WESTERN AUSTRALIA. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. Tefle~zati~e (iTouudil nub7leintbAzmh. FIFTEENTH PAR-LIAMENT-FIRST SESSION, 1933. 240 GEORGE 5. VTOLUJME 90. From 18th July to 18th October, 1933. PERTH: H4Y AUTHIORITY:, RED. WMI. SIMPSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1933. i8080/34 CONTENTS. 1,13go Legislature of Western Australia...................... v Mlinistry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Y Membere of Legislative Council............. V. Members of LeAgislative Assembly.............................v Comamittees and Officers of Parliament............................ .. Public Statutes of the Session...................... .......... Vill. Public Bills of the Session (introduced but not passed).........................n Subjects, Index to .. ... ..... il. Speeches. Index to.............................XXVII. Debates reported................................1-1366 V. LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR - lbs EXCELLENCY Sm Jsuns Mrrvauu., K.C.M.G. THE MINrISTRY. premier, Treasurer, and Minister for Forests HOD. PansyI COLLIER, M.LA. Minister for Public Works, Labour, and Water Supplies Hon. ALEXANDER MCALUM. M.L.A. M1inister for Justice, Railways, and Education .. Hon, Joas Couiwxos Wnscocu. M.L.A., Chief Secretary......................... ... Hon. Joint MICHAEL DREW, MI.LC Minister for Mines and Health . .. .. Hlon. SELBY WALTER MmrSM, M.L.A. Minister for lands and Immigration......... ... Hon. MiIRAEL PsAscis TROY, 'MLA. Minister for Agriculture. Police, and the North-West Hon. HAROLD YILLESOTON, M.L.A. Minister for Employment, Child Welfare, and Indus. lion. JAiMEs Josape KENNEALLY, M.LA; trial Development Honorary Minister .. Han, WILLIAM HENRY Kmroe, M.L.O. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL FIFTEENTH PARLL&3IIIT-FIRST SESSION. President! HON. SIR JOHNc WATERS KIRWAN, KLB. Chairman of Commiaece: Has. JAM ES CORNELL. Member. I Province. Year. of I 'Daeo ___________________________ _______________ - Election. j etirement. Baxter, Hon- Charles Farquharaon .. East......... ... 19~32 1938 *Bolton, Hon. Leonard Burlington .. Metropolitan ....... t932 1936 Clydesdale, Hon. Alexander McAllister, Metropolitan-Suiburban 1932 1938 MJLE.. Cornell. Hon. James South...... ... 1930 1936 Drew, Mon. John Michael .. Central 1930 1936 Soutb.West.... Franklin, Hon. James Thomas. C.M.Q. Metropolitan ....... 1928 1934 Fraser, Hon. Gilbert .. .. .. West............. 1928 1934 t~rny, Hon. Edmund Harry West......... 1932 1938 Hall, Ron. Edmund Henry Hartley.. Central .. .. 1928 1934 tliamereley. Hon. Vernon East......... 1928 1934 Harris, Ron. Edgar Henry .. North-East.... 1932 1938 Holmes, Ifon. John Joseph .. North ........ 1932 1938 Kirwan, Hon. Sir John Waters, Kt.B. South ........ 1932 1938 Kiteon, Hon. William Henry.. .. West............. 1930 1936 Macfarlane, Hon. James Mortimer .. Metropolitan.Suburban 1030 1936 Mann, Hon. William Joseph South-West.... 1932 1938 Miles, Hon. Geo. W,....... North ............ 1930 1930 tMoore, Hon. Richard Greenslade North-East........ 1932 1936 Moore, Hon. Thomas .. Central .. .. 1932 1938 Nathan, Hon. Sir Charles Samuel, KL.B. Me-tropolitan-Suburban 1930 1934 C.13.E. jWicbolson. Hon. John, O.7B.E.... ... Metropolitan ....... 