NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR NOVI SAD FAIR ��������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� 1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Reč generalnog direktora Utemeljen na tradiciji, u desetoj deceniji postojanja, Novosadski sajam je stekao prepoznatljivu tržišnu poziciju zahvaljujući konstantnom razvoju i kreiranju sajamskih, kongresnih i drugih događaja. Saradnja sa državnim i profesionalnim institucijama i povezanost s naučnim i obrazovnim centrima, kao i materijalni i ljudski resursi, predstavljaju ključne vrednosti za sve domaće i strane kompanije koje posluju sa Novosadskim sajmom. Naš cilj je da kvalitetnom i savremenom uslugom, kako na domaćem tako i na međunarodnom nivou, učinimo da Novosadski sajam bude mesto gde će kompanije ostvarivati benefi t i komparativnu prednost u tržišnom poslovanju. U skladu sa trendovima, rukovodimo se principima društvene odgovornosti, kako bi opravdali ulogu mesta koje simboliše sigurnost za zaposlene i poslovne partnere. S poštovanjem, A Word by the General Director FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI With a long-standing tradition, in the tenth decade of its existence, Novi Sad Fair has a distinctive market position due to its constant development and designing fair, congress and other events. Collaboration with state and professional institutions, connection with scientifi c and educational centres, as well as its material and human resources are key values to all local and foreign companies involved in busi- ness cooperation with Novi Sad Fair. Our objective is to off er a good quality and modern services, both at local and international level and thus make Novi Sad Fair a place where companies will make benefi t and gain comparative advantage in conducting their market activities. In accordance with the trends, we are guided by principles of corporate social responsibil- ity to justify our role of a place symbolising safety for employees and business partners. Sincerely yours, NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI 2 MR SLOBODAN CVETKOVIĆ 3 Generalni direktor / Chief Executive Offi cer VLASNIČKA Novosadski sajam je za devet decenija postojanja, kao STRUKTURA osnovnu delatnost razvio priređivanje sajmova i izložbi. Uz to, organizuje kongrese i stručne skupove, izdaje prostor OWNERSHIP drugim organizatorima događaja iz zemlje i inostranstva i obezbeđuje čitav niz korporativnih i promotivnih programa STRUCTURE poslovnim partnerima. Godišnje organizuje 20-ak sajmova, a među najpoznatijima je Međunarodni poljoprivredni sajam koji je i jedan od pet najvećih evropskih priredbi iz te oblasti, članica organizacije UFI. Sajmovi regionalnog karaktera su iz 42,34 % oblasti lovstva – takođe u članstvu UFI i turizma, a stručni i DRŽAVNI KAPITAL specijalizovani su s temama knjiga, umetnosti, obrazovanja, PUBLIC OWNERSHIP investicija, energetike, konjarstva, zlatarstva... U Kongresnom centru organizuje se i do 150 događaja godišnje – na stručnim skupovima, simpozijumima, kongresima, prezentacijama i promocijama, učestvuje i do 18.000 ljudi. NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI In the course of nine decades of its existence, Novi Sad Fair has developed the organization of fairs and exhibitions as its core activity. In addition to that, it organizes congresses and professional gatherings, leases premises to other orga- 22,47% nizers of events from the country and abroad and off ers a va- GRAD NOVI SAD riety of corporate and promotional programmes to its busi- THE CITY OF ness partners. It organizes approx. 20 fairs annually, and one NOVI SAD of the best known is the International Agricultural Fair, which is one of fi ve biggest European events of that type among UFI members. There are also regional fairs on hunting, also for 35,19% UFI members, and tourism, as well as specialised fairs on books, art, education, investment, energy, horse breeding, VLASNIŠTVO PRAVNIH I jewellery etc... There are up to 150 events organized in the FIZIČKIH LICA Congress Centre – professional gathering, symposia, presen- PROPERTY OF PHYSICAL NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI tations and promotions with a participation of more than PERSONS AND LEGAL 18,000 persons. ENTITIES 4 5 Prva novosadska trgovačka i zanatska izložba, pri- Zbog evidentnog uspeha i ugleda koji je tokom go- PROSTORNI KAPACITETI ređena od 11. do 26. avgusta 1923. godine, označila je dina stekao i postao prepoznatljiv, pre svega, kao agrobi- zvaničan početak organizovanja sajamskih priredbi u No- znis događaj regiona, novosadski Poljoprivredni sajam je SPACE CAPACITY vom Sadu, te se smatra prvom godinom postojanja Novo- na 25. kongresu Međunarodne asocijacije sajmova (UFI), sadskog sajma. 