June 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3693 Does anyone actually believe that? Nury Martinez, who actually went to Vader, as he was in a commercial dur- Just a few months ago, the Director of one of the high schools that I’m going ing the Super Bowl game. He’s with me National Intelligence brazenly lied to to recognize in just a minute. She’s today as a young ambassador, showing Congress when he denied the program been a strong and tireless advocate for leadership at his young age. I think it’s existed at all. Just a few weeks ago, we this community as a school board important for us to recognize at mo- learned that this administration has member for the last 4 years. ments like this that our young people, taken confidential tax information be- I commend the teachers for their our young Americans, our teenagers, or longing to its political opponents and commitment and dedication to their maybe they’re little kids, but you too leaked it to its political supporters. Is students; the parents for their love, can be a leader at any age. You don’t there anyone so naive as to believe the support and involvement in their chil- have to wait until you’re a little older, same thing won’t be done with phone dren’s lives; and the students who have like us. and Internet records if it suits the de- risen to the challenge and proved it is f signs of powerful officials? possible to reach your dreams. A free society does not depend on a Bragging rights are not limited to FLAWS IDENTIFIED IN CMS police state that tracks the behavior of just Arleta High School. Located less COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROGRAM every citizen for its security. A free so- than 4 miles away, the Sun Valley High The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ciety depends instead on principles of School Wildcats can also be proud. I’d Chair recognizes the gentleman from law that protect liberty while meting like to congratulate and commend the Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 out stern punishment to those who Sun Valley High School Robotics Team minutes. abuse it. It doesn’t mean we catch for being named the national cham- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. every criminal or terrorist. It means pions of the 2013 Mini-Urban Challenge Mr. Speaker, at a time when biparti- that those we do catch are brought to Competition. Sponsored by the United sanship is rare in Washington, this past justice as a warning to others. This is States Air Force Research Laboratory, week a bipartisan majority of Members true whether we are enforcing the laws this challenge requires high school stu- of the United States House of Rep- of our Nation or the Law of Nations. dents to design and operate a robotic resentatives together called upon the Indeed, if we had responded to the at- car to autonomously navigate a model Centers for Medicare and Medicaid tack on September 11 with the same se- city. One June 1, the Sun Valley Ro- Services (CMS) to delay further imple- riousness as we responded to Pearl Har- botics Team competed against nine re- mentation of the competitive bidding bor, terrorism would not be the threat gional champions in Washington, D.C., program for Durable Medical Equip- that it is today. and became the national champions. ment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Sup- Ours is not the first civilization to be I want to recognize also Principal plies. seduced by the siren song of a benevo- Paul Del Rosario for his leadership and A growing number of flaws have been lent all-powerful government. But continuous support of the team; Mr. identified in the bidding program, without a single exception, every civ- Hicks and Ms. Yamagata for guiding which is being used to procure these ilization that has succumbed to this lie and assisting the team through the goods and services for those facing life- has awakened one morning to find that project and to the victory; the volun- changing disease and disability. We do the benevolence is gone and the all- teers who invested their own time and not oppose competitive bidding. In powerful government is still there. money to help the teams, as well; and fact, we want to ensure that true com- Mr. Speaker, this is our generation’s the students for their perseverance and petition takes place and Medicare wake-up call, and we ignore it at ex- creativity. plays by the rules they set for the pro- treme peril to our liberty. The success of California’s 29th Dis- gram. f trict high schools doesn’t end there, Today, I stand beside 226 of my col- and it doesn’t end just in the class- leagues here in the people’s House and ARLETA HIGH SCHOOL, SUN VAL- room. urge the administrator of CMS to do LEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND SAN the right thing and use her authority b 1020 FERNANDO HIGH SCHOOL under current law to delay implemen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I would also like to congratulate San tation in order to fix these abuses be- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Fernando High School’s baseball team fore moving forward in 100 areas na- California (Mr. CA´ RDENAS) for 5 min- on winning their second city champion- tionwide on July 1. utes. ship in 3 years. On June 1, San Fer- Mr. Speaker, Administrator Mr. CA´ RDENAS. Mr. Speaker, it’s nando defeated Cleveland High School Tavenner has to know the clock is with great pride today that I rise to 2–1 in Dodger Stadium to claim their ticking, and if unchecked, the failure recognize the great achievements of championship for a second year in a of this program will be on her watch. three high schools in my district, Dis- row. f trict 29 in California. Under the leadership of Coach I want to begin by congratulating Armando Gomez, the Tigers have done TRIBUTE TO HONORABLE Arleta High School for achieving a 92 a phenomenal job of playing as a team RUDOLPH ‘‘RUDY’’ CLAY percent graduation rate and setting the and putting in the extra work to build The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gold standard for the Los Angeles Uni- a successful program at San Fernando Chair recognizes the gentleman from fied School District. High School. Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS) for 5 min- Opening in 2006, this school achieved All of these students are a great utes. this enormous feat in just 7 years. The source of pride to our community, and Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Arleta Mustangs have the highest grad- prove that hard work, sacrifice, and Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to a man uation rate of any traditional high commitment pay off. They are the fu- and a friend of mine who spent most of school in all of LA Unified School Dis- ture of our country and also of the San his adult life being actively engaged in trict. This is a testament to all the Fernando Valley. the processes of social advocacy and hard work and support this community I think it is important for us to un- public policy decisionmaking, and who has invested in its children and their derstand that today I stand not only to ultimately became the mayor of Gary, future. congratulate the young people, but to Indiana, and a national progressive po- I would also like to recognize depart- congratulate all of the adults that sur- litical leader. ing Principal Dr. Linda Calvo for her round them who’ve given of themselves Rudy Clay was born in Alabama, and unrelenting vision. She will be dearly and gone the extra mile to make sure after the death of his mother was missed, and I hope that her successor we bring out the best in our children. brought to Gary, Indiana, where he was will continue the tremendous strides I also would like to take a point of raised by his two aunts, Ms. Lucy Hun- made on this campus and the sur- personal privilege to welcome our little ter and Ms. Daisy Washington, who rounding neighborhoods. ambassador who’s here to talk to me started him attending church, which he I would also like to recognize LA and other Members about children’s did for the rest of his life. He graduated Unified School District board member hospitals. You might know him as Lil from the Gary Roosevelt High School VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:57 Jun 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JN7.003 H18JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 18, 2013 and attended the University of Indiana lot of ways. Some of them lose their into the fund, and the funds should go at Bloomington, married his wife, Ms. jobs. Some of them are hurt physically only to crime victims and crime vic- Christine Swan, was drafted into the and emotionally, and they don’t have tims’ programs. It shouldn’t go to Army, served his time, was honorably any money. other programs in the Federal Govern- discharged, went into the insurance And this is not a new concept. Years ment, even if they’re good programs, business, worked for Prudential and ago under the Reagan administration, because it was designed by Congress, State Farm insurance companies, and Congress recognized this problem, this approved by the administration, to go ultimately opened his own company, issue about the fact that many victims, to those silent, quiet victims who are the Rudolph Clay Insurance Agency, of after the crime and after the trial, they still, today, hurting because of crimes which he was greatly proud.
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