News • Spirituality • Culture • Education • Life OfficialFLOURISH Journal of the Archdiocese of Glasgow December 2020 Let the light shine again mas in accordance with the Dear limitations of our situa- tion. Who knows? Perhaps Light shines in brothers a simpler Christmas may be a more prayerful, peaceful darkness… and sisters, and holy Christmas. Perhaps it will be a ue to the Covid-19 pan- Christmas with fewer op- demic, this is possibly portunities for distractions, Dthe strangest Christmas which will allow us to come message I have ever ad- closer to the real mystery of dressed to you. Christmas and the real rea- Even with a loosening of son for the joy and happi- restrictions, it seems un- ness of this season, namely likely that we will be able to that Christ the Saviour is enjoy a Christmas with any- born of Mary. thing like our normal family Perhaps at last we will we and social contacts. sense more acutely our real Ongoing restrictions on need for a Saviour, and we public worship will mean will find once again in Jesus, that many who would like to the Emmanuel, God-with- come to Mass in person at us, true friendship with God Christmas will not be able and with our fellow human to join with others in church beings. to celebrate the birth of Je- Whatever our circum- sus Christ. stances when Christmas There has been promising Day comes round, we are news too. A vaccine against called to open our hearts the Covid-19 virus has been rus and careful to observe of desperate need. Our cur- again to Jesus and to allow approved and manufac- the restrictions that will rent situation of the Covid- him to fill us with peace, tured. People are already most likely be with us for 19 pandemic with its at- with wonder and with joy. Bishops’ being vaccinated. The pre- some time yet. tendant restrictions on our Let me wish you all a diction is that it will take Over the centuries, Chris- personal freedoms may not blessed and joyful Christ- pastoral some months for everyone tians have sometimes had to in fact be unprecedented. mas. to receive the vaccine. We celebrate Christmas in con- Nonetheless, for all our Yours devotedly in Christ, letter may dare now to see beyond ditions that were not at all sakes and for the sake of the this pandemic, but we are optimal: in persecution, in children, I desperately hope +Philip Tartaglia told that we still need to be war, in epidemic, in poverty, and pray that we will find page 15 very cautious about the vi- in misery and in conditions ways to celebrate Christ- Archbishop of Glasgow New year, new start for Scots College Rome lans have been an- the existing Pontifical Scots the building on the Via Cas- from the Holy See, it is ex- nounced to relocate the College in Rome to the sia and relocation to a more pected that the existing PPontifical Scots College to standards required. central location is the best building will be put on the the centre of Rome. The Bishops have ac- option for the formation market early in 2021. This The Scottish Bishops cepted that the costs of this needs of the community will only be the fourth occa- have undertaken a detailed work are beyond the re- and for future provision. sion in its history that the review of Seminary Provi- sources of the Conference. Alternative suitable and community of the Pontifi- sion in recent months. A Considering the build- affordable premises are be- cal Scots College has relo- significant consideration ing’s distance from the ing considered as a matter cated, since it was founded in the review has been the centre of Rome, they have of priority. more than 400 years ago. affordability of upgrading concluded that the sale of Subject to permission Froscote Roofing 5x2 17/10/11 14:49 Page 1 2 news FLOURISH December 2020 University’s new Ogilvie art n 1967 Glasgow dock- by brian on his Feast worker John Fagan, a swanson Day which, by Iparishioner of Blessed coincidence, is John Ogilvie parish in East- very close to my erhouse, went into a coma birthday. And of course eve- after developing a large ry day I walk past the spot stomach tumour and the where he was martyred al- entire congregation prayed though it’s a bit disappoint- to their parish patron for a ing that there is no plaque for a miracle. to commemorate what hap- Doctors told his family to pened.” expect the worst. The one metre square But he recovered and af- painting, entitled, ‘The Con- ter years of investigation by templation of St John Ogil- the Vatican, a miracle was vie’ will be displayed in the formally recognised and Ogilvie Room in Glasgow