1958. godine u Solunu primljen u tu asocijaciju. 2 Godine 1929, da bi se sajmovi organizovali profe- Izgradnjom Kongresnog centra i Hale „Master”, započetih 226.000 m ULAZ-IZLAZ ULAZ-IZLAZ ENTRANCE-EXIT 5 sionalno a manifestacije postale stalne, grupa novosad- 2001. godine a otvorenih 2006. godine, Novosadski sajam je ENTRANCE-EXIT 2 • Ukupna površina sajmišta skih trgovaca i industrijalaca osnovala je Akcionarsko stvorio uslove za organizovanje modernih događaja. • Total area ISTORIJAT društvo za izložbe i Sajam uzoraka. Prvi međunarodni po- Sa više od 15 priredbi i 500.000 posetilaca godišnje, ljoprivredni sajam i Izložba stoke, održani su od 14. do 18. Novosadski sajam je danas stecište poslovnih, eduka- marta 1931. godine tivnih, stručnih, kulturno-zabavnih i sportskih susreta. ULAZ-IZLAZ ENTRANCE-EXIT 2 ULAZ-IZLAZ ENTRANCE-EXIT 4 The fi rst exhibition of trade and crafts in Novi Sad was gained throughout the years, and the fact that it has become organised between 11th and 26th August 1923, thus marking a recognisable, before all, as an agribusiness event of the re- 2 the offi cial beginning of organisation of fair events and exhi- gion, the Novi Sad Agricultural Fair became a member of the 166.000 m bitions in Novi Sad, which is why it is seen as the fi rst exhibi- Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) at the 25th ULAZ-IZLAZ tion organised by the Novi Sad Fair. Congress of this Association in Thessalonica in 1958. • Otvoreni prostor ENTRANCE-EXIT 3 / HISTORY (60.000 m2 komercijalni prostor In 1929, in order to provide professional organisation of The construction of the “Master” Congress Centre and i 106.000 m2 komunikacijsko events and to make them traditional, a group of traders and the Exhibition Hall, which began in 2001 and fi nished in 2006, – logistički prostor) industrialists from Novi Sad established the Joint-stock com- the Novi Sad Fair created conditions for organising state-of- • Outdoor area pany for organising exhibition and the Fair of Specimen. The the-art events, focusing on the servicing business. (60.000 m2 commercial area and fi rst International Agricultural Fair and the Livestock Exhibi- With more than 15 - performances and 500.000 visitors a 106.000 m2 communication th th – logistics area) tion were held between 14 and 18 March 1931. year, Novi Sad Fair is a place for business, educational, profes- Because of the evident success and renown that it has sional, cultural, entertaining and sports meetings. 2 • Zatvoreni prostor 60.000 m ULAZ-IZLAZ • Indoor area ENTRANCE-EXIT 1 FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI KONGRESNI CENTAR · CONGRESS CENTRE ��������������������������������� �������� 7 sala (2.230 m2) halls ���������� • Kongresni centar za skupove do 1.350 ljudi 1 2 3 4 5 6 ���������� ���������� • Congress centre ���� ��������������������������������� accommodating up ������������� to 1,350 people ���������������������������������� NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI mesta ���� 280 seats �������� • Restoran (galerija Aule) 6 • Restaurants (gallery of the Entrance Hall) 7 ������������������� ����������������������� ����������������� ����������������� �������� ������������� ������ ������ ��������������� ������������� ����������� �������������� ��������� ��������������� �������������������� �������� ������� ������������������ �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ����� � ��������� ������ ���� ���� ������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ������ �������� ��� ������ �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������ ���� ��� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������ ����� �������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����� ����� ������������������������� ������������������������������ ����� �������� ��� ����� ����� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����� �������� ��� ���� ���� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ����� ������������ �������� �� ���� ���� �������������������������������������� NOVOSADSKI SAJAM NOVI SAD FAIR SAD NOVI SAJAM NOVOSADSKI ���� ������������������������ ����������������������� ����� �������� �������� �� ��� ������ ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������
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