ASH The WEDNESDAY & ion LENT PAGES 4-6 Te Newsletter of LSt. Mark's Episcopal February 2015 Choir Pilgrimage 2015 EVENSONG by Renee Early t the November Adult Forum on Te 2014 Choir Pilgrimage was a 19 day the 2014 Choir Pilgrimage, afer journey, with the choir in residence at two Eng- George Emblom had introduced lish cathedrals, Norwich and Wells. As the resi- the Pilgrimage, and Jerry Walk- dent choirs go on holiday, substitute choirs pass er had presented his wonder- through and take on service music. St. Mark’s ful slide show, someone asked what the choir choir was fortunate enough to spend one week in Abrought back that might enhance the church each of the two cathedrals. Te schedule was a bit as a whole. My visceral – albeit unspoken – re- daunting. During the 18 days in England we sang sponse was “Evensong.” Continued next page Evensong at Wells Cathedral (photo by Jerry Walker) Evensong Norwich Cathedral (photo by Jerry Walker) two Choral Eucharists, and thirteen evensongs. and the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the preces, We also sang a Matins service, at Wells on Sun- psalms, Old Testament reading, the Magnifcat, day, 3 August, a day when we also sang morning New Testament reading, the Nunc Dimitttis, the Eucharist and Evensong. For these services we Apostles’ Creed, prayers, collects, an anthem, and prepared Herbert Howells’ setting of the Ofce ending with more prayers. of Holy Communion, Buonemani’s setting of the In addition to the formal structure of the Preces & Responses, eight settings for the Magni- service, there is also ritual structure in Evensong. fcat & Nunc Dimittis, eleven Anthems, and sev- Before the service, the choir waits. At this point enteen Psalms. we are individuals with diferent experiences, and Nineteen days is a long time for over 50 diverse thoughts and feelings. We are happy or people to spend large amounts of time in small sad, content or exhausted, at peace or annoyed. spaces. Yet day in and day out, we gathered, some- We are ourselves. Ten the verger comes and leads times infused with bountiful energy, other times us into the stalls. Te verger bows to the choir. ragged and exhausted, individuals with our rough Te Choir bows to the verger. We have crossed edges of various sorts, issues of tone and tempo, a threshold, and the service begins. Evensong is distractions, and discomforts. Beyond our com- a service of immersion. Tere is in the service a mon everyday issues, we endured the unforeseen process of self-abandonment, as we step beyond event that during the Pilgrimage nearly one third our individual concerns and become the mouth of the choir exhibited symptoms of an upper re- for the concerns of our adopted community. Te spiratory virus. prayers always include concerns both local and Apart from the one day each week when global. Trough spoken and sung prayer we serve the cathedrals held no service, we sang Even- the community and the world. song every day, and that service became our daily For me, Evensong is a model for church. bread. While in my mind Eucharist is always an event – Tere is a structure to Evensong. It all be- the event- in Christian Ritual, Evensong is spiri- gins with a spoken penitential introduction that tual practice, a daily habit of immersing oneself includes Confession and Absolution, the Collect, continued page 14 2 January 2015 by Marguerite Judson 2015 Budget he Vestry appreciated the detailed cerns. Jerry Walker and Wayne Ritchie ofered fnancial review provided by Jef to assist Lisa Key and Property Manager Court- Pace, Treasurer, and Bob Scheible, ney Storm. It was helpful to learn that the prior Assistant Treasurer, of both the f- property committee morphed into the Redevel- nal 2014 statements and the 2015 opment Committee many years ago. In 2014 we budget. As detailed in the Annual Report, St. had a temporary task force, TMark’s paid down the Diocesan loan by $124,000 ably led by Bruce Alexan- (plus $7,800 in interest), and is on track to retire der, to sort out procedures the loan entirely by our Oct. 2017 due date with for re-keying the building. monthly payments of $3,643 – and no balloon Te reconstituted Prop- payment. Pledges for 2015 are $20,000 lower than erty Committee will take actual pledge income received in 2014. In 2015, responsibility for updating our ground lease income will be lower than nor- rental policies and proce- mal, because we took advances from the devel- dures, planning long-term oper (Hudson McDonald) to sofen the loss of maintenance of the entire plant, and short-term rental income during the construction period. projects (such as the likely solar panels on the Total revenue is budgeted at $588,739; total