(To rnt For A -r) Gontintring Medical Educatitn Sre€ al*r*yrn{ hs*tr'fc af Medi..l s€ir!rr3* (sNIMS) 't. Nationalconference on STD" ASTICON2012" at the Institutionfrom 2ndNovember to 46 November2012. Tdvancore CochinMedical Council accorded 06hrsof credit hours, , and lmpantolosistsof Kerala orsanised state Level inauguration of 0r3l HvsleneDav ::"i:#^:!lj.liatfrltitis 3. Halfday workshopon " Microteaching" holdatSNIMS on 5sJuly 2012. 4. Workshop on,,Practicat Training in CommunityMedicine for undergradlateMedical Students"conducted at SNIMSon 23April2Ol2. Representativgof'13 medicalcolleges of KeaalaParticipated. 5. Essaycompetition and observationot " NationalEducation Day" held on 1obto12s November20l2 6. HealthEducation programme and publlcmeeting on 24s March2012 for WorldTB day. , 7. HealthEducatjon programson Depfession Globat crisis,during world Psychiatryweek-'1" october 2012. 166& l?h 8.,,Lifestyle Digeases',- An emerging issue organizedalong with Moming StarHom€ SciencesCollegeon August2012. colleg€ 9. Workshop on "Bastc Biosta$stics"on 2ndDecember 2012 by t{.o invited faculty from ChristianMedical st. Person No Date Topic Speaker Chair Dr. PhilpThomas, Dr.PJ.Vincent, I s/ r/2or2 Medical Ethics Assc-Prof,G.Medicine Medical Supdt. K, lJr.Mohan Zrctufla, Clinico - PathoMonalitY Dr. Prasrd Asso.Prof.G.Medicine 2 rz/1/2012 Meeting Asso.Prof-G.Surgery Inceresting Case Dr. ViveL.& Assc.Ptof 3 re/ r/2012 Presentation EmergencyMedicine Dt A.D.Dharmaratnam L)r. Asok I homes Mathal, In Detail 4 z/2/2OrZ Leprosy Prof. &HOD Dermatolog Asst. Prof, Dermatology George, Dealing with Resistant Dr. JoePaul& Dr. sujich Dr. Kunjamrna Shouldet Pain& an AssistantProfessors, P.of & HoD Medicine 5 16/2/2012 uncommon waY of Onhopedics General managing a common Wrist Sahajananthan, Alcoholism- Facts an Dr. Anoop Vincent, Dr. AsscProf-G. Medicine 6 23/2/2nr2 averagemalayali doctor Assc.Prof- Psychiatry should know Dr. SaichaSusan, Dr. RajuAntony, Prof&HOD 7 r/3/2012 Ageingand Health CommuniryMedicine Comnm. Medicine Dt. JosephJohn, Ur. beorgYJoY Eralrr' 8 15/3/2012 | Human Milk Banling Asso,Prof-Paediatrics Asst. Prof-OBG CochlearImplantation - Dr. PtamodC, 10 22/3/ZOr2 SNIMS experience Asst.Prof-ENT Dr. SeemaK, Dr. RajuAntony, Prof,&HoD A PufftoPoP Off Asst.Prof-Chest& TB II 2e/ 3/2nr2 Commu.Medicine Dr. Vivek R, Dt.MohanZzchatit, An lnteresting case Prof Asso.Prof.G.Medicine 12 12/4/2012 Asst. ?resenlacron EmesencvMedicine Dt PrxadK' Grey Zone Leiston m D;$fu-.fiedG,J AssoProf-G.lg3a 13 19/4/2012 Thyroid Patholog A"sr.Ptof-Patholow I Dr. Sumangela, Bordet Line Ovarian Prof,&HOD-OBG Prof&HOD 26/+/ZOr2 Tumors PathologY DrJoeThomas, Dr. MaryFranklin' Recent Trends in the Prct&HoD I5 3/ s/2012 Management of Rabies Commu.Medicine Paediamcs Dr. Anoop Sinha, Dr. SatishG Pnbhu, The Problemof Andbioric Prof.