/ FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, JR August 17, 1914 - August 17, 1988 Fifth-born child of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin, Jr., was born at Campobello Island, the Roosevelt's summer home. Following family custom, he graduated from Groton and Harvard (A.B . 1937), where he distinguished himself both in scholarship and athletics. He earned an LL.B. from the University of Virginia in 1940. Franklin, Jr., formed close relationships with both of his parents; within the family he was known as "Brother" or "Brud." He chose to study law after FDR's suggestion that a· few years' practice in a law firm would be good preparation for politics, and he was the first son to hold elected political office. Following his graduation from the University of Virginia, he worked on FDR's reelection campaign throughout the summer and fall of 1940, coordinating youth activities of the Democratic National Committee as well as those of various Roosevelt college clubs. He also entered law practice in New York in 1940, but his stay was short; in March 1941 he accepted active duty with the U.S. Navy. Before he was discharged in October 1945, he rose to the rank of lieutenant commander and earned several awards, including the PllIple Heart and a Silver Star. After the war, he returned to law practice in New York, joining the firm of Poletti, Diamond, Rabin, Freidin, and Mackay in November 1945; one year later he became a partner in the firm . He also embarked on his political career after the war, serving as chairman of housing activities for the American Veterans Committee (1945-47); as national vice-chairman of Americans for Democratic Action (1947), a nonpartisan organization of noncommunist liberals; and as vice-chairman of the President's Civil Rights Commission (1949) under Truman. In 1949 he was elected to represent New York's Twentieth Congressional District in the House, and he served as a member of the Eighty-first through the Eighty-third Congresses. He later served as under secretary of commerce during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations (1962-65) and as chairman of the Equal Opportunity Commission under Lyndon Johnson (1965-66). His political philosophy echoed that of his parents, and throughout his political career he championed such causes as public housing, fair employment practices, and civil rights. He married Ethel du Pont in 1937; the couple had two children: Franklin Delano Ill, born in 1939, ) and Christopher du Pont, born in 1940. Following their divorce in 1949, he married Suzanne Paren. in the same year; two daughters, Nancy Suzarme and Laura D., were born in 1952 and 1959, respectively. The second marriage also ended in divorce, and in 1970, he married Felicia Warburg Sarnoff. The marriage ended in divorce, and in 1976 he married Patricia Oakes. One child, John Alexander, was born of that union in 1977. In 1983, after that marriage ended in divorce, he married Linda Weicker. SERIES DESCRIPTION CONTAINER 1 - 31 Legislative Files 32 - 60 Correspondence File 61 - 95 Constituent File 96 - 98 Invitations 99 - 158 Political Papers 159 - 164 Appointment Diaries 165 -446 General Correspondence 447 - 449 Diary of Helen Roosevelt Robinson Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Container 1 Agriculture Agricu lture Appropriations Agriculture Legislation Aid to Israel Program Air Mail Subsidy Separatien Bill Alaskan Stateheed Alcehelic Beverages Tax Alien Preperty: Legislatien Aliens in the Armed Forces: H.R. 1090 Americans for Democratic Action Anti-Lynching Bill Anti-Recessien Act .of 1954 H.R. 8837 Apprepriatiens Cemmittee Apprepriatiens Cemmittee: Appropriatiens fer Department .of Defense Appropriatiens Cemmittee: Whitaker Rider Apprepriati.ons: Bills Appropriatiens: General Apprepriatiens: Prepesed Increases Apprepriatens .of State Dept: U.S. Centributiens UN Arab-Israeli Controversy: Legislation Arm ed Ferces Armed Ferces Reserve Act .of 1951 Armed Ferces Retirement Bill: H.R. 4746" 2 Armed Services Committee Asia - paper by Derethy Nerman re propesed U.S. Asian Situatien 1951 Atlantic Union Resolution Atemic Energy Bill Asian Situation Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Con/ail,er 2 Atlantic Union: SCR 4, HCR 26 Basing Point Basing Point Bill: S. 1008 Basing Point Legislation Benton, William: Testimony on Congressional Treatment - CEED Brannan Plan Bricker Amendment Bricker Amendment - legislation Brooklyn Navy Yard Budget Bi ll : Correspondence Budget Practices: Re-organization Act Budget Re-Organization Bill HR 8054 (I 949-50) Budget: Article by FDR, Jr. "The Real Size of th e Budget Bill: Correspondence Budgetary Practices Reorganization Bill: HR 8054 Ceiling Price Regulation Central Arizona Project Central Arizona Project: Correspondence Champlain College 3 China Lobby Civil Defense Civil Liberties Correspondence Civil Liberties Gunther Jacobson Civil