2,701,781 United States Patent Office Patented Feb. 8, 1955 2 pound in the presence of an excess of water and allow ing the two to combine. The chlorine dioxide can be 2,701,781 generated in situ or externally of the solution or suspen AQUEOUS CHLORINE DIOXIDE ANTISEPTIC sion of the boron compound, as will become more clear COMPOSITIONS AND PRODUCTIONTHEREOF from the discussion given below. Moises L. de Guevara, Mexico City, Mexico, assignor, by The following examples, in which all parts indicated are mesne assignments, of fifty-seven and one-half per cent by Weight, of actual operations in accordance with this to Charles Wan Buren, Washington, D. C., and forty invention, are given in order to provide an easy com two and one-half per cent to Pearlman, Baldridge, prehension of the type of materials and procedures with Lyons and Browning, Washington, D. C. which the invention is concerned. Example I No Drawing. Application December 30, 1949, An antiseptic composition is produced from the follow Serial No. 136,149 ing ingredients: 9 Claims. (C. 167-17) 15 Parts Sodium tetraborate---------------------------- 20 This invention relates to new antiseptic compositions Boric acid------------------------------------ 20 having great antiseptic strength. It is also concerned Sodium perborate----------------------------- 3 with methods for the production of these new products. Potassium chlorate---------------------------- 2 Innumerable materials have been tested and experi 20 Sulfuric acid---------------------------------- 1. mented with in order to uncover successful antiseptics Hydrochloric acid----------------------------- 1. for general application. Notwithstanding the large Para amino benzoic acid------------------------ .1 amount of investigation made in this field, a really Sat Pye ---------------------------------------- 0.1 isfactory, universal antiseptic has not been provided here Water in an amount to make 1000 parts. tofore. One of the most common and widely used anti 25 The sodium tetraborate and boric acid are first dis septics is tincture of iodine, but this possesses the Well solved in the water and then the hydrochloric acid is known defect of being very irritating to the body tissues added. When a homogeneous solution is obtained, po to which it is applied, causing considerable discomfort at tassium chlorate is fully dissolved therein, the perborate the time of application and quite often subsequent thereto. is added and dissolved, and the sulfuric acid is then added. Numerous other materials, such as organic mercury 30 Finally, the amino benzoic acid and dye are incorporated compounds, quaternary ammonium salts and the like, in the solution. have been suggested and used as antiseptics in an effort A clear product is obtained which can be stored for an to obtain products which have high antiseptic strength, indefinite period without any apparent change in com but low irritating characteristics. These latter develop position or appearance. Inents in this field offer improvements of the more his 35 When tested for phenol coefficiency by standard clini toric tincture of iodine, but it is rather generally recog cal methods, using E. typhosa and Staph. aureus as the nized that known antiseptics of high potency are inclined test organisms, the phenol coefficiency of the product is to be relatively highly irritating. - A principal object of this invention is the provision of found to be approximately three times as strong as a new antiseptic compositions which have high antiseptic 40 3% tincture of iodine. The irritative tendency of the qualities. product is found to be completely negative when tested Further objects include: by the standard “eye' and "under the tongue' tests upon (1) The provision of antiseptic compositions having a ‘clinical animals. phenol coefficient at least three times as great as a 3% Example I iodine tincture. An antiseptic composition is prepared from a combina (2) The provision of new antiseptics which have a tion of sodium perborate and chlorine dioxide. To ac water base, thus eliminating need for presence of alcohol complish this, 8 parts of sodium perborate are suspended and the attendant irritating qualities thereof. in 100 parts of water at 20° C. Chlorine dioxide is then (3) The provision of new compositions having such slowly bubbled into the suspension until a clear, faintly high antiseptic properties that they may be used as gen yellow colored solution is obtained. eral disinfectants and preservatives. The composition is found to possess strong oxidizing (4) The provision of such compositions which have de and antiseptic properties, Chlorine dioxide is apparently sirable properties. held in the form of a labile complex with the boron (5) The provision of antiseptic compositions contain compound, because the solution