issn no. 0790-7508 The newspaper for Feb/Mar 2011 www.esb.ie/em ENeRGISING RUGBY eSB ELeCTRIC IReLAND PAGe 13 Calling Ghana Volunteers neWs, page 03 System protection ESB NeTWORKs LTD page i9 SCHOOLS SEE GREENER DAYS AHEAD PUpils FroM ST. Michael’s InFanT School in LiMericK Will enJoy a cosier learning environMenT 35 year ThanKs To ESB Who carried oUT caviTy Wall insUlaTion on The school bUilding as parT oF iTs HALO Schools PrograMMe. milestone in Bahrain Much improved Health and ESBI page 21 Safety performance in 2010 8Health and Safety are core values of ESB. We believe that all injuries can be prevented. WE STRIVE TO ensure our activi- being introduced and embedded tices. A review of process safety was muted by two fatalities associated ties avoid injury or ill health and we across all businesses in ESB. Lost initiated to examine current controls with our network - one to a con- continue to make progress towards Time Injuries for both staff and con- and reporting arrangements. This tractor and the other to a member our goal of zero injuries. tractors are significantly diminished will conclude during 2011. of the public. In support of this goal a number in number and severity. Near Miss While driving continues to be a Staff health and wellbeing, as In this issue of objectives were established for and Good Catch reporting is in- significant risk generally on public indicated by attendance, is sig- Safety Management, Lost Time In- creasing and all incidents that have roads, the number and severity of nificantly improved in all business n News.......................... 02 jury Reduction, Incident Reporting, potential for serious harm are in- collisions in ESB has once again areas and Work Positive, an organi- n Services & EsB Electric Ireland... 09 Risk Assessment, Process Safety, vestigated and the learning shared. decreased. A review of IT systems sational stress risk assessment is be- n ESB Networks Ltd ............ 15 Safe Driving, IT systems and Or- Risk Assessment, the corner stone of that support safety management ing used by businesses to determine n ESB Energy International..... 20 ganisational Health. safety and health management, was was carried out with a view to pro- and manage workplace stress. n Externally validated and certified reviewed to ensure all business areas viding a more integrated system. n Health & Habitat.............. 28 Feature on page 6 Safety Management Systems are were applying consistent best prac- Sadly this excellent performance is n Life ............................ 31 2 NEWS Feb/Mar 2011 www.esb.ie/em Letters ESB Schools – Business Partnership Dear Sirs, Editor’s I wouLd LIkE to take this opportunity Michelle Doyle to thank members of staff of the ESB lo- and Maria Greene of ESB interview cal office in Mullingar. pupil Adam Carroll. This day last week there was an inter- desk ruption to our electricity supply in Dal- ton Park. I did not have the opportunity to make other arrangements for my eld- erly mother who lives there and is in need of a nebulizer 4 times a day. One phone call to the 1850 number Anita Rock, ESB Sustainability, Maria Greene and Michelle Doyle with pupils from Rosmini School. BeRnIe and having spoken to a lovely lady there I was then called from the local depot of RosmInI ScHooL (Pobalscoil Ros- HeALY ESB. It was arranged that a cable would mini) was founded in 1970 in north in- Germaine Noonan, co-ordinator of be brought into the house so my mother ner city Dublin. Today the school pro- the BITC Schools Programme, believes could get the medication she needed. vides support for students pursuing all it can make a real difference to young Hello and welcome This was very much appreciated. levels of Junior and Leaving Certificate people thinking about their options, “it to the Feb/March edition of EM. We had another power interruption qualification as well as offering special- is very encouraging to see how interest- and my mother had a clinic to attend - we ised support for visually impaired stu- ed students are in engaging with ESB WITH ALL THE issues that seem to be out of our control at came back armed with our hot coffee to dents. staff about their own ambitions and to present, one of the things we can have an influence over is find a number of yellow trucks in the Rosmini is one of the schools partici- see how much more accessible they per- how we take care of our own well-being. A faster pace of street with staff at work but we still had pating in the Business In the Community ceive qualifications and jobs to be fol- life, stress over finances, worries about jobs for our children power! I then remembered that the nice Ireland Schools’ Business Partnership lowing their participation in the