Liberties Legislation Civil Liberties Newspaper Clippings Civil Liberties Statements and Press Releases Civil Liberties Supreme Court Hearings Civil Liberties Legislation (I 949-50) Civi l Liberties: Ellen Knauff Case (I 949-50) Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. COlltailler 3 Civil Peace Act of 1950 Civil Peace Act of 1952 HR 8096 Civil Peace Act of 1953 (FOR, Jr. Bill) Civil Rights Civil Rights: American Council on Race Relations: Civil Rights: Bills and Statements by FDR, Jr. Civil Rights: Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women: Civil Rights: Fair Employment Practices 4 Civil Rights Legislation Civil Rights: Fair Employment Practices Civil Rights: NAACP Legislative Program Civil Service Civilian Defense Bill Co-oo Taxes Code of Ethics for Public Servants Comm ittee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Public Power Committee on the Judiciary Committee on Veterans Affa irs Congressional (Pay and Allowances) Judges Salaries Congress ional Fiscal Control Congress ional Re-Organization Congressional Redistricting Conservation Construction - Legislation Consumers' Council Consumers' Council Bill (Roosevelt Bill HR 6892) Copyright Act H.R. 5473 Copyright Act: HR 5473: Correspondence Corruption Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. CO lltaiuer 4 Customs Inspectors: Congressional Bill Defense - legislation Defense Act of 1950 Defense Production Act Defense Production Act Amendments of 1951 : Defense Production Act of 1950 Defense Production Bill: Creation of a Small 5 Disamlament Echo Park Dam - legislation Economic Cooperation Act Econom ic Cooperation Act Aid: Armaments Factory y Economy Act of 1952 Roosevelt Bill H.R. 6441 Economy Act of 1953 Economy: Fiscal Policy Education Election Reforms Equal Rights Equal Rights Amendment Ethics - Legislative Branch Excess Profits Tax Bill Excise Tax Executive Expenditures Committee Hearin gs and 6 Executive Expenditures Committee Hearings and Executive Expenditures Committee: #1 Internal Executive Expenditures Committee: Hoover Executive Reorganization Executive Reorganization: Plan 20 Congressmen's Executive Reorganization: Plan I Welfare Dept. Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Contailler 6 Executive Reorgan ization: Plan V Civ il Service Executive Reorganization: Plan VI Maritme Executive Reorganization: Plan VII Commerce Executive Reorganizati on: Plan Vlll ( 1949-50) Executive Reorganization: Plan XVllI ( 1949-50) 7 Extension of Remarks Extension of Remarks: Roosevelt statement on Fair Committee Procedure Fair Employment Practices Committee Fair Employment Practices Committee - legislation Fair Trade Legislation Fair Trade Legislati on: Correspondence Federal Aid to Educati on Federal Budget Federal Commun icat ions Commission Federal Communications Commission: KMPC Case Federal Employees - legislation Federal Employees: Congressional Aid Federal Employees: Legislation for Salary Federal Employment (general) Federal Family Support Act Federal Housing Authority 8 Federal Pay Raise Bill: Correspondence ( I) Federal Pay Raise Bill: Correspondence (2) Federal Reserve Board Federal School Lunch Program Federal Trade Comm isssion Filibusters: Statistics Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. CO lltailler 8 Flood Control Legislation Fogarty Resolution fo r a Un ited Ireland Food and Drug Act Amendments: Mailing of Drugs Foreign Affairs (general) Foreign Affairs Committee (2) Foreign Affairs Committee: Aid to India Bi ll (2) Foreign Affairs Committee: Hearings for an 9 Foreign Affairs Committee: Legislation Foreign Affairs Committee: Memo on "Troops to Foreign Affairs Committee: Relations with China Fore ign Exchange Scholarships Program Foreign Pol icy (2) Foreign Policy: "National Interest and Current Fore ign Po licy: "The Great Debate on Foreign Foreign Po licy: "The Only War We Seek" by Arthur Fore ign Policy: Asian Situation Foreign Policy: Committee on Foreign Affairs Fore ign Po li cy: Correspondence Foreign Policy: Demobilization of 1945 and 1946 Foreign Policy: Foreign Trade Foreign Po licy: German Situation 1950 Foreign Policy: German Situation 1952 Fore ign Policy: Israel Foreign Po licy: Middle Eastern Affairs Foreign Policy: Miscell aneous Foreign Po licy: Mutual Security Program Foreign Policy: Roosevelt objectives and Foreign Po licy: Roosevelt Reso lution - Objectives Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Container 9 Foreign Policy: Trieste Dispute Foreign Policy: U.S. Relations with Spain Foreign Policy: Wo rld Peace and the Hydrogen Bomb 10 Foreign Trade (Agreements, etc.) German Resolution Governmental Affairs: Legislative Daily Health and Welfare Health Insurance: Bills Home Rule: Washington, D.C. Hoover Commission Reorganization Plans 22-27 House Key Votes House Un-American Activities Committee Housing Housing - legisl ation (2)
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