Growing the game - growing communities Annualannual Reviewreview andand summarySummary financial Financial statementsStatements 20102013 The FooTball associaTion oF ireland is The GoverninG body oF FooTball in ireland. The sporT is beinG developed by The Fai and iTs associaTes; clubs, leaGues and aFFiliaTes in every Townland, ciTy sTreeT and communiTy across ireland in line wiTh our mission To FosTer, develop and promoTe The Game. our Goal is To increase parTicipaTion in all secTors oF The communiTy ThrouGh our members, volunTary and execuTive, workinG wiTh The many sTakeholders who supporT and play irish FooTball. presidenT’s messaGe 02 chieF execuTive oFFicer’s messaGe 04 chieF execuTive oFFicer’s operaTional review oF 2013 10 Financial review 43 direcTors and Other inFormaTion 44 board oF manaGemenT StaTement 45 independenT accounTanTs’ report 46 summary Financial StaTemenTs 47 inTernaTional resulTs 49 FooTball ASSOCIATion oF IRELAND annual review and summary Financial sTaTemenTs 2013 1 PReSident’S Message i look bAck on 2013 as A yeAR oF MAny chAllenGeS And veRy SiGniFicAnt And PoSitive develoPMentS FoR ouR GAMe And ouR AssociAtion. In commenting on the year under review A new stadium is a big investment as it stage in 2013/2014 also reflected the I am conscious that my own term as is for any association or club and while investment that has gone into the game in President of the FAI also comes to its the initial years have been financially recent years and is just reward for all the conclusion at this point. I have been challenging, the asset that is in place will hard work and commitment of everyone privileged and honoured to serve the provide significant potential in future years. involved. The future of the women’s football community as President for the game is in good hands and with growing past four years during what was a period The boost given to the game through numbers of girls and women taking part of great challenge, change and progress. infrastructural projects like the stadium in grassroots football, standards and and the commencement of the FAI’s numbers will continue to rise. The economic climate since 2010, as facilities at the National Campus, has everyone involved in the game and been made possible by solid financial The financial adjustments in clubs in beyond will testify, has created the management with strong emphasis on the SSE Airtricity League over recent most difficult business and operating controlling costs and growing revenues. years since the merger has also led to a environment in which the FAI could find The restructuring of our stadium related more stable environment for the senior itself but I am genuinely very proud debt in 2013 was also a significant domestic game. The game has been of what the people in our game have achievement but prudent management of the subject of strong TV and media achieved through these past four years. our business plan will remain a key priority exposure and while everyone would like We have progressed the development for the Association. to see increased revenues for clubs, the of the game across every strand as difficult economic climate of recent years we negotiated our way through a very The success in renewing relationships has been challenging. The SSE Airtricity challenging period and with the signs of with existing sponsors and developing League is a core part of the game and a slowly emerging economic upturn, we new partnerships has ensured a providing as much support as possible for can move ahead with confidence but in remarkably strong base of corporate the senior domestic league continues to the knowledge that continued careful and supporters and long term partners be a key priority for the Board. prudent financial management is critical to which are the foundation of our financial us as an Association and to the future of platform. This stability, allied to the Despite some uncharacteristic the game which we serve. very strong and welcome support of performances in European competitions the Department of Transport, Tourism for our clubs, 2013 was a really good year The completion of the Aviva Stadium was and Sport and the Irish Sports Council, for the League at home. The quality of of course a huge landmark in the history whose funding is key to our programme football on show was first class and the of the game and our new home has, development, enables us to plan and competitions were both exciting and of since opening, played host to so many invest in our game with confidence. a very high standard. It was pleasing to memorable occasions. Enthralling FAI The commitment of all our partners see that this carried forward with some Ford Cup Finals, the highest profile club and sponsors, but especially Three, our very strong opening results for our clubs games and tournaments and the first ever primary sponsor, along with Umbro, in this year’s European competition. In European club final to be held in Ireland – Diageo, Aviva, Ford, SSE Airtricity, DHL, addition, the number of senior men’s the UEFA Europa League Final in 2011 - sit Lucozade Sport and the addition of new international players who have played in alongside the big European and World Cup sponsors in recent years such as Heatons the SSE Airtricity League continues to qualifying games which the new stadium Sportsworld, eFlow and McDonalds has reflect this growing standard of football has hosted seamlessly. Further great enabled the Association to grow and played at home in our senior league. I days lie ahead for the Aviva Stadium and, develop the game successfully. am also delighted that the U19 league possibly, more major tournaments. In late has developed successfully and I have 2013 the FAI, in co-operation with Dublin One such example in recent years was no doubt we will see the benefit of its City Council, made the decision to submit the introduction of the Women’s National introduction in the coming years. Many a bid to host four games in the 2020 League, sponsored by Bus Éireann. The of the young players competing for our Euros and should the bid be successful, creation of a national league has been a international teams have come through the stadium and the city may play host brilliant development and a change in the the schoolboys leagues, through a very to another unique international sporting landscape of which we can all be proud strong national league and onto the occasion in six years time. of. Our women’s senior international European and World stage. team’s competitive progress on the world 2 FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND ANNUAL REVIEW AND SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2013 2013 was another year which saw every strand. While we pride ourselves on our financial partners, sponsors, local progress on the international stage for our having a professional game and structures authorities, players, fans, clubs, leagues younger teams. While qualification for the that reflect a professional approach to and affiliates throughout the country. elite stages of European competitions is a running the sport, we are still, in essence, In this regard, I want to thank all who positive reflection of progress, there is still a game played by and for amateurs. The support us, especially our volunteers in work to be done to take us to the highest ordinary player, supporter, mentor and making football happen in every parish, levels. We continue to work hard investing committee member is still the individual town and city in Ireland. in our developmental structures and the who keeps our game alive and I want to appointment last year of Ruud Dokter as pay tribute to all those who play in and run In particular I want to thank the outgoing High Performance Director was a further the leagues up and down the country. You Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport sign of our determination to implement are the lifeblood of our game. Leo Varadkar and Minister Michael Ring the best possible long term player for their backing of sport in Ireland and development structures to enable greater This ethos and sense of community spirit of our Association. I also wish the new emergence of talent coming in coming and participation has never been seen Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, years. In this regard the work being carried to greater effect than in the work done Paschal Donohoe, every success in his out by the Technical Advisory Committee, by the FAI’s network of Development appointment. I also thank the Irish Sports comprising key coaching stakeholders, in Officers working in partnership with Council and their staff for their huge level planning a pathway for the future delivery the Local Authorities throughout the of support. Our CEO, John Delaney, has of success on the international stage is of country. The success of key programmes again provided strong leadership and the utmost importance. We look forward in the Football For All / disability sector, commitment in driving our very dedicated to the outputs from this group and to the the social inclusion and intercultural group of staff as they support the huge development of the most technically gifted programmes such as the Late Night work conducted by the tens of thousands young players in Ireland as they graduate Leagues and the range of grassroots of volunteers in football. These volunteers to represent their country. programmes targeted at younger players deserve our sincere thanks for continuing such as the McDonald’s Future Football to bring their passion to our game to keep Our senior international teams are the programme and the eFlow FAI Summer the sport of football as the most popular ultimate long term beneficiaries of Soccer Schools are all fantastic examples team game in Ireland.
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