Meet Millie's ... Robert Q.lewIs Wanen III. ling (rosily 1Iy......., Oooney v ~ AZ ~/;t t W~ ~l< AJ.I~ 11001 l13 f l~ 3AY ~:lS:Hj153~ 901 SS3511M II 5'1f Silt! . That Ivory Look J0ung A mel'iea has it... J0u can have it in 7 days! Babies ha\c ThaI IvofY Look ... why shouldn"t you '! -- Mildness thal"S the ~ecrCI of Ivory's bea uty caTC. Reassurin g, reliable l1lildnc~s. So gClIlle on a baby's sk in- so right for yours. You know, mOTC doctors advise Ivory rur your complexion Ihall any other soap! You're more exciting when you h:lvc Thai Ivory Look! A radiant cornplcxioll ralC~ attention and it's so casy to h:l\'c! Simply change \0 regular caTc-using pure, mild Ivory SO:lp. In 7 days. your skin wiJlloak fresher - actually younger! You'll ha\c ThaI Ivory Look. /1--; -"_ 0..0 -..- ...• r')-- 09,t,'!J %p u re ... ;1 floats ,~'. More rlocrors odvi.s'e Iv0r.9 '110/1 on,lf ot-lier soap IUDIO JANl ARY, 1955 TVMIRROR \'OL.13, NO.2 Rl'guitir Edi,;on COMING J\un Hi~~i"hotJ",m. f:d;/OT NEXT MONTH Ann \lo<l1er. Ettflllh'l' Edilor Jark Za_orin. Art DirtCIOr 1,.,,,,<11. Bu"Ion. ,\1"""#1;'" Edilor Fr." ..... ~ "al}·. A<JMiate Art Director ElIl'n Tau«'!!. A.lSori/llt Editor Jo." Clarke. Arl A«i<wnt Claire Safran, Edilorial Assi.!la,,' Bettl' :\IiJ!s. West C(t(J~1 Editor ----------;:(ii: Janette -., ... , .. Davis people on the air ...................... h} Jill \\'arTI'Il 1 O ... tol ... r \\,i'lIl("r~ of Beal The C/(I<:k', Ewilill:;': Hi!! (0111(,'1... Ii "'~8,on·· Grt't'tin,,~ from Arthur Godfrt') .................... h) \Iarlin ("hen 19 \\ 1"'11 \ :-:ar \1"I'Ti," I \lary Ja",' l1i ~h)'l .................... It) F"a,,"''''' Ki,h 22 Exclusive! Colorful pictures of a How to .~(rikc II IIi..!, in 1955 (Wllrren 11,,1I1 .. ........ b) Lilla t\nd~f>o" 24 colorful songstress. fascinating visit LillIe Girl Lonely (j"311 \I(l" r~) .......................... L)· Gre!!:!!: \ la'lin 26 -by word and camero-in the We're tl eall)" ti,ing!...... .. ..... .1,) Ken,,} Baker 28 charming home of a real home girl The Youlli!eo'"l Pioneer (1)Cnnj~ JaIl1l"" ..... b) Ih·len Bol.tad 30 '" Prelly Wonderful Guy (Granl Sulii'lln 1 ...... b}· G'CIlOr) \lerwin .38 E,·e.) Girl a Fashion Queen.... .... by Jeanne Caj:.n",) 48 • Peter Oonald'8 Ma'sl/uernde Part,· .......... ..................... by Ele~no. Pollock 50 Who' ~ Who on Arm<lr01'g Cirde The/ller (TOil)' Ilnndllll. (Mmcn illathc,,~, Wnlter Abcl) ..................... 52 Lall~htl'r Acro<~ the Seas ( Hol,..rt Q. I ... "i, ) ............ h)· I'hilip (:l1al>I\'UII 54 A Sterlinli: F'$h('.man (Jack Sterlilll( I..... ............................. 56 Kit C,mo" Fi"d ~ hi~ ;\Iale !BiII William~)... ...... b~ Hi'll) \ l iII~ 58 Florian features in full color ZaBach Millie's .