t CGKSSf^ ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETT Publish^ by Authority Vol. LXII, No. 78 12th OCTOBER, 1984 Price 30c ~ — GeneralNotice731 of 1984. (b) depart Harare Friday 5.45 p.m., arrive Qiomukuyu 10.08 p.m.; ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT iCHAPTER 252] (c) depart Kadoma Saturday 12 noon, arrive Chomukuyu 2.38 p.m.; . - . Applications in Connexion w ith^oad Service Permits (d) depart Harare Sunday 4.30 p.m., arrive Chomukuyu 8.36 p.m.; ■ ' IN terms oif subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor (e) dfeart Chomukuyu Monday and Wednesday'5 am ., Transportation Act [Chapter 252], notice is hereby given that arrive Harare 9 a.m.; the applications detailed in the Schednle, for Ae issue or ■ (f) depart Chomukuyu Saturday 5 a.m., arrive Kadoma amendment of road sefvice permits, have been received for the 7.11 a.m. • ■ consideration of the Coiitroller of Road Motor Transportation. (g) depart Chomukuyu Sunday 7 a.m., arrive Harare 11 am. Any ]persdri~wishingijto_ object to any such application must lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. 0/187/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capadty: 76. Box 8332, Causeway—. Route: Harare - Chegutu - Kadoma Gweru - Shurugwi - (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as Ndanga - Mhandamabwe - Nyaningwe - Chibi Mission - to reach the Controller’s office not later than the 2nd Chikofa - Chomuruvati. November, 1984; - - The service to operate as follows— (b) his objection and the grounds tiierefor, on form R.M.T. (a) depart Harare Wednesday and Sunday 7.30 ai.m., arrive 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Chommuvati 1.45 p.m.; Controller’s office not later than the 23rd November, 1984. (b) dei»art Harare -Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive Chomuruvati 10.45 p.m.; Any person objecting to an aj^lication for the issue ort ■ amendment of a.road service permit must confine his grounds^ (c) depart Chomuruvati Monday, Thursday and ^turday of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations 6 a.m., arrive Harare 12.15 p.m. referred* to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of section 8 of the said lAct. _ 0/189/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. Route: Harare - Beatrice - Chivhu - Mvuma - Masvingo - R. N. TSOMONDO, Maringire - Berejena Township - Shokoni - Davira School 12-KT84. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Davira Township. ’ . SCHEDtmE The service to operate as follows— (a) depart .^ Masvingo Monday to Thursday and Saturday MOTOR-OMNIBUSES 1 p.m., arrive Davira Township 3.07 pm.; . ^^Additionals ‘ (b) depart Harare Friday and Sunday 5 p.m., arrive Dattira <^^orning Star Transport ^vt.) Ltd. Township 10.48 p.m.; ■ ' ^*^1/185/84. Motor-'omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. (c) depart Davira Township Monday to Thursday and Route: Harare - Chivhu - Mvuma - Masvingo - Chibi Clinic Saturday 6 am.; anrive Masvingo 8.25 a,m.; Ngundu Halt - Triangle - Buffalo Range - Hippo Valley - (d) depart Davira Township Friday and Sunday 6 a.m., Chiredzi. ; , ‘ arrive Harare 11.55 a.m. The service to operate as folloyis— ' (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Sunday 7.30 a.m., arrive P. Gornbe. Chiredzi 3 ip.m.; 0/T97/84. Motor-omnibus. Passer-cajmcity: 76. (b) depart ‘Harare Thuraday 7.30 a.m.; -arrive Masvingo Route: Harare - Bhora - Murewa - Nyadiri - Manyika - Nha- 11.10 a.m’; kiwa - Katiyo - Chipfimde.. (c) depart Harare Friday-5;^ p.m.; arrive Chiredzi 11.45 The service to operate as follows— pm. (a) depart Harare Monday and Wednesday. 10 a.m., arrive (d) depart Chiredzi Monday, Wranesday and Saturday 7.30 Chipfunde 2.15 p.m.; a.m.; arrive Harare 3.15 p.m. V (b) depart Harare Thursday and Saturday 11.30 a.m., arrive (e> depart Masvingo Thursday 12.10 p.m.; arrive Harare Cltipfunde 245 p.m.; 4.10 p.m. (c) depart Harare Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive Chipfunde 8.15 p.m.; : Marshie Motorways (Pvt.) Ltd. (d) depart Harare Sunday 4.30 p.m., arrive Nhakiwa 8.30 0/186/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. p.m.; Route: Harare-Chegutu-Kadpma-Nyimo Township-Copper (e) depart Nhakiwa Monday 2 a.m., arrive Harare -5.15 a.m. Queen —Nembudziya - Nyamhara - Chomukuyu. (f) depart Chipfunde Tuesday, Thursday to Saturday 5.55 The service to operate as follows— a.m., arrive Harare 10 am.; (a) depart Harare Tuesday 8.30 a.m., arrive Chomukuyu (g) depart Chipfunde Sunday 12 noon, arrive Harare 3.50 1236 p.m.; p.m. 8 2 « Z imbabwean G overnment G azette , 12t h -O c to ber, 1984 1 . Shi^ga Express (Pvt.) Ltd. Note.—-This application is mad«i to reinstate permit 19445, which expired on the 30th September, 1983. 