— 73 YEARS A NEWSPAPER YWO EASY TO REMEMBER A Oldest Business Institution Telephone Numbers p Back of the Mountain THE DALLAS POST 674-5656 674" wi TEN CENTS PER COPY—SIXTEZN PAGES MORE THAN A NEWSPAPER. A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION VOL. 75, NO. 20 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1963 School Designates Leading Seniors Curfew Demands Written "Pass": Dallas High School Open House Escapes Fatality Board Upholds RT On Death Highway Council To Give Mill Ultimatum Features Exhibit, Athletic Program Less than a month after his bro- Administrator ther Wesley was killed in an ac- ES cident on the same highway, Dale Allow Township Ten Minors And Parents « Show To Be All Day Economy League K. Myers, 32, R. D. Tunkhannock, And Counselor Days After Meeting Liable For Penalty From 8:30 To 3 miraculously escaped injury when his Upholds Increase Chrysler sedan was hit broadside Service To School, Council ordered solicitor to begin If you are under eighteen, and Open house will be held at the by an automobile driven by Henry legal proceedings against Natona not on errand for your parents or The Pennsylvania Economy Freeman, R. D. 1, Noxen. Dallas Senior High School featuring \ Students And Area having written permission Mills, if no action is takem by the from League upholds the position of the a School Exhibit and a Track and In fair comdition at Nesbitt Hos- firm to pay $4500 real estate trans- them to go to the dance or ball- Dallas School Board in its proposal Field Program on Wednesday, May pital is Mr. Freeman’s son Edward Rated Outstanding game, you will have to be off the fer tax by June 15. to raise millage to cover the cost 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Par- 22, R. D. 1, Dallas. The Freemans streets of Dallas and out of public of teachers salaries. Increases, Dr. Robert Bodycomb, presiding # Date was set to allow Dallas ents and friends are cordially invited were taken to the hospital in the places. Township, which now holds a sum | mandated by the State, are not re- to attend. Kingston Township Ambulance. at/ Dallas Area School Board meet- If you violate the ordinance be- imbursable. Findings were made ing Tuesday evening, stated mem- of that amount paid by the firm Events will be held on the football Mr. Freeman was treated and re- | after painstaking survey. bers of the board stood solidly be- according to an old deed, ten days hind this you will be liable for a field starting at 12:30. Physical Ed- leased to the care of his physician hind the administrator, Dr. Robert | after their regular meeting to send fine of five dollars and costs (five ucation Department, under super- Dr. Irving Jacobs. the sum back to the mill. dollars), and so will your parents vision of Miss Mabel Jenkins and Mellman, for the fine job he is Mr. Myers refused medical assist- doing and George McCutcheon, Natona has already sent one re-' if they encourage you or cause you | Cast Your Ballot Clintcn Brobst, will be in charge. to violate it. ance and appeared uninjured. guidance counselor, who has per- quest to the Township for the sum’s An Exhibit of classroom work will Myers was turning left into Don- formed outstanding service to all If you do not pay the fine, you be presented by the following: return, after being informed by Bor- In Primaries achie’s from the passing lane when students and given tremendous ough solicitor that a court decision may, subject to local custom, be English Department: Mrs. Mary | his vehicle was hit by the Freeman public service in creating and guid- in 1952 approved annexation of sent to the county prison for de- Ann Sigworth, The theme will ‘be Primaries are on Tassdiy, If you MG sports car. Impact drove him ing the activities of the Dallas Ki- Natona Mills to the Borough, and tention pending ‘appropriate ac- “Reading, Writing and Appreciat- are registered, do not fail to vote. into the parked car of Robert Moran, wanis Key Club, which has won that the old deed, locating the plant tion” by the Juvenile Court. ion”. Display will include samples Primaries dictate what candidates Trucksville. state and national recognition. in the Township, was erroneous. Borough council was unanimously MARY ANN BEBEY EDWARD HOLLOS of theme writing, autobiographies, | wil appear on the ballot in No- Harry Sickler, director from Township has tabled the matter for behind this ordinance at the meet- research papers, book reports and The Freeman car was towed from Edward Hollos, son of Mr. and vember. Franklin Township, called for a vote ing Tuesday night, and will, with- required reading. Work is submitted | the scene. two consecutive meetings, and pre- Wes William Hollos and Mary Amn of confidence in Mr. McCutcheon sident supervisor Fred Lamoreaux, out question, approve the final read- Little Leaguers from ‘the sophomore, junior and | iShavertown fire truck washed the Bebey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Dr. Mellman, which received although indicating willingness to be ing in June, when it will become senior classes. | smiled gasoline from the highway. John Bebey, have been named or - Replace Pipe unanimous approval. 