Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83992-1 - English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski Index More information Index Note: page numbers in bold denote detailed readings; those in italic denote topics of boxed insets. A Taste of Honey (1961) 627 Ancrene Wisse (Guide for Anchoresses) Abernethy, John 390 78–84 abolitionism 326 Anger, Jane, Her protection for women 174 Abrams, M. H. 372 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 13, 17–18, 26, Ackroyd, Peter 622, 642 35–6, 73 Adam of Murimuth 86 Anne, Queen 221–3, 294 Adams, James Eli, Dandies and Desert Annotation to the Book of Revelations from the Saints 485 Rheims–Douai Bible 142 Adams, John 297 Apollonius of Tyre 45–6 Addison, Joseph 244, 246, 260, 268, 270 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, The Ethics of essay in The Spectator, No. 69 272–4, 280 Identity 293 A. E. (George Russell) 559 Apuleius, The Golden Ass 257 ‘affective individualism’ 239 The Arabian Nights see Galland, Antoine Aikin, John 342 Arden, John 626 Akenside, Mark, The Pleasures of the Ariosto, Ludovico 166 Imagination 251, 260 Orlando Furioso 195 Albert, Prince 409, 419 Aristotle 144, 166, 174, 175–6 Alcuin of York 16, 50 On the Generation of Animals 174 Aldington, Richard 557 Nicomachaean Ethics 78 Death of a Hero 564 Arkwright, Richard 312 Aldini, Giovanni 319, 390 Arminius, Jacob/Arminianism 121 Alfred the Great 16–17, 18, 19 Armitage, Simon 632 Proverbs 36 Armstrong, Isobel 446, 450–1 translations from Latin 17 Arnold, Matthew 403, 450–1, 491–2 Ali, Monica, Brick Lane 641 Culture and Anarchy 451, 455 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 563 ‘Dover Beach’ 474 allegory 165 ‘The Function of Criticism at the alliterative verse 35 Present Time’ 430, 457 Altholz, Josef 471, 475 ‘To Marguerite – Continued’ 451 Altick, Richard 417, 424, 426, 432, Arnold, Thomas 503 433, 503 Arthur, Prince of Wales (brother of Amadis de Gaul 256 Henry VIII) 119 Amis, Kingsley 621 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of ‘Against Romanticism’ 621 Canterbury 33 Lucky Jim 633–4 Ascham, Roger 148 Amis, Martin 622, 625 Asquith, Herbert 540 London Fields 623, 629 Auchinleck manuscript 83 664 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83992-1 - English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski Index More information Index 665 Auden, W. H. 557, 558 Ballantyne, Robert, The Coral Island 479 (with Christopher Isherwood), The Dog Ballard, J. G. Beneath the Skin 559 Concrete Island 630 Auerbach, Nina 452 Crash 630 Augustine of Hippo, St 13, 156 Balzac, Honore´ de 465 Confessions 296 Bamford, Samuel 345 Soliloquies 17 Banks, Lynne Reid 637 Austen, Jane 347, 361–2, 364–5, 439, 632 Banks, Sir Joseph 318 Emma 347 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia 342–3, 358 Mansfield Park 347, 348, 354–5 Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 362, 366 Northanger Abbey 346, 347 ‘Washing-Day’ 362 Persuasion 347 Barbusse, Henri, Le Feu (Under Fire) 563 Pride and Prejudice 237, 347, 355 Barker, Pat 625, 628 Sense and Sensibility 347, 377–82 Union Street 636, 651–3, 652 Barnes, Barnabe, Parthenophil and Ælfric, Ealdorman 78 Parthenope 178 Ælfric Bata 69–70 Barnes, Julian 622, 625 Ælfric of Eynsham 69 England, England 629 Colloquy 25, 28 Flaubert’s Parrot 630 