\Iama ...... b)' Florellre Halop 3~ There'~ Only One Bing! (BinI( ( '""1,, I. .......... h)' Ho~c"'ury (looII"'y 36 T"o and Tllo \ llIke Hea,en ............................. b)' ;\1,.,.. Ted Strtle 40 Lorea;o Jo"r~ (pirture slo.) frolll the pOllUla r tia}' lime drama \.. ~2 He wonted to be a stage magician your local station but now he works true enchantment lie Talh to EI"'llhanl~ (W:"IBO ) .. 6 on the strings of his violin-ond SollP)'~ On (WXYZ·TV ) 8 the strings of a notion's head WLW: Cradle of Stars.. .. 12 \ Iolher's Hig 11 ('1,,1" (WOOD·TV) ... .L ........ ......... 16 • your special services Ne ..· Pat1'ern'! for You (smart" ardrolwo '"~li:e,tioll~) .................. .. 2 SIe.·e Alle"'~ Tllrn(lIhle ............ 10 Information Booth 11 Eve ln~ide tladio 'I"O!!ram li,tillll~). ........... ....... , " ... 60 Daytime Diury .. 65 Arden New Oe·il'n ~ for 86 Co,e. portrait of Arlhur Godfre)' h)' Ge<lrge Hurrell buy your February copy early. on sale January 6 A baby for Our Miss Brooh (Mrs. Brooh West. that is) has mode a tender dream come true. in a home that was mode for happy children • February , TV RADIO MIRROR • on sale January 6 1 NEW! NEW PATTERNS DOCTOR'S FOR YOU DEODORANT DISCOVERY· SAFELY STOPS ODOR 24 HOURS A DAY! 9 104 SIZES Prond in underarm comparison tests made 14 Y.z-24!7 by a doctor. Deodorant tci!~oul M-S, tested under one arlll. ~topped penlpirntiOIl odor only R few hour,. New 1\Iu", fl'il" M-S. tested under other arm, stopped odor a full 24 hours. New Mum with M-3 9J04--l)illgo""lly·tuckcd hod ice, graceful won't irritate normal skin gored ~ kirl for n slimrui"g erred. Smarl sly Ie for Ihe SIl Orl!!r, rull", r fig ure. Half· or damage fabrics Si •.e8 1 4 ~'2 4 Y: . Size 16 1,4 lakes ' I ~ ya rds 1. -Exclusi"cdeodornnl hllSft! originnlly on doc­ 39·iu(h fubri c. 35¢ tor's discovery. now co'lol nins [OIlg-lasting :\1-3 470 5- MolII ·10·he: Whi l) "I) a new lOp Or • ( 11 e:<ach IOffillheue). ~ kirl in II tI :,y ... ili, Ih is se"·-ea.y paltern. 2. Stop;! odor aU dllY long because irl\' i ~ible Mihei "'hlernily Sizes 12.20. Size ]6 !\I -S dinlP to your skin-kul" QfI destroying skirl lakes 2 y" rth of 3S·inch fllh ric; 101) "'ilh I)ockel&, yard&, yard contrast. lSI! odor bacterin a full ~ I hours_ 3 \.4 3. NOIl.irritating 10 nor,,",) skin. Dill! it daily. 9295- The ne ... line of Illis fll ~ u a l do e~ Qroll! luding deodornnt C(W.lailling 110 strong bea utiful thinge ror your fi ~ ur e . The S. chemical astringents- will Ilot block Il(>ra. gore s,kirl make. yo ur "lIiSI look so small. Miaid Si1.es 12·20 ; 40. Size 16 lakes 4'!. •. Wou"t rot or discolor rabrics~rliroed by y:.rtls 35·il1l'h fllhric, 3S¢ American I n~litute of Lau.dering. 5. Delicate new (.agTrUltt. Crcnmier te-'<ture­ new ) Ium won't dry out in the jar. s,..,,1 ,Iol.. y-fir .. C<""U ( in coin.) fur ...... 10 .,. .. un '''' 1' V 'I.\IHO lI1 'U IIOIl. "a. ,u" I....... r."' ~ .. t . " .0 . ''''. • 131. Old CI, ~ I ,.., .. S . ~.i.,. •• NEWMUM N"... V .. rk II. "",,w Y.. .. k . cream deodorant , with long­ AI)I)BESS. • lasting M-3 CITY ..... • ,,'£]CAe" 1.0110"" ""'It} STATE . L....