Voice of Prophecy VOLUME 62 AUGUST, 1967 NUMBER 8 New Centre Supplies Vital Need MRS. JANET CALEBS three-lakh-vocational training Narayana Reddy, local panchayat young people in Mysore State. Many A centre was declared open at chairman. Mr. Reddy expressed ap- young people were found who were Lowry Memorial Higher Secondary preciation, both personal and from not attending school. Neither were School, Bangalore, on June 25 by the community, for the good disci- they at work. "They could not work Harley E. Rice, associate secretary of pline Lowry Memorial Higher Secon- because they were not qualified," Mr. the medical department of the Gen- dary School maintains and the oppor- Kutzner said. And so the idea of a eral Conference of Seventh-day Ad- tunity it provides for students to earn vocational training school was born. ventists. while they learn. "I wish there were When Mr. Kutzner became princi- more such schools and centres in this Lowry Vocational Training Centre pal of Lowry in 1962 he noticed that country," Mr. Reddy said. is under the direction of Dale B. a majority of students failed in SSLC Principal Arno Kutzner stated that Visger of Canada. Mr. Visger is as- examination. "In fact," he pointed about five years ago the Lowry sisted by J. S. Paul Pandian, of Tiru- out, "an average of 70 per cent fail Memorial Higher Secondary School nelvelly, and five qualified instruc- in SSLC examination in Mysore Board gave study to the problems of tors. The Centre offers a three-year To page 15 curriculum in carpentry, printing, auto mechanics, and electrical re- pairs. In addition business manage- ment, arithmetic and English are re- quired subjects. The inital enrolment of 35 is toward the total of one hun- dred students expected by the third year. Before cutting the ribbon which opened the new building, Elder Rice paid tribute to those who dreamed the Centre, to those who believed it and to those who willed it. "The opening of this building is a witness to the fact that ultimately love always prevails over hate, and good triumphs over the base," he said. Elder Rice dedicated the building to the Carpenter of Galilee with the wish that those who take training in this Centre will, like the Carpenter of Harley E. Rice officially opened Lowry Vocational Training Centre on June 25. old, give their lives in service to Left to right: Dale B. Visger, director of the Centre; George W. Maywald, acting others. chairman South India Union committee; Harley E. Rice, associate secretary of the medical department of the General Conference; Narayana Reddy, panchayat chair- Also a guest on June 25 was man; and Nambigappa Devaraj, teacher, Lowry Memorial Higher Secondary School. 2 SOUTHERN ASIA TIDINGS • The Seventh-day Adventist Wel- fare Service (SAWS) has voted more than 75-thousand rupees in emer- NEWS gency aid for victims of the Arab- Israeli war. SAWS president W. E. Phillips said 400 family-size tents, two • A letter received from Miss M. thousand blankets, and six hundred DIVISION DIRECTORY Carol Hetzell expresses appreciation 124-pound bales of middle-weight for the wonderful hospitality ex- clothing will be shipped as soon as R. S. LOWRY President tended to her in Southern Asia. Miss possible to Beirut, Lebanon, where C. B. GUILD Secretary 11. STICKLE Treasurer Hetzell expresses an urgency for the they will be distributed to SAWS HARRY OSMOND Auditor work in this Division, suggesting a workers throughout the Middle East. E. M. STILES Assistant Treasurer more extensive use of mobile units Phillips placed the value of the aid DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES with projectors and clinics. Following at 776-thousand, 250 rupees. Accord- inf.: to Phillips, SAWS officials in the C. H. T/DWELL Education her tour of South India and Ceylon, I. K. MosEs Field Secretary, Miss Hetzell conducted a Writers Middle East will add to the shipment Stewardship Workshop in Tehran. The workshop from local welfare stocks. G. W. MAYWALD Lay Activities scheduled in Beirut was held in Nico- W. H. MATTISON Ministerial, Dr. Douglas A. Bixel, a 1963 Radio-TV sia, Cyprus, where many Middle East • J. A. SOULE Publishing workers had evacuated. Her final as- graduate of the Loma Linda, Califor- W. F. STORZ Sabbath School signment on this three-month trip nia, University School of Dentistry, S. JAMES Temperance, Public was coverage of the Southern Euro- has become the first known foreign Relations pean Youth Congress at Vienna, dentist to pass the Japanese Dental R. J. E. HILLOCK YPMV, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Austria. In attendance at this con- Board examination. Dr. Bixel, a staff gress were ten thousand youth from member of the Tokyo Sanitarium- SOUTHERN ASIA TIDINGS 35 countries. Hospital, a Seventh-day Adventist NORA GUILD, Editor • Guide Editor Lawrence Maxwell is institution, did the almost impossible. Owned by the General Conference of He passed both the oral and