Akhbar Al-Youm Economic Conference Egypt the Future September 7-9, 2014 conference Events Future Partners 10/1 Akhbar Al-Youm Economic Conference Egypt the Future (The first Day) Sunday, September 7, 2014 Time The Speech 19:00 The opening session 19:00- 19:10 Introduction and recitation of the Holy Quran 19:10- 19:20 The speech of the Chairman of Akhbar Al-Youm Foundation Conference goals and events 19:20- 19:40 The speech of the Prime Minister 10/2 Akhbar Al-Youm Economic Conference Egypt the Future (The Second Day) Monday, September 8, 2014 Time The event 9:00- 11:00 The First Session (investment obstacles and reform policies) The session head, Dr. Hani Sarie-Eldin Speakers 9:00- 9:15 Dr. Ashraf El Araby Minister of Planning and Administrative Reform 9:15- 9:30 Dr. Hassan Fahmy Chairman of GAFI 9:30- 9:40 Eng. Naguib Sawiris 9:40- 9:50 Dr. Ahmed Heikal 9:50- 10:00 Mr. Mohamed Abu Elenen 10:00- 10:10 Mr. Mohamed Farid Khamis 10:10- 10:20 Dr. Mona Zo El Fakar 10:20- 10:30 Mr. Mohamed El Sewedy 10:30- 10:40 Mr. Hossam Farid Hassanein 10/3 10:40- 10:50 Open discussion 10:50- 11:00 The comment of the session head 11:00- 11:30 Break The second session (the financial, tax and monetary policies) The head of the session, Mr. Mahmoud Abdel latif Speakers 11:30- 11:45 Dr. Hany Kadry Ministry of Finance 11:45- 12:00 Dr. Hisham Ramez Governor of the Central Bank 12:00- 12:10 Mr. Hussein Shokry 12:10- 12:20 Sheikh. Saleh Kamel 12:20- 12:30 Dr. Hassan Rateb 12:30- 12:40 Mr. Alaa Saba 12:40- 13:20 Open discussion 13:20- 13:30 The comment of the head of the session 13:30- 15:00 Launch break 10/4 Akhbar Al-Youm Economic Conference Egypt the Future Time The event 15:00- 17:00 The Third Session (Growth and Social Justice) The head of the session, Dr. Samy Abdel Aziz Speakers 15:00- 15:15 Mr. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Minister of Industry and Nour Trade 15:15- 15:30 Dr. Ghada Waly Minister of Social Solidarity 15:30- 15:40 Dr. Sherine Al-Shawarby 15:40- 15:50 Mr. Akram Tinawi 15:50- 16:00 Eng. Khaled Farouk 16:00- 16:10 Dr. Talaat Abdel-Kawy 16:10- 16:20 Dr. Anissa Hassouna 16:20- 16:50 Open Discussion 16:50- 17:00 The comment of the head of the session 17:00- 17:30 Break 17:30- 19:30 The Fourth Session (Energy and investment policies) The head of the session, Tarek Heggy 10/5 Speakers 17:30- 17:45 Eng. Sherif Ismail Minister of Petroleum 17:45- 18:00 Dr. Mohamed Shaker Minister of Electricity 18:00- 18:10 Dr. Ahmed Heikal 18:10- 18:20 Mr. Tawfiq Diab 18:20- 18:30 Mr. Emad Ghaly 18:30- 18:40 Mr. Hafez Salmawy 18:40- 18:50 Eng. Hesham Mekawi 18:50- 19:20 Open Discussion 19:20- 19:30 The comment of the head of the session 10/6 Akhbar Al-Youm Economic Conference Egypt the Future The Third Day Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Time The Event 12:00- 14:00 parallel discussion session - Tourism and Urban Development Session (Pearl Hall- Al Masah 1) The head of the session, Dr. Sherif El Diwany Speakers Mr. Hisham Zazou, Minister of Tourism Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Minister of Housing Elhamy Elzayat- Mansour Amer- Omar Sabbour- Hassan Rateb- Kamel Abu- Ali- Ahmed