Supplement to NOTORNIS Journal of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand Volume 19 - 1972 CLASSIFIED SUMMARISED NOTES 1963 - 1970 Classified Summarised Notes were published annually in Notornis from 1940 till 1962. In 1963 it was decided to cease publication of notes in this form, and the Recording Scheme was started to provide a central registry of unpublished ornithological information, recorded on species files which are available to members on request. In 1970 Council decided to resume publication of classified notes; the following pages contain a brief summary of selected material sent for recording between 1963 and 1970, with a list of contributors; in the text, these are identified by initials. For the future it is intended to publish in December each year a summary of notes recorded up to the previous June. The species and other files of the Recording Scheme will be maintained as hitherto, for the benefit of members who wish to consult the much fuller information contained therein. - A. T. EDGAR, Recorder Printed by Te Rau Press Ltd., Gisborne LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS R. T. Adams, J. H. Allen, I. G. Andrew, J. F. Anton, J. Aspinall, G. G. Atkinson, N. V. A. Banks, Mrs M. L. Barlow, S. Barrett, Mrs M. J. Barron, D. A. Bathgate, A. F. Barwell, B. D. Bell, J. F. Bell, A. E. Beveridge, M. J. S. Black, A. Blackburn, R. H. Blanshard, D. F. Booth, N. Bowyer, F. H. Boyce, Mrs B. Brown, T. A. Brown, C. Buckeridge, D. E. Calvert, T. R. Calvert, R. B. Cavanagh, C. N. Challies, S. Chambers, G. Chance, P. Child, C. D. Clunie, G. S. Cook, R. S. Cowan, J. A. Cowie, E. W. Crack, A. Cragg, D. Crockett, R. Cunninghame, M. P. Daniel, Miss M. M. Davis, V. Davis, D. G. Dawson, E. W. Dawson, E. Dear, A. B. Deeming, C. W. Devon- shire, P. Dorizac, M. Douglas, A. T. Edgar, J. R. Eyles, R. A. Falla, A. Fielding, H. A. Findlay, F. Finer, C. A. Fleming, W. R. Forsyth, Miss A. J. Goodwin, P. Grant, D. Greanay, P. M. Gross, D. W. Hadden, Mrs J. Hamel, Mrs J. M. Hamilton, B. D. Hankins, P. C. Harper, A. R. Harris, T. Harty, B. D. Heather, N. R. Hellyer, L. E. Henderson, Mrs 0. Hewitt, H. W. M. Hogg, P. J. Howard, Mrs M. Hows, F. P. Hudson, J. R. Jackson, R. W. Jackson, J. Jenkins, D. Jenner, E. B. Jones, B. R. Keeley, M. Keillor, J. L. Kendrick, S. R. Kennington, F. C. Kinsky, E. Langbein, R. Lawrence, D. A. Lawrie, S. L. Lobb, H. D. London, J. Lownsborough, H. Lyall, C. A. McCall, M. G. Macdonald, R. W. Macdonald, A. McDonald, Miss M. McIntyre, I. McKellar, N. B. Mackenzie, D. McKenzie, H. R. McKenzie, I. G. McLaren, Mrs R. V. McLintock, D. G. McMillan, I. McVinnie, J. S. Martin, I. A. Mathieson, D. G. Medway, D. V. Merton, R. H. Michie, Mrs C. R. Moffatt, F. Moresby, P. Muller, A. B. Munden, A. M. Munro, Miss M. M. Neill, R. J. Nilsson, A. Nuttall, D. J. Panckhurst, W. T. Parham, R. St Paul, C. Paulin, J. Penniket, R. J. Pierce, W. T. Poppelwell, R. C. Pullen, J. P. Read, Mrs S. Reed, Mrs K. Reynolds, P. Rider, C. J. Robertson, M. Ross, Miss V. Rucroft, A. J. Russell, A. A. Savell, H. L. Secker, J. H. Seddon, E. Sheat, R. B. Sibson, R. Slack, T. Hartley-Smith, Mrs 0. A. B. Smith, T. M. Smith, Mrs F. Soper, M. F. Soper, S. C. Sparrow, J. Murray Spiers, S. R. Strongman, R. R. Sutton, Mrs M. L. Templer, Miss K. Todd, R. H. Traill, G. A. Tunnicliffe, E. G. Turbott, B. C. Vincent, Mrs L,. Wagener, Mrs L. E. Walker, M. Waller, D. Walter, R. W. Washbourn, Mrs H. Waters, K. Westerskov, R. M. Weston, R. A. Wiblin, M. J. Williams, A. Wright, D. V. Zumbach. (E. & 0.E.) NORTH ISLAND KIWI (Apteryx australis mantelli) A common bird in every bush area I have been in, in the northern half of North Island; particularly plentiful in Northland, Coromandel, Uruwera and Taranaki-King Country areas (R.T.A., 1963). Present in and around forests throughout Northland from Awanui south; persists in scrubland and small areas of residual bush in Bay of Islands, where during dry spells kiwi visit gardens and irrigated orchards, also farmland, within a mile or more of the nearest bush. April 1968, a bird found inside a shed behind a house in Kerikeri township, caught and put in a wire enclosure but escaped during the night (A.T.E.). Waipoua, 1963, occasionally heard calling on the edge of exotic forest (R.L.). Aranga, May 1969, a very large kiwi found on farm, greyish with brown flecks on