Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1961 Eastern Progress - 15 Dec 1961 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/12 ' SEASON'S GREETUGS ■ ■ ■' Senator Morton On Student Court Comments Students Air Views Page 3 €<xsteR O0R6S5 "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" Page 2 Friday, December 15, 1961 ^Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Vol.39, No. 12 Nine Justices Inaugaurate Newly FormedStudent Court Elkins Sr., By Order of the Gavel! To Serve As Chief By Marian Baizy Nine Justices have been select- ed by the Student Council to In- augaurate the newly forming Stu- dent Court, designed to scive the student body of Eastern. Bill Elkins, senior from JenkinH, Kentucky, will serve in Ihe capac- ity of Chief Justice of this organ- ization which is to eventually func- tion independently from the found- ing organization. He and his eight cohorts were selected December 3, after being nominated by Coun- cil president Jim Showaller and being approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council mem- bers. Senior Judges Chosen as -Senior Judges were Karl Dean from Harrodsburg and r Barbara Edwards... math-physical major from Prospect, Kentucky. Ronnie Wolfe, English major and IT'S cJuUSTMA«*rtME AT BASTRHiN—The Christmas season.at Eastern Kentucky State College was formaMy opened Sunday with the present Managing Editor of the Impressive Hanging of the Greens ceremony In the Keen Johnson Btudent Union Building-, followed by the 30th presentation of Handel's ora- Eastern Progress from Falmouth, torio, the "Messiah,'1 In Brock Auditorium that evening. The Messiah chorus was composed trf 825 college students, alumni, and friends of Kentucky, and Gary McBee, Eng- the college. James E, Van Pewsem, head of the music department, directed t:ie performance that was attended by a standing-room audience lish-history major from Cynthiana, of over 2,000. In the HangSng of the Greens picture, Sandra Nunnelley,, Cyiithlana, and Antoinnette Kelemen, Harlan, lead the colorful pro- Kentucky, will serve as Junior cession in, the hanging of Christmas greenery. Justices. The Council selected as sopho- more representatives Mary Jo La- fuze, chemistry major from Rich- mond, and Don Showalter, math Bill Elkins, a senior from Jenkins and new Chief Justice of the Stu- Chorus And Soloists major from Louisville. dent Court, explains some judicial details to the other Justices. From A committee was established at left are Ronnie Wblfe, Falmouth; Mary Jo LaFuze, Richmond; Gary the same .meeting to oiganize the McBee, Cynthiana; Barbara Edwards. Prospect, and Don Sho- Marterie Is . rules of the court. Council mem- walter. Louisville. Earl Dean. Harrodsburg, was not present when Present 'Messaih* bers appointed for this history- the picture was taken. making task were Jim Stivers, Featured Af A powerful chorus numbering minister Choir College in Prince- chairman, Ronnie Elliott, Don Dlx. 229 accompanied four soloists in ton, N.J., Mrs. Honaker appeared and Evelyn Craft. As of (his date, the 30th annual singing of George with choruses and orchestras all the committee has made no report Formal Dance Frederick Handel's Messiah in Hir- over the United States. of their progress to the Council. 'Christmas Whispers' am Brock Auditorium, Sunday, at Beal Uses Ability 7:30 p.m. A capacity crowd was Interview with .Nhoualtcr Miss Evelyn Beal used her In an interview with Council on hand to see the two-hour pre- unique interpretive ability and sentation which was directed by President Showalter, this report- magnificent stage personality in er was told that the Council be- Highlights '61 Dinner Mr. James E. Van Poursem, head the Messiah presentation. Miss of Eastern's music department. lieves that Eastern is ready for Beal has appeared in many phases such an organization and for such "At any given stage in history odist Church of Richmond. Soloists were Thaise B. Honaker, of musical presentations in the responsibility. "We are using con- the world has its noises and its Dr. Poore's address, called soprano from Richrnonri; Evelyn United States and Canada. stitution provisions and patterns of whispers. It is a part of wisdom "Christmas Whispers," was the Beal. contralto from New York Galand W. Pettys sang In this organization of several colleges at to distinguish between the two and highlight of the gala affair arrang- City; Galand W. Pettys. tenor presentation with his present teach- which a Court of this kind has to realize that frequent truth is ed by the MU chapter of CWENS, from Norwood, New York; and er, Donald Henrickson of Eastern. proved effective and successful. It borne on the wings of the whispers, National Sophomore Women's Hon- Donald Henrickson, bass from Galand has sung over