DIRECTORY. 461 MUGGLESWICK. [DURHAM.j • • the churcll, and commanding extensive sea views; it is the Iof the above reverend g-entleman; the style is Gothic. On property of F. A. Milbanke, Esq., and at present occupied the right of the altar is the small handsome chapel of the by Thomas Moon, Esq. I Virgin Mary and Child; over the altar is a painting of the CASTLE EDEN COLLIERY is a hamlet and village in Crncifixion, and on each side are (in fresco) the Nativity, this township, cunsisting of several rows of workmen's cot- Agony in the Garden, and the Resurrection. F. A. Millbank, tages, occupied by the colliers engaged in the extensive Esq., is lord of the manor, and the principal landowners are Castle Eden Colliery, situated in the adjoining township. Lord Howden, Rowland Burdon, Esq., and the Rev. Thos. In this village is a station of the Sunderland and Hartlepool Augustine Slater, with many smaller proprietors. The railway, 6 miles from the latter town, and 11~ from Ferry- acreage is about 1,987 and, the population, in 1851, was hill. Here are chapels for Wesleyans and Primitive Metho- 1,067. dists, and a g'ood National school; the area of the township ROAD RInGE is a villag·e. is 2,456 acres, and the population, in 1851, was 1,495. 'l'he SHERATON and HULAM are two small townships in the landowners are F. A. IHilbanke, Esq., the representatives of parish of Monk Hesledell; the former is 2~ miles and the the late 1\1:rs. Burdon, R. Burdon, Esq., Lady Sharp, and latter I mile south from Castle Eden. Their joint acreage the executors of the late A. Wilkinson, Esq. is 2,256 acres, and united population, in 1851, was 147, only HARDWICK is a hamlet in this parish. 19 of which belong to Hulam, which consists of but one HUTTON HENRY, an agricultural village, with the farm. The trustees of the late Anthony Wilkinson are the hamlet of ROAD RIDGE, forms a township in the parish of proprietors. Monk Hesleden is the nearest place for Divine Monk Hesleden. The village is pleasantly situated on an worship. Letters are delivered from Castle Eden, which is eminence about 2 miles south from Castle Eden, and the the nearest money order office. Hulam is 1 mile south-east same distance westward of Monk Hesleden, commanding an from the village. extensive view of the surrounding country and the German FULWELL is a small village and township in the parish of ocean. There are many extensivefarms in the neighbourhood; Monkwearmouth, 1~ miles north from Sunderland, situated the soil is good, and the crops of the usual kind. Divine on the high road to Newcastle. The population, ill 1851, service is performed on Sunday afternoon in a cottage, which was 169, and the acreage 807.· It is held by lease under the is licensed as a chapel-of:'ease to Monk Hesleden, the Rev. see of Durham. Extensive limestone quarries and kilns in John Harrison Usher, curate. The Roman Catholic church, this township are worked by Sir Hedworth Williamson. The dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is situated near to and soil is sandy and loamy; subsoil gravelly and clayey, on a adjoining" Hutton House, the residence of the Very Rev. bed of magnesian limestone. The chief crops are wheat, Thomas Augustine Slater, Roman Catholic Canon. The oats, tUl'llips, potatoes, &c. Letters through the Sunderland edifice is small, and was erected in 1825, at the sole expense post office. Monk Hesleden. Hays J ohn,shopkeeper& butcher,Castle Oliver J ames,grocer,Cast1.Eden colliery Geddes Mr. John, Eastfield house Eden colliery . Reay John, shoemaker Hayes Rev. William, M.A. Vicarage Hilton Peter, grocer & draper, Castle Routledge William, shoemaker, Castle Moon Thomas, esq. Hardwick hall Eden colliery Eden colliery COMMERCIAL. Johnson Matthias, farmer, Church farm Scott Henry, farmer, Blackhalls Addison Thomas, Ship, & blacksmith Lawson Jolm,tailor,CastleEden colliery Snowden Thomas, carrier, Castle Eden Bm'ton Wallace, miller Lough James, shopkeeper, Castle Eden colliery . Corner Alexander, shoemaker colliery Stansfield 'Villiam,clerk at railway sta- Corner Wm. joiner & assistant