feather tips; caged at farmhouse with intention to show to schoolchildren the following day but escaped overnight by digging its way out under the cage (C.D.C.). Spring 1970, one probing for worms in a garden at Anzac Avenue, Whangarei; some bush recently felled in the area. Maunu, too much visiting caused kiwis to desert a nest. Waikiekie, a nest on a farm has been used for four successive years, each year a clutch of two eggs (K.R.). Bay of Islands, 16/9/70, adult in nest hole on a steep slope in forest near a mainroad; 22/9/70, the nest hole contained an adult, a chick and an egg; 29/9/70, adult on egg, chick had gone; 6/10/70, adult with newly hatched chick (K.R., D.E.C., A.T.E.). 1969, G. B. Rawlings examined stomach contents of a kiwi killed by a dog and found remains of moths (scales), ground beetles and 40 cicada numphs (A.T.E.). Birds released on Ponui Island, 1964 (D.V.M.). Kawau Island, Mr Grey saw six together several years ago (A.J.G., 1962). Firth of Thames, January 1966, calls heard from Thames hospital; dogs have caught several in the last year or two (M.P.D.). Tapapakenga, east side of Moumoukai bush, one seen on bush track by bushman, 1966 (H.R.McK.). April 1964, one found by a dog in a hedge on a farm 5 miles from Hamilton P.O., far from bush (N.Z. Herald). A young bird dead near Te Kuiti, 1958 (T.A.B.) . Coromandel, Papa Aroha, 1961/62, calls heard late afternoon; one dead on track, small hole in throat may indicate attack by stoat. Te Rerenga, 13/9/62, nest, two eggs, bird sitting (C.A.McC.); 1966, one sheltering in old nest hole (A.McD.). Bay of Plenty. not uncommon in bush on the ranges, may be increasing over the 15 years prior to 1964 (N.B.) . Awakeri, Ruatoki, occasional (R.M.W.). 1962, 9 miles north of Waihi, in bush, fresh burrow, clear imprint of kiwi foot in loose soil (T.A.B.). Scattered throughout Raukumara and Huiarau ranges, reported abundant in some localities, Motu bush (A.B.) . Waikaremoana, 12 /10/60, young bird dead, wound at base of neck, ?stoat (A.T.E.); said to be quite common in area, April 1966 (D.G.M.). Present around Rotorua, heard about Lake Okareka, a number at Kaharoa (H.L.); damp bush gullies at Waione, south of Lake Rotoiti; reports of birds cauqht in possum traps in widely scattered localities in Rotorua Lakes district (F.M.). Not noted in Ruahines, no sign in Tukituki, Pohengina or Makaretu (C.N.C.); none seen or heard in Upper Ngaruroro for many years (D.E.B.) ; present in upper Tutaekuri catchment and off Napier-Taupo road at Te Pohue (N.B.M.). 4 Whareorino, north of Awakino; heard calls at Moeatoa; Mokau river, a mile upstream from New Plymouth highway bridge, several heard calling in bush adjoining river flat, April 1963 (J.L.K.) . Numerous in East Taranaki bush; August 1962, plentiful at Tahora (M.G.M.). Moeroa, in forested valleys and second growth scrub (D.C.). Whangamomona, 1956, nest with two eggs on north side of hill facing Tangarakau river, deserted after birds had been disturbed by dogs; April 1957, apparently plentiful in bush in this area. Upper end of Mt Egmont road, 1970. Hutiwai valley near Tongaparutu (D.G.M.). Plentiful in Mt Egmont Park (G.G.A.). Feathers and a burrow found on a farm 5 miles from New Plymouth P.O., but the bird did not nest (A.F.B.) . Wanganui area, fairly common (R.M.) . None south of Lat. 40, nor in Tararuas (E.D.) . STEWART ISLAND KIWI (A. australis lawryi) January 1956, common on Mason Bay flats, also met with at Duck Creek, Martin's Creek, Freshwater River and on slopes of Mt Rakeahua (D.C.). December 1969, heard in forest between Oban and Freshwater River (R.J.P.) . Abundant in its own territory; formerly found south of Paterson Inlet, now over most of Stewart Island and probably in very limited numbers even near Halfmoon Bay. Not wholly nocturnal; in August 1963 I was coming along a rough track I have cut to get to a remote bush area and saw a kiwi coming my way, probing and fossicking. As I stood quite still it brushed past my legs on the very narrow track, sniffed my pants and then, slightly disturbed, trotted quietly away. I quite often meet kiwis in daylight along this track, but I am usually alone (R.H.T.). LITTLE SPOTTED KIWI (A. oweni) One caught in a possum trap at Tauranga Bay, Westport, mid-May 1963; sent to Wellington zoo (B.D.B.) . M.
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