recover some of those letters. The dotting and capitalization of uncertain letters as well as a general epigraphical commentaryhave been dispensed with. The reader should be advised that many of the readings are uncertain. They are more in the nature of impressionsthan true readings.

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