McClees Creek Bulkhe Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant again THEDAHY today, tomorrow and Satur- FINAL day. Fair and cooler tonight.' Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch 7 EDITION Monnioiitli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 36 PAGES VOL.94. NO.87 RED BANK, NJ. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1971 TEN CENTS U.S. Eyes UN Fund Cut, Aid Revisions WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate is debating proposals York Conservative told a reporter, "Certainly the adminis- aide Henry Kissinger today to plan moves that will seek to er efforts. to cut U.S. financial support of United Nations activities while tration hasn't tried to dissuade me." , \ undo the bill's limits on U.S. activities in Southeast Asia. Prime administration targets are the amendments by Nixon administration forces consider a move to sidetrack the Dominick seeks to cut the 31 per cent U.S. share of U.N. If these efforts fall, a GOP Senate aide said, the adminis- costs to 25 per cent. $ tration is likely to throw its support behind an effort likely to- Sens. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., and Frank Church, D- entire J3.2 billion foreign aid bill to block its restrictive provi- s Idaho, to cut off funds for V.S operations in Indochina except sions. First, the Senate will consider an amendment by Sens. morrow to kill the entire aid measure. Buckley and William E, Brock 3rd, B-Tean., to strip a provi- The plan would be to scuttle the foreign aid authorization for withdrawal efforts, and a provision by Sens, Stuart Sym- The Senate acts today on amendments stemming from ington, D-Mo., and Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., limiting U.S. aid Monday night's U.N. vote to admit Communist China and ex- sion repealing the 1955 resolution authorizing presidential ac- bill completely and seek later to extend the aid program by a tion to defend'Formosa and the neighboring Pescadores Is- continuing resolution that would skirt the Foreign Relations to Cambodia to $251) million and also imposing a personnel cell- ' pel'Taiwan fromi the world organization. ing. Sens. James L. Buckley, Con-H-N.Y., and Peter Dominick, lands from a possible Communist Chinese attack. Committee where most of the restrictive provisions were R-Colo., are pressing the amendments with what appears to be The Senate accepted by voice vote yesterday a revised added. ' ' ' ^ In a speech in Greenwich, Conn., George Bush, U.S. am- the tacit support of the Nixon administration. amendment by Sen. Ted Stevens, It-Alaska, delaying the effec- • But an initial test vote yesterday, a move by Sen, John J, bassador to the United Nations, said Wednesday night that , Buckley would eliminate $100 million in Wie aid-bill for the tive date of repeal to next April 15. Sparkman, D-Ala., to ease a $100 million limit on U.S. military despite the ouster of Nationalist China, the united Nations is U,N. development program.aiid ?1.5 million for a world food Meanwhile, a group of Republican senators was sum- aid and arms sales to Lalta'Ameriea, saw administration valuable because "it is the one organization that is working for program. Asked if lie had administration backing, the New moned to a White House breakfast session with presidential forces beaten on a 48-38 -vote that could presage defeats on lat- a world peace." Big Drug Raid Seen A * Successful First' NEW YORK - (AP) - In The raids were coordinated Among those arrcstetf were City the hub of supply ana coordinated three-state, 22- by the Metropolitan Regional a New York City patrolman spokes radiating out to the county raids, 500 police offi- Council, a tri-state law en- who allegedly rode shotgun to rim in suburbia." cers seized at least 178 per- forcement group, through its protect narcotics shipments, He added that "many of the sons and $1.2 million worth of anti-narcotics unit whose three guards at the Green people in the drug trade nave drugs yesterday in an attempt chairman is Karl Asch, Union Haven Prison in New York's moved across jurisdlctional to break up a supplier-dealer County, N.J. prosecutor. Dutchess County, a lawyer lines and EO must we."' "wheel." "This is the first operation and a pharmacist. Charles R. Jackson, com- The operation, which de- o! its kind, and we believe it's Carl A. Vergari, chairman mander oi the task force, said pended upon the swapping of the largest roundup ever in of the task force policy com- "the price of narcotics will go undercover narcotics agents the United States of sellers of mittee and Westchester Coun- up in the suburbs." by SO 'police agencies, was narcotics," he said from Tri- ty district attorney, described Rockland County Dist. Atty. called a successful first by its State headquarters in the the narcotics setup in the area Robert Meehan said under- leaders. World Tiade Center here. as "a wheel viith New York cover agents unknown locally were brought in from the Bronx, Westchester and Mon- mouth County, N.J. "This has changed the con- cept for exurbia," he told the news conference. Det. Sgt. Robert Commins of Suffolk County was raid commander. ' . COP HELD IN DRUG RAID— New York Patrolman Raymond Ellington, left, is escorted by on un- Jackson said seizures of lie- identified detective after he was arrested in Brooklyn yesterday in a raid that yielded about 7Vi pounds roin, cocaine, mescaljne, of heroin. In coordinated three-state raids, 500 police seized at least 178 persons and $1.2 million worth hianjuana, LSD and barbitu- of drugs. rates were involved. Arrested, in a Brooklyn raid was Pti; Raymond Ellington, • 35. Brooklyn District Attorney Eugene Gold said be and four Drag Sweep Seen Denting others arrested in the same raid:made up a major dis- tribution group with sales of $1.6 million a month. Sheriff Lawrence Quintan of Trafficking in Monmouth Dutchess County identified the Green Haven prison ByJIMMcCORMICK The action, coordinated by West Long Branch, High- sessing a controlled dan- guards seized by his men on the Metropolitan Regional lands, Spring Lake Heights, gerous substance, which car- narcotics charges as: FREEHOLD — Monmouth Council's Narcotics Task and the State Police Hights- ries a maximum 12-year jafl Steve Giquere, 22; Bernard County Chief of Detectives Al- Force, included two in- town barracks participated. term; sale of same, which C. Drollette, 26, and Raymond bert V. McCormlck says that novative steps, the chief said: Detective Rast said that in carries a five-year maximum Register SloB Pholo W. Jessey, 23, of Wingdale, yesterday's drug raids aimed , It was the first raid conducted addition, 11 policemen from 10 penalty; or aiding and abet- ECOLOGY AT STAKE — Marshy northern bank of McClees Creek In Mid- N,Y. Quinlan said that, so far at arresting suspected drug by the council and it was the Morris County communities ting in the possession' mi/at dletown extends southeast from Navesink River Road, over rail of bridge as he knew, the sale of narcot- pushers put a "big dent" in first time county detectives assisted. sale, which carries similar pe- at right. Area contractor Michael J. Stavola, who lives in home concealed ics to prisoners at Green drug traffic in the county. used local police to execute Crime Factor Told nalties. In trees, has withdrawn controversial application for permit to bulkhead Haven, a maximum security The chief estimated that be- warrants in towns other than The detective said that the , He said that although the in- and fill creek bank, and offers. to cooperate with conservationists In plan- prison at Stormville, N.Y., tween $5,000 and $6,00(1 in their pm • .' • • raid was aimed at those who vestigation had been contin- ningImprovements to save environment. was not Involved. drugs and paraphernalia were, . Frederick Rast HI, the leave the county to purchase uing for some time, an under* confiscated, and emphasized, county detective in charge of drugs. Chief McCormick said cover agent purchased drugs that the move against drug the narcotics' division, said that 70 per cent of all the from those indicted over' an pushers is continuing. that the teams began the crimes committed in the coun- estimated three week period A total of 13 persons were raids at 6 a.m., and finished ty had narcotics as their un- last month. ' Stavola Withdraws arrested early yesterday in about 10 a.m. derlying cause. The detective said that Monmouth County when 45 He said that detectives from Detective Rast said that search warrants were also ob- law enforcement officers in ,11. his office,; as well as' police- seven of those arrested were tained for five homes, one of 28 Arrests teams carried out raids men from Asbury Park, Nep- indicted last Thursday by the which was inhabited by an in- HOWfiLL TOWNSHIP (AP) planned tor over a month. tune Township, Fair Haven, Grand Jury on charges of pos- Sec Drug, Page 3 - Twentynsight persons, in- Bulkheadinff cluding two juveniles, were . to arrested early today when MIDDLETOWN - Michael The permit application was Mr. Stavola had applied for, state police staged a series of J. Stavola, area contractor, withdrawn in a letter from permission to bulkhead 1,309 narcotics raids in several has withdrawn an application Mr. Stavola's attorney, Theo- feet of the bank, starting at Monmouth and Ocean County School Managers Rapped for a permit to bulkhead and dore A. Schwartz, to Rtchard the Navesink River Road communities. fill the northerly bank of Goodenough, director of the Bridge and running southeast A state police spokesman By DORIS KULMAN table, members of New Jer- lem with personnel," declared brought to the bargaining McClees Creek, which bor- Division of Marine Services, to an existing dock.
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