PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK DI DJIBOUTI SEBAGAI INSTRUMEN GEOPOLITIK AKSES SAMUDERA HINDIA: MIKROKOSMOS KEBANGKITAN DAMAI TIONGKOK SKRIPSI Disusun oleh: DEMAS NAUVARIAN NIM. 071711233060 PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA ILMU HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL DEPARTEMEN HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN AKADEMIK 2020/2021 IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA i SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA HALAMAN PERNYATAAN TIDAK MELAKUKAN PLAGIAT Bagian atau keseluruhan isi Skripsi ini tidak pernah diajukan untuk mendapatkan gelar akademis pada bidang studi dan/atau universitas lain dan tidak pernah dipublikasikan/ditulis oleh individu selain penyusun kecuali bila dituliskan dengan format kutipan (langsung ataupun tidak langsung) dalam isi Skripsi. Apabila ditemukan bukti bahwa pernyataan saya tidak benar, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya, April 2020 (Demas Nauvarian) i SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK DI DJIBOUTI SEBAGAI INSTRUMEN GEOPOLITIK AKSES SAMUDERA HINDIA: MIKROKOSMOS KEBANGKITAN DAMAI TIONGKOK SKRIPSI Maksud: sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan studi S1 pada Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Airlangga. Disusun oleh: DEMAS NAUVARIAN NIM. 071711233060 PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA ILMU HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL DEPARTEMEN HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN AKADEMIK 2020/2021 ii SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA HALAMAN PERSEMBAHAN For God and all His Glory. For Mom and my loved ones who are overseeing me from beneath the stars. For those who have sustained me and made my journey possible. For all who have loved and hated me, and shaped me for who I am. For me, after all the sleepless nights and tiring day, after all the anxiety. Thank you. iii SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA HALAMAN INSPIRASIONAL “Berusaha dan Berdoa. Sisanya serahkan pada Allah. Mama yakin kamu bisa." -(Almh.) drg. Rr. Koesanggraini Priharijanti “Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" -anonymous “Dream, Believe, and Make it Happen.” -Agnes Monica “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore (in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) “If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” -Percy Jackson (in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: I – The Lightning Thief) “We all have a Past, Watson. Ghosts. They are the shadows that define our every sunny day.” -Sherlock Holmes (in Sherlock, S3E4, “The Abominable Bride”) "Life is chaos, success is completely arbitrary, and confidence is everything.” -Gina Linetti (in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, S6E4, “Four Movements”) iv SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Dear readers, please allow me to convey my thanks in english, as language is a mere medium that I wish never would diminish the amount of gratitude I tried to extort. The writing of this thesis has much more than what is written on its cover. Rather, it is a one year process of self-reflection, full of turning points in life. While at the beginning of this journey I found such narrative to be cliche, I have found the opposite while writing this gratitude page. During the trip, I have found a bigger meaning about life, rethinked my relations with those around me, and arguably, stepped ahead to find my real identity. This pages of gratitude are an obituary of that journey, a reminder that I hope would always help me to reminiscence these days and those in it. For those who come, who stay, and who left, as all of those are as impactful to me as others. First, I want and need to thank God, for all his help and mercy all this time, as he is divine and loving. Second, to the lady whom I dedicate and credit all my life accomplishment to: (Almh.) drg. Rr. Koesanggraini Priharijanti. Mom, I did it! I graduated! For until the day I see you I will answer my biggest regret as not having you by my side during this moment, the first twenty one year of my life is the best years I have. You have crafted me to be a strong, intelligent, poise, and sociable individual, just like how you excel in. The few months between your passing and the moment I write this has been the hardest time of my life. I cried while writing this part. But, you also thought me about continuing to live despite the world might seem to be against you. While the world haven't done any justice for both of us, thank you for being the love of my life. Thank you for being strong all this time. Thank you for loving me. I will continue to fight, until we meet