- e 0'1 Serving The State University,of Iowa and the People of Iowa City tl!stablished m 11168 - "Ive Cents a,topy Member ot Associated Press - AP teased W1re ana PhOto service Iowa City, ta., 'riliII'5CLiy. NOven&l' ii, lid ~~~~----~---------, Preclict 2c1 Vote on City Manager Her.e By TOM EPPERSON 1951 with Roan holding office cll·managcr system givcs too to the councll·mayor system of A leading opponent of city man· since Its Inception. much power to Ule city' manager. govemml'nt. Then the coundl , ager government in Iowa City "In 1955 the NPTL was com· Hc cited the recent firing or the could appoint a manager to take (J, ,.S. Accuses Russia. predicted Wednesday that voters posed or a loosely organized Des Ml>ines city manager as over some of the "minor escc.· will be called upon soon to vote group of citizens who opposed the proof that a city manager can live duties," he said. on whether to retain the city city manager form of govern· become a "tyrant" because or "The mayor is a mere figure manager plan. ment, O'Connor said. He beUeves too much control. head in our type of' govemmc~t Edward O'Connor, Iowa City reorganization will strengthen "It seems like I remember in now," O'Connor said. "The~· attorney, said the Non-Partisan the group. my American History class in cil is supposed to be the legisla· TaXpaycrs League (NPTL ) will Under Iowa Ia'w, a form of city school about a Revolutionary War tive body; the mayor, the execu· regroup for a second attempt in government cannot be changed being rought over something like Of;" A' n~ing -Syria tive: and the police department, ns· two years ~o defeat the existing lor six years after Its adoption. this," O'Connor saki. the judicial body," he said. local govcrnmental system. Then a petition equal to 25 per· He said that the city manager ... O'Connor said he definitely will cent oT the votes cast ror the is completely out or the hands of The execuUve poIVer under the playa role In NPTL. But no det· . highest vote getter in the last mu· the people, and can be controlled city manager system does not lie with the mayor, bot entirely Believe Red Inlte plans have been made and nicipal election is sufficient 10 or removed from office only by DO oCCleers picked for the organi· bring the form of governmerlt to the vote of at least three of the with the city managcr, o'Connor zatlon, he added. a vote. five members or the Iowa City said. O·Connor also took Issue with O'Connor was head of the Bccause the city manager plan Council. Group ,Plans 'Q NPTL In November I>f 1955 when went Into effect here in April, O'Connor said he favored the Iowa City's method o{ electing the organization backed candi· 1951, e petition can be filed for modUied city manager system at councllmen. dates in a city council election. a vote on the plan after April, Ames. No section of the elty has one The candidates fa vored a return 1951. This petition must carry "With this system. the dulles representative to whom the citi· Military Coup to the council·mayor form of gov. approximately 750 names to meet I>f tlie manager are fheed by zens of that section can take their WASHINGTON III - Tbe United enunent. the 25 percent requirement. council ordinance," he said. problems, he. said. Instead, all State. accuted RUllia Wednesday All NPTL candidates were de· If the eity manager form of The mayor is elected by the pro- the councilmen are elected at or adding to MIddle Ea t tension Il!ated in tile elect.ion by oppon. government is brought to a vote pic and the council sets up the large rrom the city, he said. by shlppln, "subltantJal" amounts ents faVoring retention of the and is retained, another petition duties of the manager, he add. "Even in our national ,overn· or arma to Syria. manager plan. for its removal cannot be rued ed. ment, we have special represen· . 'The councll·manager system, for two years arter the vote. O'Connor said the only way Coneern over these weapon de· tatives that we can identify our. liveries also has been expressed to with Peter F. 'Roan as city man· O'Connor, explaining the NPTL that this system could be adopted selves wilh and take our prob­ ager, has been in eUect since opposition, said Iowa City's coun· in Iowa City would be to return the Syrian ,oye.-nment by the Am· lems to," O'Connor said. erica. ambauador in Dam8ICUJ, ------- ---------------------.------.