LACE CERTAINS WE ARE READY FOR BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED AND FINISHED WITH OCR SPECIAL SPRING. ARE YOU P DUST-RESISTING FINISH Let us help you with THE BY THIS SYSTEM THEY KEEP SPRING CLEANING. We CLEAN MUCH LONGER THAN have every facility for handling IF DONE IN THE dStD WAY. ALL classes of HOUSEHOLD PRESCOTTS’ and PERSONAL WORK. DTE WORKS DUNLOP’S DYEW8RKS, KILMAINHAM, DUBLIN. XI RATHMINES TERRACE. 5 GRAFTON ST. 20 REDMOND'S H3LL Branches: LB, ABBEY ST. 17 CORNMARKET. 15 Stephen s Green. Telephone—571 and 2505 Telegram*— 18 Talbot Street, Telephones: 4334 Dublin. * DyeT,” Dublin. 3 Upper Camden Street, and 4335. & Mount Brown. No. 25,671 DUBLIN THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1916. ONE HALFPENNY. PUBLIC NOTICE. ikl 11 * > ^ llll JY *■ ~ f : j g . ■ '1E f i sm DUBLIN AND COUNTY Wholesale and Retail Traders are advised that business oai now resume its normal course. Goods trails will arrive by the Great Southern and Western Railway, the Great Northern Railway (I.), and the Midland Great Western Railway to-day (May 4th) with Food Stuffs. Vehicles collecting or delivering Food Stuffs or Coal wiii be permitted by tfje Military to pass sentries. Any civilian exhibiting Letter Heading or similar Printed Form or Billhead of any trader in Food Stuffs or Goa!, bearing a signed * « l LU«I* Un So nsnftfonfrftfS nn hso StusbcssshiQc;© Will nfirHfliftfid hu fho i\Hif B^u -fn itrqoo eoni"»»ia 0 FROM the following Firiqs O- and R, Fry Telephone Nos. 38 and 94 Mrs. Leigh Telephone h0t 54i A. Findiater and Co. Telephone No. 3531 Daniel Murphy - „ 497 and Calvert and Lnndy „ 641 2150 Liptons Ltd. 339 William Brown - „ 258 Freeman (Fade Street) „ 1361 Sheil & Byrne. - „ 579 Earl and Co. - - „ 268 W illiam s and Co. - „ 686 James Elliott 1059 George Gilbert 650 Donnelly Ltd, , M 1717 R . J o n e s 717 Joseph IMwnes and Co. , 1380 The Abattoy* . - 1; dutr .T. .Tflekson and Co. - 263 Committee ARE PROCURABLE BY CONSUMERS AT THESE RATES. The organisation and officers of the Ministry of Munitions and the Department of Recruiting, 32 Nassau Street (telephone 4894) is being utilised for the assistance of traders. Branch offices l^ve been opened at the National Shell Factory (telephone 4829); Bolaqds Ltd., 14 Cumberland Street, Kingstown (telephone 39) ; the London and North-Western Hotel, North Wall (Mr. Edwin Solomons, J.P., telephone 1291); and the Rathmines Town Hall (telephone 107). Ail traders requiring supplies or facilities in the vicinity of these branches caq secure them by application to the nearest of these offices. In addition, supplies wifi be sent throughout the Dublin area to-day [May 4th] by military transport, iq order to provide retail traders with provisions on repayment where required. These supplies will be delivered daily by the Food Supply Committee to responsible retail traders until the wholesale houses are able to resume their normal business. Any necessary protection to retail aqd wholesale traders will be given by the Military Authorities. BY ORDER VIHI US }l A It HI ACES. A M I DEATHS— Continued. BUSINESS NOTICES. T All LO RINC SITUATIONS VACANT. ARTICLES FOR SALE. ARTICLES FOR SALE. D E M US. O’DUFFY—From bullet wounds received in the