overseer Mllrshall William, farmer, Blackhalls tion, Castle Eden colliery Harding Richard & Thomas, farmers, Miller William, beer retailer, Blackhalls Taylor Thomas, farmer, Mickle hill Fillpoke Moon Thomas, farmer, Hardwick hall Taylor William, farmer, Hesledon hall Harrison Anthony, shoemaker Oliver George, land agent to Castle Thornton John, farmer Harrison Robert,grocer &draper,Castle Eden colliery company Turnbull Samuel, farmer, Blackhalls Eden colliery OliverJohn, Castle Eden Colliery inn, Watson Thomas, Sunderland B'J'idge rnnes Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Blue house Castle Eden colliery inn, Castle Eden colliery POST OFFICE, Castle Eden Colliery.-James Oliver, Railway Station, William Stansfield, clerk receiver. Letters fi'om Ferryhill arrive at .~ past 7 a.m. & CARRIERS TO:- are dispatched at 10 min. past 6 p.m. Castle Eden station DURHAM-Thomas Snowden, every saturday, returning is the nearest money order office same day National School, Castle Eden Colliery, William Gilhespy, SUNDERLAND-Thomai Snowden, every thursday, return- master; Mrs. Margaret Gilhespy, mistress ing same day HU1;ton Henry. Moore GeOl'ge, farmer Elstob Robert, butcher PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Peacock Matthew, grocer & butcher, Firby Edmond, blacksmith Murray Mr. James Road ridge Gilhesby Luke, shoemaker Robinson Mr. Robert Postgate Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging ho Hall Thomas, Matthew &John, farmers, Slater Very Rev. Thomas Augustine, Reed John, farmer, West moor Sheraton hill Hutton Henry house Robson Jonathan, blacksmith Just Thomas, market gardener Smith Mr. J onathan Sedgwick lsaac, tailor Miller Robert, Ship inn Usher Rev. John Harrison [curate of Short William, farmer, Hart bushes Potts Thomas, farmer, Sheraton grange Monk Hesleden] Stephenson Benjamin, farmer, Fleet shot Scotson Geo. farmer, Sheraton grange COMMERCIAL. Stokell Matthew, farmer, Lamb's close Sharp Elizabeth (Mrs.), Old Ship inn Arrowsmith John, Colliery inn, Road Storey Arthur, Plough Thubron Robert, joiner & cartwright ridge Storey Robert, farmer, Herdman's close Welsh William, farmer Berkin John, brick & tile maker, Road Stratford Anthony, farmer, Red barns ridge Summers Matthew, corn miller Hulam. Brown James, farmer, Blakeley Taylor John, schoolmaster, Road ridge Emmerson Francis, farmer Brown Thomas, farmer, Blakeley hill Thompson Robert, farmer Bulman Stephen, mason Thubron GeOl'ge, Raby A rms inn, & Pulwell. Christopher Wm. Halfmoon, & mason tailor PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Colling Robert, grocer & draper Thubron John, farmer, Blue house Thompson Mr. Robert, Fulwell west ho Cummings Thomas, mason Thubron William, cartwright, joiner & Tully Mr. John, Eden place Curry David, station clerk, Road ridge farmer Tully Mr. John, ,iun. Eden plae Dixon Simon, Board, Road ridge Walton Margaret {Mrs.). farmer, Road Wood Mr. Ralph Dunlop Robt. beer retailer, Road ridge ridge moor COMMERCIAL. Ellison Charles, farmer Watson Geo. farmer, Woodlands close Abbs Jeremiah, farmer Eyre Edward, corn miller Wilson Robert, farmer, Road ridge Bell Elizabeth (Mrs.), Fulwell inn Fowler Marshall, colliery owner, Road Letters received from Castle Eden, Coulson David, miller ridge which is the nearest money order office Hall Hindmarch, farmer, White house Harling .John, lodging house Sheraton. Hetherington Wm. shipowner, Edenpl Magee Edward, travelling draper, Road Brown Mr. John Kirkbride Andrew, shipowner, Eden pI ridge COMMERCIAL. Thompson Margaret (Mrs.), farmer, Magee Edward, jun. grocer & draper Brown Robert, farmer, & at Wangdon Fulwell house lVIiddleton Diana (Mrs.), beer retailer, Dryden Simon, farmer,Sheraton grange Tully John, sen. shipowner, Eden place Road ridge Elstob Catharine (Mrs.), grocer Wood Ralph, jun. farmer MUGGLES'WJ:CX is a parish in the Chester ward, Ithe Derwent, on the west by Edmondbyers, on the south by northern division of the county, bounded on the north by Wolsingham, and on the east by Lanchester. This place was.
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