Riverview Hospital Special Section -SEE TABLOID INSERT Breezy, Cooler HOME Breezy and cooler today, Ugh THEDMLY In SI s. Heavy to moderate Bed Bank, Freehold nln tonight. Rain ending to- FINAL morrow afternooii) cooler. Brandt 7 (Sc> DeUlli, Fate 1) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 89 Years DIAL 741-0010 . 90, NO. 195 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 TEN CENTS Flies to Hawaii Tonight for Consultations LBJ Okays Direct Contacts on Peace WASHINGTON (AP) - PresI- Officials indicated the first son ordered a partial halt in United States today not to ex- In Johnson's 'limited bombing' the representatives of North nomic support, have sometimes dent Johnson has agreed to di- Hanoi • Washington contact the bonibing of North Vietnam pect any concessions in return concerning North Vietnam." Vietnam." been outspokenly critical of rect contacts on peace between would probably be between top Sunday night that even sur- for a total bombing halt. Prior to this statement — "Consultations with the gov- U.S. efforts to find a way to North Vietnamese and U. S. U. S. arid North Vietnamese prised U.S. government leaders The paper, Nhan Dan, in a which reached Washington only ernment of South Vietnam and make peace. representatives and will fly to diplomats in Moscow, Vien- are not quite sure what will statement 10 hours after the early today — the Washington- • our other allies are now taking In Saigon, South Vietnamese Hawaii late tonight to discuss tiane, Laos, or some other capi- happen next. Hanoi agreement to talk after • place," Johnson added. President Nguyen Van Thieu peace and war prospects with tal where both countries have Hanoi announcement, said They' voiced cautious opti- Johnson's speech Sunday "and years of continuously expanding A dangerous element, officials met with U.S. Ambassador top American officials from embassies. mism about peace prospects war was regarded in Washing- said privately, is the possibility Ellsworth Bunker and the en- Saigon. The first purpose, in the U.S. but appeared by no means cer- the subsequent acts of the U.S. ton as a great breakthrough of a split between the U.S. and Washington is understood to view, would be to set a time tain the United States and aggressors have made it clear toward eventually ending the South Vietnamese governments voys of five other allies to dis- bave messaged Hanoi informing and place for actual talks on North Vietnam can actually that the U.S. government re- conflict. over how far and how fast to cuss Hanoi's offer. The session the government of President Ho scaling down the war and even- reach an agreement soon. mains obstinate and has not Johnson announced in a brief go in the search for peace. was preceded by hints in the Chi Minn of U. S. readiness to tually negotiating a settlement. As if in response to their given up its sinister design of late-afternoon television-radio South Vietnamese leaders, al- National Assembly of South meet for initial contacts on The situation has developed doubts, North Vietnam's Com- aggression against South Viet- appearance Wednesday that though almost totally depen- Vietnamese dissatisfaction with peace talks. with such speed, since John- munist newspaper warned the nam, which is manifest right "we will establish contact with dent on U.S. military and eco- the turn of events. Huge Yank Relief Unit Nfears Khe Sanh Base SAIGON (AP) - The spear- ly three months. Helicopters men aboard was shot down limit of U.S. bombing under head of a huge American re- and C1S0 cargo planes have Monday in the Gulf of Siam, President Johnson's curtail- lief force drove through spo- been the only means of supply- but it did not confirm reports ment. radic enemy artillery and mor- ing and reinforcing the 6,000 from informed sources that a Navy fliers struck at high- tar fire today to within a mile Marines and 1,000 South Viet- Cambodian navy ship's guns way ferries, bridges, tranship- of the U. S. Marine combat namese. brought the plane down. ment points and artillery sites base at Khe Sanh. Recent intelligence reports The announcement said it below Thanh Hoa. The north- A U. S. spokesman said he have indicated some withdraw- was "hit by antiaircraft fire" ernmost target was a highway expected some of the 20,000- al of the enemy force around and the bodies of two crewmen ferry 35 miles" south of Thanh ° man relief force to link up with Khe Sanh, which last week was were recovered. Hoa, about 190 miles above the the 6,000 Marines inside Khe estimated at 16,000 to 20,000 U.S. warplanes yesterday demilitarized zone. Sanh by nightfall for the first men. kept up raids on North Viet- Air Force and