WIN E 1 0,0001 Find out how STERMINAT on none 8 Dr Who — Dalek Attack 111 zaps onto the Speccy on nage 12 t , The Daleks came from oute space to destroy earthlings. They were also remarkably fond of tapes. So if your Cover- tape's missing, 4 DalekA ably got hold of it. Tell your r tooLN prob-newsageqand hell give you a specially protected one so Didn't you spill my spinach juice? that you can pray NEXOR Popeye 3 reviewed on page 14 Four wholesome SAM games in this month's SAM Centre Choose your weapons and follow me - Laser Squad tipped and sorted Win loads of behind-the-sofa Dr Who videos And! Say hello to Spec Tec Jr • The definitive guide to Dr Who videos The Ultimate Guide To Lite, Love and Lootatui And! A round-up of the Dr Who books that were too big to film Page 441 (That•s OVIAI .1 , 1 _111PAPAMMIKI b . IN LAIR 40,648 ' errn_ ALM Editor Linda Barker s Art Editor Andy Ounsled 1r Stall Writer Jon Pinar Editorial" Contributors Craig Broadbent. Dave Golder. Tim Kemp. Simon Cooke sue is a treat for all Art1 Contributor Phil McCardie Senior Sales Executive Jackie Gafford C Seise you Dr fans. We've had ton 3Executive Audrey Smithy Production of fun putting it together and I ho Co-ordinator Lisa Read C Production reading it I've made a few 1Technicians Chris Stocker, Jerome MAGNI FI CENT Clough C Scanning Simon Windsor. Jon this month. Firstly, Joystick Moore, Simon ChitlendenC Publisher Jugg have disappeared cos it s CohnC CampbellC Promotions Manager Michelle Hams!, Promotions Assistant a bit daft just having me and Jon in our Tamara Ward C Group Publisher Greg lumn. Dave Golder's been Ingham C Circulation Director Sue me for ages to let him be in Hartley C Assistant Publisher Julie Sluckes Your Sinclair, Future , and I always felt a bit bad about Publishing. 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Craig Broadbent and Tim Kemp BA1 28W. Tel 03225) 442244 Fax (0225) t too! 448019 tr Managing Director Chris Another change has occurred within Anderson C Subscriptions Future Publishing Ltd. SomenOn, Somerset. _pages of Spec Tec, Adam Waring's TA1 1 6TB, Tel (0458) 74011 CZ. Future in fear of his life and Spec Tec Publishmg 1992 Nk) part of this magazine imon Cooke, is very comfy in may be reproduced without the recorded permission of Kg. (Apart from the bit Ad's chair. Adventures is down to a 41WF- where Jon Says that Kg was a useless page this month cos I wanted to finally RETARDED CREATURES AND SOUNOTRACKER piece of metal that you wouldn't want to CAVERRS1COMPLETE GAME! PD MUSIC UTILITY! use as a doorstop,) C ISSN 0269 6983 1 get rid of loads of Input Output ads that 1/Your Sinclair exterminates the following I've been hanging onto for ages. Check COMPLETE GAMES OF on a daily basis, Commodore Format. out this month's Input Output, there HAUNTED HOUSE AND Amstrad Action, Amiga Format. PCW TETROID AND! ANOTHER Plus. PC Answers, Mega, Superplay. PC are some bargains in there. Oh, and JOLLY STONKY PO DEMO Plus, Sega Power, Amiga Power, Amiga Haylp! will be back next month too! I' ITS HOTTER THAN A Shopper, Classic CO, Needlecraft. Cycling now and let you lot read the ish! Plus. Photo Pius, Mountain Biking UK. PC Goodbye Format. ST Format, Total! and Today's ABA PIECE OF 1 Vegetarian Lots of love, Today's sandwich suggestions - Ham, Linda* E P pork, luncheon meal, liver sausage, corned beef or spam topped with slices of tomato Or how about tinned sardines mashed and mixed with mayonnaise and chocolate vermicelli' DR WHO • DALEK ATTACK Your guarantee of value' The scariest mothers ever to grace our television screens make their Specoy debut. This magazine comes trom Future Check out this month's menacing Publishing, a compa ny founde d just six years a go, but %le e ch now se lls more Megapreview and then run and hide compute r ma ga zine s than a ny othe r pubksher a n Brita in We offe r behind the sofa. Eeld Be tte r a dyko, Our title s a re pa cke d with The turny-pegeradventurary-soMet-thing Gam. returns! hos, sugge stions and e xpla na tory fe a ture s. Afte r the lite ra lly sma l re sponse to issue 7 9 s Ba tma n e pic. VS a re written by the be st in the busine ss. reasonably