again, Mom. Third, to (Almh.) R. A. Koesfatimah and (Almh.) Rr. Koesandrijani Prihartati, the two people that alongside with my mom was the happiest to receive the news when I enter university. These to ladies, alongside with (Almh.) dr. Rr. v SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA Koeshardini Prihastuti, during my early years, have been the other-mom figures in my life. Their love and compassion has helped me to become who I am today, and I would always missed them, dearly. Fourth is to my father, Herawandono Anantija, S.E. who persevere. I also owe my gratitude towards the extended family of (Alm.) dr. Zainal Arifin and (Alm.) Prof. DR. dr. H. R. Moeljono Notosoedirdjo. For all my aunts, uncles, and nephews, who have supported me, specially during the dark times. The reason that I am who I am today is also because I was shaped by a handful of intelligent and supportive members of Department of International Relations, Universitas Airlangga. These lecturers, academic staff, and colleagues who often challenged me to soar into new heights, and helped me develop both as an academia and as a person. To Mas Joko Susanto, M.Sc., my thesis supervisor and inspiring lecturer, who have worked together with me in many things, believed in me, and inspired me to work hard to achieve my dreams. To Mas Moch. Yunus, MA., my academic supervisor, who have helped me through the years. To Mbak Citra Hennida, MA (IR)., the one who have taught me when I first come to the research pond, and have believed in me ever since. To Ibu Dr. Phill. Siti R. Susanto, for being the epitome of intelligence and kindness, and have become the evidence for the use of compassion as the key for success. To Mas I Gede Wahyu Wicaksana, Ph.D., for being an example and ideal of the academia I want to be. To Pak M. Muttaqien, Ph.D. for including and helping me in so many things throughout the years. To Ibu Baiq Wardhani, Ph.D. and Pak Vinsensio Dugis, Ph.D., for being the parents-at-campus since the day-one of my campus journey. To Pak I. Basis Susilo, MA. and Ibu Lilik Salamah, M.Si., for believing that I can achieve outstanding things for working hard. To Pak Wahyudi Purnomo, M.Phill., who have taught me about work-life balance and to smile despite all the storms. To Ibu Sartika Soesilowati, Ph.D., Pak Djoko Sulistyo, MS., and Pak Triharso, MS. for all the knowledge she gave to me. To Mas A. Safril Mubah, Ph.D. (cand.), for being kind. vi SKRIPSI PANGKALAN MILITER TIONGKOK… DEMAS NAUVARIAN IR – PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA Beside all the outstanding lecturers above, I would also like to convey my gratitude to some younger geniuses, from who I have learned so much about International Relations, and navigating the times in general. To Mas Agastya Wardhana, M.Hub.Int., for being a lead and example for me for so many years, inspiring people with his genius and humbleness. To Mbak Annisa Pratamasari, Ph.D. (cand.), my first supervisor in my first ever professional job in Jurnal Hubungan Internasional. She has taught me a lot about being strong and professional, while walking through life with joy. To Mas Radityo Dharmaputra, Ph.D. (cand.), for being an extraordinary academia whom I aspired to follow, and for being an incredibly kind, caring, and understanding individual. To Mbak Fadhila Pratiwi, MA., for believing in me and so many other individuals that we are destinied for great things. To Mbak Kholifatus Saadah, M.Hub.Int., who is now a lecturer in a new university, for always believing me and teaching me to be kind, caring, and professional. To Mbak Indah Tri Imayati, for being extremely helpful and caring during all the years I am here, and hopefully more to come. I have often described these past four years as the best years of my life, and that is due to the fact that I was surrounded by the best individuals I have ever met—my friends. To my foremost inner circle, Putu Shangrina Pramudia, Nabila Olivia Saptari, Kenia Syifa Kirana, and Ayudhia Rohadatul Aisy. These women are my main support system. They have seen me among the stars and falling deep down, and they always had my back. For that, I am forever grateful. To Qatrunnada Nabilah Cahyani, Candra Hayu Prameswari, and I Gusti Ayu Agung Rani Aristyaningsih, for always supporting me and motivating me, even during my darkest nights. To Pasek Acyuta Diwangkara Satyakusuma, M. Aryo Rasil Syarafi, and Lintang Bening, for being great colleagues and friends who challenged me to be greater. To Galistya Cittarasmi, Maya Hanifah, Nurina Permatasari, Maharani Aisyah Intan Ratu, Retta Viviyanti, and Elvianti Nabilah Sari Arifin—The Suzuran— for being a group of friends who have lent me their shoulders and hands, everytime everywhere.
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