0 ,199/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capadty: 76. Route: Bangala Dam - Chipanza Business Centre - Jichidza TRANSFERS Mission - Masvingo - Mvuma - Kwekwe ^ Kadoma - Bmpre^ Simboti Motorways. ’Mine - Mudzongwe School - Makombo/Wadze &:hool. 0/398/84. Permit: 23711. Motor-omnibus. Theiservice to operate as foUoifrs—> By: Transfer of the permit from F. K. Makorie (Pvt.) Ltd. (a) depart Bangala Dam Tuesday and Thursday 5 a.ih:, arrive Makombo/Wadze School 2.47 p.m.; Rixi Services'(Pvt.) Ltd.—Taxi-cab drivers. ; (b| depart Bangala Dam Saturday 5 a.m., arrive Kwekwe TX/209 to 315/84. 107 taxi-cabs. Passenger-capacity: 4. 10.05 a.m.; / jVofg—These ■ permits listed hereunder are transfers from (4 depart Bangala Dam Sunday 5.30 am. arrive Makombo/ Rixi Services (Pvt.) Ltd. to its taxi-cab drivers whose names Wadze School 3.14 p.m.; are available in Road Motor Transportation to 'interested (d| depart Makombo/Wadze School Monday and Wednes­ parties. day 5 a.m., arrive Bangala Dam 3.10 .p.m.; Permit Nos: 22479, 20461, 20454, 20466, 19736, ’20465, 17677, (e depart Makombo/Wadze School Friday 5 a.m., arrive 17208, 17424, 15136, 20458, 19737, 22475, 18902, 12768, Bangala Dam 8.10 p.m.; 17695! 18313, 22481, 16810, 15274, 15691, 18234, 15134, depart Kwekwe Saturday 11.30 a.m.; arrive Bangala Dam 19103, 17159, 15137, 20463, 18899, 20469, 22480, 17157, m 18898, 18236, 17676, 20456, 18940, 15273, 19733,20460,19731, 4.25 p.m. 17209, 19734, 20470, 17718, 12446, 17427, 12445, 14888, 14256 19729, 22478, 19795, 20471, 19t01r 18235, 20464, ChaOna Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. 18312, 14886, 20459, 12766, 16995, 19102, 18900, 20467, 0 247/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. '15688, 19732, 15270, 18214, 19792, 17428, 17694, 20472, Route: Harare - Glendale - Gweshe - Nzvimbo - Chiraire - „ 15986, 20462, 15271, 15272, 15690, 13081, 19121, 19948, Bdri Township - Bob School - Jingamvura - Chaona. 19904, 16808, 17423, 19105, 17207, 18215, 12767, 18901, The Service to operate as follows— 19739, 15135, 17426, 16809, 17158, 22482, 14887, 20457, 17659, 17422, 18750, 17425, 22477, 19299, 17446, 19735, (a) depart Harare Monday to Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Chaona 15579, 19738 and 15689. 1 5 p.m.; Note.—These applications, originally published in General (b| depart Harare Sunday, 5 p.m. arrive Chaona 9 p.m.; Notice 673 of 1984, are republished here with corrections. (c) depart Chaona Monday to Saturday 6.30 a.m., arrive I Harare 10.30 a.m.; (dj depart fchaona Sunday 12 noon, arrive Harare 4 p.m. General Notice 732 of1984. ! GOODS-VEHICLES COMPiMSTES ACT [CHAPTER 190} Additionals Geo'iElcombe (Pvt.) Ltd. Companies to Be Struck Off the Register Giri6/84. Goods-vehicle. Load: 10 ,200 kilograms. Area: .Within a 64-kilometre radius of the General Post QfiB.ce, Harare. IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 283 of Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. the Companies Act [Chapter 190\ that at the expiration of Condition; Standard interlocking condition. three months from the date of publication of this notice, the Note.—This application is made to reinstate permit names of the companies set out In the Schedule wiU, imless 14236, which expired on the 31st January, 1983. cause is shown to the contrary, be struck ofif the register, and the said companies will thereby be dissolved. Gi'717, 718 and 720/84. Three goods-vehicles. Load: 14200 S. NDORO, kilograms each. ■ 12-10-84., Registrar of 'Companies. Area: Within a 64-kilometre radius of the General Post QfiBce, H ^ a r e . - Schedule Natiire of Carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all Date o f kinds. Number Name o f company Capital registration Condition: Standard interlocking condition. S Noth.—These applications are made to reinstate permits 14235, 596/122/56 J. H . Bester (Pvt.) L td.......................................... 8 000 2 1 .8 .5 6 14234 and 14241, which expired on the 31st January, 1983. 195/57 Tabacor (Pvt.) Ltd................................................. 30 000 1 6 .3 .5 7 G/719/84. Goods-vehicle. Load: '11 400 kdograms. 1104/57 Kewadas Properties ^vt.) Ltd......................... 60000 5.11.57 .Area: W'ithin an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post 814/58 F. H. Payne & Sons (Pyt.) Ltd. ... , 8 000 2 9 .8 .5 8 Office, Harare. 138/61 d© Villiers Dental Laboratories (Pvt.) L td.. 8 OOO 8 .3 .6 1 ■ Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of aU 691/61 J. A. Young (Pvt.) Ltd......................................... 20 000 13.11.61- kihds. 4/68 Nibs Molybdenum Mines (Pvt.) Ltd. 24 000 3.1.'68 jVoffj.—This application is made to reinstate permit 14822, 373/68 Kildonan. Farms ^vt.) Ltd................................ 50 000 2 9 .4 .6 8 which expired on the 30th September, 1983, 1163/228/70 Gothic Mine (Pvt.) Ltd. .................................... 2 4 000 2 2 .1 2 .7 0 Zimbabwe Lfnited Freight Co. Ltd., Bulwark Division, 333/72 H ordeld Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. " . 2 4 000 2 4 .3 .7 2 G, !721/84.
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