Marine bomb- breakthrough in the siege of Meanwhile, the U.S. Com- nam's southern panhandle be- ers concentrated on the 35- the fortress, now in its 11th mand confirmed that a Navy low the 20th parallel which the mile stretch from Dong Hoi to week. P3 Orion patrol plane with 12 Pentagon says is the northern the DMZ. Marines and; helicopter-borne air cavalrymen were pushiing in three prongs toward the EAST FREEHOLD HOLOCAUST — This !i the result of what a lew minutes belore was a small brush fire. Twenty base. Reports from the field mjnufjf Uter, when fir»j»»n, £rom }i;s companies were arriving, th» onjy thing-left, was the house. Two standard" ; said they were encountering Battle Over Welfare sporadic artillery and mortar bred race horses died in back of flaming structure at left. Telephoto'view is from Rt. 537 at Walling Road in fire but little other resistance. Ea*t Freehold. (Other photos Page 3.) (Regiiter.Photo by Don Lordi), A company from the 3rd Marine Division was the spear- head of the drive. After ad- By V. §. Poor Seen vancing along Highway 9 on the northeast, helicopters FREEHOLD — The nation's gro lacks the money necessary Housing • Act, 'urban renewal 2 Horses, Vehicles, Buildings landed them northwest of the poor .are organizing to battle to purchase food stamps — and federal highway programs base and they were reported a public, welfare system which and county after county in the have destroyed 700,000 low in- about half a mile from the violates their Constitutional south is switching from the fed- come housing units, Dr. Clow- barbed-wire perimeter. rights and keeps them impov- eral surplus commodity plan, ard said. erished, a Columbia University which distributed free food, to Lost as Blaze Men of the 1st Air Cavalry Migrant workers are victim- Division pushed up from south professor of social work said the stamp plan, he said. ized by state laws which re- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - terday were more than 400 feet velopment also scorched .the . An explosion rocked the near- of the base and were reported here yesterday. , . "This has much to do with quire one year of residence for Dead: Two standard bred of scorched and blackened land house occupied by Mr. Zarillo by houses and construction off within 2.5 miles of their goal Public welfare agencies, un- the vast migration of the rural general assistance or home re- horses. Destroyed: a $5,000 at the Asman Orchards that and his family. Rt. 537 when a large tractor by midafternoon. der community pressure to poor to the urban ghettoes in lief, Dr. Cloward said. Resi- combine, two pick-up trucks, stretched into Colts Neck Town- keep costs down, reject half of the last decade," Dr. Cloward dence laws, stricken down in 1 Origin of the fire is not yet and the gasoline in the two 'Khe Sanh or Bust' an automobile , a tractor and ship. known but officials lor various trucks blew up. < '' "Khe Sanh or Bust," said a the legitimate applicants, deny declared. He said urban renew- eight separate federal courts, the barns and other outbuild- Two calls were made to Free- departments are looking into First Lt. William Huls of those on the rolls the full bene- al programs "have had a dev- now face a Supreme Court ings of a farm here. sign on an equipment trailer. hold and Colts Neck fire de- the matter. Good Will Hook and Ladder As the Marines moved along fits to which they are legally astating impact on the poor in test "and there is reason to be- Those are the statistics of a partments; the first one shortly Co., Freehold, confirmed that entitled, and are hedged with the last 15 years." Although lieve they'll all come tumbling fire that raged out of control before .12:20 p.m. to report a William Murray, fire chief of the long-closed highway, the the Colts Neck Fire Department the location was holocaust by cavalrymen searched the jun- eligibility restrictions "used 600,000 dwelling units have down," Dr. Cloward said. here before firemen were noti- brush fire, and the second at the time the fire fighters had gle growth for the enemy un- for decades to victimize the been built under the 1937 Public (See EXPECTS, Pg. 2, Col. S) fied. 12:24 p.m. stating a barn was said companies number one and time to respond. poorest groups in American so- two got to the scene before der a protective umbrella of Added to the damage at the on fire. : Troopers Respond gunship helicopters. ciety and to create a large sur- home of Daniel Zarillo, Walling The fire, a few hundred' feet 12:30 but the barn was already State troopers from Colts Engineer support troops re- plus of exploitable labor," Dr.
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