does not undergo the ing chlorine dioxide in the form of a labile complex in 5 , rapid decomposition of chlorine dioxide in water. On an aqueous solution, whereby chlorine dioxide become the other hand, the chlorine dioxide is held in a readily available for use as an active antiseptic material when releasable state, as evidenced by the fact that the charac the aqueous solution, containing the complex, is contacted teristic analytical tests for the compound readily establish with body tissues. the presence of large quantities of the compound in the (6) The provision of a new method for stabilizing solution. chlorine dioxide in water solution against rapid decompo Example III sition so that the solution may be stored for relatively long periods of time, and chlorine dioxide can be drawn An antiseptic composition is produced from the follow therefrom when brought into contact with substances with ing ingredients by the procedure described in Example I. which it will react. Still further objects and the entire scope of applicability Parts of the present invention will become apparent from the Sodium tetraborate---------------------------- 15 detailed description given hereinafter; it should be un Boric acid------------------------------------ 15 derstood, however, that the detailed description and spe Potassium chlorate---------------------------- 1. cific examples, while indicating preferred embodiments Sulfuric acid---------------------------------- 0.1 of the invention, are given by way of illustration only, Sodium perborate------------------------------ 3 since various changes and modifications within the spirit Hydrochloric acid----------------------------- 1. and scope of the invention will become.apparent to those Water to make 1000 parts. skilled in the art from this detailed description. These objects are accomplished in accordance with the A product is obtained similar in appearance and char present invention by forming an antiseptic composition 75 acteristics of the antiseptic of Example I, although the from an aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide and an in phenol coefficient is slightly less than that of the former. organic boron compound with the boron compound and Example IV chlorine dioxide being present in the solution as a labile complex. Basically, this is accomplished by bringing 80 An antiseptic composition is produced from the follow chlorine dioxide in contact with an inorganic boron com ing ingredients: - 2,701,781 3. A. Parts It will be recognized that modifications of these anti Sodium tetraborate------------------------------ 30 septics can be made as necessary to meet the requirements Boric acid------------------------------------ 30 of particular cases of application and other circumstances. Potassium chlorate----------------------------- O Thus, where desired, it is possible to include such known Sulfuric acid---------------------------------- 7 medicants as alcohol or other materials in the antiseptics, Sodium perborate------------------------------ 10. or to mix these new compositions with other compatible Hydrochloric acid------------------------------ 8 antiseptics, if this is felt desirable or required under given Para amino benzoic acid------------------------ 4. circumstances, Water to make 1000 parts. I claim: 10 1. As a new antiseptic composition, an aqueous solu A clear solution, similar to that obtained in Example tion comprising chlorine dioxide and sodium perborate. I, as obtained. 2. As a new antiseptic composition, an aqueous solu Example Y tion comprising chlorine dioxide, sodium perborate and boric acid. An antiseptic is prepared by mixing 5 parts of urea with 15 3. As a new antiseptic composition, an aqueous solu 1000 parts of the antiseptic composition, as prepared in tion comprising chlorine dioxide, sodium perborate, boric Example I. - acid and sodium tetraborate. As has been explained above, chlorine dioxide, fixed in 4. A new stable chlorine dioxide" aqueous solution a stable condition, is an essential ingredient of these new formed of the following ingredients in the quantity indi antiseptic products. The chlorine dioxide may be intro cated as parts by weight: duced into the compositions either by generation in situ Parts or generation externally of the ingredient mixture and Sodium tetraborate------------------------ 15 to 30 introduced therein, as by bubbling into the aqueous solu Potassium chlorate------------------------ 1 to 10 tion. Various methods may be employed for the exter Boric acid------------------------------ - - - - 15 to 30 mal production of the chlorine dioxide, such as reaction Sodium perborate------ru run on a s. m. - - - - - - - - 3 to 10 of sulfuric acid upon potassium chlorate or the reaction Mineral
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