1932 1938 Plesse. Hon. Harold Vivian South-East........ 1932 1938 Rose, Hon, Edwin S~uth.West........ 1928 1934 Seddon, Hon. Harold .. .. .. North-East........ 1928 1934 Thomson, Hon. Alexander .. .. South-East.... 1931 1036 Williams, Hon. Charles Bennett South....... 1928 1934 Wittenoom, lion. Sir Edward Homne, North ........ 1928 1934 K.C.M.G. Wittenoorn, Hon. Charles Homne .. South-East.... 1928 1934 Yelland, Hon. Herbert John, B.Sc. East.......... 3930 1936 (Agric.) * Elected Sth Febrnary, 10.12, in place ofI the Ron. A. Lovekin, deceased. t TemnporAry Chairmenl of Vemn00itte4* ktected 25th1 October, 1532, in place of the Eon. F. WV. Allsop, deceased. I Seat Declared vacant on 5~th Decemnber, 1033, owIn to the Death of lion. 3. Ewlag. V1. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Speaker. How. ALEXANDER HUGH FANTON. Chairmans Of COMMiheCSaI JosmnH BDenT1sA SLEEN1AN B~rockmian, Edward Vernon Sussex Clothier, Robert Ernest . Braylande Collier, Hion. Philip . .. .. Boulder OCoverley, Aubrey Augustus Michael Kimberley Cross, Charles . Canning Couningham. Ron. James Kalgoorlie Doney, Victor...........- Wihliams.Narrogin Ferguson, Percy Douglas Irwrin-Moore Griffiths, H-arry Albert Craven Avon Hawks. Albert Red vers George .- Northam tHegney, James.. Middle Swan Holman, Mary Alice .. Forrest Johnson, Ron. William Dartuell .. Guildford Midland Keenan, Hon. Norbert, K.C. Nedianda IKensally, Bon. James Joseph East Perth Lambert, George James Yilgarn-Coolgardie Latham, Charles George York Kann, James isaac ... Beverley Marshall, William Mortimer .. 5Mureisom McCa.llum, [fon. Alexander South Fremantle McDonald, Robert Ross West Perth MeLarty, Duncan Ross ... .. .. Murray.Wellington Millington, lion. Harold Mt. Hlawthorn Moloney, John Daniel....... Su biaeo Munsie, Rfon. Selby WValter Rannana Needham, Edwar Perth North, Charlts Frederick'John.. .. Claremont Nulsen, Emil Kanowna Panton, Ifon.-Alexander Hugh.. Leederville Patrick, William ... Greenough Piesse, Arnold Edmund . Katanning; Victoria Park Raphael, Howard Stirling .. Rodoreda, Aloysius Joseph .. Roebourne Sampson, Richard Stanley .. Swan Seward, Ilarrie Stephen Pingelly Sleemnan, Joseph Bertram .. Fremantle Smith. Frederick Charles Leo . Brown Hill.Ivanhoc Smith, James MacCalluni North Perth f Smith, John Henry Nelson Stubbs, Sydn~ey......... Wagrn Thorn, Lindsay............ Toodyay Tonkin, John Trezisa, North-East Fremni tde Troy, Hon. Michael Francis Mt. Magnet Wanshwough, Arthur William.. Albany Warner, Frederick Lytton Mt. Marshall Welsh, Frank Robert - .. .. Pilbara Willeock, lion. John Coltings.. Oeraldton Wilson. Arthur Mlan .. .. .. Collie Wine, Frank Joseph Scott Gascoyne tWithers, Frederick James .. .. Bunbury *Mr. A. A. X. Coverley was returned at the gsneral eletion to reprnest Kimnberiey, but nO the ground of an Irregularity In the nomination, tihs Court of Disputel esturtn& declared lbs election void and ordered another election to take place. Mr. Coverisy ass again elicted on the 29th Jnly. 1033. t Temporary Chairman OfoCnnittes. V11. COMMITTE ES. Lzoisr.&nvz COUNCIL. Standing Ordesr.-Tha president, the Chief Secretary, Hon. J, Cornell. Ron. C. F. Baxter, and Rion, J. Nicholson. Library.-The President, and Hon. C. F. Baster. Priniing.