DYERTISEMENTTS for this Paper received by Advertisements in this Column are charged ADIES’ Covert Coats, rainproof, without rub­ recent riots, John O’Duffv, L.D.S., B.C.S.I., of A >F. Wilson, “ * Mail” Office, Blackrcek. Advertisements in this Column are charged at the rate of £d. per word. Minimum L ber, large stock, new shades and styles, suit­ 54 Rutland' square, Dublin, aged 81 years, at, the rate of id. per word. Minimum charge 6d, Four Insertions for the price oi able for rain or dust 37s. 6d., 45s., 50s. Orotty’a, MARRIAGES. RUSSELL—April 24th, 1916, at the residence of Breakfast, Dinner, LL-WOOL Irish Tweed Suits and Overcoats to charge 6d’. Four Insertions for the price of Three. Grafton Street. 0309 E25! his parents, fa 7 Ash field road, Ranelagh, Lionel A Measure by Easy Payments, from 35s.; Three. jSUUSSTRONG axd ALDERDICE—April 2oth, 1916, Ladies' .Tailormade. Costumes, from 42s. Fit and AINTERS’ Double Steps, good condition, 8 and Oliver, dearly-beloved eldest son of William Wear guaranteed. Only City Address: The City LL kinds of Pram Repairs; Hoods re-covered ' at Cooke Centenary Church, Belfast, by the Rev. Russell and Mrs. Russell aged 22 years. R.I.P. and Tea Ware. DVERTISEMENTS for this Paper received by from 4a. 6 d .; Wheels from Is. each. The P 9 feet; prices, where seen. Box D3565. this Tailors, 4 South Frederick Street (Nasssu Street), A Office. * E TV. G Strahan, B.A, Minister Fast Newry Pres­ SIMPSON—April 26th, 1916, accidentally shot F. Wilson, “ Mail” Office, Blackrock. Pram People, South Richmond St, D3288 E7 4 byterian Church, assisted by the Rev. H. B. Telephone 1201. A white passing Mater Hospital, Vincent Paul Simp­ Latest Designs by Leading Manufacturers Swanzv, M.A., Vicar of Newry, Edward Bell, son son of James Simpson, 6 Ennislcerry road', TTRACTIVE Suiitings, made to meatuTe, latest T Irish School of Motoring, 13 Amiens St.. BOUT Spring Cleaning—Brighten up your AILWAY Lost Property—Good Silk Umbrella* third' son ol George R Armstrong-, J.P., Down- Dublin, vacancies for Men wishing to be R from 2s. ; also quantity of Ladies’ and Gents’s Phihsboro’. Fortified by Rites of Holy Catholic now on -view at our Showrooms, South Great A styles. cash or easy payments. Call or A A house inside and out by a little fresh paint; fihire place, Newry, to Emily Gertrude, youngest Church. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing write Merritt’s Stotre. Wexford Street. D3107 E30 trained Mechanical Chauffeurs, fees from 5CW.; a large assortment of best ’iLxed Paints of all Waterproofs and Showerproofs. Call or write, 9a daughter ol the late George F. Alderdioe, Down- Special Class for Ladies. Oldest established Grafton Street, Dublin, B4069 E ll' ' parents and sisters. R.I.P. George’s Street and Exchequer Street. colours in stock; lowest prices. Thomas Archer, ehire place, Newry. STOUNDING Vailue in Suits and Ovtrooats from school in Dublin. A4376 E4 New Wapping Street; 11 ana 12 Upper Kevin SEXTON—April 27th, 1916, at her mother’* resi­ Q) MART Costumes to Measure from 3 Guineas j dence, 1 Dolphin’s terrace, South Circular road, A 40*.: Ladies’ Tailoring a specialty; cash or Street, and 35 Amiens Street, Dublin. 