Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1970 The Anchor: 1970-1979 4-17-1970 The Anchor, Volume 82.21: April 17, 1970 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1970 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 82.21: April 17, 1970" (1970). The Anchor: 1970. Paper 9. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1970/9 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 82, Issue 21, April 17, 1970. Copyright © 1970 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1970-1979 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1970 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Environmental Teach-in to be held Wednesday The Environmental Teach-in nately in the Coffee Grounds. will be marked at Hope College They are The River Must Live and by a series of seminars, pre- The Challenge of Urban Renewal. OPE COL sentations, and films on Wednes- day, April 22. "Basic Pollution Control" is the title of a short course in TOPICS TO BE considered in pollution control for the layman the morning sessions include the to be presented Wednesday College's role in pollution con- evening in Phelps cafeteria. Prac- trol, population control, policies tical individual tactics will be of exploitation, and the eco- the theme of this program. nomics of pollution control. : (lirwwrfjan- % k jW' c These sessions will be led by THE MEMBERS OF the ^K,ii •*'>•».. ' faculty members. steering committee for the Local pollution and the role Teach-in arc Ken Paulsen, Mary * of the local citizen and govern- Luckey and Wayne Vander Byl. i gpiiste ment in pollution control will "We hope to allert the com- be the topic of a presentation munity to the local and world- at 1:30 by Mrs. Kingsley of the wide dimensions of the environ- Holland Garden Club. mental crisis. The programs of TWO REPRESENTATIVES the day are meant to be mean- of General Motors Corporation ingful and informative to the will give a film and discussion citizen with little or no techni- in Winants Auditorium at 2:30. cal background," Vander Byl They will describe the attempts said. 82nd Anniversary-21 Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 April 17, 1970 of automobile manufactures to curb pollution. "WE ESPECIALLY intend to Research in water pollution suggest practical actions for the and public health will be the private citizen to take in order Ho| )e prof undecided topic of a seminar presented by to help solve the population and Dr. Walter M. Mack, professor pollution problems," stated Paul- of microbiology and public sen. The committee is encourag- health at Michigan State Univer- ing students to buy the Environ- Curry may run for Congress sity. The seminar will be at mental Handbook now being 3:30 p.m. and is sponsored by distributed by Students for l n- by Garrett DeGraff distraction, something you have Tri Beta, the biology honor vironmental Action. The book anchor Assistant Editor to be thinking about," he said. society. provides background for study It's not so much whether you "SO I'VE CONCLUDED that THROUGHOUT THE day of the crisis. It is on sale daily win or lose; it's how you play the unless somehow 1 can get a leave two films will be shown alter- in Van Raalte Hall for game. That's how Earl Curry, as- of absense in the fall, 1 will not be sistant professor of history, is able to run," he said. "And this approaching his possible candi- does not look likely because it dacy for the United States House Hope to seek extension would require that somehow that of Representatives as a Democrat money be raised to pay for my in Michigan's ninth district. own personal expenses." That is, of course, if he decides of science hall loan to run. Righf now it looks as if he "Unless somehow in the next will not. week or two the Democratic party The College will ask for "During the fall we were talk- CURRY, A YOUNG man of can come up with this kind of another extension on the use of ing with HEW about funds for money, 1 think I'm going to have medium height and width whose Federal monies for construction three buildings, and all three were to say no," he said. clean shaven round face and me- of an academic science center. only in the planning stages," De- dium length hair seems conserva- IF THE PROFESSOR does de- Meester said. "Now two of those tive enough to run for office, cide he can seek the nomination, ACCORDING TO Dr. William buildings are under construction. explained in a recent interview he is sure he can win it. "There DeMeester, Special Assistant to We are showing progress, and that how he became involved in ninth was one other man from the the President for Planning and is what the government is inter- district Democratic politics. northern part of the state who Development, approximately 30 ested in. Also in the fall, we had "I was asked by local party was interested in the nomination percent of the necessary $1 mil- only 10 percent of the necessary lion in matching funds has been officials a couple of months ago if and who had done some work for funds pledged." EARL CURRY pledged by donors. The College 1 would be interested in running it, but a couple weeks ago he withdrew in my favor. It's clear must match a $1 million grant DEMEESTER STATED that for Congress on the Democratic office." The first of these. Curry sailing ahead as far as 1 know," he from the Federal Government, the requests which are now being ticket. I was a member of the Democratic Party and had at- said, was his obligation to the said. and receipt of a $2 million low- considered by foundations and College. The historian was not Curry would run in Michigan's interest loan will complete finan- individuals are sufficient to raise tended the Democratic Party's sure Hope would let him run for ninth district, which extends from cing of the $4 million structure. the needed $ 1 million. political reform convention in January. So some people knew me office. Only after receiving the Thirty-second St., the southern approval of Dean for Academic The Department of Health, Ed- DeMeester added that work on and this is how they got in con- border of Ottawa County, north Affairs Morrette Rider and Presi- ucation and Welfare will be con- the DeWitt Student Cultural and tact with me," he said. along Lake Michigan to the north- dent Calvin A. VanderWerf, with ern tip of the Lower Peninsula. It tacted by DeMeester and Hugh Social Center and the Wichers "AT THE TIME I told them the stipulation that he fulfill his is heavily Republican. DePree, chairman of the Board of Music addition is progressing that certain difficulties seemed to classroom obligation, did Curry Trustees, in an attempt to extend according to schedule. "OTTAWA COUNTY was in stand in the way of running for seriously consider seeking the the April deadline for the match- the fifth district, which includes Democratic nomination. ing funds. "We would like another Grand Rapids, until 1966," Curry six months to a year to talk with The second consideration was explained. "This is Gerry Ford's more foundations and prospective One Calvin student killed, money. "The Democratic Party in district. There must have been a donors," DeMeester said. this district does not have a lot of Democrat elected at one time. In money. They have not won an the ninth district 1 can't think of a DEMEESTER NOTED that a election in so long that it's diffi- time this century when a Demo- number of foundations have been another injured in 'prank' cult to get people to contribute," crat has won," he stated. requested to give specific amounts What began as a college prank touched the bottom of the box he noted. for the building. He explained To emphasize the strength of ended in tragedy last Sunday with his left hand. CURRY WENT ON to explain that some foundations will meet the Republican vote in this area night when one Calvin College that though he had the approval Curry talked of Holland. "Hol- this month to discuss the requests, Voogt suddenly started scream- student was electrocuted and a of the College to run for office land, I'm told, has never voted and that so far no negative re- ing and sparks were shooting off second was in satisfactory condi- and teach at the same time, he against a Republican since I860. sponses have been received from Dekker's left arm. Ipema said he tion in intensive care Monday had decided that this would be And 1 suppose in 1860 Lincoln any foundation. kicked Dekker's arm free, then with third-degree burns over ten impossible. looked like a radical," the young extinguished the flames in Dek- percent of his body. "I have found in the little bit Democrat noted. ker's hand. of work I have done this Spring, With this knowledge of the Van Raalte Hall FOUND INSIDE a transformer IPEMA SAID BOTH boys fell which has consisted largely of Republican strength in his district, near the Calvin campus where to the floor of the transformer going to various county commit- Curry does not think he could win bomb scare Cornelius Dekker, 19, and Ronald box.
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