Grammar 37–8 Barnes, William, ‘Rustic Childhood’ 466–7 Homily on the Maccabees 18 Barnfield, Richard, The Affectionate Shepherd Lives of the Saints 52 178–9 Æthelbert, King of Kent 14–16 Barons’ Revolt (1264–7) 21 Æthelflad 59 Barrie, J. M. 558 Æthelræd II ‘the Unready’ 18, 74–5, Barry, James 316 77, 78 Barstow, Stan 622 Æthelstan the Ætheling 16, 57 The Battle of Brunanburgh 42 Æthelwold of Winchester, Regularis The Battle of Maldon 40, 42, 72–4 Concordia 47 manuscript 78–4 Beardsley, Aubrey 451, 453 Babbage, Charles 419 Beaufort see Somerset Bacon, Francis 146, 150, 152, 157, 160, Beaumont, Francis 158 185, 211, 263, 295, 470 The Knight of the Burning Pestle 152 Discourse touching the Happy Union 138 Becket, Thomas 20, 30 Essays 156; Beckett, Samuel 551, 629, 654, 655 ‘Of Counsel’ 135; Endgame 567 ‘On Followers and Friends’ 150; Waiting for Godot 629 ‘Of Nobility’ 172–3 Beckford, William 331 letter regarding publication of his Vathek 345 works 161 Becon, Thomas, The Book of Matrimony 175 letter to George Villiers 138 Beddoes, Thomas 358 speech in the House of Commons, 157 Bede, St (the Venerable) 13–14, 34, 42 Bagehot, Walter 429 Ecclesiastical History of the English People 17 The English Constitution 455 Beer, Gillian 475 Baillie, Joanna, Plays for the Passions 348 Beer, Samuel H., Britain Against Itself 610 Bakhtin, Mikhail 95, 255, 257, 258, 258 Behan, Brendan, The Hostage 627, 638 Baldwin, Stanley 540 Behn, Aphra 163, 231, 244, 259, 299 Baldwin, William, and George Ferrers, The Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave 185, 257–8, Mirror for Magistrates 166 275, 279, 281–5, 286, 287, 288–9, 291 Ball, John 23 The Rover, or, The Banished Cavaliers Letter to the Essex Commons 71–2 253, 254 Ball, Sir Alexander 364 Bell, Michael 569 Ballantyne, John 334 Benbow, William 334 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83992-1 - English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski Index More information 666 Index Bennett, Arnold 549, 558, 572, 575–6 Boulton, Matthew 312, 314, 321 Bentham, Jeremy 409, 412 Bowdler, Thomas 430 Beowulf 18, 40–1, 42, 42, 43, 44, 56–9, Bowen, Elizabeth 557, 620 72, 77–8 Bowles, William Lisle, Fourteen Sonnets 330 Bergson, Henri 584 Boydell, John 316 Betjeman, John 648 Boyle, Robert 264 Beveridge, William 608 Boyne, Battle of the (1690) 222 Bevin, Ernest 607 Boys from the Blackstuff (TV) 627 Bible 174, 267 Bradbury, Malcolm 622 Authorised (King James) Version 144, 169 (with James McFarlane), Modernism 548 Tyndale/Coverdale translation 168 Braddon, Mary, Lady Audley’s Secret 442, Big Brother (TV) 645 452, 464 Bill of Rights (1689) 221 Braine, John 622, 635 bin Laden, Osama 636 Room at the Top 634, 635 Bishop, Elizabeth 632 Braithwaite, E. R., To Sir, with Love 641 Black, Clementina 415 Brantlinger, Patrick 478, 501 Blair, Robert, The Grave 332 Braque, Georges 567 Blair, Tony 601, 612–13 Brecht, Bertolt 550 Blake, William 266, 268, 316, 321, 328, Brenton, Howard 631, 654 329, 333, 337, 358–9, 361, 460 The Romans in Britain 654 America 337 Brewer, John 234 Europe 337 A Bridge Too Far (1977) 602 The Four Zoas 337 Bridges, Robert 558 The French Revolution 337 Bridgewater, Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Jerusalem 337, 358–9 Earl of 471 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 321 Brihtric Grim 