&HOD, G. Surgery I6 10/s/zor2 Resistance Asso.Pto€-Microbiologr - Geotge, Dr. JosePhJohn, Lymph Cyst- Case Dr. Isaac Dr. SarishPrabhu, Asso.Prof-Paediatncs 17 16/s /2012 Dr, Santhosh,Dr.Prasad, An unusualPresentation of Dr. Niklilah &Dr. Dr. SeemaK' TB I8 31/s /2012 COPD KuniammaGeorge, General Asst.Prof-Chest& Mediche Dr. Balamurali, Dr. PrasadK, 19 7/6/nQ SurgicalAudit AssrProf- G. Surgery Asso.Prof-GSurgery Dr.A.D.Dharmaracnam Dr. RajuAntonp Wh)r Mmd do€s nol know, 20 14/6/2012 Ptof aHOD Dermatologr Prof&HOD Eyes Wont see Commu. Medicine Childhood Saoke Dr. Mary Fnnllin, Dt.Mohan Zacharia, 6/2012 2T 21/ Syndrome Prof&HOD-Paediatrics Asso.Prof.G.Medicine Dr. PrathapKumar, Dr. Balamurali, 22 28/ 6/2012 ShoulderAnhroscopy AsscProf-Orthopedics Assc,Prof- G. Sugery Dr SuchmdaSahu, Prof& HOD, DrSeena L, Asso.Prot 5/7/ZO|Z Microceaching Biochanisrry DrSaitla Sum, CorrununiryMedicine Dr. Nisha Vijayan,SR Middle Ear Audit at 24 12/7/2012 Dr. PramodC"Asst.Ptof. SNIMS ENT Dr. AnoopVncent, Dr. BindhuM, wichoucEpilepsY 25 19/7 /2012 Seuures Assc,Prof-Psychiatry Asst.Prof-Paediatrics Dr. Kumaty Indira K S, Dr. RajuAntonp 26 26/7/2012 ResearchMethodologY Prof,& HOD- chesc&TB Prof.&HOD Commu. Medicine Dr. JosephJohn, Dr. PraveenB K 27 e/8/zor2 Problem in Breast Feeding Asso.Prof-Paediattics S. Resident-Paediatrics Dr. RajeshPanicker, Dr. Sumangala, mole 28 r6/8/2012 Hydatiform Assc-Professor.-OBG Prof.& HOD-Pathology Dr. Dote P A, Dr. Kunjamma Geotge, Latestupdaces in SePsis G. Medicine 8/ 2O\Z Asst.Prof- Anesrhesiologr Prof. & HOD- 29 23/ Management Pulichikkac, Anemia Di4nostic Dr. SwapnaM, Dr. Rakesh 30 6/9/2112 Asst.Prof-Pathology Asst.Prof- G. Medicine Antony, Dr. JoeThomas, Dr. Raju Prof&HOD 13/9 /2012 HINI Asso.Professor Communiw Medicine Corumr,Medicine Asso.Prot Dr. RakeshK, Interprecarion of Antibiotic Dr.AnooP Smha, Assc.Prof-G. Medicine 32 20/e/2012 Sensitivitl' Microbiologz l lr, satrshu rraDnu, Non Alcoholic FaaYLiver Dr. KunjammaGeorge, HOD, G. Surgery 33 27/e/2012 disease Prof. & HOD- G. Medicine Proft Dr. PrasadK, Dr. A. Ra:nachandran, Surgery Professot& HOD DeadlyCocktail Asso.Prof-G. 4/e/2012 FotensicMedicine Methei' Dr. Nikhil S'iraJ, PemphigusVulgaris Dr. AsoL Thomas Assc,Prof- DermatologY Assc-Prof-G. Medicine 35 11/rO/2012 "Dermacological EmergencY' Dr. SeemaK, Phenorypesin Paediatnc Dr. JosephJohn, Asst.Prof-Chest& TB 36 1/11/2012 Asrhma Asso.Prof-Paediatrics Dr. RajuAntonp Dr. KunjamnaGeorge, Life sryle disotder in P':blic Prof & HoD 37 8/rr /2012 Prct&HOD Health PersPeccive Commu.Medicine GeneralMedicine Dr. Tom Babu , Dt. Kunjamme George, Current concepa in Endocrinologist & Medical Prof & HoD 38 r5/ 11/2OrZ manage-"nt ofDiabetes Director Genetal Medicine Mellicus Silver line Hospital Dr. MaheshKumar, Dr. MohananK.R, To Err is Human- (An AssistantProfessor, Prof& HoD, 22/ 11/2012 enors) overviewor Medical Orthopedics Onhopedics Dr. Monika Sharma, Dr. Mary franllin, Approach to a patienc with Professor& HOD, 40 29 rr AssistantProfessor-ENT / /2012 Headache Paediatrics "Hormone Replacement Dr. Dirya Jose, Dr. P.G Ambika Bai, ' 6/12/2012 Therapy in Menopause AssistancProfessor, Professor&HOD, New concePts OBG OBG Dr. SeemaK, PulmonaryTuberculosis 42 13/ 12/20rz AssistancProfessor, Sensitization Chesc& TB Dr. Rajeev, on Mobile CT changes Consultant "Scientific 20/12/ Zor2 Driving Gastroenterologist Sunrise safedriving" apptoachto Hosoital Dr. Gopaieknshian, Dr. Nidhi AssistantProfessot, 44 3/1/2013 Fluorosisin Kerala AssociateProfessor, Preventive Medicine Dentisr,T Dr. BoneyCheriyan, Dr. Rakesh oPc AssistantProfessor 45 17/r/20\3 