proud to present Dr Who vs the Consouts. in this sone you play the Doctor who, along with your faithful Stranger re vie ws We ha ve a ca st-e on ca r compa nions Linda . Andy a nd Jon. ha s to de fe a t the e vil 1,Inerh'I poky of e ditoria l independence. So Consouls, fiendish shapechangers who con pox souls into dont try bribing us! buying use le ss ma chine s with ga me s tha t cost £40, To do this you ne e d the six pa rts to the Ke y to Time , a de vice tha t will ba nish Clearer design. YOU 'wed solid information the Consouls forever. You've already found three Dart2 or the Key, last. Sc our designers highlight key end ha ve worke d out in which time zone s the othe r thre e a re hidde n elements by using cha rts, dia gra ms, surmiary boxes, annotated photographs. fiCitver old you The tourne ys sa ll be quite da nge rous, but, a s you're etc. $ non-violent sort of hero, you've elected to bamboozle any enemies with cunning e qua tions wine ving the le ngth of your sca rf. re pe lling Greater relevance, At Future, editors etteciters by (Mewing them petty babes. Find a die and roll a then -- operate under two golden rules: add ten to the result This is your SCARF rating Do the same • Understand your readers' needs again - this is you defensive JELLY score When you encounter • Satisfy themn a villa in roll tha t sa me die a nd a dd the score to your SCARF' rating Do the ULM for the monster. If your score is the same More reader interaction. We draw eir higher, subtract one from the monsters JELLY rating - strongly on re a de rs' contnbkreans, re se lling not, subtract one from yours Continue unto either you or the in the iniebest eters pages and the best monster has zero JELLY. Simple. eh? The other Ming to note reader bps. Buying one of our ma ga zine s is Is that due to a tragic design flaw, your VS Shed TARDIS is like looting a nationwide user grow. compa nion with you pe r lime zone So le t's hope the actually sma lle r triSide M a rl out 8 0 you Ca rl only ta ke one Ag Better value for money. More pages. person you ta ke is going to come in use ful, e h? Right, f hinfer ouality magazines you can trust. now turn the ma g side wa ys a nd e g ove r to pa ge 4 a .VICre PVtl I SP YOUR SiNCLAIR Nov 1992 REVIEWS 14 Popeye 3 14 Bully's Sporting Darts 15 Sword of the Samurai PREVIEWS 12 Dr Who - Dalek Attack 40 Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 40 Slicks 1 40 International Tennis -- Link Dolkor Edstot I Vivo Do- Who monoor 41 Robin Hood: Legend Quest OUll Ogg7 CUP CUP CIO WOW) etd •S;10P4U: •Jil CUD lk g Cybormon • Why 41 Wrestling Input Output9 special , Coothoor shiny *mow'I Thoy look Igo tooltt INA'Orem tachno bond Get the complete Speccy tforf 42 REPLAY FEATURING: gamesplaying kit from our species I extended input Output. Hundreds Pr Stun Runner. Race Pack 4 and kmo Badlands hundreds of games at prices your is grandmother wouldn't sneeze at. co THE REGULARS ol 1 Absolutely terrifying cover 8 Pssst 4 Thp Magnifi cent Seven 11 Meet the Shed Crew 11 Charts 16 SAM Centre 19 Letters 22 Mag 7 continued 23 Tipshop 29 Adventures 30 Pitstop 32 Spec Tec Jr 34 Comic Strip 36 Flip! YS/Altemative ho 36 VS/Alternative Dr Who compo 44 Crossword clues/Back Issues competition 46 Input Output special ••vwly ounsteli Art odrtor I rem DrWtoo W•'ve got 12 copies of Dr Who 50 VS Warehouse Why Dale* Attack plus two complete 51 Next Month just tho boot, 1 m pkwrimg to cowl:moo Foy DIV video box sets of the Dr Who years bike illte 42W Ada at Med kook of iseakocks to give away. Hurrah! 125 K9's favourite dog bowl hi rr d to The Curse of o Fenric. Dave v Golder presents o w the complete m buyer's guide to o Dr Who videos. o While just across n The Killer Kolumn the page, we w from Outer take a look at a h M1111111 Space takes selection of new y ARNIM a break Dr Who books. , from The publishers T h bringing you said they were e the latest news and stories too big to y 000 fit on the screen. goss from the SF r 000 world to sit down We run 'em under o 0 and watch a few Flipl's gimlet eye 00 yids. From An and give our 0 Unearthly Child verdict.
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