An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY February 11, 1997 Volume 123 • THE • Number 31 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Pennit No. 26 Follett's Officials book rethink prices• dorm down alcohol But students say policy they are still BY RANDI L. HECHT paying too much M auagm l!, Veu J Edirnr The possibility of s tricter BY CHRISS! PRUITT enforcement of the residence hall Copr Editor alcohol policy is still in the planning Though students constantly stages among university officials. complain~ about high textbook prices, '·[The anctioning] is still being the University Bookstore lowered considered ... and it would go into costs for students by $36.300 Fall effect next year if it does get Semester. a university official said. approved, .. said Cynthia Cummings. However. a student survey director of Residence Life. THE REVIEW I Josh J. Withers conducted by the Delaware Last emester. the office of Undergraduate Student Congress this Officer David S. Bartolf, who patrols West Campus, is one of three community policing officers at the university. Residence Life and Student Life Winter Session showed that some discussed the possibility of stricter students are still unhappy with the punishment for those students amount of money they are spending. Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? violating the alcohol policy withir. Out of the 83 polled. 30 students the residence halls. but have done thought the bookstore books were nothing more with the propo~al. too expensive. Fourteen students According to the Official Student said the bookstore prices were fair. Handbook: "Only student, of legal 32 5aid the prices were unfair and 37 drinking age may possess and/or students said they had no opinion on consume alcoholic beverages in the the prices of books. Community cops privacy of their own residence hall According to Barbara Kreppel. rooms. Students under the legal assistant vice president of drinking age may not legally possess Administrative Services. students are nor consume alcohol anywhere ... BY ELIZABETH BREALEY patrols West Campus. "I tell them what is and I felt like a man was following me." According to Cummings. thi; buying books at a much lower price Natiouai/Stme Nel1 ·s Editor going on around other parts of campus he said. "Then I saw a police officer than in years past since Follett policy would not be charged but They are the men in blue ~vho and they can tell me what is going on across the street and I walked towards College Stores took over the would be enforced differently. if periodically stroll in Harrington and here."' him . approved. university bookstore in spring of Rodney Marts to check the place out. But students do not usually take "He asked me if I was okay and then he 1996. Currently. if an underage resident They stand guard inside the Morris advantage of these office hours, Bartol walked me home. It made me feel really is caught with alcohol. he or she has "Since [Follett] took over. the Library to make sure no one smuggles a said. "Office hours are a good concept, safe. What if l had gotten attacked?" price of some books has decreased four chances before being expelled book out in their backpack. but students don' t seek police unless they When they are not working with from housing. The proposed by 3 percent wh il e the price of others They hang out by the bike racks near rea II y need them." students and Residence Life staff has increased by I percent,"' Kreppel e nforcement change would give the dorms. talking with the custodians and The program has been so successful members. community policing officer students who have a lready lived on said. Books that cost $2S before maintenance workers. t hat the federal government is setting also pPtform standard crime prevention on Follett bought the &tore could now campus for at least o ne year two They are everywhere - they are your aside money to increase the number of campus. be decreased w $24.2S or increa ed chances before they would be forced community policing officers. community policing officers. Tuttle said the officer from Laird out of the residence hall. to $2S.2S. The program. which has been in The Cops Universal Hiring Grant was Campus dealt mo;tly with car and bike The pricing ~ystem the uni versity If the Office of Re;idence Life existence for three years, allows ·'officers recently establi shed for the fu nding of theft until a camera was mounted on the wou ld try to change the sanctioning was using before the Follett takeover to keep track of any trends in the area:· new officers. The grant provides $2S.OOO Chtistiana West Tower. ultimately ended up co ting students of the alcohol policy. the Student Public Safety Director Doug Tuttle said. a year for the officer· s first three years. Pencader was also a problem because Alcohol Use Committee would