Kansas Radio Storm Lake Waverly KAYL(AM) - November 1948: 990 Khz; 250 W -D

Kansas Radio Storm Lake Waverly KAYL(AM) - November 1948: 990 Khz; 250 W -D

Iowa, Kansas Radio Storm Lake Waverly KAYL(AM) - November 1948: 990 khz; 250 w -D. 604 .KWAR(FM) -Sept 15, 1951: 89.1 mhz; 10 w. 1/2 Lake Ave. (50588). (712) 732 -3520. Northwest Wartburg College (50677). (319) 352 -1200, ext 306. Iowa Bcstg Co. (acq 11- 1 -72). Net: Iowa Radio. Paul Wartburg College. Net: MBS, Longhorn, Intercollegiate Sioux Center Benson, pres; Chuck Ney, gen mgr & prog dir. Rates: Bcst System. Format: Educl, diversified. Spec prog: $5.95; 7.15; 5.95; 5.95. Black 3 hrs; Fr 1 hr, Ger 1 hr, Sp 1 hr. wkly. Dr. Robert KDCR(FM) -Aug 16, 1968: 91.3 mhz; 48 kw. Ant C. Gremmels, advisor; David Siefkes, stn mgr. horiz, 300 ft. Stereo. Dordt College Campus (51250). (712) KAYL -FM- Feburary 1949: 101.5 mhz; 17.5 kw 722 -0913. Dordt College Inc. Format: Educl. Spec 10.5 kw vert. Ant 400 ft. Net: UPI. Dups AM 35 %. For- KWAY(AM) -May 6, 1958: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. mat: MOR. Box 307 (50677). (319) 352 -3550. Cedar Valley prog: Dutch 1 hr wkly. Rev. B.J. Haan, pres. Bcstg Co. Net: Iowa Town & Country. Format: C &W, KVDB(AM) -1969: 1090 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Box 233 Twin Lakes MOR. John W. Talbott, pres & chief engr; J.D. Ball, (51250). 722 -9931. Tri -State Bcstrs. Format: MOR/ gen mgr. C &W. Russell Vande Brake, owner; Donald Broek, KTLB(FM) -Oct 5, 1975: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 mgr; Gary De Hann, sis mgr. ft. Stereo. RFD 3 Rockwell City (50579). (712) KWAY -FM -Dec 21, 1971: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 180 ft. 297 -7586. Twin Lakes Bcstg Inc. Format: MOR, Diver- Dups AM 33 %. Format: Easy Istng. KVDB -FM -1973: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 225 ft. sified. Spec progs: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Francis N. Don- nelly, pres & gen mgr; Rick Fleming, prog dir; Eleanor Webster City Mills, news dir; Carol Donnelly, coml mgr; Kenneth Sioux City Widen, mus dir; Craig Donnelly, sprts dir; Don Lewis, KQWC(AM) -Feb 6, 1950: 1570 khz; 250 w -D. Box chief engr. Rates: S6; 6; 6; 6. 550 (50595). (515) 832 -1570. Gorich Radio Corp. KBCM(FM) -March 11, 1974: 95.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Net:. Commodity News. Rep: Walton. Format: MOR, 898 ft. Stereo. 1400 Pierce St. (51105). (712) Washington div, C &W. Spec progs: Farm 4 hrs, rel 8 hrs wkly. 258 -5595. Hassenger Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC /E. Rep: Glenn R. Olson, pres; Rich Biever, gen mgr; Jacque PRO- Radio. Format: C &W. Tom Hassenger, pres; Jim KCII(AM) -Nov 12, 1961: 1380 khz; 500 w -D. Box Severe, coml mgr; B.J. Wilson, prog dir; C.D. Warland, Hassenger, VP & coml mgr; Roland Ashmore, sis mgr; 370 (52353). (319) 653 -21 13. Washington Radio Inc. news dir; Craig Pringle, chief engr. Rates: $12; 12; Donald N. Miller, opns mgr; Paul J. Marshall, prom mgr; 12: 12. (acq 10- 1 -70). Rep: PRO Radio. Format: MOR /Top 40, Rates: Art Blair, farm dir; Gerald Calhoun, chief engr. albums & gold. Al Leighton, pres; Ken Light, gen KOWC -FM -1969: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. (acq $17; 13.50; 12; 9.75. mgr; Lee Thomas, prog dir; Dan Bryan, coml mgr. 1972). Spec prog: Farm 3 hrs wkly. KMNS(AM) -May 1, 1949: 620 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. KCII -FM -Not on air, target date unknown: 95.3 mhz; Box 177, 901 Steuben St. (51102). (712) 258 -0628. 