____________________ I.tj;.·" ..... " •• for ,·"d, ,'~"~rn for f,r ......h ... maili"" _ 2 9500 SKIN TESTS PROVE • •• Palmolive Soap Is Mildest! Better for Complexion Care! BETTER THAN ANY LEADING TOILET SOAP. • • FLOATING SOA P ••• EVEN COLD CREAM! Skin Specialist.-; ./Jgree: Milder Cleansing is Belter for Your Complexion! ... miltl loap "'(' M'" IU8 irritation ... more genlle deansing ... .50 dum;;,. IOt/lIY \ 0 Palmolive's Beaut)' Plan ... gcntly massage softer, smoother skin . Palmolhe "'rings you all these benefits Palm oli'e's lather onto you r aLin fo r 60 ~ec ollds. 3 times a -}e8. Palmoli,'c ;s better for !i l in care . because it 's the day. Rin~; pa t dry. In 14 daya or less, see if you do n't hne miIJ.. sl of them all. That's" h)' 11 0 other leading $Oap or co lt! MJ!IU, &mOOlh('r, brighter ,1';n- lhal Schoolgirl Compluion cream gelS 1II.:'n th or() u & hl~ dean 3.'1 "enlly as Palmoli.e! Loo l ! i'al rn oli "c is the mildeM-far ""lIe, for complexion cor,! "Imoll •• t. P,a.ed Palmolln Is Prand P,lmoliwe II P,owed Milder thin Anr Other lUdlnl Mild" thu lndinl Whitt hln MUd" tIIln Ame,lc,·, l tdl"1 a ..u tr Sup Or Cutlll $Gap! fllNltlnl Soaps or Oeodor,"t $Gaps t - - Cold C'flml! , • RILIIOllI!1;' SO,lP IIHJW IOI! oll/mo nUl' SftlOOlOlln (''flIfPll1flO,V lOOI'-! 3 • By JILL WARREN A do'~aned sM,o. a pion, and coif.. breo~ heolp Fran, Sinol,o ..1 tha mood lor his populor 15· 'nuia NBC "'0". "a..'9hla" Day" 10' CSS 'lo,lal Mory liM Beile, [Bobby) coma teCa~lly ... ha~ 'M ....,. mo",t</ 10 Robert Pilo"~y. When h ",id "1 do. 'Rab.rt hOppily 90.... "P h', ocliva ,Ioiu. o. v·ca.p,e,id..,1 01 Bochelo" CI"b 01 A"",i«J. F.eemon "Ame. Go.de~ and o.orle< 'Andy' eo....II Happy 'e.enlh bi'lndoy io KdIG.I"Q1I t"d (/IIi. ono' 01 _ .... 8.,. .. T;I,,,,,,,,. The Iovoble 9rc~p ce.. b<oli'd·n ~"'I\Q ..I>eo .... for tna" Ch,;,lmo,",.ndiii"" ,1 Th.e Lord Prayer. style 'n OcfoOer. NoI"roIIy. 011 II "'""'i! y wQil 10< the cO"''' to cO so h. could di .... n'O I~. 1'0..,.1 WI .. WHAT'S NEW FROM COAST TO COAST RptE·. good ........,.. ,0 , NBC·TV'. the big ""5t ",ill Include F.....:Iric March P~pari"'M for ito< role on th" Sunday ..ight ~mhfo, 13. ",·~t NBC·TV. Moon. in order to mm thil ..ri .... on 'ele"osiOll -und~r Ihe lith Af~ W;f~ Texcite"",nt over plan. for Itl IJjg .. s"t'OOj[e. Baoil Rathbone as M .• rley·. bcl'ore Chri.otmu. th<- N"... York Phil· ""ilh an ~Il-'\.ar .,...1. wh,eh. incidentally. "'IlI $hoI In color . I ....... , Cy Howard. ,,·ho ere~ted. wrv\.c> Cnli!ltmu day ntl'll'·.g..... "P<>tft" Ghoot. Christopher Cook u Tiny Tim. hannonic Syn,phony h .. p""llra",,,,<'<! The B." 01 Brood_II ..,ries. on L,be.--juot .bout t .... moot pOpu, and produced th..
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