pro- and families – all these things take their toll. More and more lady I spoke to first had told me that my Programme. The Programme links busi- gramme”, she says. we read and hear about organisations such as MABS who mother’s details would be put on a list ness with schools in an effort to encour- Anita Rock, ESB’s co-ordinator, thinks can help in offering people advice on issues around budget- that would flag her as “priority” - I ex- age students to remain in school and the programme provides a great oppor- ing and managing finances. pect this is why we have power and I am complete their education to Leaving tunity for staff as well as students “the EM endeavours to cover as many issues as possible in so grateful for that. Certificate level by introducing them to students in this year’s programme are relation to staff welfare – health, money matters, lifestyle. All too often people will only write to the world of work and college. interested and enthusiastic to learn While this might seem a very wide field, in a lot of cases the complain about a lack of service - I think The 2010/2011 academic year is the about new technologies and to listen to issues that affect most people can often be crystallised it’s only proper to write and thank people sixth year that ESB has been the link experiences of others before stepping into a smaller number which are common across a lot of when things go right also. So could you company for Rosmini School. The Pro- into the world of work themselves. The families. please pass on our thanks to the local gramme run by ESB for the school is fo- programme has been a great experience We in EM publicise a wide range of groups that can offer Mullingar office and in particular to the cused on fifth year students and ele- for everyone involved”. advice in these times – EAP services, Health Services, Fi- crew that worked in Dalton Park. ments of the programme include a From the school’s perspective, the nancial advice, Safety Health & Wellbeing, St. Patrick’s Kind regards and again many thanks chance for students to meet ESB staff programme is a very effective link Credit Union, SPORTSCO and other leisure interests. So if Linda Arnold and learn about their various career from the academic to the business you have a particular topic or question you would like paths and experiences, CV development world giving students an insight into covered please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try, if and mock interview events and a site the world of work that would other- at all possible, to get an answer for you or bring you more visit (this year to Turlough Hill). At the wise be very difficult to replicate. “We information on the subject. Draw results end of each year students give their think that this programme has a posi- Can I also thank the many of you that returned our Read- feedback on how useful and enjoyable tive impact on decisions that students er’s Survey. As well as providing information for us to SPORTSCO DeceMber 2010 they have found the programme so that make about completing their educa- further enhance your reading, it will also bring additional DRAW it can be further improved for future stu- tion – they see how qualifications now funds to ElectricAid, so you are helping on the double. The Prize Name, Location dents. The programme is co-ordinated lead to opportunities later and about analysis of the survey will be carried out over the next few €3,000 Thomas Cooke, Waterford by Anita Rock, a member of ESB’s Sus- how enjoyable work and college can weeks and we will bring you the results in the next edition €1,500 James Glynn, Retired tainability Team, and supported by staff be” says Philip McElwee, the school’s of EM. €1,000 Nuala Cantillon, Limerick across the company who voluntarily Guidance Counsellor. n €200 Aoife Rooney, Clanwilliam give their time during the career day €200 Michael Casey, Retired and site visit events and by Group HR For more information about the BITC Schools’ €200 Gerard Loughnane, Glaway who manage the CV development and Business Partnership contact Anita Rock at ESB €200 Rosanna Mahon, Retired mock interviews. Head Office or visit www.bitc.ie €200 Colm Kavanagh, Retired €200 Emer McGowan, Westmeath EM welcomes news, views, articles, Closing date: letters, photos and feedback on any Competitions and crosswords must topic. All submitted articles should be returned by March 16th. SPORTSCO JaNUarY 2011 preferably be e-mailed. Deadlines: The deadline for articles, DRAW photos, etc. for the next issue is Prize Name, Location Please contact: March 16th. We are always delighted Bernie Healy, Editor to receive items for publication.
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