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Box 524 (52353). Format: MOR /Easy West Des Moines Siouxland Bcstg Inc. (acq 6- 16 -58). Group owner: Istg. Stuart. Net: MBS. Rep: McGavren -Guild -PGW; Paul *KWDM(FM) -88.9 mhz; 10w. Ant 60 ft. 1140 35th Albes. Format: Adult contemp. Richard W. Chapin, St. (50265). (515) 225-1331. West Des Moines Com- pres: James Shields, gen mgr; Pete Early, prog dir; Jim Waterloo munity School District. (acq 3- 5 -76). Format: Ed, div. Roberts, news dir; Gerry Gibbs, chief engr. KFMW(FM) - Listing follows KWWL(AM). Greg Franck, Advisor. on air, target unknown: 88.3 mhz; *KMSC(FM) -Not KLEU(AM) -1972: 850 khz; 500 w -D, DA. 3232 10 w. Morningside College. Osage Rd. (50701). (319) 234 -2811. Marathon Com- munications Inc. (acq 5/1/75). Net: UPI, MBS. Format: with KMNS. Feb 6, 1960: KSEZ(FM) -Co -owned Top -40. Spec progs: old. William E. Payne, pres; Kansas ft. 62 kw. Ant 260). 97.9 mhz; 38 kw. Ant 280 (CP: William Bundy, VP and gen mgr; Don Clay, coml mgr; Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Top -40. Dave Jonasen, prog dir; Jim Knight, news dir; John Armstrong, chief engr. Rates: $ 8.75; 8.75; 8.75: -. KSCJ(AM) -1927: 1360 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Box Abilene 1379 (51102). (712) 239-2100. G &G Broadcasting KNWS(AM) -1953: 1090 khz; 1 kw -D. 4880 La Inc. (acq 12- 10 -70). Net: ABC /I. Rep: HR /Stone; Porte Rd. (50702). (319) 234 -2658. Northwestern Col- KABI(AM) -April 8, 1963: 1560 khz; 250 w -D. Box Soderlund. Format: MOR, farm. Raymond Grandie, lege (acq 4- 2 -53). Format: Relig. Russ Nelson, gen 237 (67410). (913) 263-1560. KABI Inc. Norton E. pres -gen mgr; Bill Grabau, VP -stn mgr; Tom Ziegler, mgr; Jeff Seeley, asst mgr & prog dir; Mary Robinson, Warner, pres; Leon Geisert, gen mgr. news -farm dir; Al Lawrence, chief engr. Rates: S 15; mus dir; Mark Tompkin, traf dir; David Dobes, chief KABI-FM-Dec 10, 1968: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 100 ft. 13; 15; 13. engr. Dups AM 90%. KSEZ(FM)- Listing follows KMNS(AM). *KNWS -FM -1965: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1010 ft. Dups AM 40 %. Format: Good mus & relig. Arkansas City KTFC(FM) -July 1, 1965: 103.3 mhz; 93 kw. Ant 280 ft. Stereo Box 102 -A, Route 2 (51106). (712) KWWL(AM) - November 1947: 1330 khz; 5 kw -U, KSOK(AM) -Jan 1, 1947: 1280 khz; 1 kw -D, 100 w- 252 -4621. Donald A. Swanson. Rep: Gary Flornia. For- DA -2. 