-The President, the Honorary Ministepr, and Hon. W. J. Mann. ilna,.-The President, Hon. J. tiorneU, lion. E. H'. Gray, Hon. V. Haineralay, and lion. Sir Edward Wittenoom. LEOISLATMV AsIezNLY. Library.-Mr. Speaker, Miss Holman, and Mr. P'atrick. Standing Order.-Mr. Speaker, wne Chairman of Committees, Mr. Criffiths, Ron. WV.D. Johnson, and Mr. J. H. Sm~th. ilcuse-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Lamibert. Mr. MeLarty, Mr. Stubbs, and Lit. Wilson. Pflntine.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. J. MicCallum Smith. and Mr. Withers. OFFICERS OF PARIAAMENT. Clerk of the Council and Clerk of Parliaments .. A. R. Grant, 1.S.0. Clerk Assistant and Usher of the Black Rod.. ... ... I. L. lake. Clerk of the Assembly and Librarian........ .. F. a. Steene. Clerk Assistant and Sub-Librarian .. F. E. islip. ...--- E. F. Martin, C.B., OSLO.. D.S.O.. Clarkeofte ers adAcut Cucl . A. B. Sparks Clerk of the Records and Accounts (Council) ~ LI- P. Hawley. Vill PUBLIC STAITUIS F01'TH E SESSION (46). FIFTEENT] £ ARLIAMENT-FIRST SESSION. Appropriation Act (?4 Geo. V., No. 41)- Introduced by the Treasurer (Hon. P. Collier), 5th fleceniber, 1933. Assent giveu. Asugnsia Allotments Act (24! Ceo. V., No. Se)- An Act relatiing to certain allotments of land at Augusta. Introduced by the Min. iser for Lanids (lon. M. F. Troy), 25th October, 193.3. Assent given. Constitzatin Arfa Amendment Act (54 Oo. V., No. 2)- An Act to amend Section 6 of the Constitution Act, 1899, and Sections :32, 34, 37, 38 and 39 of the Constitution Acts Amiendmient Act, 109 .Introduced by the Minister for Poliee (Rion, H1. Killington), 14th November, 1933. Assent given. Constitution Acts Amendment Act, 193t (84 Goo. V., Noa. 46)- Aa Act to continue the operation of the Constitution Act's Amendment Act, 1931. Introduced by the Premier (Ron. P. CoDllier), l3tlL I~eeember, 1933. Reserved for Royal Assent. Entertainmnents Tax Act Amendmnent Act (8,4 Geo. V., No. 1)- An Act to amend Section 4 of the Entertainmejints Tax Act, 1925. Latroduced by Lhe Minister for Health (Hon. S. AV. Munsie), 18th October, 1933. Assent given. b'arsners Debts Adjustment Act Amendment Act (24 Oco. Y., No. 45)- Au Act to amend the :Farmers ]Debts Adjustment Act, 3,930. Introduced by the Minister for Lands (Hon. M. F. Troy), 29th November, 193-3. Assent given. Feeding Stufs Act Amendment (24 Geo. V., No. £0O)- An Act to amend the Feeding Stuffs Act, 1923. Introduced by the Minister for Agriculture (Hon. H. Millington), 7th September, 1933. Assent given. Financial Emiergenfcy Tax Act (84 oo. V., No. 14)-- An Act to impoe aid fix the rate of a tax to be called the Financial Emergency Tax upon income, salnries and wages. Introduced by the Treasurer (lan. P, 0o111cr), 2nd August, 19.13. Assent given. Financial limergency Tox Assvessment Act Amenent Act (P4 Geo. V., No. 15)- AnL Act to amend the Rinancial Emergency Tax Assessment Act, 19:32. Introduced by the Treasurer (Hion. P. Collier), 2nci August, 1933. Assent given. Forests Act A-mendment Act (24 co. V., No. £7)- An Act to eontinur; the operation of Section 41 of the Forests Act, 1913-1931. Thtrodnend by thic; Mfinister for Forests (Hon. P. Collier), 1st November, 1933. Assent given.
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