Badrawy- Fahd Shobokshi- Hossam Elshaer Logistics and Transportation Session (Solitaire Hall- Al Masah 1) Head of the Session, Osama Okail 10/7 Eng. Hany Dahy, Minister of Transportation Captain Hossam Kamal, Minister of Civil Aviation Hussam Leheta- Marwan El-Sammak, Sherine El nagar- Adel Mahana- Maher Nassif- Dr. Saad El- Jayyoushi- Dr. Mohamed Ali- Eng. Alaa Fahmy- Mahmoud Essmat- Karim Sadik - Domestic and foreign Trade Session (Turquoise Hall- Al Masah 1) The Head of the Session, Abla Abdel latif Speaker Khaled Hanafy, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ahmed Al Wakil- Ibrahim Al Araby- Walead Gamal El deen- Ashraf Al jazayrly- Amgad Sultan 14:00- 14:30 Break 14:30- 16:30 Parallel Discussion Session 10/8 - Industry Development session (Pearl Hall- Al Masah 1) The head of the session, Mr. Nader Riad Speakers Mr. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Minister of Industry and Trade Lieutenant General, Abdel Aziz Seif Eldeenm chief of Arab Organization for Industrialization Raouf ghabbour- Dr. Walead Helal- Mohamed Abu Elenen- Sherif El Gably- Mohamed Farid Khamis- Ahmed Abou Hashima- Dr. Ahmed El Ezaby- Hamdi Abdel Aziz- Magd El Manzalawy- Dr. Magdy Elba - Communication and Information Technology Session (Solitaire Hall 2- Al Masah 1) The head of the session, Dr. Alaa Fahmy Speakers Dr. Atef Helmy, Minister of Communications and Information Technology Ahmed Al Alfy- Ashraf Sabry- Adel Danish- Walead Gad- Hassan El Greatly- Tarek Abou Alam- Hesham El Alaily- Dr. Amr Hussein Bad Eldeen- Eng. Sherif El Hakeem- Eng. Ahmed Abuo Doma- Dr. Sherif El Kassas 10/9 - Food and Agricultural Industries Session ((Turquoise Hall- Al Masah 1) The head of the session, Dr. Tarek Tawfiq Speakers Dr. Adel El-Beltagy, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Dr. Saad Nassar- Safwan Thabet- Ayman Koura - Attia Salem- Ahmed Samir El Nagar- Ali Essa- Hani Berzi 19:00 Closing Session Holy Quran 19:00- 19:05 Announcing of conference’s 19:05- 19:30 recommendations Speech of Prime Minister 19:30 10/10 Die wirtschaftliche Konferenz von Akhbar ElYoum Ägypten .. Weg in die Zukunft Das Koferenzprogram 1. Tag 07.September 2014 8/1 Session/Zeit/Track Titel/Sprecher 19:00 Eröffnungssitzung 19:00 – 19.10 Eröffnung und Quran Rezitation 19:10 – 19.20 Rede vom CEO der Akhbar Elyoum Institution über das Program und Ziele der Konferenz 19:20 – 19:40 Rede vom Herrn Ministerpräsidenten 8/2 2. Tag Montag, 08. September 2014 Session/Zeit/Track Titel/Sprecher 9:00 – 11:00 Erste Sitzung (Hindernisse für das Investment und Reformpolitik) Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Hani Seri ElDin 9:00 – 9:15 Minister der Planung und Administrative Entwickelung Dr. Ashraf ElArabi 9:15 – 9:30 Chef der Behörde für Investment Dr. Hassan Fahmi 9:30 – 9:40 Eng. Naguieb Saoiris 9:40 – 9:50 Dr. Ahmed Heikal 9:50 – 10:00 Herr/ Mohamed Abo ElAinen 10:10 – 10:20 Dr. Mona SolFokar 10:20 – 10:30 Herr/ Mohamed ElSoidi 10:30 – 10:40 Herr/ Hossam Farid Hassanin 10:40 – 10:50 Offene Diskussion 10:50 – 11:00 Kommentar des Leiteres der Sitzung 8/3 11:00 – 11:30 Pause Zweite Sitzung (Währungs-, Steuer- und Finanzpolitik) 