500 E. Fourth (50703). (319) 291 -1200. TWX N. Box 917 (67005). (316) 442 -5400. KSOK Bcstg Co. mat: Religious, C &W. Spec progs: Farm 5 hrs, class 4 910 -525 -1271. Black Hawk Bcstg Co. (group owner). Inc. Group owner: Stauffer. Net: APR. Format: MOR. hrs, news 10 hrs wkly. Don Swanson, pres -gen mgr; Net: APR. Rep: Robert Eastman. Format: MOR. Spec Spec progs: Farm 12 hrs, C &W 10 hrs wkly. Stanley Gary Fornia, coml mgr; Charles Powell, news dir; Sam prog: Farm 6 hrs, 6 -8 a.m. Robert Buckmaster, Stauffer, pres; S.C. Thompson, VP & gen mgr; John. Seldon, chief engr. Rates: $7.50; 7; 7.75; 5. churn; Harry Slife, pres; Robert Mclnterny, VP -gen Marquis, news & prog dir. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. mgr; James Bradley, exec VP; Robert Beck, prog dir; 1978: mhz; 100 kw. Ant 'KWIT(FM) -Jan. 31, 90.3 Grant Price, VP news dir; Ed Tink, VP chief engr. Atchison 910 ft. Stereo. Dolby. Box 265 (51102). (712) Rates: $24; 18; 22; 14. 274 -2600. Western Iowa Tech Community College. KARE(AM) -July 28, 1939: 1470 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -1. Net: NPR, Iowa Radio. Format: Classical. Spec progs: KFMW(FM) -Co -owned with KWWL(AM). November Box G (66002). (913) 367 -1470. KARE Inc. (acq Jazz 8 hrs, blind 1 hr, senior citizens 1 hr, span 1 hr 1968: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,800 ft. Stereo. Prog 1- 20 -50). Net: NBC, Commodity News. Rep: Walton. wkly. Robert Thomas, dir -gen mgr; Frank Baker, asst sep from AM. Don Timmerman, stn mgr. Rates: $8; Format: MOR. Spec progs: Farm 7 hrs wkly. James gen mgr -dir; Bill Reynolds, mus mgr; Jerry Iverson; 8; 8; 8. KWWL -TV affil. M. Griffith, pres & gen mgr; William B. Ervin, coml mgr; dev -prom mgr; Robb Empson, mgr -pub affrs; Gerald Harold Scheopner, prog dir; Russ Hodges, news dir; L. Calhoun, chief engr. KXEL(AM) -July 14, 1942: 1540 khz; 50 kw -U, DA- D. Winegardner, chief engr. Rates: $7.35; 5.20; 7.35; N. Highway 281 East (50705). (319) 233 -3371. Cy N. 5.20. KWSL(AM) -1938: 1470 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Box Bahakel (group owner; acq 1-11-58). Net: ABC /I. Rep: 1230. (51102). (712) 255 -1470. Radio Communica- Torbet -Lasker. Format: C &W. Cy N. Bahakel, pres; J. Baldwin City tions Inc. (acq 11- 1 -74). Net: UPI, APR. Rep: Torbet/ Rick Hall, gen mgr; Chuck Anderson, prog dir; Jay Lasker. Format: Adult contemporary. Carl K. Kjed- Douglas, opns mgr; Fred Hendriksdn, coml mgr; Dean 'KNBU(FM) -Nov 29, 1965: 88.9 mhz; 10 w. 7th and seth, pres -gen mgr; Jay Roberts, coml mgr; Doc Holli- Stevens, mus dir; Darwin Paustian, news dir; Tony Thill, Dearborn Sts. (66006). (913) 594 -6451, ext 300. day, Bode, mus dir; Pete Peterson, prom prog dir; Bill chief engr. Rates: $20; 18; 20; 13.75. Baker U. Format: Ed. Spec progs: Jazz 10 hrs; pub mgr; Paul news dir; Ted Mann, chief engr. Gomez, affs, 3 hrs; C &W 2 hrs; classical 8 hrs wkly. Shirley Rates: $15; 13; 15; 13. KXEL -FM -Nov 21, 1962: 105.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Gilham, advisor; Carol Yeo, stn mgr. 570 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /C. Format: Contemp. Spec progs: Black 2 hrs wkly. Jay Chanute Spencer Douglas, prog & mus dir. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6.

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