op- south roof of the nave). Tey will work in col- erating expenses are $580,488. But when we add laboration with the landscape and gardens team. $20,000 in reserves (our internal piggy bank for If you are interested in helping with the Property the building, instruments, and the Rector’s sab- Committee, please contact Lisa Key. batical), plus the loan repayment to the Diocese, we are projecting a defcit of $55,884 in 2015. We Solar had anticipated a $65,303 defcit in 2014, but in- come was signifcantly higher than expected (and Te Vestry asked the Finance Committee to expenses lower), so our 2014 defcit was $34,984. closely review the proposal from American So- Increased donations and, to a lesser extent, short lar, and report to the Vestry during the February term rental income will be important to working meeting. Tey asked particularly for recommen- our way to a balanced budget. dations about the fnancing options (to lease or to purchase the panels). X Property Committee Te Vestry decided to revive a general Property Committee to assist the Junior Warden, who has traditionally had responsibility for property con- 3 ASH WEDNESDAY LENT You Are Invited to the Observance of holy Lent Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Liturgies and imposition of ashes will be ofered at 7:30 a.m. (chapel), 12:10 p.m. (chapel) and 7:30 p.m. (church) At the evening liturgy the choir will ofer: Imposition of ashes: Miserere me, Deus - Allegri Anthem: Call to Remembrance, O Lord - Farrant Service: Mass for Four Voices - Byrd Motet: Emendemus in melius - Byrd POIESIS by Lewis Brown Continuities Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost, No birth, identity, form–no object of the world. Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing; Appearance must not foil, nor shifed sphere confuse thy brain. Ample are time and space–ample the felds of Nature. Te body, sluggish, aged, cold–the embers lef from earlier fres, Te light in the eye grown dim, shall duly fame again; Te sun now low in the west rises for mornings and for noons continual; To frozen clods ever the spring’s invisible law returns, With grass and fowers and summer fruits and corn. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) 4 what to do with lent by Coryl Lassen once embroidered a chasuble for Lent. It cle around the crossing, in the shape of a crown was of very plain, of-white, roughly woven of thorns. Ten I added a very slender, light green cloth, a fabric that was recommended for tendril with a single leaf, wrapping itself around Lent at the time. It was simple and avoid- the base of the cross. ed the monarchial richness of purple. But Te cross and crown of thorns are, of when my congregation and I looked at it, it was course, traditional. So why did I add the tender, Ijust too plain. We couldn’t aford new vestments. baby plant? So I decided to embellish it—just a little. I ended Because, while Lent has many time-hon- up creating the outline of a cross large enough to ored associations with repentance, austerity and cover the entire front, a hint of the wood grain, Christ’s death, the word itself originally simply and a line representing the ground under it, all in shades of brown. I added a dark brown Celtic cir- continued next page lenten book group by Stephen Trever A Season for the Spirit: Readings for the Days of Lent by Martin Smith f you are looking for a discipline for the looking to deepen their relationship with God forty days of Lent, perhaps you will con- during Lent. Each week we will meet to discuss sider joining us in reading Martin the week’s readings. Meeting times will Smith’s A Season for the Spirit. Tis be between services on Sunday at 9:00 am work, originally commissioned by and Wednesday evenings at 6:45 pm in the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1991, order to accommodate as many schedules Ihas become something of a contemporary as possible. If you are interested in getting classic on Christ-centered Spirituality. It a copy of the book and joining the discus- consists of forty daily meditations, each sion, please email me (Stephen Trever) at of which is deeply thoughtful yet accessi- [email protected]. X bly written. Tis a great book for anyone 5 What to do with Lent - continued from p. 5 meant “spring”. And in recent decades, Lent has time, but even fve is helpful. People who medi- acquired an additional resonance, with spiritual tate regularly may want to add time or another growth. So, no matter which path we take—giv- session each day. Tis is essentially time to listen ing up or taking on— we are invited to grow in to God and let God work within you.
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