jy - -r;. v^' ' rf'^- it’ V •>■*’../- V - ; . ;, • • "r /: o ^ *,,'•■ .■ <• ,^>^c*Vai- w.-'i :?Ai'rV»'<'■:■ •-,. -; 'tjf.. ■ < ^ ____ “ ___* ■* fc. *• ♦_'• A - ; ■ •_• ; : :_:_.'.:'i-ii'.:;;; .r/.‘ ': ' - V / r •• ■ ‘ •*- - THE WSATH]^ NET PRESS RUN ^Mc«rt kr u/ ik. WMflwr BuMas. 41^A G E D.ilLY CIRCUIiATION Hcw;«lav«a OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of August, 1927 F&lr'tonigiut and Wecfaiesday. 5,044 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927. state PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU ., NO. 300. Con^ WORLD PEACE, START OF THE NEW YORK-TO^SPOEANE AIR RAGES FOCffSPLEA ■• •■ ' ^y^'' k' TOTOERANS ",;'v ' ^ ^ ^ A, i ' Legionnaires In Paris Cheer TwelveOiitof 25In Class B On Way to O enfire, Mont^ Famous Generals; Speak­ 13 Out of l5 In Class A Leave Mineola at 7 O’Clock ers Pledge Friendship Be­ CRASHES, TWO and Arrive at Cleveland at 9:30— ^Hop Off For CMca- tween Two Nations. F L ffiD E A D g o_X w o Flyers Killed In New Jersey CrasH— Non- New York, with the official starter (rigHt) ready to drop tHe flag. Westward into dense fog sailed these New York-to-Spokane planes Nearly all the pilots were reporting trouble due to bad v/eather by Stop Aviators to Start Tonorrow Morning. Trocadero Palace, Paris, Sept. just after the picture was taken. The ships, entered in the first of the time they reached Pennsylvania. (Note the Hartford plane in Motor Fails While Over Mor- 20.— From the same platfortn to­ three cross-country races, are shown lyied up .^on Roosevelt'Field, the foregraund.) , day, three of the great military fig­ Twenty-five planes, thirteen In Cla ss A Pla nes ures of the World War, General DBM1*SEY’.S GAR'TBBS ristown, N. J., and Ma­ SHOW HIS CONDITION Class A and twelve in Class B, were John J. Pershing, MarsHal FocH JERSEY MURDER chine Hits Trees— First racing across the continent today In Which Hopped and General Gouraud, military gov­ Romance O f The Stage Chicago, ,Sept. 20.— Jack tHe great New York-To-Spokane ernor of Paris, joined togetHer in Dempsey’s mental attitude was Air Derby. a stirring plea for eternal world revealed to Hi3..'wife, Estelle Tay­ Race Casualty. The first tragedies In the trans­ Off Today CASE GROWING lor, on the occasion of His last peace. Culminates In Wedding figHt with Gene Tunney, by His continental contest were marked up THey spoke at the second' oflicial garters. when RicHard E. Hudson, pilot, of Roosc"ilt Field, N. Y., Sept. 20— session of tHe American Legion "WHen Jack weigHed in for Morristown, N. J., Sept. 20.— Marysville, Mich., and J. Radike, The list of entries in the Class .V convention, a gathering that was MORE^ZZLING Tunne>%’’ said Mrs. Dempsey to­ RicHard E. Hudson, pilot and J. Stamford, Sept. 20.— A romance's ans, of Oklahoma City, Okla., moth- his passenger, of St. Clair, MicH., race in tHe Spokane i-.ir Derby to­ transformed into a Franco-Ameri- day, “ He wasn’t himself. I knew Radike, passenger of St. Clair, day, with heir numbers, makes of of the stage will culminate in a er of the bride, and Mrs. Jennie M were killed in the crasH of their can love feast as world war leaders Garret of Moulton, Iowa, mother of that when I savir the picture of MicH, were killed today wHen their planes, and backers, is as follows: and otHer figures high in oflicial wedding Here this afternoon wHen Him on the scales. You know 'ne Buhl Airster, No. ,^1, in Class A, tHe groom. Mrs. LilliendaHl Released on Buhl Airster Plane Number 1 in entered by the BuHl Aircraft life and public esteem, pledged an Miss Ruth Williams becomes the Miss Williams Has appeared in Has great personal pride, but lo event, near Long Valley, N. J- The 1— R. E. Hud^n. of Marysville, everlasting friendship between the and beHold the pictures showed the Class A New York to Spokane bride of Lloyd Garrett under tHe the ManHattan Opera Company ill-fated plane was the first ;of 15 Michigan, with a Buhl Airster two nations. with Roxie’s gang and in concert Him weigHing in, His garters Air Derby crashed near Long Val­ entered by the Buhl Aircraft AVoiiderful Reception trees of their newly made home on $25,000 Bail— Collapses hanging, His shoulders slumped Class A planes to take o ^ i tHis work. SHe was a pupil of Bernardo ley, according to word received morning from Roosevelt Field, N. Company. The Legionnaires who gathered Hunting Ridge. Both were togetH­ and a doleful expression on His er in “ The Student Prince’’ for five Jensen, of Barcelona, Spain and Here. Y. 2— E. K. Campbell, of Moline, HI., again