6174 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23iu> MAY 1972 of. which was published on 14th 'December mentioned Trunk Road at Woodbridge in the County 1971)1 This is an Order under sections 13 'and of East Suffolk, to make under section 9 of the High- 18 "of ,die. .Highways Act 1959, section 27 of the ways Act, 1959, an Order which will: •Local ^Government, Act 1966 and section .62 of die Highways Act L971, which, if made, will (a) authorise him: authorise the Secretary of State: . (i) to improve, raise, lower or otherwise alter " ' •" (a) -to. improve,- raise, lower'or 'otherwise alter highways ; highways, • - . (ii) to stop up highways ; (b) to stop up highways, (iii) to construct a new highway to connect (c) to oonstruot new highways, Woods Lane (A. 1152) with the Trunk Road ; (d) to stop up private means oi access to all at Woodbridge aforesaid ; and '• • premises, and (fe) provide for the transfer of the said new highway (e) provide new means of access to premises, to the County Council of East Suffolk as from all between 'Egham and Thorpe in the County the date on which he notifies the Council that die of Surrey. new highway has been completed and is open for (2) The London—Penzance Trunk Road (A30) through traffic. ' (Egham Diversion) Order 197 (notice of which Copies of the draft Order and of the relevant plan was published on 14th December 1971). This may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours 'is. an Order under sections 7 and 44 of Che from 23rd May 1972 to 23rd August 1972, at the Highways Act 1959, section 27 of the "Local Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham Street, Government Act 1966 and section 68 of -the London S.W.I, and at the offices of the Regional Highways Act i!971, which, if made, will autho- Controller (Roads & Transportation) Eastern, Heron ise the Secretary of State to construct along die House, Goldington Road, Bedford, and of East Suffolk route described in the Schedule to that Order, a C.C., County Hall, Ipswich, and of Woodbridge new road,a.s a diversion of the A30 Trunk Road U.D.C., Eden Lodge, Woodbridge, Suffolk. at Egham in the County of Surrey and will pro- vide for the said road to become a trunk road Any person may not later than 23rd August 1972 on the date when the Order comes into operation. object to the making of the Order, by notice to the (3) The M25 Motorway (Egham^Lyne Section) Secretary of State at his address at the office of the Compulsory Purchase Order (No. CSE ) 19 Regional Controller (Roads and Transportation) (notice of Which was published on 24th Eastern, quoting reference DE 80009/TR3/SO 56 and February 1972) is an Order under sections 214 stating the grounds of objection. and 215 of the Highways Act 1959, sections 44, D. V. Crowther, Chief Administration Officer to 47 and 51 erf..the Highways Act 1971 and sec- the Regional Controller (R&T) Eastern, Depart- tion 1 of the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation ment of the Environment. Procedure) Act 1946, which, if made, authorises the -Secretary of 'State -to compulsorily purchase the land described therein for the following purposes: HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 (a) the construction of a new motorway and motorway interchange in the Urban District of The MS Motorway (Huntworth-Bathpool Side Egham and the Urban District of Chertsey in Roads) Order 1972 the 'County of Surrey in pursuance of the M25 South Orbital Motorway (Egham—Chertsey The Secretary of State for the Environment hereby Section) Scheme 1971 and .the M3/M25 Motor- gives notice that, in relation to the part of the M5 ways (Thorpe Interchange) Connecting Roads Motorway which will be situated between Huntworth Scheme 1971 ; and Bathpooi in .the County of Somerset, he made an (fc) the construction of a new trunk road in Order under sections 13 and 18 of the above Act, the the Urban District of Egham in the County of effect of which is Surrey in pursuance of the London—'Penzance Trunk Road (A30) (Egham Diversion) Order (a) to authorise him— 197 , and (i) to improve, raise, lower or otherwise alter (c) the construction and improvement of high- highways ; ways and provision of new means of access to (ii) to stop up highways ; premises in the Urban District of Egham and (iii) to construct new highways ; the Urban District of 'Chertsey in the County (iv) to stop up private means of access to of Surrey in pursuance of the M25 'South Orbital Motorway (Egham—Thorpe Section Side premises, and Roads) Order 197 . (v) to provide new means of access to premises, Copies of the above-mentioned Schemes and all on or in the vicinity of the route of the draft Orders together with relevant plans have been above mentioned part of the said Motorway, deposited at the Department of the Environment, and 2 Marsham Street, London iS.W.l, and at die offices of the South Eastern Road Construction Unit (&) to provide for the transfer of each of the said Federated House, London Road, Dorking, Surrey; new highways to the highway authority speci- and of the South Eastern Road Construction Unit fied therefor in the Order as from the date on (Surrey County Sub-Unit), 28-30 High Street, Guild- which he notifies that authority that the new ford, -Surrey ; the Surrey C.C., County Hall, King- highway is open for through traffic. ston upon Thames, Surrey; the Egham U.D.C... Copies of the Order and of the relevant plans have Council Offices, (High Street, Egham, Surrey; the been deposited at the Department of the Environ- Chertsey ' U.D.C., Council Offices, -Station Road, ment, 2 Marsham Street, London S.W.I, and at the Addlestone, Surrey; the Egham Public Library, offices of the South Western Road Construction High 'Street, Egham, Surrey ; the New Haw Branch Unit, Victoria House, 26s Fore Street, Taunton, Library, The Broadway, New Haw, Byfleet, Surrey ; Somerset; the Regional Controller (R. & T.), the Chertsey Central Library, Guildford Street, Government Buildings, Alphington Road, Exeter, Cherts'ey, Surrey and the Egham Branch Library, Devon; Somerset C.C., County Hall, Taunton, Station -Parade, Virginia Water, Surrey where they Somerset; Bridgwater R.D.C., Council Offices, St. may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable Mary Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, and of the hours. Taunton R.D.C., Council Offices, Mary Street, Proceedings on the above-mentioned draft Orders Taunton, Somerset, where they are open for inspec- are being taken concurrently—see section 53 of the tion free of charge at all reasonable hours. Highways Act 1971. Copies of the Order, the tide of which is "The R. G. Clubley, Controller of Administration, MS Motorway (Huntworth—Bathpooi Side Roads) South Eastern Road Construction Unit, Order 1972" can be obtained from die Director of Department of the Environment. the Soudi Western Road Construction Unit. Any person aggrieved by die Order and desiring to question die validity thereof, or of any provision HIGHWAYS ACTS 1959 TO 1971 contained therein, on die ground that it is not within the powers of die Highways Act 1959 or on die The London-Great Yarmouth Trunk Road (Wood- ground that any requirement of that Act, or of bridge Bypass Improvement Side Roads) Order 197 regulations made thereunder, has not been com- .The Secretary of 'State for the Environment hereby plied with in relation to the • Order, may " within ; gives notice that he proposes, in relation to the above- six weeks from 23rd May 1972, apply to die High.
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