written Seventh-day Adventists (Southern Asia preparing a real Southern Asia issue Division), Salisbury Park, Poona. Pub- of the Guide to promote the Thir- examinations in Japanese. Dr. Ralph lished by C. B. Guild for the General teenth Sabbath Offering on Sep- F. Waddell, who oversees the 320 Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, tember 30. Included in this special Seventh-day Adventist hospitals, Southern Asia Division, Poona, and printed by V. Raju at the Oriental issue will be stories and pictures sub- clinics, dispensaries, and sanitariums Watchman Publishing House, Salisbury mitted by Mrs. Goldie Down, Mrs. around the world, said Adventist Park, Poona 1. Mable Hillock, Miss Gloria Thomas, dental missionaries, like Dr. Bixel, Postal Address: Post Box 35 0. W. Lange and C. B. Guild. This are making significant contributions Poona 1, India to Adventist mission work around the 2772-67. special Guide issue will be dated Sep- tember 20. world. UNION MISSIONS DIRECTORY • Pastor William Moses, 7504 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Maryland • The Far Eastern Division of Burma—K. Paw, president; Tun Sein, Seventh-day Adventists has begun secretary; Pein Gyi, treasurer; (P.O. Box 20012, U.S.A., writes: "I am fully 977) 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon, booked this quarter for. Mission construction in Hong Kong of its 19th Burma. stories. We will do what we can to medical institution. Groundbreaking Ceylon—E. C. Beck, president; B. F. promote the Southern Asia projects. ceremonies were held in June for the Pinghe, secretary; S. M. Moses, treasurer; I am tremendously impressed with new 80-room circular hospital. The (P. 0. Box 1253) 7 Alfred House Gar- new building will include 80 rooms dens, Colombo, Ceylon. the spirit of giving among our peo- ple in this country, especially when for patients, two surgeries, six offices Northeast—G. J. Christo, president; for doctors, a reception room, and a W. J. McHenry, secretary; S. John, you consider they are all common treasurer; Karmatar, Santhal Parganas people. How I wish we could incul- X-ray department. The entire project District, Bihar, India. cate the same spirit in India." will be completed by the end of 1969 Northwestern India—E. A. Streeter, or in early 1970. This new hospital president; J. M. Campbell, secretary, • The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will be one of more than 300 Advent- C. N. John treasurer; 11 Hailey Road, overflow portion for the first quarter Few Delhi 1, India. ist medical institutions around the 1967, was Rs. 671,884.13, the largest world. Pakistan—O. W. Lange, president; W. H. first-quarter "overflow" offering in Toews, secretary-treasurer; (Post Box 32) 32 Mozang Road, Lahore, West history. • Worldwide united prayer for Pakistan. • Seventh-day Adventist world Seventh-day Adventist youth will be South India—A. J. Johanson, president; membership at the end of 1966 a part of the March 16 to 23, 1968 M. D. Kodan, secretary; I. R. Toews, totalled 1,661,655. Last year 131,240 MV Week. treasurer; (Post Box 20) 13 Cunningham Road, Bangalore 1, India. were added to Adventist membership Western India—V. P. Muthiah, president; by baptism and profession of faith. • Plans are being developed in W. M. Hillock, secretary-treasurer; (Post During the year Adventist publishing North America for a Voice of Proph- Box 4565) 16 Club Road, Byculla, houses around the world sold Rs. ecy radio broadcast especially for Bombay 8, India. 279,464,160 worth of literature. youth. SOUTHERN ASIA TIDINGS 3 Ministerial General Conference Associate Secretaries Visit Southern Asia LDER Andrew C. Fearing, asso- ference Ministrial Association, will be E ciate secretary of the General Con- in Southern Asia during August and Andrew C. Fearing September. Elder Fearing is a teacher To permit a greater number to receive benefit Elder Andrew of ministers, conducting training in- C. Fearing and Elder Weldon H. Mattison will hold institutes as follows: stitutes, classes, and workers meet- ings. From time to time he is a guest Western India August 4- 9 Nasrapur professor of Andrews University. He South India August 11-16 Nuzvid comes with a record of experience. August 18-23 Prakasapuram Elder Fearing's evangelistic work has Ceylon August 25-30 Mailapytia included eleven of America's largest Pakistan September 1- 4 Lahore cities. As a pastor he has served some September 5- 7 Dacca of the largest churches and has spent Northeast September 11-14 Ranchi eight years as a conference president September 15-20 Shillong Northwest September 22-27 Jullundur in the United States. He has held his Burma September 29-30 Rangoon present appointment for the past nine years. Temperance temperance department, will be in programme, The Best Saturday Night Southern Asia through the months of in Town and launched the Five-Day August and September.
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