0280 credit. The Dubliin Tailors, 16 Angusea Street, T the Automobile School—Unlimited tuition in O latest Paris Models, newest materials* DnVi;n, Ceuherine Maria, eldest daughter of the A driving, mechanism and repairs; no.delays; Arthurs, 6 Molesworth Street. 086 t.c* kit John Saxton. R.I.P. College Green. 03697 E12 HINA, Earthenware—Quick Selling Plates, driving lessons dai-ly; A.fa.P. Certificate; fee, two -4 DEATHS. guineas. 4 Dartmouth Place, Dartmouth Road, C Bowls, Cups, Saucers, Jugs, Dishes, Teapots, BOOT Tailoring—Several Thousands safe at Cheap Shop Crate, £6 6s., with Free Teaset. Lists ENNIS Racquets, new stock, no advance ia ROLL OP HONOUR. WHYTE & SONS, LTD., Fallon's. Surits to Order from 45s. Old Ranelagh, Dublin. A4374 E4 prices; ’Varsity Racquets, 7s. 6 d .; Wiltou, CAMPBELL—May 3rd. 1916, at his residence, 24 A free. Hawkers' Lots wholesale 38s. 6d. China T DCCKERAY—April 23th, 1916, shot when dis­ prices until furtheir notice. 8 Mary S:reet. Gift Seconds. NoTmacot Art Gallery, King street, 10s. fad.; Fitzwilliam. 14s. 6d .; Grafton, 2is. j C Hi--per St. Columha’s road. Drumcondra, Thomas DUBLIN. E Sure you see the Name Reliance Engineering price lists free. Crotty’e, Grafton Street. Campbell (senior), to the inexpressible griet ol obliging- his duty, Cecil Eustace, 4 Warwick £3569 F4 B Works. Best Equipped Motor School in Fenton, Staffs. ' 0446 his s irrswing family. R.LP. terrace. Leeson Park, eon of the late Rev. John Ireland Driving, Mechanism, and Vulcanising _________ 0309 E23 Dockeray, Rector of Cong. Funeral arrange- T Gentlenhen’s Own Material Made Up /'TROQUET—Full Seta complete in box, 27a 6d., COWLEY— April 28th, 1916, shot during riots, and Trivnmedl. O’Brien’s, 38 Stuffard St., taught by competent Instructor. Day or Evening ENNIS Poles, 7s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 21s. to CO nt-.mts later. A Classes. Special Class for Ladies. J, Comerrord, v J 35s., 45s., 50s.; Mallets, , BBalls, or Hoops ' Thomas Xearse Cowley, of 93 Haddington road oS Mary Street, amd Parnell Street. 1-3583 F4 supplied separately. T per pair; Nets, 7s. 6d„ 10s. 6d.. 15s. 6d. a and Christian Union Buildings, aged 66. Funeral MYERS—Killed’ in action on April 6th. 1916, LOST AND FOUND. 21 Granby Place, rere Parnell Square Dublin. Crotty’s, Grafton fatreet. 0309 E25 Markers, 10a. 6d.; new stock Shoes, Flannel Trou­ : private. Signaller George Myers, of 13 North Earl street. ALKEY Disttrict—Advertisements hr the C3345 F28 sers, and’ all Requisites just received. Orotty's, “ Evening Mtai!" and ” Daily Exprws” are CRAWFORD—At her late residence, 7 Irvine Cres­ PLAYFAIR—April 25th, 1916, at 1 Park place, DVERTISEMENTS for this Paper received by D ALKEY District—Advertisement* for the LERICAL Waterproofs—Special Light Weight Grafton Street. 03C9 E25 cent, Church road, killed by gunshot wound, an the result of wounds received during raid on received by Mrs. Somers, Newsagent, Tie Sta­ A O. F. Lonergan, Ye Old Toil House, Phoenix tionery House, Dali key. D “ Evening Mail” and “ Daily Express” are C Black Waterproof Coats,-27s. 6 d .; Double Julia, the dearly-beloved wife of John Crawford. tie Fort on the 24th, George Alexander (Alec), Park Gates, North Circular Road.
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