Volume9, No. 14 Publishedat UCSD 17thYear of Publication April17th - April30th 1984 A.S.Stipends Or DiverseMedia? The Role Of AlternativeMedia AlternativeMedia Up For Loaded Communicating Referendum Vote With The The Associated Students Council votedon April4th to placea referendum Outside questionon the ballotthat seeks to seriouslycut the budgetallocated to Any consciousperson is a~are that UCSD’s alternative media. The there are many differentlinguistic proposal, submitted by AS terrainsin San Diego(’ountv. People Commissionerof Communications.Tim speakof differentthings and in diflcrent Pickwelland AS President.Craig Lee, ways dependingon where they arc. At seeksto arbitrarilylimit funding for the \ .toe’sfilling station the linguistic range is alternativemedia to $20,000.The media substantiallydifferent from whatw~u affectedby this proposalinclude The hear around the Student (’enter at BirdcageReview. L’Cha.vim,Sappho UCSD, and a l.a .Iolla dress shop Speaks,Politijournal, Voz Fronteriza, discourseis differentin styleand content new indicator,Peopled Voice and The Overone hundredstudents attended a rallyagainst racist violence on ThursdayApril, froma collectivediscussion at theU(’SI) Koala.Voting on the issuetakes place 12 on the UCSD Gym steps.The event was co-sponsoredby Asian PacificStudent Women’sCenter. April18th & 19th. Alliance,Black Student Union and MECHA. The rallywas calledto protestthe racist When student’s leave the UCSD in a move that caughtmany members violenceon campusand acrossthe nation. campusin searchof jobs.the linguistic of the alternativemedia off guard, changesin theirbehavior will be very Pickwelland Lee bypassedthe usual noticeable.One of the jobsof themedia practicethat sees all legislation going to is to facilitate communication. eitherRules of FinanceCommittee for a Alternativemedia, work at bothends of recommendation.Instead, their bill went AS Elections:A Look this endeavor.While 9~10 of the new direcilyto theCouncil for an immediate indicator,scirculation is on campus. vote thereby sidestepping any 1/10 is circulatedin the community. substantivediscussion in committeeas At Some Candidates Throughthis contact with the "out side". we show the community that the wellas avoidingany possible opposition AS elections take place this despitetheir usual prattle to "keepin studentsare concerned with larger social by membersof the alternativemedia. Wednesday and Thursday. Those touch with students."Looking back on issues,and at the same time prepare Similarly,a resolutionauthored by thispast year, the trend in factshows a electedwill control close to $275,000of countyresidents for a newgeneration of CraigLee calling for a referendumon the studentmonies and determinefunding contemptfor studentopinion and input University graduates with a wide Committe For World Democracy’s for studentorganizations, and other AS on thepart of the AS Council.Early in (CWD)political film series budget found diversity of views. Non-sectarian sponsoredprograms. March,the Councilunanimously voted publicationssuch as the new imli~’ator its way on the AS agendafor Council the conceptof stipendsto nextyear’s Alsoon the ballotthis year will be helpto legitimizethe University to the approval,this proposalhowever was Council,knowing full well that over 80% referendum questions including an wider community:not by replacingold handilydefeated. of thestudents last year voted aginst the amendmentto the AS constitution,a dogmawith new. but by insistingon a Several representativesfrom the proposalto limitfunding for alternative idea. Then more recentlythe Council variousalternative media attended the new’ and wider range of’lingui.stic media,a questionregarding assignment passedseveral referendums, including freedom AS Council meeting to dissuadethe of on-campushousing, and a question the proposalto cut alternativemedia, Council from its intendedactions, seel~ingproficiency in a computer with littleor no debateand without The only way we can master the howeveronly one representativewas languagerequirement for graduation. permittingthe groupsinvolved to make differentlinguistic fields is by plunging given the floor. Ignoring pleas to argumentsagainst it. And on thosefew One significantaspect of thisyear’s in and immersing ourselves in the postponethe vote, or referthe matter to occasionswhen debate does develop, it experience.Many people are doingthis Rules Committee,Tim Pickwelland his electionis theconspicious lack of public lastno morethan a few secondsbefore debate or exposure on any of the today in San l)icgo~ith the hope of cohorts,sensing a quickvictory, forced choas and pandemoniumbreaks out. expandingthe limitsof dialoguein a an immediatevote and the AS Council referendumquestions. This meansthat I.ikewise an amendment to the AS moststudents