~ /g7 I The Illustrated Press I r VOLUME 18 ISSUE 4 APRIL,1992 I I~alser * I~ralzer Authorized Service FRANCIS EDWARD BORK THE OLD TIME II.J\DIO CLU8 EST. 1975 PAGE TWO ILLUSTRATED PRES APRIL. 1992 ILLUSTRATE~ PRESS Affiliated With CLUB OFFICERS: A HORSE IS A HORSE (OF COURSE, The Old Time Radio President-- Jerry Collins OF COURSE) I Network 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 Column If 1 is a famous horse. column i! 2 (716) 683-6199 is the famous rider of t hc horse i,lreoJllmn Vice-President &Canadian Branch fI J. SeC' how many you know. Sinc~ some' FRAI Richard Simpson of t he be ros is column" 2 used marl' tlmn m wi}) f.ind J[" nec£>ss~?rv I/_C~' The Mo- /6 Rd. R.R. J } horse, You t o THE OLD TIME RADIO CLUB Fenwick, Ontario sorne of tl~e names in co l umn /12 mor~ than cone LOS ICO once. that MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Itw Treasurer & Video & Records NICK New member processing--$5.00 plus club Dominic Parisi COT.llMN II I byW membership of $17.50 per year from 38 Ardmore PI. Spec Buffalo, NY. 14213 01 • BlTCK5HOT this Jan 1 to Dec 31. Members receive a tape (716) 884-2004 02. LOCO libr listing, library listing, monthly news Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters 03. are 04. liII ITEFEJ.LER letter, the Illustrated Press, the yearly Linda DeCecco 32 Shenandoah Rd. 05. SCOUT :~emories Publications and various special Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 Or.. V1CTOR (716) 822-4661 07. SILVER items. Additional family members living 08. Reference Library in the same household as a regular 09. IlUTT~RMILK Ed Wanat 10. DIAllLO 1933 member may join the club for $5.00 per 393 George Urban Blvd. 11. REX 12 P Cheektowa~a, N.Y. 14225 year. These members have all the 12. TONY Membership Renewals, Change of Address, 13. TIUGGER 1934 privileges of the regular members b~t do Mailing of Publications 14. TOPPER I Spa not receive the publications. A junior Pete Bellanca 15. .JOKEH 1620 Ferry Rd. 16. [lUSTY 1934 membership is available to persons 12 yrs Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 17. AMIGO 12 p of age & younger who do no live with a (716) 773-2485 1935 regular member. This membership is $13.00 Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network COLUMN 12 p per year and includes all the benefits of Related Items Richard Olday A. IJALE EVANS J936 regular membership. Regular membership 100 Harvey Dr. B. CISCO KIIJ are as follows: If you join in Jan- Mar Lancaster, NY. 14086 C. SCT PRESTON (7162 684-1604 D. Tmt MIX $17.50-- Apr- Jun $14.00-- July-Sept $10­ E. 1101' IWGERS 193~ TAPE LIBRARIES: Oct- Dec $7.00. All renewals should be F. !I0PALONG CASS I OY 13 P G. HNC,T.ES .JONES sent in as soon as possible to avoid Cassettes: Jim Aprile 11. STHAIGHT ARROl, [93! 85 Hyledge Dr. missing issues. Please be sure to notify 1. WILD BILL llICKHOCK 12 p Amherst, N.Y. 14226 J. PANCllItI us if you change your address. (716) 837-7747 K. PALLADIN 193J Reel to REELS 1-850 L. TONTO 15 ~ OVERSEAS MEMBERSHIPS are now available. M. DAN REID Marty Braun N MATT DILLON Annual memberships are $29.75. 