in the grand hall of the pal­ New York, who is to furnish a When SHe Sees Husband’s face. The Class A entries began arriv­ in a Yackey monoplane entered ace were still glowing with tHe hundred performances, sHe playing “ Those garters— what a story Hudson, whose home was in musical program today. Mr. Garrett ing at Cleveland, their first refuel­ by Dr. C. Sloan. warmth of the reception accorded the maid and He the prince. they told, to some one who Marysville, MicH., died while on the Rev. Dr. Alfred Grant Walton, was in George WHite’s Scandals as way to the hospital Here. Radike ing stop, sHortly before 9:30 3— ^E. W. Cleveland, of Cleveland, their parade by Paris Boulevadiers His starter in the profession. Body. knew Jack.” yesterday, and they attended to­ pastor of tHe Stamford Congrega­ was found dead in the machine o’clock. OtHer scheduled stops are OHio, In a Ryan brougham en­ Both Mr. and Mrs. Garrett are day’s session prepared to manifest tional church, is to officiate. when ambulance doctors arrived. Miles City, MicH., Chicago, Aber­ tered ty tHe Cleveland Pnemna- their appreciation for everything Among those who witness tHe to have parts in tHe Schubert re­ Motor Goes Dead. deen, S. D., and Butte, Mont. , tlc Tool Company. FrencH. They literally tore off tHe ceremony will be Mrs. A. J. Win­ vival of "Trilby” this fall. Hammonton, N. J., Sept. 20.—■ According to residents Here who Meanwhile, the twelve surviving 4— C. W. Rolman, of St. Panl, with roof of the palace with their tu­ WitH authorities admittedly puz­ witnessed the tragedy, the motor Class B planes of the 25 which took a Laird commercial sponsored by SELECTMEN TO off from New York yesterday, left the National Lea.: Battery Com­ multuous cheering for the French zled in-tHeir Investigation into His of Hudson’s plane went dead,- caught again and then went dead Chicago this morning with Glen­ pany. war Heroes and for General Persh­ death, Dr. William LilliendaHl, 72- ing as well, and once again the ex­ SUFFIELD GIRL SALE OF TICKETS for the second time as the plane dive, Mont., as their goal'for. to­ 6— E. E. Ballough, of'CHicago, In citable Parisians enjoyed the spec­ year old narcotic apscialist, was to OPPOSE TOWN went into a nose dive. day’s run. They were due to stop anotHer Lairdcommercial ente- tacle of seeing and hearing a group be buried today in Greenwood cem­ The plane was only a few Hun- for fuel at St. Paul, Fargo and Bis­ ed by. .lie. E. JL Laird Company. of twenty thousand men more voci­ etery ne.ir the remains of the two dred,.feet in the air at the time. It marck, N. D. 7— E. H. Lee, of’ Chicago, in a Yac­ IN MURDER CASE FOR FIGHT POOR key monoplane entered by Robert ferous in their enthusiasm even other famous murder victims— Al­ crashed on the estate of G. P. than themselves. P L A N K HERE Welsh, of Long Valley, N. J. CLASS A LEADER M. Hoffman. Marshal FocH was the first speak- bert Snyder of the Gray-Snider plot The plane, a biplane with racing Cleveland. Ohio; Sept. 20.— 8— John P. Wood, of .Wacsau, Wis­ ^er. A striking figure in His brilliant and Rev. Edward Hall of the notor­ type wings, fell into a tree and re­ E. E. Balloi’GH, of GHicagd, pilot­ consin, flying a Waco Whirlwind uniform, resplendent with medals Charged WitH Being An Ac­ Many Seats Still Unsold; ious Hall-s-Ml’ ls mystery. mained suspended there. Hud­ ing a Laird-, commercial, euteted en te^l by Kimself. and decorations, He stood smiling Released on ?25,00ii bone us a Will Advise Voters Not to son was still breathing when resi-^ by tHe, B. M.' Laird company, was 9— Emit Burj^n, of Mineola, N. Y., on the speakers’ stand until tHe dents reached Him. the first of the Class A entries in In his own Slkoysky Oriole. ^ ear-splitting applause Has subsid­ cessory— Is the Sweet­ Fear Gate Will Not Go material witness after four days of j Internal Injuries. the New York to Spokane Air 10— Frank 3L Hawk.-*, cf Houston, ed. questlouieg, Mrs. Gertrude Liiiien- Adopt Measnre— Favor Internal injuries, it is believed, Derby to arrive Here today. Texas, in lils own Ryan brougH­ Winning of War Heart of Accused Slayer. Over 2 Mfllion. dahl, 42,. popular wife of tHe. slain caused His death, while, enroutq to BallougH landed at 9:23 and am. The winning of the World War, physician, war to accompany Her Complete Charter Revi­ the hospital. was on His way again at 9:30. His 13— N. fi. Namer, of Spokane, pilot­ Marshal FocH told tHe veterans was husband’s remains to the grave.
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