Ros -Rot at -law, 1933-36; Drs., gen. mgr., Bremer Broadcatlne Pictures Include: (s. p.) A Walk in the Sun, (dir.) Corp. (WATV-WAAT-WAAT-FM), Newark. N. J. Body and Soul; Desert Fury; (s. p., dir. prod.) All the King's Men (Acad. Award, best picture, 1949), The ROSENSTEIN, GERTRUDE: Dir. b. New York, N. Y. e. Brave Bulls, Mambo, Alexander the Great, dir., s. P. Barnard Coll., B. A.: Neighborhood Playhouse. exec. asst. Johnny O'Clock, Island in the Sun, They Came to Cordura, to George Balanchine & Lincoln Kiratein, New York City writer -prod. -dirt, The Hustler, Lilith. Ballet. TV: assoc. dir.. NBC Opera, Emmy Awards, elec- tion coverages, Kennedy inauguration, Huntley -Brinkley ROSSI DRAGO, ELEONORA: Actress, b. Genoa, Italy. Report, Kennedy Memorial Mass; dir., Concentration; Ty Sept. 23, 1928. e. Genoa. Salesgirl in Spain; then bit stair dir., NBC. parts in m. p.; pictures include: Behind Closed Shutters. three Forbidden Stories, Girls Marked Danger, Sensual- ROSENTHAL, BUD: Executive. b. Brooklyn, N. Y.. ita, Hell Raiders of the Deep, The Flame, Destinies, March 21, 1934. e. Brooklyn College, B.A., 1004, New York Slavery, To Clothe the Naked, Mauriziva Case. U.; U. S. Army, 1954-56; College correspondent, N. Y. Times; Ent. m. p. industry as associate editor. Independent ROSSO, LEWIS, T.: Executive. b. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. Film Journal, 1957. Joined Columbia Pictures publicity 8, 1909. Entered m. D. ind. 1930; prod. & mgt. for Con- dept. as trade paper contact and news writer, 1959, news- solidated Film Ind., 1930-44; Republic Prod., 1944-50; paper and syndicate contact 1960; appointed national prod. mgr. Republic, 1950-55; asst. sec'y. and asst. treas. publicity manager, Columbia Pictures Corp., 1962. Republic Pictures Corp., 1955. ROSENTHAL, HERBERT I.: Executive. b. New 'York ROSSON, ARTHUR: Associate director, producer. b. City, Dec. 14, 1910; e. New York Univ. Formerly exec. v. Pau, France, Aug. 24, 1889. Stage dir., (You'd Be Sur- ores.. Columbia Artist, Inc., Columbia Broadcasting System. prised, Wet Paint, Silk Legs, Mounted Stranger, etc.). Joined Columbia Broadcasting System in 1930; Y. p., Entered m. p. as stunt man, actor; author scenarios then M.C.A., Inc.; pres. MCA Artists, Ltd.; churn. bd., Cre- asst. dir. for five yrs.; became dir. with Triangle & later ative Management Assn. Ltd., 1964; v.p. prog. dev.,NBC, with Artcraft Universal, Allied Prod., Norma Talmadge, 1964. Fox, Paramount, Vitagraph, Goldwyn; pictures from 1935 as assoc. dir. include Crime Without Passion, The Scoundrel, ROSENTHAL, MORRIS: Theatre manager. b. Pitts- 11le Plainsman, The Buccaneer, Union Pacific, North West burgh, Pa., July 28, 1897. Vaudeville prod. and booker. Mounted Police, Kit Carson, I Wanted Wings, Heap the Started with Alien Bros., in Canada, as theatre doctor; then Wild Wind, Story of Dr. Wessell, Frenchman's Creek, Tall S. Z. Poli, Waterbury and Bridgeport. Conn. With Publiz, and three yearn. Quigley Showmanship Award winner. Returned in the Saddle, unit dir. Samson Delilah. to Bridgeport. Coon., for B. Z. Poll In 1933. In 1934: eirelut Ross, pseudonym): taken over by Loew's. Continued with Loewe in Bridgeport. ROSTEN, LEO CALVIN (Leonard Q. Transferred Writer. b. Lodz, Poland, April 11, 1908; e. U of Chicago. Loew-Poli, New Haven. 