..... ...........■" flm dir0trr Ettm tuo w rororo*Y ; «um A *t‘it,%s6fc ■■ ■■■■ •■■■ ■>-■■■“ ■ AVEBAOE DAILY COCUtATION .V.. DANCE to the Mra. F. 1#. PInnay of East Centar Miaa Orae* Robertson of Oakland Snow. iBdaeaat aaaault; Frwl Mini- for tka BwaUi a« DaBiiwbsr, IflS4 Fereeast af U.' atreet has returned after epending street, accompanied by Mias Beulah LOCAL MAN DUURED cueci, JaniM Lousy, intsrfsring with gILVBB RHYTHM (htheatra eeveral days in Portland, caltM there Wright of Syracuse, N. T., will leave an officer, breach of the peace; FARM ENUMERATOR by the lllnees of her brother. George tomorrow for a vacation In the Boleelaw Pieeaieck, cruelty to aal T. Wilcox, wboee death occurred South. Stope will be made in IN EAST HARTFORD 5 , 4 3 2 Fair and eeMer; taalgkt: > FiMijr ETcnhig; January 4th Sunday, with funeral In Portland Washington, D. C , and Finebluff, N. HERE NOT SELECIED PINEHURST m d b m t M Mm AM It siaa-utw . yesterday. He waa a' ami of the C The trip will be made by auto­ Dial 4191 NHM GIreiMftt late Mr. and Mra. Luther Wilcox c<f mobile and Wallace Shearer of Hil­ Carl A. Burbeck Taken to Hart­ A taM M S S e. that town and besides bis wife leaves liard street wdU.be chauffeur for ford Hoapital After Friend’s SPBOIALt We have Jnst tecetvsa a four children. Death was caused Miaa Robertson who will spend con Car Craahes Into n Pole BOUMEYE SPtNAOH (CkMatSafl Aflvartlaing an Pag* «.) alderable time In Florida. Manchester ..........lie ■klpassat af new srsp PEAR VOL, UVn N a 80. MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1935. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THI , from a heart attack. A sleter, Mra. Director SokMBU H u Hid ftans Hm Bnaaeaota VaBay William Stocking, alao of Portland, Heat Depat tw is t Si«gaBta> tiWdfSBg*~eoinpa». paekirs- died on December 14th after several Meredith Stevenson, chairman of Earl A. Burbeck, of 89 Fhator Date Book 20 Applicatiou— To Get Special OB Bib Lamb of Green Giant PMa, We iUiOOTTOWN montha' Illness. the nominating committee appointed atreet, was taken to Hartford hoapt CSwps at, l b . ............ 3 3 c wnnt yon ta try tal yesterday suffering from a frac­ to bring in a slate of officers and fheably Oroaad aiH offer tbs foDowiag c a p ta in N. J. Curtla of tl>« local Orford Pariah Chaptar, Daughters oommlttaes for the annual meatlng tured right arm and collar bona and Teolgkt 30 Coots Per Fino. olal priess In 8 ean M at two fractured riba as the result of LAMB PATTIES. 4 f a r .. 4 0 C braaSi of Um BalraUoa Army, and of the American Revolution, will of the Second Congregational church Rangers meet Pbantoma of New Baeoa wrapped. workara who aariated him in plan* hold its January meeting tomorrow Thursday, January 10, haa called a an automobile accident in East Britain at State Armory. BnNNBSOTA VALLEY la r S,000 of tha apodal Chriatmaa afternoon in the parlor of Center meeting of the committee for tomor­ Hartford. At State theater—Shirley Temple Cook these with Kraut! GARDEN PEAS church houee. The guest speakera row evening at Us home on Marble Twenty Manchester persona have SOe esn. 8 enna 88e, V^r C m In horoea in Uancheater Burbeck was riding in a car in "Bright Byes" shown at 7:30 and FRESH SPARE RIBS, 83.SS dos. and Rockville, are jrateful to aU will be State Regent Miss Emeline street. Others serving Include Mrs, operated by Robert Sanderson of 9:80. filed applications for the job of farm 8 Ibe. ................................. HAUPTMANN Street, and Mr*. Frederick C. Laitl- George F. Borat, Mra. Alfred Hayes, 3 3 c ExosBent quality . pat who purchaaed one or more coplea. East Hartford when the latter OwilBg Bventa census enumerator but only-one will up last year ^irader the Ar- Thoae who have received one of mer of Hartford. Mlae Alma and Mrs. H. L. Tenney, Joseph Wright, swerved to avoid hitting a truck, tha Jan. 14.—Le.:ture. “Neo-Clasalc be selected to do the work in this Fresh Tender Geanlae theae Chriatmaa editiona of the War Miaa Lillian Shipman of Qlastonbury E. B. Edgerton. Ralph Rockwell, machine colliding wdth a telephone Furniture'^ by C. Elmore Watkins; town, S. J. Solomon, state director CALVES’ LIVER, Cry and accompanying envelopea, will antertain with violin and piano Rev. F. C. Alien, Richard Smith. ^ lb., SSc. Foand ........ pole. Sanderson waa not injured. Interior Decorating Course, T. H. of the census, said today. Work on 5 9 c Defenders Hold War Council and would like to contribute aome- numbers. Membera are reminded C. A. Public invited. Blne aad Gold Label ihlng. the captain would appreciate that at this flrat meeting of the year tha census in Manchester and vicin­ If yon want aa oM fasUoaed New SUGAR PEAS CONGRESS CONVENES; 1. Mrs. Joseph L. Handley, director Jan. IS.