58 Milton 337 Bronte¨, Anne 255, 441 The Song of Los 358 Agnes Grey 441, 464 Songs of Innocence and Experience 337, Bronte¨, Charlotte 255, 438, 440, 441, 351–2, 368–70 457, 481 Visions of the Daughters of Albion 370 Jane Eyre 403, 441, 452, 464, 468–9, 477, Blind, Mathilde, ‘Manchester By Night’ 464 481, 482, 488–92, 506 Bloomfield, Robert 344 Shirley 439, 462–3 Blunden, Edmund 558, 563 Villette 441, 488, 491 Undertones of War 563 Bronte¨, Emily 255, 441, 451 Boccaccio, Giovanni Wuthering Heights 441, 469, 501 De casibus illustrium virorum 166 Brooke, Rupert 538, 561 Decameron 257 ‘Peace’ 536 Bodel, Jean 43 Brooke-Rose, Christine 622 Bodin, Jean, Les six livres de la Re´publique 172 Brooks, Peter 440 Boer War 424, 429, 480, 531, 531, 547 Brothers, Richard 315, 321 Boethius 156 Brown, Ford Madox 448 The Consolation of Philosophy 17 Brown, Hablot (‘Phiz’) 431 Bokenham, Osbern 38–9 Brown, Lancelot ‘Capability’ 354 Boleyn, Anne, Queen 140–1 Browne, Sir Thomas, The Garden of Cyrus 156 Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 451, 457 1st Viscount 222 Aurora Leigh 449–50, 482 Bond, Edward 550, 631, 654 ‘The Cry of the Children’ 461 Saved 627, 654 Sonnets from the Portuguese 448, 488 Booth, William, In Darkest England 464 Browning, Robert 450 Bosworth Field see Wars of the Roses ‘Andrea del Sarto’ 450 Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of 125 ‘Childe Roland’ 450 Boucicault, Dion 453 ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’ 450 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83992-1 - English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski Index More information Index 667 ‘My Last Duchess’ 450 Hymn 34 The Pied Piper of Hamelin 434 Caird, Mona, The Morality of Marriage 446 The Ring and the Book 449–50 Calvin, John 141–3 ‘Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister’ 450 Camden, William 147 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 421 Campion, Thomas, Observations in the Art of Bucer, Martin 140 English Poesy 156 Buchan, John 558 Canning, George 335 Buchanan, Robert 451 Carew, Thomas 150 Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke Carlile, Richard 335 of 121 Carlyle, Thomas 317, 430, 438, 455, Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke 456, 474 of 252 Past and Present 459 Buckley, Arabella 420 Sartor Resartus 421, 430–1, 440, 457 Bull, John 631 ‘Signs of the Times’ 459–60 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 1st Baron Lytton Carretta, Vincent 371 485–6 Carroll, Lewis Bunting, Basil, Briggflatts 622 Alice in Wonderland 403, 433, 434, Bunyan, John, The Pilgrim’s Progress 441, 490 445, 503 Burbage, James 151 Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Burgess, Anthony, A Clockwork Orange 629 Found There 445 Burke, Edmund 280–1, 318, 334, Carter, Angela 622, 640 365, 379 Nights at the Circus 630, 639 Enquiry Concerning the Origin of our Ideas of Cartwright, Thomas 143 the Sublime 331, 354 Cary, Elizabeth, Lady Falkland 159, 175 Reflections on the French Revolution 349–50 Tragedy of Mariam 160, 176, 189–93 Burney, Fanny 346–7, 361–2 Casley, David 74 Burns, Robert 330, 344 Castiglione, Baldassare, Il Cortegiano 150 Burton, Richard (explorer) 385 Cathy Come Home (TV) 627, 635 Butler, Josephine 484 Catullus, G.
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