ISLAM, DEMOCRACY AND RELIGIOUS MODERNISM LN IRAN (1953-1997): FRûM BÀZARGXN TO SOROUSH Forough Jahanbakhsh A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor OP Philosophy Znstitute of islamic Studies McGill University, Montreal July, 1997 @ Forough Jahanbakhsh, 1997 National Library Bibliothèque nationale I*I ,,na du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sel reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. 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Author: Forough Jahanbakhsh Title: Islam, Democracy and Religious Modernism in Iran (1953-1997): From Bazargm to Soroush Degree : Ph.D. Department : Institute of Islamic Studies, HcGill University This dissertation aims to study the attempts made by contemporary Iranian religious modernists at reconciling Islam and democracy on the theoretical level, The prevailing theme in earlier studies on contemporary Iran has been that of Islamic resurgence or the socio- political outcome of the 1979 Revolution to the neglect of other significant issues or intellectual challenges faced by religious modernists in both the pre- and post-revolutionary eras, such as that of the problematic of Islam and democracy. The present work therefore, considers the views of certain 1 ranian religious modernists of the last fifty years on the question of whether Islam is theoretically compatible or incompatible wi th democracy. To this end, we examine the main principles of democracy and cri tically evaluate their parallels among Islarnic noms. Then. the democratic notions of seven major Iranian religio-political thinkers are analyzed and evaluated in depth. We also try to show the perception that these men had of democracy and of Islam, how they sought to bring the two into conformity, on what basis they structured their arguments, and how their attempt in this respect differed from that of their predecessocs at the turn of the century . Among the contributions of the present work to the field is its attempt to present, for the first time, the post-revolutionary religious intellectual trend in Iran with particular rererence to the problematic of 1s lam and democracy . This is largely accomplished through an analytical study of its leading figure. Abdulkarirn Soroush, The result suggests that his attempt is an unprecedented one in terms of content, method and consequences . Indeed it is a watershed in Shi'ite religious modernisrn in general and in the debate over the compatibility of Islam with democracy, in particular. Auteure: Forough Jahanbakhsh Titre: Islam, démocratie et modernisme religieux en Iran (1953-1997): De Bazargan à Soroush Diplorne: Ph.D. Department: Institut d' Etudes Islamiques, Université McGill Ce memoire vise à étudier les tentatives faites par les modernistes religieux iraniens contemporains pour réconcilier l'Islam et la democratie sur le plan théorique. Le théme qui domine la plupart des études sur l'Iran contemporain est celui de la résurgence islamique ou 1' issue socio-poli tique de la révolut ion de 1979, à la négligence d'autres questions significatives ou défis intellectuels auxquels les modernistes religieux des ères pré- et post-révolutionnaires ont du faire face, dont La problématique "Islam et démocratie". Le présent travail considère donc les opinions des modernistes religieux iraniens des cinquante dernières années sur la question de savoir si l'Islam et la démocratie sont théoriquement compatibles ou non. Dans ce but, nous examinons les principes essentiels de la démocratie et nous évaluons dans un esprit critique leurs parallèles avec les normes islamiques. Ensuite, les notions dCmocratiques de sept penseurs religio- politiques iraniens sont analysées et évaluees en profondeur. Nous visons aussi à montrer la perception qu'avaient ces hommes de la democratie et de l'Islam, comment ils ont cherché à les rendre conformes, la base sur laquelle ils ont construit leurs arguments. et comment leurs tentatives sous ce rapport ont différé de ceux de leurs prédecesseurs à la fin du dernier siécle. Parmi les apports de ce mémoire est le fait qu'il présente, pour la premiere fois, la tendance intellectuelle religieuse post- révolutionnaire en 1 ran, particulièrement en ce qui concerne La problématique de l'Islam et de la démocratie. Ceci est réalisé à travers une étude analytique de son représentant le plus éminent, Abdulkarirn Soroush. La solution qu'of Cre Soroush est presque sans précédent en termes de son contenu, sa méthode et ses conséquences. A vrai dire, elle représente un nouveau depart pour le modernisme religieux shiite en général, ainsi que pour le débat sur la compatibilité entre 1'IsLam et la démocratie en particulier. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i mm iii ACKNOWLEDGIENTS v NOTES ON TRANSLITERATION vii ILWODUCTION CHAPTER ONE WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? 7 FC'M)MENT.AL PRINCIPLES OF DEMOCFWCY Equali ty Liberty Majority Rule CHAPTER TWO DEMOCRATIC NORMS IN ISLAM 32 Freedom - Apos tasy Equali ty - Religious Minori ties - Slavery - Male-Female Dicho tomy Public Participation in Politic - ShUra and Bay'ah 70 CHAPTER THREE THE EMERGENCE OF WSLIM INTELUECTUALISM IN M0DEFt.N IRAN 83 CHAPTER FOUR EELIGIOUS MODEFWISM hW DEMOCRACY ZN IRAN 109 Ayatullah S- Mahmd T~liq~ni 116 Mahdz Bazargn ' 135 'Allamah Muhammad 8. Tab8tabz.f 191 . t Ali Shari 'atf 201 Ayatullah M. Mutahharl 214 Ayatullah R. Khomeini 221 Concluding Remarks 231 CIWPTER FIVE POST-RNOLUTIONARY RELIGIOUS INTEUECTUALS AND DEMOCRACY ABDUlLKARIM SOROUSH 237 A Biographical Sketch 242 The Theory of Contraction and Expansion of Religious Knowledge 247 The Clergy 251 De-ideologizat ion of Religion 253 Religious Democratic State 2 58 An Appraisal 274 CONCLUS ION BIBLIOGRAPKY It is a real pleasure to acknowledge al1 those individuals from whom 1 have received support and encouragement during the course of my graduate studies at McGill University. 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor Hermann Landolt under whose supervision 1 have been privileged to work. He continuously expressed interest and patience in reading this dissertation at everystage. His criticism, advice and encouragement have all been invaluable. For al1 this 1 am deeply grateful to him. Thanks are also due to Professor Uner Turgay, the director of the Institute of Islarnic Studies whose concern with the completion of my studies has been un failing and whose encouragement and coopera t ion have been unforgettable. 1 would also like to thank Professor Charles J. Adams with whom 1 discussed the initial outline of the work. 1 am very grateful to him for having read and commented on the first two chapters. In the preparation of this work I have been privileged on several occasions to discuss with Professor Abdulkarim Soroush many aspects of his own thought. In these discussions not only did I gain a clearer grasp of his rather complex thought and language, 1 also came away with many rewarding insights which contributed to the improvement of this study. For al1 this 1 am deeply indebted to him. Needless to Say, any inaccuracies in my presentation of a- his thought are mine and mine alone. 1 am grateful too to the staff OP the library of the Institute of Islamic Studies: Mr. Wayne St. Thomas. whose extrernely f riendly and helpful attitude 1 have enjoyed over years; Mr. Stephen Millier for his invaluable assistance in a number of areas and Ms. Salwa Ferahian Cor her diligent responses to my numerous requests for inter-library loans. 1 would also like to extend my appreciation to the directors of the following institutions: The Institute for Research and Islamic Studies (IRIS) in Houston for suggesting and sending me materials related to the Freedom Hovement of Iran and Mahdi Bazargan, and the cultural institutes of Sirat and Kiyan in Tehran who have generously provided me with published and unpublished works and audio-cassettes of Dr. Abdulkarim Soroush's lectures, particularly during my research visit to Iran in summer My greatest debt is however owed to my parents. sister and brothers for their unwavering support. 'ly deepes t thanks . which cannot be expressed in words are due to my parents, for were i t not for their constant hope. patience. encouragement and support 1 would not have reached this stage. I would especially like to acknowledge the support of my father who has been of great help to me in the completion of my studies. To them 1 dedicate this humble work. The system of transliteration used in this thesis is that recommended by the Institute of Islamic Studies. However, for the sake of consistency, Persian words have been transliterated in conformity with the Arabic. Certain more familiar names and words are not transliterated, for exarnple Ali Shari'ati or Sufi. About fifty years after the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911, religious forces began once again to become involved in Zranian politics. From the withdrawal of the constitutionalist 'ulama' from pofitics until the failure of the National Xovement ( 1953) , only two individual members of the clergy, Ayatullah Sayyid Hasan Hudarris (d. 1936) and Ayatullah AbUlqasim Kashani (d.
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