will see theseimportant particular area z, nd raising the passedthe resolution by a vote8 in favor, constitutionwent on theballot with little questionsfor thefirst time inside the consciousnessol peopletrapped in a 2 opposed and 6 abstaining. The meaningfuldiscussion. The question ghettoof mentalarchitecture inhabited votingbooth. The blame for this does unusuallyhigh numberof abstaintions itselfsimply refers to theamendment as by theguardians of thestatus quo. indicatesa levelof uncertaintyamong not lie with the. studentsfor their "ArticleI, SectionC, subscripte" Notlong ago. French activists sought AS memberson the proposalitself and "apathy"but ratheron the AS Council withoutactually stating it. With no to"liberate’"thelinguistic domain of l.c themethod in whichit arrivedfora vote. who, this year under PresidentCraig backgroundor otherinformation it is Lee, have done good a job in Santd.a prisonlocated in thecenter of understandable why students have The referendumin part reads: "Do misinformingand keepinginformation Paris. Guerrillatheater was put on trouble making informeddecisions. you wish to limit the maximumamount from the generalstudent body. They acrossthe street from the prison building Moreover,the carefreeattitude of our of fundingreceived this year by the havefailed to informstudents or bring so thatit couldbe seenby prisonersfrom AssociatedStudent’s Alternative Print issuesto thefore front for discussion continuedon page9 theircell windows.Repeatedly. actors Mediato $2@000?Yes, limitfunding to wouldrun acrossthe streetdelivering $20,000;No, do not place a limit on lineswithin ear-shot of the prisoners funding.The cleverlywritten question The objectivewas to introducenew seeksto implythat a NO voterepresents San Diego Rohr Industries terms and conceptsinto this penal a blankcheck for the alternative media. institution. But as the informationalphamplet Mfg’s. Cancer in Humans distributedby some members of the Today.in San I)icgo,~e lind that alternativemedia indicates "the truth is, Thegood times in ChulaVista stop at the(’hula Vista plant, and around half of linguisticdomains arc shrinking,lhis each publicationhas a very limited thegates of RohrIndustries. Inc. Inside. them belong to the International ghettoization of language is budget under the scrutinyof an AS workers are becoming aware that Association of Machinists. The accompanied by fiercely guarded Committeeand every expendituremust conditionsare unsafe. While stock capitalistexploitation of laborat Rohr borders where new expressionsand be justified..." holders’earnings rose by over 100% lieshalf burried in a fogof differingpay unfamiliarconcepts are repeatedly between 1972 and 1982. and while scalesranging from the16th grade,at turnedaway. A recentexample of this The pamphletgoes on to stateone of Rohr’svalue rose on the prestigious $6.48an hour.to Istgrade, at $14.47. the underlyingreasons for the frat- "protectionpolicy" by a sell-appointed Fortune500 indexfrom 452th place to Under the new contract,the lowest guardianof the statusquo occurredin dominated AS Council raiding the 420thplace in 1982,with a totalsales of payedworkers received cuts by $1.82an alternativemedia budget: to generate the town of Encinitasat the American overhalf a billiondollars, the families of hourwhile the highest payed were given enoughmoney to pay for theirrecently Quik PrintShop. lhe owner,Mr. Barr,, workerswere burying their dead by the raisesof 45¢an hour.Such "divide and Sklar.refused to print2,000 bulletins [or approvedproposal to pay stipendsto dozens.Over 70 workersin the Chula conquer"tactics by the Companyare incomingAS officers.Using the old the UCSD Groundwork Bookstore Vistaplant have died of cancerin the obviousto everyclass conscious worker. becauseof phrasesin thebulletins such argument of "fiscal fairness" Tim past20 years. Pickwelland his supportersare making Classstruggle at RohrIndustries has as "Capitalismis Orga ni,’ed (’rime." M r. In 1982,the 8,000employees at Rohr onelast attempt to stifleprogressive and taken a grim turn. and the widowsof Sklartold the near indicator that he has criticaljournalism that this campus Industriesgenerated a totalvalue of workerswere the firstto noiticethe beenin businessfor fiveyears and does $565,880.000.On the average,each needs--a brand of journalism that alarmingpattern of deathin the Chula around30 jobsa day.lhis is the second worker produced $70335 in value. Vistaplant. A raretype of cancerwhich continuedon page10 Today,there are about5,000 workers in continuedon pageI0 continuedon page10 2 3 andx, orkc,sol\ortl,’\nleticanm<r°-I’°/’t"a/rclati°nsarc"epr°duced on tilllc+els of hunlan experience.In a New IndicatorCollective aeldcrsha~e hmnd the arlich.", in n.t +or\real sense,
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