1 reasonable to a request for the sum law. To Sell Candy students at Lake-Lehman Mrs. Theresa Rutkoski, Cross sec- | “Delinquency is no more preva- a by the company, has repeatedly Curfew ordinance was drafted tion of work completed by students Ee ee School. = | Ambulance Meeting lent in Dallas Schools than in any | an- questioned that the Mill is in the and presented by solicitor Robert Edward, valedictorian, has been |Near Highway throughout the year; term papers, | other district,” said Dr. Bodycomb. Borough. Fleming, and is based in part on Will Finance New an enthusiastic participant in school themes and poetry. Also project om | Postponed To 20th “Indeed we have a very small per- Jaw in Newport Township. Silas Marner and Julius Caesar. i League Buildings activities. Being President of the Line From Hunlocks centage compared to the national | Not included among those subject Miss Dorothy Guerra, Sophomores j Dallas Ambulance ' Association Student Council, vice president of report,” he concluded. | pa to penality are minors operating a Continuing the drive to maintain' yy. oo To Clarks Summit will have Silas Marner and Julius meeting, scheduled for Tuesday eve- Seventeen Place nior class, and member of the Mrs. Frances Klaboe and Miss ! car through the borough, or stop- the finest facilities available for the Caesar projects. Juniors will have ning, will be postponed until next a National Honor Society is only a Barbara Terhune, Wilkes-Barre, | ping the car for gas or repairs. A Little League, Back Mountain Base- Men and earth-moving equipment newspapers keyed to each student’s | Monday evening, May 20, at 8 p.m. part of his school life. Participation were appointed as teachers in the I “no loitering” proviso accompanies of Sun Pipeline Company, affiliated particular interest. All items will be in the Dallas Borough Building, be- In Honor Test ball for boys will meet ‘tonight at in the baseball and basketball teams elementary grades. this. ; 7:30 at Dallas Senior High School to | with Sun Oil Company, were employ: written by students in class. Juniors cause of the conflict with primary attest to his interest in athletics. Ed Additional teachers hired were | Council did not feel that the re- start their candy bar sale. ed the past week boring passage for will also have illustrations of Am- election day. In Upper Quarter has been a member of the chorus, new twelve-inch pipeline between Mrs 1 Palermo, Kindergarten; ‘ quirement of written permission for The drive is designed, according to erican authors and scenes from their | the junior play cast, and intramural the railroad and the highway near Jo. aur, Mathematics instructor; Of Statewide Table a minor on errand or going to a president Bob Parry, to provide most popular works. Seniors will , Dallas Fire Engine | sports program. He is a member of Hillside. Robert Cicon, English and Social social, athletic, or scholastic event money for a new press box, refresh- have a social letter project. | the Nativity of the BRM Roman Pipeline is used for transporting Studies; Fay L. Kehler, Spanish Five ninth graders and twelve at any school, “non-profit organiza- ment stand, and bleachers at the Art: Mrs. Dorothy Witbey, A dis- Is Being Repaired . Catholic Church in Tunkhannock. gasoline products from Sun refinery and Social Studies; Milton Luts: tenth graders in Lake-Lehman tion,” or chaperoned event, to be Little League field in Dallas Town- play of original creative expression, Recipient of the engineering award, in Marcus Hook to Syracuse, N. Y. Dr. Henry M. Laing Company en- Business Education instructor. schools placed in the upper twenty- excessive, ship. featuring portraits in charcoal and Ed plans to attend the College of gine number 2, the American La- Brochures on ‘the Pennsylvania five per cent of performances, by It would certainly make the po- Under renovation right now is the pastels; figure studies in pastel; still All boys in major, minor, farm, Engineering at Northeastern Univer France has been down this week Economy League report on the ten- | statewide comparison, in the Spring lice officer's job easier, it was ob- stretch from Clarks Summit to Route life im water-color and pastels;cos- and teenage leagues are requested sity in Boston. with a broken pump, and will be tative budget will be distributed to 1963 National Educational Develop- | served. 29, Hunlock Creek. tume design in ‘ink and water-color; to attend, as well as any other in- Mary Ann, salutatorian, has also next week.
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