1944. Author: The Washington Correspondents, The Education of ROSH ER, CHARLES: Cameraman. Since 1999, with major Dymen Kaplan. Hollywood: The Movie Colony -The Movie companies on numerous films. Academy award einematograpny Makers, (1941); also articles & fiction, nat'1 mega,; dirt (color) with Arthur Arline & Leonard Smith (The Year- M. P. Research Project (under grant from Carnegie Corp., ling) 1946; others Incl.: Story of Three Levee, Young Bess, New York), 1939; chief, M. P. Div.. Office Facts and Kiss Me Hate. Figures, 1942. Screen plays: (collab. on orig.) All Througu the Night, They Got Me Covered, Million Dollar Baby; ROSIAN, PETER F.: Executive. b. Persia, Sept. 11, (collab. s. p.) play, The Conspirators, Lured; (orig. a. D.) 1902; e. NYU, Commonwealth Pictures, N. Y., 1923; Sleep, My Love; (orig.) The Dark Corner, Where Danger later office mgr.; booker, MGM, 1925; then salesman; spot. Lives, It's Only Money, (s.p.), The Velvet Touch, Double sales rep.; br. mgr., Grand Nat'l, Cleveland, 1937; N. Y., Dynamite; s. p., Walk East on Beacon. 1938; spcl. sales rep., Universal, 1939; br. mgr.. Cincinnati, 1940; dust. mgr., hdqts, Cincinnati, 1941; diet. mgr. 1951. ROTH CY: Writer, producer, director. b. Chicago, Ill., Cleveland; regional sales mgr. 1958, Cleveland. Mar. 16, 1912; e. U. of Calif. at L. A. Formed and headed Cy Roth Productions. later formed and was pres., ROSMARIN, CHARLES: Manager. b. London, England, Saturn Films, Inc. Films include: s. p., Flight to Outer Jan. 27, 1911. Insurance agent; district mgr. Columbia Pic- Space, Caballero Jones, Spanish Territory, TOP Secret. tures 1931; mgr. Venezuela Mice 1944; mgr. Monogram Pic- Solar Rescue, Crawling Hand, Stone Dragon. Battle at tures, Argentina 1946; mgr. RHO Radio Pictures, Argen- Silver Pass, Passport to Freedom, Danger at Ghost Town; tina, 1949; gen. ales mgr. Europe -Near East hdgtrn. dir. Combat Squad; prod. dir., s. p., Air Strike. Fire Paris 1953; gen. mgr. Europe, Near East, 1958; gen. mgr.. Maidens of Outer Space. TV shows: prod., dir., writer, Metrogoldwyn Mayer, Italy, 1961. Adventures of Rainbow Riley; writer, Central Allied Intel- ligence, Tokyo Police, Attack Squadron, The Twisted Black ROSS. BEATRICE: Advertising director, Republic Pic- Outlaw Queen; tures. b. New York Cross; dir., Rheingold Theatre, Prem. City; e. Columbia U. Formerly handled Mr., s. p., Attack Squadron, Nuremberg, Growing Wild; sales promotion and house org.; then exhibitor and trade Heads C. R. List. Paper relations; appointed exploitation manager in Decem- prod., dir., Horrors of the Black Forest. ber. 1945; dir. of adv, and pub., 1956. Company now Ltd. active mostly in television. ROTH, GEORGE: Executive. b. New York City, N. Y.. ROSS. DUNCAN: Writer, Producer. e. Arbroath (Scot- 1916. Entered m. D. ind., 1934 in contract dept., Reliance Pictures, Inc.; eastern raer., 1936. Later, asst. to Harry a1. land). Journalist; Publicist; Joined BBC TV service, 1047. and Gregory as author, prod. of documentary programa & plays; series Goetz in Max Gordon Plays & Pictures Inc. include: Course of Justice. Nicholas Tophet, Madeleine. ltatolr Productions, Inc.; sales mgr., v. p. Four Continents Loch Ness Monster, Secret People, The Naked Lady, Calling Films; gen. sales mgr. Fine Arts Films; pees., sales mgr.. RIFA Romeo, Part Time Heroes, No Daggers, Wave