-------------- the State Department feported. The Weather The Syrian ,overnrnent, how· ever, is now believed to be under Seating Plan lhe control 01 a croup 01 pro-Sovlt't 'I Rose Bowl Ticket army oUlcen. Reports from Leb­ Cold anon, Syria's nelfhbor to the ~st, Petitions Not spoke of the likelihood of an open coup, by the Syrian army clique 'S'ales Reach,1,256 , and to con80lidate It. position, Total ticket salcs to SUI students and faculty members for the Wuhlnrton orncials said more Snow Presented than 30 million dollar worth oC Rosc Bowl game havc risen to 1,256, Ule SUI Athletic Department Ticket Office reported at 5 p.m. Wednesday. • Soviet weapons, Includlng light Student football seating arrang'e· artillery, mortar. , machine Students have p,icked up 1,000 tickets and the faculty 166 tickets. tanb, The outlopk for today as for e· ments came up for discussion at lAP Wlreplttlo) guns, armored cars and munitions, The ticket oUiee will be open to· the SUI Student Council meeting A SHEIT OF FLAMES lick. up .,..idt the fire fl.httn on a hl.hwav about 51 milo. nortftoo.t of day and Friday between 8 a.m. seen by the weather wizard have been dcllvered in the la t Wednesday, but petitions from a Son Dioto. Cal. The Cloveland National Fort.t .tarted Saturdl Y Ind hal a.rtady taken tho live. of n year. British sources at the Un ited and 5 p.m. for studcnts and lacul· might be termed by a hep-cat group of engineering students ask· I fire fI.h ..rs. Firemen hoped to ,Iin control W. dnnday. Nations fUrnlshed bi,ger ngures. Bowl-Bound ty only. icc skatcr "real cool" but in ing morc favorablo re.location of They the Soviet bloc had Monday the remaining tickets of everyday language, its going to IBid ~~ia~:::' c nt section failed to rna· BoY ,Admits SeHing shipped about I() million dollars Fans Offered the 14,000 allotted to Iowa (ans will be down right cold ! worth of 8I'J!l' to Syria and about go on sale to the public. The mcrcury is expected to "We did not present the petitions C I"to • F 400 million dollars worth to Egypt Officials handling the Herky Spe· tonight because we bad not collect· a I rnll or est Not a Political Aide up to Nov. 10. rise to Just short of the S2 de· cd aU oC them and (cit we did IIOt Hawaii Tour cial rcservation-deposlts at the g~ee mark today and it could Lincoln Whit,c, State I)(>partm nt Iowa Memorial Union reported at plunge to a very low fi ve by ~:u~c~~~~g~il~a~:~uf~ , th;., o~ press ortieer, said Russia ha made By P~T PETERSON Fire Which Killed 11 T LIP f additional shlpmcnts to Syria "since 8:30 p.m. Wednesday that 600 stu· trolt, Mich., one of the students midnight. 0 ove ro the Middle East crl la." (.fI - esse I • circulating the petitions, said Woo· SAN DIEGO, Calif. A U.S. • Arrangements for a Hawaiian dents have made the $5 down pay. The skics will be cloudy to tour have been completed for those ment. This is about 150 more than nesday. Forest Service investigator said l In Damasells, Prime Mini ter passengers of the Hawkeye Special yesterday at the same time. partly cloudy all day with the The petitions call for t/le reo Wednesday night a 16. ea r.old (n. Prof. Uobert Johnson, of the SUI Economics I)(>partmcnt and Sabri AI88I1 denlfil hi. govern· trains who wish to make the addi· The SUI AIWl'IJli Association slIid possibility oC some snow flurries location of the student seetlon so. , . y . I newly appointed cxecutive assistant to govcrnor-elect Herschel Love· ment had received any Red arms tiona! trip. Wednesday they have been swamp- later. in the day. as to extend from the soulh 4O.yard dIan youth has admitted sellmg less, said Wednesday that he will not servc as a political adviser when recently. The official Hawkeye Rose Bowl ed with cal\s and orders for tickets ,----- line to the north 4O-yard line. the disastrous Cleveland National he Ui kes over his new job in January. White said the flu ian acti vity specials are the trains that will and special t~ain reservations. Howard Walrath, E3, Iowa City, Forest fire . "My main work will be in fi nancial and budge ting mallers, and 1 cOiltrasl sharply with UN errort. carry University alumni, faculty, , An Alumni official said in<lJ1lries aoother of the students Circalat- nIl' blaze which has clai l1Je4 . do not think that .LoveLc wanta to "dlminilb tensions and work for stalf and friends to Pasadena. have come in from alumni all over Panty Raids ing the petitions, said Tuesday that 11 Jives and burned mor than me to be, his political adviser," • settlement" of the I ss u~ stirring The cost of the Hawaliiln tour i9 the country - New York, Calitol'· the petitions would be presented at c Johnson s8Jd .
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