the United will take time, but it will be worth rather than on the din of the noise". orary, at Eastern. Eastern. States under some of the world's the cffoit if we establish a work- The preceding statements are ex- CWENS president, Peggy Karem, Mrs. Honaker, wife of Gerald greatest conductors. able court system for our stu- rerpts from an address given at presided over the program. Fol- Honaker, a member of Eastern's Henrickson, the bass, is a mem- dents." the Freshman Women's dinner at lowing the invocation given by English department, has received ber of Eastern's music faculty. He Although the Council has not yet Eastern Wednesday evening. They Julie Houston, the freshman wo- many honors in the field of misuc. has sung in several Messiah pre- approved the exact Jurisdiction were spoken by Dr. William H. men were treated to a rendition After her graduation from West- sentations in many parts of the and functioning of the Court, Sho- Poore. Minister of the First Meth- of the CWENS national song. The U.S. as well as other musical pre- walter released the following ten- song was directed by Mrs. Blanche RALPH MARTERIE sentations. tative categories of jurisdiction: Tree, Lights, Giant Seevcrs and accompanied by Julie Eastern's Security Besides these soloists, other out- (1) The Court will have the power Houston. to interpret the constitutionality The Ralph Marterie Orchestra, standing performances were cited. Wreath Adorn Mr. Donald G. Hendrickson di- a well-known name in popular Force In Motion Jerry Riches' playing of the tym- snd the legalty of laws within the lected the group in the singing of pani and Gary Holdworth's trum- Council; (2) The Court will hear the Christmas Carols, "O Holy dance bands, was the featured at- pet were said to have given out- and make recommendations for State Capitol Night" and "White Christmas". traction at the President's Anni. 24 Hours A Day standing performances in the or- discipline of student misconduct Karen Flynn served as accompan- versary Dance last night in the which will be referred by the Dean Visitors to the State Capitol chestra. grounds this Christmas season can ist. Student Union Building. Eastern's security force provides of Students; (3) The Court will be Other features on the program round-the-clock protection for the The entire chours was composed open to appeals from students who sec a 40-foot tree, red and green Over one thousand students, of students, faculty, and citizens lights, the world's largest Christ- included a song by Gloria Elliot. entire campus. The security divi- petition the Court after disciplin- Gloria, who is a mezzo soprano, plus many alumni, were on hand sion is constantly alert and vigil- of Madison County as well as ary action has been taken under mas wreath and other decorations some alumni who return each year reflecting the spirit of the holiday sang, "I Wonder as 1 Wander". for the festivities. This dance con- ant In order that they might ful- other auspices. It was reported that this was the fill their prime objective—to stop to sing In the annual presentation. season. tinues President Robert R. Mar. A later performance was pre- Court of ApiM-als A committee of Frankfort citi- largest student dinner in the his- any and all trouble before it be- tory of Eastern. Frosh women pre- tin's practice of Inviting a name gins. sented at the Union Church in Showalter expressed the idea that zens have planned the decorations. band to the college each year for a Berea on Wednesday, December the Court would at first function The 40-foot tree stands in front sent numbered 451. The security force comes under free student dance. It was begun supervision of the maintenance de- 13, at 7:30 p.m. as a court of appeals. Since no of the Capitol. Behind the building, partment, . but is separate in its points have been placed in black the floral clock will be decorated last year with the Inaugural Ball. function. and white as yet. "it is difficult to as a huge Christmas wreath. Bowling Becomes The dance last night was held It's duty is to direct Eastern May Have imagine the complete range which A tree-lighting ceremony was in the colorfully decorated college this Court will eventually have." held Dec. 11 at 7 p.m., with Gov. A Port Of PE and control traffic within the cam- dining room. Punch and coffee pus limits, to supervise parking on Courses In Mills Presents Christmas On last Wednesday evening's Bert Combs throwing the switch to campus, and to deal with any Voice of Eastern show on Rich- light the tiee. Red and green bulbs Classes At Eastern were served to the guests In Wal- other type of trouble which may Jefferson County mond's WEKY. members of the have been placed in all the out- nut Hall.
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