look more money. Kreppel said. Currently. the university has three Monetary disbursements are larger the there is outside door access and ground­ When Follett acquired the at th e proposal and give Residence community policing officers in Newark first year but trickle down so that by the level windows are often left open. Tuttle bookstore. they readjusted the Life feedback on the i~ s ue. said John and another at the Wilmington campus. fourth year the university is paying the said. ·'Education about safety has helped pricing cale. and this. Kreppel said. Bishop. assi>tant vice president of These officers spend their time getting to full salary. this problem ... "account~ for the decreases and Student Life and cha ir of the know students whi le patrolling their ''Police departments who don't attempt Crime i~ surprisingly low on North increases in book prices for committee. assigned area. community policing wi II be left behind."' Central. Sgt. Edward Murray said. "That students."' Bishop explained that the Each officer is assigned to one of three Bartolf said. is ironic because it so close to Main Street When the university ran the committee ha; no approval amhority areas on campus - East Campus. West Many students welcome the familiar and there are more passerbys making it book tore. students received a 10 in policy changes and only acts in an Campus and Laird Campus. They usua ll y presence of officers as they make their more accessible to crime ... advi sory capacity. percent dis ount on any trade or hold office hours in the dorms during their trek aero s campus. "I've heard [Re ident Bartolf said West Campus trends general book. even if it was used as a Becaus e Res idence Life isn't 3 to II p.m. shift to speak with anyone Assistants] say they feel safer because of include noise complaints and vandalism. text book. Dictionaries. reference changing the alcohol policy and only who has any concerns about safety or community police patrol.'' Battolf said. There are more freshmen here and they books or general entertainment it' enforcement. Bishop said he criminal offenses Sophomore Kristy Larsen said she likes are "testing the waters ... he said. books are I 0 percent lower than they didn't think the propmal would have " It's an information exchange.'' said the idea of community policing. '·Once, I would be in a normal bookstore. to be brought before the Student Officer David S. Bartolf, who primarily was walking back from the library at night Kreppel said. If an Agatha Christie see C OPS page A2 Life Com;1ittee of the Faculty novel is priced at $12. the university Senate. Residence Life wou ld be sells it for $ 10.80. Typically. Follett does not give see GRANT page AS students a discount. Kreppel said. but they make an exception at the bookstore. She said the university would have eventually reevaluated its own Amtrak headquarters moving to Wilmington pricing system. but with Fo llett taking over the store. the savings came into effect almost immediately. Elana Messner. DUSC treasurer Gov. Carper, state legislators hope new centralized aid DUSC was curious to see what students felt about the bookstore· s operations center will revitalize the city s riverfront prices. BY ELIZABETH BREALEY scattered between Philadelphia. with one abstention. see BOOKS page AS Nmionoi/State Neu·s Editor Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. Mayor James H. Sills. Jr. said the WILMINGTON - Members of "Wilmington was picked because it ri verfront provides Amtrak with the ~----INDEX----~ Delaware· s leg is lati ve and is the best spot," said Sen. Joseph R. opportunity for growth. "We have Congressional delegation gathered Biden, Jr., D-Del., "but I think also I, 700 acres of land and the Ca mpus Calendar ................. A2 yesterday wi th the Riverfront because of loyalty. infrastructure to accommodate Police Reports ........ ...... ... ..... A2 Development Corporatio n to ''There is no state in the union that 120.000 people." World ews ......................... A3 a nn ounce that Amtrak Tra ins' supports Amtrak as much as Delaware The center will bring 230 jobs to Edi toriai ....................... .. ....... A8 natio na l headquarte rs will be does and Amtrak understands that this Wilmington. Downs said. but they Comics ....... ............ ............... B6 consolidated in Wilmington. is a rai lroad town.'' will not be new jobs. ''By moving Classified .............................. BS In a news conference held along Sen. W illiam V. Roth. Jr., R-Del, here we are consolidating, actually Sports ............... ................. .. B I the Christin a River, Amtrak president cited bipartisanship as a helping hand reducing the work force by six jobs."' ---Also inside:--- and CEO Tom Downs said that after in Amtrak choosing Wilmington.
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