AssistantProfessor Evidence based facts EmergencyMedicine Gen.Medicioe Kumad lndita Sarcoidosis Dr. Magdalene Dr. Professor& HOD +6 2+/1/20r3 Co-existencwich PulmonaryMedicine endobronchi:l catcinoid Pachology ASTICON 2012 Nov 2"dto 4rn2012 The Departmentof Dermatology Venerologyand l,eprology in associationwith the medical educationand technologyunit conducteda nationalconference of sexuallytransmitted diseases andHIV underthe leadershipbfDrA D Dharmarathnam.This was the 36th National conference of Indian Associationfor the Study of Sexually TransnittedDiseases & AIDS (IASSTD & AIDS) was conductedfrom November2nd - 4th, 2012 at the SreeNarayana lnslitute of Medical Sciences,Ernakulam, Kerala. Speakersof repute from all institutesof national importance gracedand spoke at the conference.The scientificprogramme is attached. ScientificProgramme 9:15' STD'Sthen and STD'S 9:30A[, Hudlosin STD ' 9:45AM ' 1o:15- sr;;d.Hv -;' DrKunjamna George, Prof IO:30AM physicians perspective & HODMedicine, SNIMS; Efnakulam 10:30- lRlSin HlVsetting 10:45AM ROVING.EYE gerarrc sexin Drceorcepaut. Hoo Ge-iaki€AtMs 3:00- poorlation-A mylhor Ernahut-m, 3:15Pl\.1 realily? ',..:.. ,'..1 .:.:. -ia4iu s,iot'arin,erot a HODOem & Vene€ology, I3OAM- DrHC llohanty PG Ouiz . Academyol Medical i,ii o" ."'0"''t"" . Sciences,Pariyaram, I /.' /. Clinicoepidemiologlcal study of STI Or K Shobanakumad'Prcr at ru|al-basedtettiary carc Df AbhishekPilani Derm& VenereologvGovt Mediel CoilegeHosPital KottaYam Adve6ereacto. to rullple Squamouscellcarcinona or a syphiliticqumma: a lnique Dr RahimaSaleem Presentaiion Pseudogranulomahoryetcum Dr D PratvushaKolanuwada NON.VIML S.TD'S ' tu P ElanoovanProt I HOD Or Mee€ BhagvanathanSr 2:05- Followupofsyphilitic cases:a case VenereologvGovt RovaPetlah Consu'tantDem& 2.20PM srudv HosPtalKilpaur Medic€l venereobgv Eaoy College& Hosp(al Chennai MemonalHospilal Kozhikode 2t2o- o, KaustulvermaProfDenn & changrngtrcnds rn sypn'rs ; ; pM venercotosy.A [,tS, New Dethr Pi::"1.':',nl: T1l"':'^,.,.- PGlMER -€n IUedrcall,licrobiologv llycoplasmageniiaxum ChandiqarnVce Chartraf. eme€inssertlarry transmitred padric ;;;;v'rr rusT|.i,a souhAs|a Pahogenpathogen suDregionSubdgionI& Nodaloff@r'Nodaloffier, RNTCP.'"***'_Accrediled Lab DlGuG Nandakumar'Nandakuma;Addl 2:50- Lymphogranulomavenercum- Prclessor'DeptDeFl of Parhologv'Palhologv' 3.05PM €suryenc€ GouMedical Co'leSeCo'lege Dscusson i!3;" .^r. ro".*" 410l il PM... "ra",o"" '' DrAbdulsanad^. ^r:'J Q'h'd AddlProfAd.]|Prnf : Dl N Asokan. ., oeirn Avenereotogy,Oovt l .-. MedicalCollege TivandrumInvanorum HIVPtevalenc€ among diegnosed , MDR-TBpat€nts In Dhaka Dr KashiKanl Jha . r BangtadeshBaisitaddsh ,:i , . .,.:,.. ..t _ , Tfowing somelighton dei' rield ot microscooyror rhediagnosis o- sumat,,trlurar,ora, In genitalulcer d €ease . a syphilis l ' 15- Yearexp€nence Newinsighls into non-infectrous Dl BetsvAmboo\en nflammatorydeftnatoses in HIV infectioncomnunily Commlnity STI survey in tlrme.ic ora naiesn distdctofTamll Nadu Periodlcp€sumptive tteatnenl - a siepbackwad or ioMard?- _ i :. -t. t''._' ,, : .,i.,..,, 9:30- 10:30 Dl P S RanganathanlvlemorlalAwad Session ' i ui.rraringrvi"
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