1931 10905 Howe Rd. o LONE RANGER l Spa Publications will be airmailed. Clarence, N.Y. 14031 (7162 759-8793 1931 The Old Time Radio Club meets the first "a'l Reel to REELS 851 & UP of every month on Monday evening from 15 I Tom Harris August to June at 393 George Urban Blvd. 9565 Weherle Dr. 1931 Clarence, N.Y. 14031 Cheecktowaga, N.Y. 14225. Anyone A1.10AfJRiinble 15 I (716) 759- 8401 interested in the Golden Age of Radio is 193! ******~**************************'*'***** 'welcome. Meeting start at 7;30 P.M• 15 I • IE. IEIEIeM. II IEK If Jf.. JE •• )1. JE •••******************* TAPE LIBRARY RATES: All reels and video 193' CLUB ADDRESS: cassettes-- $1.85 per month; cassettes 1) I Old Time Radio Club and records-- $.85 per month. Rates ~lIK,\t.lJ: 11IUEit {'~I P.O. Box 426 include postage and handling. rh;I\.II'r"'l \ Ill!' i'! 193' Illl'\'\,,·I,\-I,,\·"IlIt· 12 I Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 I',,\\h"\ "lal". \,,111 CANADIAN BRANCH: Rental rates are the ~\l\. 1.f,.I" ,. ,,·,,1" same as above, but in Canadian funds. lilt: likHS 1I1lk.,n !!,,;;~,.~ \ \. 193' DEADLINE FOR THE I.P.-l (I II h.II'''·!'1 I"III ",II!'111i' ·H.I"·" 15 I Ot '1,1; h,',"\· 11,,\',111 H\I>! each month- prior to P'bJi h OE \l"l1\\lll'IUlhk' C"tior} ,ill:llII' 1.;\11,11' l"l' t";­ STRATED RESS APRIL, 1992 PRESS PAGE THREE CLUB OFFICERS: th A IIORSE IS A IIORSE (OF COURSE, Radio President-- Jerry Collins JUST THE FACTS MA'AM 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 140B6 hy (716) 6B3-6199 Vice-President &Canadian Branch FRANK C. BONCORF. Richard Simpson 960- 16 Rd. R.R. 3 The following is a 1 rs r of s c r Ia l s which contain s evet-a I OTR rha r ac t or-s rmd show<~ Fenwick f Ontario LOS 1CO tflat were m~de into (:liffllanger Serials. I t was taken from a hook entitled IN Till: Treasurer & Video &Records NICK Of TIME HOnON PICTURE SOUND SERIAloS lub Dominic Parisi COLUMN {I I [;yWfITim;;-c. Cline -(HcFarland Pre;S-191'-;'). 38 Ardmore Pi. Special thanks to the Judge for giving mc Buffalo, NY. 14213 01 • BUCRS1l0T this book. It mnde <J super addition to my tape (716) 884-2004 02. LOCO library. Titles marked with an aa t e r Ls k (") ews Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters 03. are available from Co\lBOY DON ASTON of Linda DeCecco 04. IV/! ITF-FELLER rearly 32 Shenandoah Rd. 05. SCOUT AVPRO Pecial Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 os. vrCTOR P.O. BOX 1392 (716) 822-4661 07. SLLVIIR LAKE ELlSINORE, CA. 92531-1392 lYing DB. PHONE 1/ (714) 244-52/.2 Reference Library 09. BUTTI\RMILK Ed Wanat 10. InABLa 1933 TARZAN the FEARLESS (PRINCIPAL) per 393 George Urban Blvd. 11. REX 12 partsstarring BUSTER CRABBE Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225 12. TONY Membership Renewals, Change of Address, 13. rinGeER 1934 rtn: RED RYDER (flNTVERSAI.) ~t do Mailing of Publications 14. TOPI'EI( 15part;-s-lnrringBuck .lonee mior Pete Bel Lanca 15. .JOKER L6. DUSTY 12 yrs 1620 Ferry Rd. Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 17. AMIGO l a (716) 773-2485 I $13.00 Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network COLUMN Lts of Related Items Richard Olday A. DALE EVANS 1936 THE ADVENTURES OF FRANK MliRRIWELL lhip 100 Harvey Dr, B. CISCO KID Ttl;;iversa-\-j-- - ------­ '!1ar Lancaster, NY. 14086 C. SGT PRESTON 12 parts slarring Don Briggs (716) 684-1604 D. TU'f MIX $10­ E. ROY ROGERS L936 FLASII GORDQN (UNlVERSAL) TAPE LIBRARIES: p~rts lhe F. 1I0PAT~ONG CASSIDY 13 starring Buster Crilbbe G. .JINGl.ES ,LONES i Cassettes: Jim Aprile II. STRMGHT ARROII 1936 JUNGLE JIH (UN LVERSAL) 85 Hyledge Dr. 1. WILD BILL HICKHOCK 12 parts st'arring Grant Hithers Amherst, N.Y. 14226 J. P/lNCIl/~ (716) 837-7747 K. PALLADIN 1937 DICK TRACY* (REPUBLIC) Reel to REELS 1-850 L. TONTO 15 pa~starring Ralph Byrd ~le. M. DAN REID Marty Braun N MATT DILLON 1938 THE LONE RANGER 10905 Howe Rd. o LONE RANGER ]5par~starring l~ee Powell Clarence, N. Y. 14031 (716) 759-8793 \938 TilE GREAT ADVENTURES OF WILD BILL lrst Reel to REELS 851 & UP HlCKIlOCK (Columbia) 15 parts s t a r r Lng Hild Bill Elliott !II Tom Harris ~Vd. 9565 Weher1e Dr. 1938 DICK TRACY RETURNS* (Republic) Clarence, N.Y. 14031 IS parts starring Ralph Byrd (716) 759- 8401 1939 BUCK ROGERS (UNIVERSAL) ********************'******************** 15 parts starring Buster Crabbe t: TAPE LIBRARY RATES: All reels and video r939 TilE WNE RMJGEH RIDES AGAIN (REI'IIHue) cassettes-- $1.85 per month; cassettes 15 pa--rt'S"-starring Robert Ltvj naatonc and records-- $.85 per month. Rates MIKM:1XUJl)t:lt include postage and handling. {I;,l·h;lll\l..r.. ~ 111\1'\.1 1939 HANIJRAKE TilE NAGICIAN (COLUHollA) Ihr \\'lIhl .. \.11" , \1,' 12 po"rt. stoning WARR-lfNIIULI, r"llhll\",I1,I"\1\ CANADIAN BRANCH: Rental rates are the ~'l\ 1,L1I',' ·1to\,I' same as above, but in Canadian funds. lin: liRU.~ II11R'\U Ii.,)."" \b . I 1939 DICK TRACY'S G-fIEN *( REPUIlLLC) 1111 h.,·,..r"II'll!I ,,\"'\\\l"\\.''''11 15 parts starring Rolph Byrd :(',1""",10_ I!:I; Iw.,'\· \1\;\1.\1\lillo,' I">lll 1\'" 1\I\hl", \-i\\;lHl' J,.UHil . b I'll. (11'1' I APRIL, 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE FOUR ILLUSTRATED PRESS APRIL, 1992 FOR THE RECORD!!!!! 1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! t ! ! ! ! ! ! 1! ! ! ! ! rns DEALERS CORNER (cant) JUST TilE FACTS MA'ft)! (cont) The Cl.IFFHANGERS marked with an asterisk ,', are available from "covsov" DON "STaN n r lust to cl en r things un! That's $29.95 + $2.00 shipping for .!l~il one. \Hth <1f)0Jlfgies 1939 THE GREEN 1I0RNET.(UNIVERSAL) AVPRO going out to Yuppies 1 ikC" Good Ole ~im 13 parts starring GORDEN JAMES & KEYE LUKE P. o. BOX 1392 Snyder, there is NO FAX at Cowboy Don Aston's LAKE ELlSINORE, CA, 92531-1392 Ranch , so you' 11 };st have to write or 1940 THE SIlt\IJ~~l~OI;l!...~ use Ha Bell! 15 parts starring Victor Jory PIIONE (714) 244-5242 :J AVPRO also has the foJ lowing RADIO shows 1940 FLASH r~RDEN CONQUERS THE UNIVERSE· NOTE: This is a NEW ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER available on CASSETTE or REEL TO REEL r.
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