John Ogilvie was canonised University’s St Andrew’s a saint on 17 October 1976 by building. It was the subject St Paul VI. of an online talk last month Now a striking new image as part of Catholic Educa- Standard Buildings, 94 Hope Street, Glasgow G� �PH of Ogilvie, depicting Scot- tion week in which Anne Telephone +44 (0) 141 248 8111 Fax +44 (0) 141 221 8420 land’s only post-Reforma- discussed the background tion saint as a teenager, has to her work. E-mail [email protected] gone on display in Glasgow She said: “This is a por- University. trait of the young John Ogil- Catholic population continues to grow And artist Anne Devine did vie, aged about 17 just before Train to Teach the Billings not have to look far for in- he converted to Catholicism sia and Africa con- pear rather disappointing spiration – her studio in the looking outward with a de- tinue to generate overall.” Ovulation Method Gallowgate is just yards from tached, serene emptiness Amore Catholic priests The number of young Glasgow Cross where the from a cosmic ferment of while Europe continues men attending ma- Do you have a love of Natural future saint was hanged on Light, Dark, Love, Bread to struggle with voca- jor seminaries rose to Family Planning? March 10, 1615 at the age of 36. and Blood, which are a sym- tions, according to the 115,880. Why not become a Billings Anne, a graduate of Glas- bolic synthesis of the times latest data released by Fides, the news service Ovulation Method® Teacher? gow School of Art, who was in which he lived and evo- the Vatican. managed by Pontifical We are now offering flexible, remote training commissioned by the St cations of the Holy Spirit at The number of priests Mission Societies, said courses. To find out more, contact Head Office Andrew’s Foundation for work both within him and worldwide fell to 414,065, the number of Catholics at [email protected] or phone Catholic Education to pro- in the post- Reformation so- with Europe registering worldwide rose by almost 0141 221 0858.. duce the work, said: “I was ciety, to which he belonged, the largest decline, fol- 16 million in a year to 1.33 Fertility Care Contact us to find out about our very familiar with the story in Europe and Scotland. lowed by the Americas, billion. As a result, there virtual clinics, on-line now! Scotland of John Ogilvie from school, “Celestial winds move according to figures re- are an average of 3,200 fertilitycare.org.uk I remember the Ogilvie in a circular fashion from leased by the Annuario Catholics per priest. walks that used to take place the heart of the paint- Pontificio 2020, the Vati- Across the globe the ing as though God’s hand can yearbook. number of Catholics grew File name: Fertility Care 6x2 was forming the outward Europe posted a seven by more than 15 million Client: Fertility Care Scotland events and shifting shapes percent slide in just one taking the overall number Size: 85mmx60mm and forms and substances, year in the number of of Catholics to over 1.3 bil- Publication: Flourish transforming the dark into priests. lion. This growth in the Artworker: RP light, blood into fire, wheat However, Africa record- number of baptised Cath- Time: November 10, 2020 10:42 AM into bread. ed a 14.3 percent increase olics was present across all Status: House proof 1 “In his stillness he emerg- and Asia an 11 percent rise continents, with a rise of es from the rhetoric, argu- during the previous five 94,000 in Europe, 9.2 mil- ment, strife and controver- years. The numbers in lion in Africa, 4.5 million sy of his time to stand alone North and South America in the Americas, 1.8 mil- with God to follow his spir- remain stationary, the lion in Asia and 177,000 in itual path of self-discovery yearbook data shows. Oceania. and knowledge of God’s will Though there was a As the global popula- in service of others – set 0.3 percent rise during tion is also on the rise, the apart from the world of in- the 2013–18 period in the percentage of Catholics trigue, circumstance, time number of priests world- in the world population, and history and human cru- wide, the Vatican report however, remained un- elty to contemplate the im- said the numbers “ap- changed at 17.73 percent. measurable.” New Chair for St Aloysius t Aloysius’ College has a Cullen said: “The board has Snew chair of governors– had a good female represen- The Mungo Foundation and for the first time in the tation in the last few years college’s 161-year history and I am very pleased to be it’s a woman.
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