of v. p., sis. mgr., Trans -Lux Dist. Corp; pres., Atlantic Murder; senior scripwriter, BBC -TV. Pictures Corp. ROSS, FRANK: Producer -writer. b. Boston, Mass., Aug. ROTH, LEON: Executive. b. New York City. June 21, 12, 1904; e. Exeter and Princeton. President, Frank Ross 1919; e. City College of New York, B.S.S., 1941; in. Miriam Inc. In 1939, assistant producer, Of Mice and Men, UA. Wolf. On staff PM before joining United Artisat as writer, Roach. In 1941: Producer, The Devil and Miss Jones, RKO. 1943-44; Dress book ed. United Artiste, 1945-46; promotion Co-author of story and screenplay The More the Merrier. mgr., 1946-50; asst. pub. mgr., 1951; west coast pub. expo, Spec. Acad. Award (1945) for prod. The House I Live co-ordinator, 1953; v. D. Mirisch Company, 1958, Wes.. In, short subject on tolerance. Roth Kerahner Prods. Recent Pictures: The Lady Takes a Chance, Flame and the Arrow, The Lady Says No, The Robe Demetrius and the Mr. ROTH, LESTER WM.: Lawyer. b. New York City. Apr. Gladiators, Rain of Ranchipur, Kings Go Forth, Moses. 5, 1895; e. U. Southern Calif., LL.B., 1916. World War 1, ROSS, LANNY: M. C. Actor. b. Seattle, Washington, and Lt., U. S. Marine Corps. Private law practice, 1916-20; Jan. 19, 1906; e. Yale 1928. Columbia Law, Juilliard '33. Lissner, Roth & Gunter, 1921-31; Judge Superior Court, A.A.U. title 1927-28; qualified 1928 Olympics. Star of Calif., 1931-36; Justice pro tem., Dist. Court of Appeals, Showboat NBC 1932-37. Pictures: Melody in Spring, Col- Jan., 1935 -Oct. 1936; Mitchell Silberberg, Roth & KnupP, lege Rhythm 1936; Packard mardi gras, Hit Parade. 1937-42; Roth & Brennen, 1942-46; res. Col. post, 195.2; Franco American, Camel Caravan; U. S. Army, Major ret'd to law practice. Clubs: Ktllerest, Member; L. A. Bar 1943-46; Ivory Show. First musical show on TV Swift Assoc., State Bar of Calif. fast pros., Boat B'rith (L. A. ). Show 1947-49. Concert Tour of U.S. 1949-54. WCES Radio. The Lanny Ross Show 1954-61, Telephone Hour, 1963. BOTHA, PAUL: Producer and director. b. London, 1907. e. Loudon Univ., Slade School of Art. Entered film industry ROSS, LEONARD Q.: See Rosten, Leo C. in art department of British International in 1928. Visited Board ROSSELLINI, ROBERTO: Director. b. Rome, Italy, May America 1937-38 and advised General Education (Rockefeller Foundation) and Museum of Modern Art Film 3, 1906; e. Classical Soh.; div. Ingrid Bergman, actress. film technique. Began in m. p. 1nd. as writer, 1938; dir., 1941; pictures Library, N. Y., regarding documentary include: Ship, A Pilot Comes Back, Open City, Managing director Paul Rothe Productions, Ltd., London dir., White ex -china., 1953 vice-chmn., fellow, British Film Academy. Germany Year Zero, i.'aisan, The Miracle, Stromboli, Jester Now. Docu- of God, Greatest Love, Joan at the Stake, Strangers, Fear, Author film books; The Film Till Celluloid Rovere. mentary Film, Movie Parade, Television in the Making, Trip to Italy, General Bella Rothe on the Film, The Innocent Eye, The biography of ROSSEN, ROBERT: Writer dir., prod., b. NYC, March Robert J. Flaherty. Head of documentary BBC -TV, 1953-55. 16, 1908; e. N. Y. U. Playwright and stage dirt before be- Pictures (from 1932) include: Contact, Shipyard, Face of coming screen writer in 1939.
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