—Second annual "Inter­ w It If they will aend it to him at 661 gifta for Ellis Island are desired. England Dinner . try a piece of SSc can, 8 caas 88c, of the Manchester Community Play­ national Night” at Y. M. C. A. ity will start next Monday. * the eugar cured PINEHURST BABY WAS KILLED ON NIGHT The call for yam and shirting la 88Jie dox. Main atreet, or telephone 3787. ers, was hoatesa at supper last night 11 MANCHESTER CASES Jan. 17-30 — Annual Poultry Mr. Solomon said that the enum­ QUAUTV CXIRNED BEEF . we stressed. The hosteesea will be Mra. Show a t State Armory. A No. 8 oleve omall Pea of Luchis Foster, Miaa Naomi Foater to the cast In "Double Door," the erator in Manchester, like those In are sure It will delight your fam­ the hlgheot qiiallty. A pre-natal clinic will be held to­ mystery drama to be presented Jan­ Jon. 18.—Annual concert and other communities,' will receive ily . Rib Cuts at toe lb., 8 lbs. HARMONYPREDICTED and Miss Ida Holbrook. IN SUPERIOR COURT morrow at 9 o'clock at the Health uary 25 at WhltoD Memorial hail un­ dance of Manchester Pipe Band. compensation at the rate of 30 cents SSc; lean sllciBg pleoea aU23e to 8-ounoe oano of Peao, 18e, Center on Haynea atreet. der the auspices of Orford Pariah Jan. 21.—Lecture "Draperies” by per farm visited. The Manchester 88c lb. 8 for 38c. Dante Paganl, Luigi Pola, John Chapter, Daughters of the American Mr. Haaenclever of F. Schumacher enumerator should be able to earn OF HDNAPING, STATE SA January Term Opens Tuesday; This slippery going slewo de. Nutmeg Dlatrlct L. O. U No. 31, Flrato and Nicholas Della Fera are Revolution. Miss Helen Eates, who A Oo., New York. Iifterior Decorat­ about 16 dally, Mr. Solomon esti­ Lamb fUdneys, 8 for 18c. Plenty Members StiD m Doubt As arranging for the annual banquet of Some of Those Appealed ing Course, Y. M. C. A. Public In­ Uverteo up coaolderable . will go to Stamford Saturday, Janu­ is to direct this play, returned from mated. The enumeiator is required of freshly made Lavg* Llak and so ne will have to ask y ^ ^ SAY DEMOCRATS ary 12. to Inatall the offlcera of the Sub Alpine club which will be her vacation in time to be present Have Since Vacated in Town. vited. to have a car. According to the Small Link Sausage . the Large Stamford, L. O. L, No. 26S. The held in the club rooms on Eldridge at the New Year’s party. Later in Jan. 31.—Lecture "Floor Cover­ state director, the census here will links me wonderful value at the be patient with our dell^ to What Presideiit WiD street Sunday, January 6. There will ings” by Mias Helen M. Daggett. men. Even with an extra meettog will begin at 7 p. m. A the evening the east left for the club­ Eleven cases from Manchester are require about five weeks before It Is apecial price of 28o lb. livery car It Is hard te keep meeting of the local membera of the be officers elected and the dinner rooma in the Batch and Brown build­ on the docket of tht January crimi­ decorator-styUat of Bigelow-San- completed. WUl STAM) BY Bronx Carpenter *s Fate UOIYSR IS PRESEN' ford Carpet Co., New York. Interior Ripe AlSgator Peats, 3 for 3Se.' on schedule. Please 'phone Say m His Message Dlatrlct lodge will take place Sun­ will be served at 12:30. During the ing for rehearsal. Mra. Handley nal aesslon of Superior Court which Enumerator* will be chosen for your order as early no con­ day afternoon In the Waahington afternoon there will be dancing. wUl take a leading part in the com­ opens Tuesday, January 8. Some Decorating Course, Y. M. C. A. Wapplng, Buckingham, Hebron and Jniey Grapefruit, 8 for 18c. Public Invited. venient . all orders. re- aodal clubrooma to make arrange- ing production. cases that bad been appealed have the other smaller towns surround­ Tangerine*, 18e dosen. eelved after 8:80 go out on Tomorrow. CAUCU^RUUNG menta for the trip. Tt la hoped a Jan. 28.—"Double Door” by Com­ Rests With This Jury HEARING TOD: The annual meeting of the Swed­ since been vacated here. ing Manchester but the number to Florida Oranges, 38c docen. early afternoon dellvory. Inrge number will be preaent. ish Congregational church will take The Young People's Legion meet­ The cases are listed as followa: munity Players at Whlton Memori­ be assigned to each district varies place Friday of this week at 7:30 al, auaplcee D. A. R.
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