11:30 – 13:30 Leiter der Sitzung Herr/ Mahmoud Abdel Latif 11:30 – 11:45 Finanzminister Dr. Hani Kadri 11:45 – 12:00 Zentralbankchef Dr. Hischam Rames 12:00 – 12:10 Herr/ Hussein Schukri 12:10 – 12:20 Scheich/ Saleh Kamel 12:20 – 12:30 Dr. Hassan Rateb 12:30 – 12:40 Herr/ Alaa Sabaa 12:40 – 13:20 Offene Diskussion 13:20 – 13:30 Kommentar des Leiteres der Sitzung 13:30 – 15:00 Mittagspause Dritte Sitzung (Wachstum und Soziale Gerechtigkeit) 15:00 – 17:00 Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Sami Abdel Asis Industrie- und Handelsminister Herr/ Munir Fakhri Abdel 15:00 – 15:15 Noor Ministerin für die Soziale Solidarität 15:15 – 15:30 Dr. Ghada Wali 15:30 – 15:40 Dr. Sherin ElShawarbi 8/4 15:40 – 15:50 Herr/ Akram Tinawi 15:50 – 16:00 Eng. Khalid Farouk 16:00 – 16:10 Dr. Talaat Abdel Quawy 16:10 – 16:20 Frau/ Anisa Hassona 16:20 – 16:50 Offene Diskussion 16:50 – 17:00 Kommentar des Leiteres der Sitzung 17:00 – 17:30 Pause 17:30 – 19:30 Vierte Sitzung (Energie- und Investmentpolitik) Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Tarek Heggi 17:30 – 17:45 Erdöl-Minister Eng. Scherif Ismail 17:45 – 18:00 Minister für Strom Dr. Mohamed Schaker 18:00 – 18:10 Dr. Ahmed Heikal 18:10 – 18:20 Herr/ Taofik Diab 18:20 – 18:30 Herr/ Emad Ghali 18:30 – 18:40 Herr/ Hafes Salmawy 18:40 – 18:50 Eng./ Hischam Mikawy 18:50 – 19:20 Offene Diskussion 19:20 – 19:30 Kommentar des Leiteres der Sitzung 8/5 3. Tag Dienstag, 09. September 2014 Session/Zeit/Track Titel/Sprecher 12:00 – 14:00 Paralleldiskussionsforum Sitzung der Stadt- und Tourismusentwicklung (LoLoa Halle – ElMassa 1) Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Scharif ElDiwani Tourismusminister Herr/ Hischam Sasoa Wohnungsbauminister Dr. Mostafa Madboli Ilhami ElSayat – Mansour Amer – Omar Sabor – Hassan Rateb – Kamel Abo Ali Ahmed Badrawi – Fahd ElSchobokschi – Hossam ElSchaer Sitzung der Logestik und Transport (Solitaer Halle2 – ElMassa 1) Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Ossama Okail Verkehrsminister Eng. Hani Dahi Luftfahrtminister Pilot/ Hossam Kamal Hossam Lehita – Marwan ElSamak – Sherin ElNagar – Adel Mehana – Maher Nassif - Dr. Saad ElGioschi – Dr. Mohamed Ali – Eng. Alaa Fahmi – Mahmoud Essmat – Karim Sadik 8/6 Sitzung der Binnen- und Außenhandel ( Fairos Halle – ElMassa 1) Leiterin der Sitzung Dr. Abla Abdel Latif Versorgungsminister Dr. Khalid Hanafi Ahmed ElWakil – Ibrahim ElArabi – Walid Gamal ElDin – Aschraf ElGasayrli – Amgd Sultan 14:00 – 14:30 Pause 14:30 – 16:30 Paralleldiskussionsforum Sitzung der industrielle Entwickelung (LoLoa Halle – ElMassa 1) Leiter der Sitzung Herr/ Nader Riad Industrie und Handelsminister Herr/Munir Fakhri Abdel Noor Chef der Arabischen Behörde für Industrie Marschall/ Abdel Asis Seif ElDin Raof Ghabour – Dr. Walid Hilal – Mohamed Abo Eleinen – Scherif ElGabali – Mohamed Farid Khamis – Ahmed Abo Hischima – Dr. Ahmed ElEsabi – Hamdi Abdel Asis – Magd ElMansalayi – Dr. Magdi Elba Sitzung der Kommunikation und Informatik (Soliter Halle 2 – ElMassa 1) Leiter der Sitzung Dr. Alaa Fahmi Kommunikations- und Infromatikminister Dr.
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