Annual Convention & Scientific Seminar Special Pictorial Review pages 14- 18 How do smart people ~~::: ... ,.. manage their money? AsJ«i41t'£,il(JI!tf. ""()iblol.( ;~rdltrJIIIICIIU JtU\\nr.CJ -{#I -"' -"',,. ... They don'tl ..O,Qitralcillplb - ,.....~-·r- -~1111"·"-"""" ..........__... D.O.IilcntddlII!'.,. ... .. - llklcul~ .... ~bydltTcwO oolioi.,..._LVDI. t Ol'lS·Itll l'lUAT~J~CO They hire professionals. !4/H~u! ADMTN1111,..,.... 11SIHll-l F..Um-M E...t-tlll Websrtt:nw.b Call us. Eututin COII!Ii Mn~B.t..Oi,......, boalFnxi<I.U~ frrMtN-EJm limWCuo.ili,O. l'krPrrJidnv DEAN,JACOBSON fiNANCIAL SERVICES, LLC B~IV\\'ay,OO, 1111111tdimtl'a.!tPrtrl 3112 West 4th Street (76107) Local 817-335-3214 iolxy M.w...._ P.O. Box 470185 Metro 972-445-5533 PaJ/PrrMt111 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0185 Toll Free 800-321-0246 a..o.,.,_••lltnJo.O( '"""""'Affou lloo.~t.p.<DC (SECURITIES SOLD THROUGH LINSCO/PRIVATE LEDGER, A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISER) ...,.,.,.<!Polil (MEMBER NASD/SIPC) ~C...to.o, 10..::~ INSIDE THIS ISSUE JULY/AUGUST 2001 Terry R. Boucher. MPH Highlights from TOMA 's 102nd Annual Convention and Scientific Seminar E:ucuti1•e Director · Editor in Chi~/ Mark A. Baker, D.O .• New TOMA President ........................6 Paula Yeamans New TOMA Presidem Pledges Membership increase as Top Priority .......7 Associme Eucurivt: Director Donald M. Peterson, D.O. - Recipient of lhe Distinguished Service Award 2001 ..9 Lucy Gibbs, CAE Morton L. Rubin, D.O. - Recipient of the Community Service Award 2001 ... 10 Membership Coordinator Mrs. Susan Sel man Assumes ATOMA Presidency for 2001-2002 . .... 11 Jill Weir, CAE Elmer Baum, D.O., Receives UNT Healt h Science Center's Highest Award ......... 13 Projects Coordinator Pictorial Review of the 102nd Annual Convemion and Scientific Seminar . .14 - 18 Sherry Dalton Thanks to the Sponsors and Exhibitors . .............. 19 Publications Coordinator Trisha Moran Legislative Wrap-Up . .. ... ... .... .. 2 1 Rea ptionist Self 's Tips and Tidings . .. .... .. 23 Texas D.O. is the official publication of the Texas In Memori am . 25 OsteOpathic Medical Association. Health Science Center G raduates Medical Professionals Duri ng 28lh Co mmencement . .26 Published eleven times a year, mon th ly except for Tricare News and Related Mili tary Issues . ....... .3 0 Ju ly. Subscription pri ce is$50peryear. Texas FYI . ..........3 1 Tuas D.O. does not hold itself responsible for state­ Fro m the Department of Health and Human Resources . .. 32 ments made by any contributor.lbe advertising con­ Opportunities Unlimited . tained in this magazine is not necessarily endorsed .............34 by the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association. Published by the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association, Volume LVIII, No. 7, July/August, ISSN 0275-1453. PuBliCATION O~l'I CE 1415 Lavaca Street Austin, Texas 78701 -1634 1-800-444-8662 or 512-708-8662 FAX: 512-708- 14 15 E- mail: tom [email protected] Website: www.txosteo.org Copy and Adv~rtis in g d~adline is t h~ l Oth of 1 h~ month p rtc~ding publica/ion. Executive Committee Board of Trustees Ex Officio Members of the Board of Trustees Mark A . Baker, D.O. Kenneth S. Bayles, D.O. President George M. Cole, D.O. A. Duane Selman, 0 .0 James E. Froelich, Ill, D.O Joseph A. Del Pri ncipe, D.O. Speaker, House of Delegates President-Elect Patrick Hanford, 0 .0 Ray L. Morrison D.O. Jim W. Czewski , D.O. Vice Speaker, House of Delegates Vice President Bobby D. Howard. D.O. Joseph Montgomery-Davis, D.O. Bill V. Way. D.O . Hector Lopez, D.O. Board Consultant/or Health Affairs Immediate Past President Jack McCarty, D.O. SID Scott You ng Rodney M. Wiseman, D.O. Eli zabeth Palmarozzi, D.O Student Member -321 4 Past President Robert G. Parrott, D.O Mr. Terry R. Boucher Irvin E. Zeitler, D.O. Executive Director -55 33 Daniel W. Saylak, D.O. Chair, Departmem of -0246 Professional Affairs Monte E. Troutman, D.O. Paul S. Worrell, D.O. Hector Lopez. D.O. ATOMA President Chair, Department of Public Affairs Irvin E. Zeitl er, D.O. Susan Selman SfR) Jim W. Czewski, D.O. Chair, Departmem of Developmem & Liaison CALENDAR OF EVENT S AUGUSTS -12 SEPTEMBER 14 • 16 "OMM: Osteopathic Millennium Medicine" "2001 Mid-year Seminar" Sponsored by the Arkansas Osteopathic Medical Association Sponsored by the Florida Osteopathic Medical Associati011 CME: 26 category 1-A hours anticipated Location: Hyatt Regency Westshore, Tampa, FL Contact AOMA: 501-374-8900 CME : 21 category 1-A hours anticipated FAX : 501-374-8959; E-mail: osteomed@ ipa.net Con tact: Florida Osteopathic Medical Assoc iation The Hull Building, 2007 Apalachee Parkway AUGUST 25 · 26 Tallahassee, FL 32301 " Ligamentous Articu lar Strain Techniques for Treating 800-226-FOMA the Rest of the Body Based on Sutherland's Methods" Sponsored by the Dallas Osteopathic Study Group OCTOBER 21 • 25 Location: Doubletree Hotel Campbell Centre " I 06th AOA Annual Convention" 8250 Nonh Central Expressway Sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association Dallas, TX Location: San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA CME: 16 category 1-A hours amicipated Contact: Ann Wittner, 800-621-1773 Contact: Conrad Speece. D.O .. Course Director E-mail: [email protected] 214-321-2673 SEPTEMBER 13 · 16 " OPSO Annual Convention" Sponsored by the Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon Location: Embassy Suites- Washington Square Tigard , Oregon Contact: 800-5 33-6776; www.opso.com r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--, ! www.txosteo.org ON THE WEB! t~=~=~=~=~=~ =~ =:.-.=:.-.=.-~::.:~::.::-=:-.=.-~.-~~I~ J.~Iy_ ~ ~~~~~~ J ON THE WEB is a monlhly feature of the Texas D.O. announcing headlines and trailers of timely osteopathic news articles, pertinent information on healthcare and education, legislative updates and much more; all of which can be found on our website <www.txosteo.org>. • Health Notes • News from UNTHSC at Fort Worth • From the Texas Medical Foundation • In Brief • News from the AOA Costs up? Efficiency down? TOMA Physician Services can show you how to bring efficiency up and costs down through an operations assessment. Our consultants will evaluate: •Overhead • Patient Satisfaction • Staffing Ratios • Reimbursement Systems • Records Management • Policies and Procedures •Work Flow • Patient Flow mel) ativc rp. Physician Services Vortb Contact a TOMA consultant today. (800) 523-8776 [email protected] Mark A. Baker, D.O. Dr. Ill New TOMA President A 1976 graduate of the University of North Texas Health Sc ience Centerffexas College of Osteopathic Medic ine in Fort Worth (UNTHSCffCOM), Dr. Baker interned a1 Public Health Service Hospital, New Orleans, Loui siana. He completed a diagnostic radi­ ology residency at Osteopathic Medical Center of Texas (OMCT) in Fort Worth in 1986 Dr. Baker practices at OMCT and Westside Radiology Consultants, also in Fort Worth and of which he is the current president. In addition, he is a clinical associate professor and the acting chainnan of the Department of Radiology at UNTHSCffCOM He is certified in Di agnostic Radiology by the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology, and a Diplomat of the National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. An active member of TOMA since 1978, Dr. Baker serves on, and has chaired. numerous Association committees. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 1989; speaker of the House of De legates, the policy-making body ofTOMA, from 1993-2000; and has held the offices of vice speaker, vice president and president-elect. He has also been active in his divisional society, TOMA District 2. serving as president from 1989-90 and from 1999-2000. Other memberships include the American Osteopathic Association, in which he serves as speaker of its House of Delegates; American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine; American Osteopathic College of Radiology; Radiological Society of North America. Inc.; American College of Radiology; Texas Radiological Society; Texas Medical Association; Texas Independent Osteopathic Physicians Association, of which he is a board member; and life member of the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association. He is also a physician reviewer for the Texas Medical Foundation, and a member of the Medical Radiological Technologist Advisory Committee of the Texas Department of Heahh Dr. Baker and his wife. Rita, reside in Fon Wonh. They are the parents of two chi l­ dren. Christopher Allen and Carrie Arlene. New TOMA President Pledges Membership Increase as Top Priority Dr. Baker Presen ts Innovative Approaches to Ach ieve Goal Ed110r's note: The following is the #2) As Terry Boucher. TOMA' speech presented by Mark A. Baker, Executive Director. and 1 make our D.O., upon assuming the TOMA presi­ district visitation trips during this next dency fo' 21XJI-21XJ2. year, forums will be set up with non­ members to hear first-hand their As I stand before you this evening, I concerns and comments about TOMA am filled with a sense of great pride in and our profession. We will, in tum. our osteopathic profession here in share with them the value that TOMA Texas. We have served the health care Donald Krpon, D.O., AOA Pres id~ nt (r), adminimrs rh ~ membershiphastooffereachandevery needs of the citizens of our state for Presidential Oath of Offiu 10 Mark A. Baker, D.O .. during the osteopathic physician in Texas. With over 100 years, and o ur patients know President's Banqun on Saturday, Jun e 9th. this open dialogue J feel certain that we us as caring, competent and compassionate physicians. We have can alleviate many of their concerns and we can welcome them back established and continue to support the fin est osteopathi c into the TOMA family. medical school in the United States, the Texas College of Q..,teopathic Medicine in Fort Worth. We also have o ne of the #3) We must increase D.O. residency slots in Texas.
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